Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1228: Unfinished game

Throughout the second half of August, the game ended and the game was released. In the ACGN industry, these are probably the most famous things.

Chen Yang is an interstellar player from a certain eastern country.

Yes, interstellar players.

In this year, the professional interstellar players of a certain eastern country are definitely one of the few.

It's not that there are a lot of people playing this game this year, it's because there is a more professional great country.

In a certain eastern power competition, they realized that, whether it is the hero trajectory or the StarCraft here, the great nation is the biggest rival of the eastern power.

On the other hand, the hero trajectory is okay. This game is a free and genuine game. You can practice your hands as long as you go to an Internet cafe, and the automatic matching system will always allow players to match stronger opponents.

But StarCraft is different.

Although StarCraft is a good game, compared with ordinary games, StarCraft still has a lot of flaws. There is no ladder matching. This is the biggest problem. Another problem is that StarCraft is in a certain eastern country. Most of them are pirated, which means that the game cannot be connected to the Internet for online battles.

This is the problem.

Therefore, there are very few people who play professional StarCraft in a certain eastern country.

On the one hand, because there is no ladder system, it is difficult for this game to reflect the power of the real strong. No matter how you play, it is in a small circle.

It is said that Blizzard also seems to be interested in the ladder mode. The game of StarCraft, the future multiplayer mode, seems to join the ladder as the hero trajectory.

In a sense, the ladder mode has really changed the form of previous games. If there is no ladder mode for current confrontational online games, it is really a pity for the game itself.

Chen Yang is one of the few "strong people" who can stand out in this era.

He also has his old friend Huang Dong, two of them have real talents in the game of StarCraft.

But unfortunately, this good friend of Chen Yang was eliminated by a baseball player in the rematch. As a result, even though Chen Yang is the runner-up in the regional competition, he is also the only one from a certain oriental country. The side stands out.

After getting the qualifications, Chen Yang came to Nihong.

The organizers considered that the first competition was not so formal, so they chose a training location for the contestants, so that everyone can play their strengths in the World Series.

The training location in the Asia-Pacific region is in the mud boom.

Of course, if a player prefers to stay by himself, there is no problem, but it is rare to be able to go out, and there is still a month of fully reimbursed vacation. Who is not interested in such a good thing?

Chen Yang is no exception.

Originally, Chen Yang's family was also very opposed to him participating in the competition, even after Chen Yang got the runner-up, the family strongly opposed him.

But after knowing that Nihong had taken care of all the matters of going abroad, the family's attitude changed drastically.

Although Chen Yang didn't speak Japanese very much, he was cleaner at the mud boom.

At least it will not be affected by family members.

In fact, after coming to the mud bomb, Chen Yang wanted to go around. He found that the place was clean and tidy, especially the attitude towards customers was even better. Although he could not understand what he said, the staff were very patient, one by one. Bowing and nodding, Chen Yang was a little flattered.

As for the issue of communication, after Chen Yang found out that he could communicate with the other side by writing, he was pretty good at Nihbang.

There is still more than a month left for the competition, so relax a little bit, right?

He thought so.

He quickly went to eat, drink and have fun with the players from Southeast Asia. Because of the subsidy, his little days were also moisturized.

However, Chen Yang then discovered a strange thing: the players of the great country never seemed to act with them.

Chen Yang was very strange, until he couldn't sleep one day and went to the Internet cafe in the training center.

—— Then, Chen Yang discovered the players from the Great Country.

Unlike the others, the players of the League of Nations are training in the Internet cafe at this moment. Although it is late, they are still training.

When he saw that scene, Chen Yang was shocked.

Are the people of Bangguo trained like this?

Obviously they are still traveling, but they are training at this moment.

In a big eastern country, everyone plays games because they love the game, but among these players in the great country, what he sees is serious training and hard practice.

First it was shock, and then it was shame.

Obviously it is such a small country, but these people are so serious and so hard.

They don't just treat the game as a game, but as the game itself.

Sense of shame and then courage.

From that day on, Chen Yang also started training.

Without teammates, he found several players in Southeast Asia, and even found opponents in the great country, and played practice matches with each other just to train hard.

