Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1239: Hatsune

"Virtual idol?"

Nana, Reina, and Ayana looked at each other.

"Hi." Chao Yan was speaking.

This is the office of NANANA group. Their business is handled from this place.

At this moment, Chao Yan was explaining Morinatsu's situation with the three.

"Well, to put it simply, Mori Xia-kun hopes that Ayana can act as a sound source, that is, use you as the foundation of sound."

"Eh eh eh, me?!"

Ayana's purple eyes flashed with surprise, but there was also excitement and anticipation.

But Ayana still hesitated: "Why isn't Nana-senpai? She should be earlier than me?"

The ranking of seniority in the seiyu industry is a very serious matter. The announcement fee for the seiyuu is calculated according to the time when the seiyuu has entered the industry. The master and the dragon who have also been in the industry for 20 years may get exactly the same money, but they will be in the industry for one year. The main hero of Miao Miao Miao may not be as good as twenty years in the industry, and he only needs to say a few words, Miao Miao Miao, the dragon sets a lot of money.

This kind of ethos is very subtle and cannot be said to be good, but it is too one-sided to sum it up as not good, but in my opinion, Ayana also thought of Nana under the subtle influence.

"Mori-natsu-kun is the kind of pragmatist who looks at strength and fit," Nana patted Ayana on the shoulder. "Since Ayana-kun thinks Ayana's voice is more appropriate, it must be because Ayana himself has That power!"

As a character who appeared in the first ten chapters of this story, Nana has a good understanding of Morika.

Morinya is often a pure pragmatist, as long as he has the ability to go, Nana also knows this about Morinya.

"This is the basic information."

Chao Yan took out a thin book of materials.

The three people brought their heads together, and then they saw the above.

On the most dramatic draft, a girl with a green double ponytail appeared.

This girl may not be the most amazing one, but this looks, but the more you look at it, the more it tastes, and the more you look, the more attractive it becomes.

"Hatsune...Miku?" Rena saw the text over there.

"So that's it, is this the character I want to dub?" Ayana looked at the character named "Hatsune Miku".

"Well, indeed, I feel that this girl feels a bit similar to Ayana," Nana said, "It feels very similar, if it's Ayana, there must be no problem!"

"Ah-actually there is something wrong." But Asagao said, "The main works here are songs, but although these songs need Ayana to sing, they don't feel like Ayana."

In theory, Hatsune Miku’s songs should be created by everyone using software to set up, but Morinka’s approach is different.

To put it simply, Mori Xia is to let Ayana sing first, and then let the sound supervisor and tuner to simulate Ayana's voice into a form of "electronic sound" feeling.

No way, if you really want to rectify the original song, you can only develop the software first, and then adjust the software, and finally you can get the appropriate effect.

But how to say it, this is still not let the real person sing first, and then tune the sound-the sound cost that this can save is absolutely huge. If this is the case, then of course Senxia must use this method to solve the problem.

save money! Environmental protection! The effect is good!

Well, environmental protection doesn't count.

But it is undeniable that Senxia's method is actually very good.

"Ayana, take a look at these three songs first, and see if you can sing it. Next Monday, Mori Xia-kun is going to listen to the audition." Said Asano.


Hearing Asagao's words, Ayana here was also excited.

"This—what is this?"


Ayana tilted her head.

She glanced at the lyrics strangely, and then she felt more dizzy.

"This song... is a little strange."

But it is undeniable that this is a very popular divine comedy, which is the legendary "Eve's Polka".

Well, many people probably don't even know this name, but the other name is probably very familiar to the public.

That is the song of scallion.

Yes, this first song is the prototype of the song that Hatsune Miku sang and danced with green onions.

This song is a polka from Finland, a local ballad from the capital Helsinki.

Although it is called the "Song of Green Onions", this song was first written in the traditional polka tone of Eastern Europe in the 1930s.

And this song was not popular because of Hatsune Miku, but five years ago-in 1995, it was sung by the Akabella group Loituma.

And the origin of the name of this song is also very interesting. The version circulating in the market is that the first word "I" of the song's name is changed to "L", because in addition to their resemblance, it also symbolizes this song. Another nickname of the song is "Loituma "s_Polkka". Among them, Ievan means Eva in English in Finnish.

In another world line, this "Song of Onions" was seven years later, in 2007, by a person named "otomania" using VOCALOID software, based on the image of Hatsune Miku, The song produced.

Then, the song was re-arranged by the other party, and Hatsune Miku sang it. Later, this man transmitted the song to the animation, and then it became popular.

As for now, you said to spread the video?

Senxia can only haha ​​your face.

Regardless of the rapid development of Senxia, ​​and the rapid development of the Internet, in the current era, video software is at best spreading a little bit of content that you shoot.

As for genuine piracy, it is a little bit subtle.

"Um-pain, pain, pain..."

Ayana was trying to sing this song, but she soon realized that her idea was a little naive.

Because this song... is really hard to sing.

"But this melody is actually very good." Nana looked at the song. Although she hadn't sung it yet, she realized that it was a really good song just by looking at the melody on it. " It’s just someone who feels that the arranger is a little bit too embarrassed. Who wrote this?"

"It's Mori Natsu-kun..." Chaoyan said.

Well, yes, this song was indeed written by Morinya himself.

When Morinka arranged the song, it was completely written according to Hatsune Miku's song, with the same level of arrangement on Morinka's side... As a result, Ayana bit her tongue when she sang.

This pot of Senxia is back.

