Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1345: Blue wave

Blue Cat's big movie has not only affected the film industry, but this big movie has also affected other industries.

If you say it, you may not believe it. In a certain oriental country, the most enthusiastic response is actually the science fiction industry.

Hmm...Yes, it was the same two people Zhou Weilong saw in the cinema.

The two are actually editors of a science fiction magazine.

The reason why they watched Blue Cat is because they found such a piece of content in Blue Cat's PV.

The content of this paragraph is that the blue cat is driving the spacecraft, then burst into the alien spacecraft, and finally defeated the alien.

For children, such scenes may only be "magnificent" and "good-looking", but as science fiction lovers, they are very shocked by the level of science fiction that this work shows.

Afterwards, everyone searched a bit, and found that the blue cat seems to have some ways. Judging by their professionalism, the science in this animated film is well documented.

This is not a space opera like "Star Wars," but a reasonable inference based on existing theories.

This proper hard science fiction!

Yes, if all the characters in the plot are replaced by humans, and then the lines are revised, and then interpreted in an adult manner, the film can immediately turn from a so-called "cartoon" for children into a **** science fiction. Masterpiece.

"Surprised, the hardest sci-fi masterpiece of a certain eastern country is hidden in children's movies!"

In a science fiction forum, there is such a thrilling title.

Ah, of course, this was not written by Senxia, ​​but by a fan who imitated the shocking body he saw on the Internet. As for the person who wrote this shocking body...well, this is Senxia's right.

Because of this incident, the science fiction circle of a certain eastern country has exploded.

Science fiction is a niche in a certain oriental country, but because of this, the news spread quite quickly, and the title of the hardest sci-fi work of a certain oriental country has gradually spread.

This incident is considered unintentional.

Senxia’s Blue Cat was originally intended to be produced in accordance with the popular science system, and the big movie has also continued the usual practice. The content of the script is handed over to a dedicated consultant for review, and there will be absolutely no nonsense and outrageous scientific fallacies.

And this subtle intention made everyone in the science fiction circle notice such a children's work.

"This is incredible!" Zhu Wenyou is a science fiction fan.

After seeing the blue cat in the circle, he went to the VCD store downstairs to rent a big movie of the blue cat for one yuan... well, it was a pirated copy.

In other words, it is a gun version.

This version is a work that someone pirated in a movie theater with a video camera, and then dubbed it into a VCD.

It was okay at the beginning, after all, it was a so-called "cartoon", so I can basically watch it.

But after the picture becomes 3D, the pirated picture becomes unrecognizable.

As a result, Zhu Wenyou settled down and bought a movie ticket.

At the beginning, Zhu Wenyou still felt that he was really a loss. He spent more than ten dollars just to watch a movie... Is the movie worth the price?

Then he found out-it was really worth it.

Especially in the story, when the blue cat is flying between the stars in a spaceship, Zhu Wenyou just wants to say "Handsome"!

It is completely different from the effect seen on the TV set in the 21st Village at home. The unparalleled shock of the screen projected by the cinema is really amazing.

After watching the movie, Zhu Wenyou went to his internet cafe downstairs.

Internet cafes have become popular in recent years.

Those people are discussing the "hero trajectory", "the great **** of the sea" and the like every day. It seems to say that in the WCG competition, a certain oriental power won the runner-up in the competition and will continue to work hard this year.

Zhu Wenyou doesn't care about this heroic trajectory. What he prefers is a game called StarCraft, because this is a story about the interstellar age.

But unfortunately, he saw that StarCraft is not hard-core enough. There is a lot of so-called science in it, which is actually no different from magic. This thing and Star Wars are almost space operas.

But in these years, this is the most interesting so-called "science fiction" game that can be played.

However, Zhu Wenyou changed the game recently. He became obsessed with a game called "MUV Moonfall". This game is a first-person shooter game, and the mechas and spaceships in this game are also very amazing.

But today Zhu Wenyou didn't come to the Internet cafe to play games, he came to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

After entering the Internet cafe, he opened the web page and entered the forum.

This is a well-known science fiction forum in the industry. At first, everyone discussed some foreign science fiction novels, and then expanded to talk about setting and writing novels by themselves, and then continued to expand to the point where everyone discussed with each other on the Internet, including science fiction movies and science fiction games.

The hottest thing here recently is the discussion about "MUV Moonfall".

In "Moonfall", there is a very human robot in the work, and this robot is also the part that players are most keen to discuss.

Moreover, many fighter fans here said that the protagonist who drove the training machine all the way was really handsome and explosive.

As we all know, in the current animation, the protagonist either drives his own unique mech or must sit on a modified machine.

Even if you don't drive a unicorn, you still have to remodel your own mass production machine, and apply a paint to act as a red horn triple speed, right?

But in the plot, Huang Weiyi’s robot "little buddy" is the most ordinary and mediocre mass-produced type, and the BOSS in the story will be beaten by Huang Weiyi’s classmates with various strategies.

The content of this mass-produced machine beat the prototype machine is refreshing for **** science fiction fans.

For true science fiction fans, the mass production type with replaceable features has an industrial beauty. How can the mass production type be inferior to the prototype? The beauty of pure industry, you fans disguised as science fiction do not understand the tongue!

But there are many people from the perspective of prototypes. They think that prototypes that do not need to consider the production process and the difficulty of production are actually better than mass-produced machines. It is just that they are castrated because of the low cost performance. That's it.

Every time Zhu Wenyou logs on to the forum, he will see these two groups arguing.

But not today.

After entering the forum, the topic of "Blue Cat" is being slaughtered everywhere in the forum.

Zhu Wenyou entered a post with the most popular target at this time.

The title of this post is "I have purchased a full set of Blue Cat DVD, let's compare the content in the TV version."