At this time, Chen Yang also just finished today's training.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue, but his eyes are a little blurred.

After taking dinner, Chen Yang went to the balcony on the third floor of the training center.

Dinner is a buffet style. After Chen Yang had dinner, he came here.

Because there is always no one here, Chen Yang likes eating here alone.

But today, when Chen Yang came here, he discovered that there was a couple of men and women.

Uh... men and women?

Well, it seems to be a boy.

These two people are not very old, the girls are very beautiful, wearing a dress and those legs in black silk.

The boy has long hair and is very beautiful...Although he is a boy, after seeing the other person, Chen Yang actually thinks that if it is such a good-looking boy... it seems that there is no problem.

But where did I always feel like I saw this guy?

where? where?

He has doubts.

"Hello, you are Chen Yang." The boy walked over after seeing Chen Yang.

The other party speaks Chinese.

After hearing the opponent's voice, Chen Yang suddenly realized: "Are you also from the team?"

Among the participating teams, there is only Chen Yang in the interstellar competition, but the team in the hero track is very powerful. The Haiyao, who is said to be very powerful in China, even staged a Jedi counterattack with the entire team in the regional competition. , Directly suppressed the players of the great country.

"I am local, we are responsible for the things you come from a certain eastern country." Chen Yang was in awe when he heard the other party's words.

There are still many volunteers in the competition, and everyone is a fan of the game.

The reason why Chen Yang and the others were able to be here in the mud bombing is that these volunteers have also worked a lot. After all, although a large eastern country is big, it is not as simple as 20 years later to get a visa to go to the mud bomb, and many things are not so easy.

"Where are the players from Bang Country?" The opponent noticed the group of people eating in the room.

"Well, yeah." Chen Yang said, "I just played a practice match with them, and the Chinese people are very enthusiastic."

"..." The other party glanced at Chen Yang with a subtle look, and then said, "You have to be careful."

"...Be careful?" The other party's inexplicable question made Chen Yang puzzled.

"Ah." The other party glanced at the Bang Guoren over there, and then said, "They must be very enthusiastic when practicing with you? Well, not just you, I'm afraid the same is true for the team on Hero Track."

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Yang was shocked, but then he thought about it for a moment, and he found that things seemed to be similar to what the other party said...really.

"This—" Chen Yang suddenly had an expression that he didn't know what to say.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the opponent may have already figured out your tactics. In the official game, your side is in danger. It is better to pay attention to it. It is best to have some new countermeasures." The opponent warned Chen. Yang.

"It is inevitable for us to practice each other and know a little bit of each other's routines, and Bangguo people pay attention to sportsmanship.

After hearing "sportsmanship", the person opposite showed a subtle expression on his face: "You told them about sportsmanship... well, e-sports is different from traditional sports. ."

The other party muttered for a while, then looked at the time, and he said, "All in all, come on. Although you are only one person, I am very optimistic about you. There are still things on my side, so let's leave."

Chen Yang nodded, but when the other party left, Chen Yang thought of something. He quickly asked: "Right, you are--?"

"My name is Xia Sen, and this is Chiba Chika, goodbye, I'm going to a representative meeting, bye."

Yes, this person is Senxia.

Senxia waved her hand to Chen Yang, Qian Jia over there also nodded to this side, and then the two of them left, leaving Chen Yang stunned.

This young man finally thought of something at this moment.

Xia Sen...Isn't this the "Mud Bomb Genius High School Student?"

Because of the news on CCTV, the other party once caused a wave of turmoil.

In addition to the fact that the other party has Chinese ancestry, this matter is really hot in a certain oriental country.

After thinking about it this way, Chen Yang finally realized why he had an impression of the other party.

If it is that "genius", it is really impossible for me to be unimpressed.

The appearance of the opponent left a big impression on Chen Yang at the time, as well as the strength of that high school student.

Of course, the more important thing is that the other party is the host of this "World E-Sports Competition".

If it were not for him to take the lead, game manufacturers around the world would not unite at this time.

It can be said that if there is no other party, there is no Chen Yang standing here at this moment.


So much for the time being, I have been coughing and dizzy...

Lie down on the street...

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