"Although it is half-hearted, the song itself is still very good." Nana knew Morinatsu's level of songwriting.

Mori summer once hummed the theme song "Uninstall" of the "Earth Defense Boy".

That song was also first hummed by Senxia.

Well, from this point of view, Nana feels that Morinatsu can now write down the song. To some extent, is this an improvement?

If Morika hears Nana’s comments, she doesn’t know if she will laugh or cry...

"These songs, Ayana, you will learn how to sing first, and then post-production will be done, so don't worry about doing it."

In fact, this kind of song does not need to be particularly rigorously trained, because even if the training is strengthened, the original sound will become blurred after being processed in the post process.

"Well, let me try it." Ayana nodded.

"By the way, Mori Xia-kun said, our side should also start preparing for the album, and I agree with Mori Xia-kun’s view.

Since it's a singing group, it naturally needs works.

The combination of three people can actually sing a lot of songs.

But what is more important now is the sound source of Hatsune Miku.

"Ah-by the way, Ayana, there just happened to be some songs you sang before here. I tuned it up over there and made the voice of'Hatsune Miku'. Would you like to listen to it?" Chaoyan asked Tao.

"Eh eh eh, okay!" Nana was happier about this, "I want to see what this virtual singer is like!"

"Then go to the screening room."

There is one screening room for the business here.

To be precise, there should be a lounge, and then part-time the function of the projection room.

After the group came here, they started playing songs.

"...Unbelievable. Although Ayana's voice can be heard vaguely, it still feels different."

After Ayana's previous etude was taken out of the warrior, all three of them discovered that the voice was really different from Ayana's.

"Some places are similar, but some places are quite different. Well, it really feels like electronic music." Rena closed her eyes, feeling the wonderful music, and Rena looked at the design draft of Hatsune Miku. .

She compared the voice of this with Hatsune Miku.

Such a "Hatsune" looks strange from a purely role perspective.

But another idea.

If Hatsune is really such a "virtual idol", this "virtual" form of existence has been performed very well, it would be very good.

The three girls are all listening to relevant content with great interest at this time.

"What kind of project is this? Is it a drama? Or a game?" Rena suddenly thought of something, and then asked.

"It's a series of projects. It's mainly based on music, but it doesn't seem to be a fan drama."

Yes, it was impossible to develop Hatsune Miku's fan drama from the beginning. Morinatsu has already talked to Chika about this.

Fan drama is indeed a very good way to create characters.

But what kind of role "Hatsune Miku" has is uncertain.

"Hatsune Miku" can be a girl next door; a schoolmate; a colleague in a club or a longing idol.

The reason for not making fan dramas is to allow people to freely imagine the existence of Hatsune Miku.


The three people stared at each other.

Although they knew this, the three of them were at a loss as to how to make music.

"Can't make a fan drama?"

But Ayana cares more about this aspect.

Coach, I want to be the leader! I'm going to dub the protagonist!

Ayana doesn't care much about music or anything, but it's a little bit worrying if there is no such thing as a fan drama.

It's not that it is unacceptable, but when I think that I seem to have been selected for a big project, but I have not had the opportunity to be the protagonist of an animated drama, I am a little concerned.

"Well, don't worry, although'Hatsune' will not be made into a fan drama, there are bound to be many animated MVs for each song of Hatsune." Asagao comforted Ayana.

"That's a good thing to say, but if there is a drama to dub, that would be the most interesting thing?" Ayana sighed, "The current level is not enough."

It’s fun to be a programmer. It’s also an interesting experience to be a maid at the White Bear Café. Debuting as an idol is also what Ayana does her best.

But sure enough, my favorite is to be a voice actor!

Voice actor is a profession that gives the character soul!

Coach, I also want to be the leader! !

"But if you want to be the main hero, you actually have a chance, because there seems to be two new fans on Mori Xia-kun. If you can do well, you should have a chance." Zhaoyan comforted Ayana.

"Hi." Ayana nodded unwillingly.

"By the way, what kind of drama is it?" Nana also became interested in the drama that Asagao said.

"I don't know this very Chaoyan said, "But it seems that they are all fighting...probably. "

Although there was no more detailed information, the news from Asagao calmed Ayana.

Then, everyone went back to contact one after another.


"Fan drama?"

On the other side, Morinka and Qianjia also discussed news about the drama.

After the three people discussed it, they felt that some content still needs to be done.

But Morinka believes that it is not necessarily the role of "Hatsune Miku".

"Ah, although we can't do Hatsune Miku's fan drama, but we don't have to do Hatsune Miku's fan drama," Morika said, "so there is this."

He handed Qianjia a piece of paper. On the paper was a character with a double ponytail. Unlike Hatsune Miku, this is also a character with a double ponytail, which is more cold.

"So just copy yourself?" Qianjia looked at Senxia here with a strange look.

"How can you say a strange cottage!" Senxia quit. You know, for this work, Morinya is also planning to recall Montum from a certain eastern country to act as an action guide.

"Well," Qianjia lowered her head and glanced at the character, "but you seem to be interested in this character?"

"Of course!" Senxia raised her brows, and then she also looked at the role first.

Beside the girl with two pony tails, there is a line of boys with the words "Black Rock Shooter" written on it...


Shuilongjing's paradise or people, you can't look directly at it...

There is no way to pollute such a pure me!

Happy holidays, sisters~

Meow meow~

The following is the supplement after the repair chapter:

The author finished this chapter crying, above...

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