Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1134: This KP can't be used!

As a KP (host), after Moriha got the two most troublesome guys, he felt that this wave of running team should be stable.

Lihua is on her side, and Tianyin will also follow her own command. Misato Nyuu is seriously teaching Kenichi Aso how to play board games. Erika is also very interested in the world of Cthulhu. In Xiyan After purchasing the running group props and the basic rules book, she was reading a book in her hands.

Hmm, so there was nothing in the team running the next day.

...That's strange.

"Tongya Takayuki! What are you going to do?!"

In the process of running the group, there is a part that the player found the altar behind the scenes used to summon Asathos.

Everyone should have searched for clues here, and then found the trace of the man behind the scenes.

...It was originally like this.

"Summon Asathos!" Kiriya Taka said of course.

"Huh?" Senxia looked inexplicable.

"This is the altar of Asathos?"


"The character I made is as handsome and suave as I am, with a superb IQ and full of curiosity, right?"

"...I have reservations."

"Hey, Senxia!"

"Well, at least the role is fine."

But in addition to the character card settings, the other parts are full of slots!

Or in fact, it is just fine to regard Kiriya Taka's words as an antonym to some extent.

"Because of this, my curiosity and handsome Kiritani Ichiba went to activate the altar of Asathos, and then complete the sacrifice. It seems that there is no problem!"

Tongya Ichiyo is the name of this character in the script.

At this time, a very curious but unaware character.

In a sense, this character actually really...makes trouble.

Yes, even though he knew that Asathos was a terrifying existence, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, maybe the other party would really want to make trouble like this?

"Wait a minute, but you have to persuade your teammates to let them all agree." Charles said.

"Well, then I will use quick conversation."

After speaking, Tong Gu Xiao rolled the dice.


Big success.


Senxia directly stunned.

"Oh oh oh!"

Tong Gu Xiao's eyes lit up.

"You can summon Asathos!"

"Stop! You only have 1% knowledge of Cthulhu mythology. Here you continue to roll a dice. If you can't succeed, your sacrifice will fail!"

Senxia hurried to save the field.

The plot just started and it didn't take long for me to want to make trouble, what are you doing meow!

In Cthulhu, the smaller the number is, the more successful it is, and the larger it is, the more it fails. According to the player's value, when the number of points rolled by the dice is greater than this value, it will fail.

If it is simply understood, it is similar to the feeling of "beyond the scope of ability, so I can't hold it".

Of course, it is actually not that simple, but such a simple understanding is still possible.

1% of the knowledge of Cthulhu mythology means that Takatani must roll a 100-sided dice (usually two 10-sided dice) for 1 point.

The probability is very low. If the value of 1 point is rolled twice in a row, it is only one in ten thousand.


"1 o'clock!"

Tong Gu Xiao's eyes lit up.

The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched.

He never expected that at this time, the crazy person was actually a fool like Takatani Takashi.

This is embarrassing for him.

What do you want me to do?

Senxia is thinking hard.

"I want to attack Kiritani Takashi, attack his head from behind, and knock him out."

Fortunately, Senior Sister Qianjia came to the rescue at this time. Her role was not on the altar side before, but was investigating elsewhere, so she was not "convinced" by Tong Gu Xiao.

At this time, the character of Qianjia-senpai saw that Kiritani Takashi was frantically trying to summon Asathos, and immediately made a decision.

First roll a lucky die.

Because the previous partners had been persuaded by Tong Gu Xiao, they were all on Tong Gu Xiao's side at this time. Adding that is a "big success", so there is some reward information.

So if you can't get through this lucky, Qianjia-senpai will be stopped by others.

Fortunately, Qianjia-senpai didn't lose the chain, she was sap at the critical moment, knocking out the crazy Tonggu Xiao.

Good risk, good risk...

At least the running team can continue.

However, Senxia's ideas are still too naive.


"I want to detonate the Fukushima nuclear power plant." Kenichi Aso said.

"What are you... doing?"

"My character is a military house, right? And I have learned blasting, so it's okay to blow up this place completely." Kenichi Aso is a military house. Yes, the character card he made is also a military house, and there are rich Knowledge.

Before, the other party used some common items in Fukushima supermarkets to assemble them into bomb weapons, successfully exploded the local weapons warehouse, and then led the players to use a submachine gun.

And this guy rolled a sneak at the time, and it was actually a big success-God and Meow ransacked the weapon arsenal with a bomb, but it was not discovered by anyone!

Then Kenichi Aso also started to make trouble.

He was actually going to kill the nuclear power plant.

"Now we know that the enemy is hidden in the nuclear power plant, and the other party is going to destroy this place, so that we will be thrown into a crisis. But in that case, why don't we blow up this place in advance — if the hostages are killed, criminals Do you also throw rat avoidance devices?"

"……you sure?"

Senxia felt a little big head.

"Yes, anyway, nuclear power plants will never explode. Please rest assured that nothing will happen if it blows up."

No, if you blow up the nuclear power plant, in a sense, you can save OR and destroy Fukushima...

Senxia felt that she was too kind, and as a result these guys kicked their noses...

