Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1453: 0 Ben Sakura is Hatsune Miku’s best song, so I don’t accept refutation...

Web animation? what is this?

Many people who watch the live broadcast on TV don't know what Morinya is talking about here.

But many people who originally watched live broadcasts on the Internet have already understood what Senxia really means.

——This is to put the new fan on the network for broadcasting!

In fact, many people had discovered this trend before Senxia announced the news.

Because just before Morinka spoke, the MV of "The First Voice" appeared on the homepage of mikumiku.

As you might imagine, the homepage of this website is indeed being updated in the footsteps of the press conference.

Before the appearance of MV, there were already some premonitions about it.

"But this Black Rock shooter looks like Hatsune!"

"In fact, it's not just Hatsune at home, but also Hatsune as the lead role? (laughs).

Black Rock Shooter and Hatsune Miku are similar.

After Hatsune Miku aroused everyone's interest, everyone also became interested in this black rock shooter.

In fact, there are some differences between Black Rock Shooter and Hatsune Miku, but for the audience, these differences are not really important.

With the introduction here, the press conference seems to be finally over.

"Thank you all for spending these ninety minutes with us here. Hatsune Miku represents our beautiful hope for the future, so here, please allow me to bring you the last link-but I think , You may be able to listen to our last song."

Everyone is absolutely crushed.

Well, the urine **** of today's conference is like this.

Of course the singer is going to sing!

And to be honest, Hatsune Miku’s songs are actually not bad, and even in a sense, they are very distinctive.

Especially the very brainwashed "Song of Onions".

The following two songs, although they are somewhat different from the voices of real people, can be regarded as excellent works above the level.

However, after this song appeared, everyone felt a refreshing feeling.


how to say.

The CG that appears on the screen is not at the same level as before.

This tune, this feeling, makes people totally different.

It's just a short beating, and the impact that rushes to the face makes people want to stop!

That kind of infinite impact, and the kind of MV with a mix of modern style and CG technology, is even more breathtaking.

This feeling, this shock, this shock, this is already a shock that cannot be explained.

It can even be said that because of this song, the grade of the entire conference was suddenly lifted to a level.

Yes, this song is such an infinite power.

"Senbon Sakura..."

This is the name of the song.

That song full of magical power penetrated the hearts of the audience and impacted their souls.

"Is this the impact of the virtual singer?" Even Yamauchi became aware of the extraordinary charm after listening to this song.

Before, when he saw the so-called "virtual singer", he was actually a little disappointed.

As a former "high school student genius," Tianhai Senxia actually introduced such a dispensable thing, which is really confusing.

Those contents, even in a sense, are even somewhat ridiculous and unrefined.

Even in his opinion, the three games released by Senxia are the focus of the conference.

Especially the one of the home machine, this kind of training and dancing mode is really very special.

Moreover, the QTE system used in these games is also completely innovative. It is completely different from the previous systems. Although there are now dancing games and rhythm games, Morinia’s game is conceptually both It was hanging.

After all, it is a concept that has been ahead of five or six years.

As for the arcade game, it has little to do with Nintendo. In Yamauchi’s view, it was developed by Morinatsu in order to support the scene and occupy the place for the acquaintance Shoichiro, and the online game version-this thing is known at a glance, not for The mud bombed the local market, but targeted other regions.

After that, another key point that Morinata introduced may be animation.

As for Hatsune Miku itself, Yamauchi Pu was not able to appreciate it from the beginning.

——Until just now.

After the last song came on stage, everything before it became the foil for Hatsune Miku itself.

"Sure enough, Hatsune Miku is the protagonist of the press conference..."

This song "A Thousand Sakura", as if the sun shone through the clouds, reflected on the earth and water.

Taking back all the popular music videos and songs, Yamauchi couldn't help thinking about the concept of "virtual idol".

Similar stars, in fact, there are also Nintendo.

The most typical is Mario, Mario itself has appeal, can be said to be the "virtual idol" in the game industry.

It's just that their way of operating is completely different from Morinia's.

"... Hatsune Miku itself does not produce anime. Why is that?"

On the other side, Satoshi Iwata thought of another question.

At the press conference just now, he has noticed that Hatsune Miku sang the theme song of the Black Rock Shooter, but Hatsune Miku itself does not have the so-called animation.

On the Internet, some people are speculating about who the Black Rock Shooter is. Some people think that Hatsune Miku "played" the Black Rock Shooter. Some people think that the Black Rock Shooter is actually the "Black Rock Shooter."

But this is not what Satoshi Iwata cares about.

He thought of another question: why not Hatsune Miku itself?

Although Hatsune Miku has a game and a theme song, there is no animation?

Iwata thought for a while, and his mind gradually became clear.

Hatsune Miku is Hatsune Miku, and everyone has a Hatsune Miku in their hearts.

However, if Hatsune Miku itself is limited by animation, then the image of the character itself will be fixed to some extent.

After trying to understand this, Iwata Satoshi understood Morinatsu's idea at this moment: It was not because he didn't pay much attention to Hatsune that he didn't do animation. On the contrary, it was because he paid too much attention to it that he could not do animation.

The image of Hatsune Miku cannot be restricted by animation-even if the audience of animation is broad, this will not work.