"TV version?" Zhu Wenyou was a little surprised.

Of course he knows this version.

Sometimes when he is watching TV, he sometimes sees the blue cat playing on the TV station.

However, the picture of the blue cat is not very good. Zhu Wenyou just treats it as a child, so he doesn't care at all.

This is completely opposite to the feeling that Zhu Wenyou went to the movies today.

Before watching the movie, Zhu Wenyou did not expect that the picture quality of the Blue Cat movie would be so explosive.

He didn't think there was anything worth seeing in the TV version.

But he found that this post counted seemed to have a different view.

I don't know, I was shocked at first glance.

Not to mention, after seeing the content of this post, Wang Qiwen was also surprised.

The work of Blue Cat has a lot of popular science content in daily life, and it is very "hardcore" knowledge.

From volcanic eruptions to nuclear fusion, from three-phase bombs to cosmic rays, the story of this work is very "hard".

In other words-Blue Cat is really a **** science fiction movie!

Of course, people are not only **** science fiction. In many places, Blue Cat's work is about the scientific principles around him. Although it is not **** science fiction, it is indeed a "hardcore" work.

This is the blue cat.

"Should I buy a set too?"

At this moment, Zhu Wenyou gradually had some commotion in his heart.


And that is, the blue cat, which was followed by all walks of life, easily broke through 50 million at the box office, stunned a group of people.

No one could have imagined that such a work would directly mobilize the children.

And this is not over yet. The Blue Cat’s broadcast time is still very long. It is foreseeable that during the New Year, the Blue Cat’s box office will increase further.

Those with real business acumen are paying attention to another place-that is the surrounding area of ​​Blue Cat.

Except for some doll souvenirs, the surrounding area of ​​Blue Cat is a practical route.

For example, pen, paper, stationery, towels and bedding.

This is actually what Senxia did deliberately.

The national conditions of a large eastern country are like this.

If the child wants to buy a blue cat's hand for something, the parents will definitely drag the child away quickly.

But if the child wants to buy a Blue Cat’s schoolbag, or a book like "Blue Cat teaches you English", the situation is different.

Families in a large eastern country use money very sparingly, so they rarely spend money in places with no practical application value.

But if there is practical application value, then the situation is different.

Senxia started from this point to launch products specifically for children.

In the eyes of parents, it is naturally the best if "buy it without losing money, but also can promote performance improvement."

Do you know what “peripheral products” parents buy the most for their children in a large eastern country?

——Five high and three modes!

If the largest peripheral manufacturer in the animation industry is the "peripheral appliance" of "Haier Brothers", then for minors, the "peripheral" that everyone has the most contact with must be the "college entrance examination-related" peripheral.

Old iron, nothing wrong!

With the birth of the blue cat effect, a series of industry insiders including Zhou Weilong have refocused their attention on animated movies.

The year before last, everyone was scared because of the relationship between "Baolian Lantern", but this year... I really think the market is pretty good!

"Bao Lian Lan" among the animated movies, the box office is actually the same.

On the other world line, the box office of "Bao Lian Lan" was 29 million-one million less than that of this world line, and this box office kept "Bao Lian Lan" as the champion until 2008 It was only broken by another animated film "Feng Yun Jue".

By the way, Disney's animation "Mulan" in the same period only had a box office of 10 million, which was directly crushed by "Baolian Lantern".

But again, the investment and return of "Baolian Lantern" are not proportional.

The investment of 12 million yuan, using countless relationships, big-name singers and big-name film and television stars, plus four years, finally recovered 30 million... This is a pill!

However, the appearance of the blue cat has made the industry see something different.

Blue Cat's box office has already reached 50 million.

And more importantly, even if the blue cat just recovers the cost at this moment, it has already made a profit.

The answer is not on the box office, the answer is on the periphery.

The surroundings of the blue cat can be said to be unprecedented, and this is also the answer given by the blue cat.

The production time of Blue Cat is only one year. Although the cost is high, it is mainly due to the use of 3D production.

Similar to motion capture and 3D modeling and rendering, it is the most expensive place.

But the Blue Cat is also opportunistic in some places.

For example, many models of Blue Cat directly pull the models in "Moonfall" and then re-render them as their own works.

Ahem, within one year, the resources should be used...

Although Senxia's companies are separate, these art resources are integrated in a library. The advantage is that the works under their own can be easily produced and called, which can save a lot of production time and resources.

The industry began to investigate the market. They were thinking about whether they should continue to make animated films However, at this time, another news came.

This time, it is official news.

It is said that a certain big eastern country cooperated with Nihong, and then produced a movie with the theme of World War II!

After hearing the name "Musashino", the industry was shocked.

Everyone knows that Musashino is the "behind-the-scenes giant" that acquired Shanghai Meiying. It is said that people saw that the "Baolian Lantern" was bound to die in those days, and it was really remarkable.

And this time, the animation they asked Shanghai Meiying to do was impeccable-although before the film was released, they were still teasing that Shanghai Meiying cheated the Japanese factory over there.

Good deed, the giant ended up personally!

Everyone knows that the work "Fate of the Sky" was made by someone else!

After hearing the news, everyone began to inquire about it.

What is that work? What story is it telling?

What, it seems to be the story of music?

What, it seems to be the story of a group of little girls?

During World War II, a group of little girls played music? You meow and tease me!

Then, everyone finally got the name of this work.

The name of this work that has begun to be promoted is "Sound of the Sky".


You may not believe it. In that era, there were many people who played piracy and used piracy, and the most frightening thing was that they knew nothing about themselves.

The right and wrong of this kind of thing is very subtle, it can only be said that you know the etiquette of the full.

Meow meow today~

Two-in-one meow~

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