Therefore, animation is impossible.

Therefore, Hatsune Miku can be a "virtual idol".

In fact, Moriha's consideration is like this.

In the future, there may be idol masters and lala people, in a sense, when the animation is broadcast, the popularity has reached a peak. However, after the animation ended, these so-called "idols" began to shrink.

Animation is the peak of a work, but animation is also a cliff of characters.

Maybe during the animation, the character’s popularity can be built up, but after the animation, it won’t work-this will continue until the new animation is released.

If it is an animation work, it is nothing. Because the work itself has its own characteristics.

But as Hatsune Miku is a "virtual idol", animation will only become the constraint of the other party.

——Unless Hatsune Miku’s animation, like Miss Conch, becomes a national animation that will always be updated and will continue to be played.

Morinka would think so too, but before that, Morinka would never easily create animations for Hatsune Miku-even OVA or similar works must be considered before consideration, and only "consideration".

Iwata Satoshi really understood this, so he wanted to understand what Morinatsu was going to do.

"Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to be this virtual idol!" He couldn't help sighing.

"We can stay focused." Yamauchi Pu said.

"Hi. I will let people watch." Iwata Satoshi answered immediately.

At this moment, Senxia has already started its last product.

——Actually, this is the MikuMiku website.

"I believe there are already many viewers who have noticed this when watching the live broadcast-our products are all sold online, and there are also online broadcasts, so where is this website? Actually, this The website is the last content we want to introduce."

Morinia began to introduce his own website.

"First of all, all the music and all the MVs we just listened to will be published on this website."

Senxia first put the main interface of this website on the screen.

At this moment, what appears on the screen is a complete home page interface.

The biggest picture that appeared on the homepage was the "Senbon Sakura" just now.

Obviously, Morinka also knows that this song itself is a crushing product far superior to other works.

"Our MikuMiku not only has these content, this site will also accept contributions from everyone. In other words, everyone can become a producer of video content." Mori Xia said, "On this video site, You can share your hobbies, you can introduce your hometown, you can make game guides, you can popularize a lot of knowledge, and you can even make some interesting animation content yourself. This is a very interesting website. And just like I just Having said that, we can all see the play of "Black Rock Shooter" on this website."

Hearing this, everyone has actually guessed what Senxia wants to say.

However, the blockbuster is not this.

"In addition, you can also watch the new show on TV on the website. The first week of the website is free to watch, and the second week will be charged. In addition, we have also reached agreements with many clubs. Cooperation, we will put the past animations on the Internet together. Although limited to the elements of network resources, the definition of these animations will be slightly lower than that on TV, but you can get the latest and most immediate updates. In addition, "Sapphire" "Mystery" (20,000 miles under the sea), "Flying to the Peak" and "Wang Li Universe Army" will be the first batch of works to land, these works will provide TV version online broadcast services."

This is the blockbuster.

In fact, Senxia wants to provide HD services.

But what does that sentence say?

"I have my own national conditions!"

Senxia wants to provide HD mode.

But in that situation, Morinka will definitely be pressured by TV stations and other animation companies. Qianjia reminded Senxia of this.

No way, mud bomb is such a place.

If Morinia provides a high-definition version here, it will undoubtedly affect the ratings.

Before Internet broadcasting is recognized, Morinia's approach will make people a little uncomfortable.

Of course, computer performance problems can actually be regarded as minor problems.

Therefore, on this website of Senxia, ​​the highest resolution supported by the new fan is 360P-and the mud-boom TV is already transitioning to high-definition at this moment.

But the news itself, this is a blockbuster, this bomb is even no less than the previous "Senbon Sakura".

After introducing the website, all the cosers of the Hatsune family came to the stage again, and then Morinka greeted the audience, and the whole live broadcast ended.

——But on the Internet, the disturbance caused by this live broadcast can be said to have just begun at this moment.

After the press conference, the entire MM website has been fully opened.

The homepage at this moment on the website has completely become a topic for Hatsune Miku.

And below Hatsune Miku, there are videos made by other video enthusiasts, as well as the connections of those old fans that Morinka said before.

These old fans are free to watch in the first two weeks of the website announcement, but after these two weeks are over, whether you can continue to watch them depends on whether you want to buy them.

Senxia actually wants to copy the experience of later generations, but the example is really not suitable for the payment, so Senxia can only temporarily use this method that is more suitable for this era.

Otherwise, it's really hard to do.

"Can this website really contribute videos?"

"I have logged in (registered) as a member, and I found that I can really contribute!"

"Great, can I also share my life records on the Internet?"

"I'm coming too, I'm coming too, this design seems to be very interesting!"

Most of the Internet users in this era are more able to toss. After learning about this website, they all have a strong interest in it.

At this moment, everyone has begun to conduct various studies on this website. At this moment, everyone has begun to conduct various studies on this website. At this moment, everyone has begun to conduct various studies on this website. At this moment, everyone has begun to conduct various studies on this website. At this moment, everyone has begun to conduct various studies on this website.


Senbonzakura is Hatsune-chan's best song, so refutation is not acceptable.JPG

The author has been paying attention to Taiwu picture scrolls since June, and after experiencing it personally, he found that this game... is really poisonous.

Two-in-one meow meow~

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