"Be lucky first..."

In any case, the running group still has to continue. As the first feature-length serial running group animation in the future, Morinatsu gave up without intending to do so.

So, the story continues...


And when Morinka was running the group, Yukino, who was in the shrine, had just finished a day of business at this time.


Yukino, dressed in a witch costume, sank into the room without an image, the air-conditioning breeze blowing.

"There are so many people..."

The golden week of mud bombing is mainly for tourists from the country.

Compared with the foreign tourists who buy, buy, and buy, the locals are actually more tourist-oriented, but only a small number of people buy the statue of Yuzao.

But that’s okay. The most important element of tourist attractions is passenger flow, passenger flow and ticket revenue, as well as revenue from the surrounding area. In a sense, it is also very important.

After all, a tourist attraction that is not popular, the local tyrants will probably not go very much. The reason why a tourist attraction is a tourist attraction is because it is recognized by people.

Therefore, at this time, the passenger flow of tourist attractions, naturally, the more the better.

"But brother really has a set..."

Xue Nao muttered.

Just today, a local tyrant came here.

The other party fell in love with Yuzao at a glance... Well, the other party used the word "love".

Then, this dear friend wanted a pure gold statue of Tamazou, and the more demanding, the better.

In the end, this business was sold at a price of 90 million yen.

——The official figure is 100 million yen.

After all, compared with 90 million, the number of 100 million seems to have a greater impact. As a publicity, this number is just right.

Yes, this 100 million yen business will be sent out as news.

After this incident, Tamamo Shrine's income in other areas is also very good.

Needless to say the income of the gods.

The most important thing is the industry around the shrine.

Originally, the shrine was surrounded by residential areas.

But before, Yukino had already set down the surrounding areas in the name of a shrine, and then built various dining and entertainment facilities.

And Xue Nao's approach was also successful.

The tourists wandered around to eat, which also brought a lot of income to the shrine.

In addition, Golden Week happens to be a festival here, so various small businesses and hawkers have made a lot of profits.

"The following words can completely develop the shrine..."

The back mountain also needs to be developed, and various topics related to Yuzao front may be included.

"Perhaps this is great..."

Yukino thought it was good.

"...Perhaps this is great."

Those who said the same lines, there were Nasu Mushrooms and Takeuchi Takashi at Tamamo Shrine. They came out to paddle.

Ahem...It's not a paddling, it's a matter of gathering, can it be called a paddling?

"But Morinka's imagination is really super powerful. Tamazou can actually test out such a thing." Takeuchi also sighed.

This is not the first time the two have come to Tamamo Shrine.

But compared with the previous times they came here, the current Tamamo Shrine has changed a lot.

It's really unexpected.

In the original legend, Yu Zaoqian was not given much meaning.

At the beginning, the other party only appeared during Toba's imperial administration (from 1129 to 1156 AD), a beautiful woman transformed from a white-faced golden nine-tailed fox. Because of her wide knowledge and peerless beauty, she was called the world. The number one beauty and the number one talented woman in Japan.

In the earliest legend of the mud bombing, Tamazou Front appeared only as a "vix spirit" who charmed Emperor Toba, but after that, combined with some legends of a certain eastern country, this became a follow-up part.

If you look at the evidence from this aspect, in fact, this character is more of a local character after absorbing various legends, and then gradually became full of image.

Nasu Mushroom also studied Morinatsu's textual research.

If the research is conducted at this level, it can be traced back to other myths.

The image of Yuzaoqian is mixed with various legends, saying that she is the profile of "Amaterasu Great God", but it also makes sense.

In this case, it is very interesting.

Nasu suddenly had a bold idea at this time.

"Isn't the FATE series of Holy Grail Wars? You said that we will make a game and put the Yuzao front in it. Wouldn't it be fun!"

Nasu suddenly raised this point.

"Oh?" Takeuchi didn't expect Nasu to come up with such an idea.

"Hey, look, this is a **** who is really being worshipped, if it is included in our works, will it give people a super-powerful feeling!" Nasu said, getting more excited," We can make it in this way. If you see a real **** inside, you will be exclaimed!"

"But the Holy Grail War can only summon the heroic spirits of the West?" Takeuchi asked strangely.

"It's just the setting, just change it at will!" Nasu continued to speak unscrupulously, "This time we will tell the story that it uses another magic base to summon, so we can summon the heroes of the East. Isn't this fun!"

"Oh, it's really good!"

If it can be expanded, this is really great!

"That's right!" Nasu suddenly thought of something, "I saw the comments of players on the forum before, I think we can make the Holy Grail War or something into a board game or something. Is this also super fun!"

"Does the player go to run the team in person? This is really Takeuchi Nodded.

This is really interesting.

If you can run a group, this is indeed possible.

Nasu Mushroom is also a board game fan, so at this time he also thought of board games decisively.

"In many places, board games can be said to be the ancestors of video games. If we make such games, Mr. Natsumi will be very happy too!" Nasu Mushroom felt that Mori would like this very much. Aspect content.

This is really good.

"Yeah, let Mr. Xia Sen host this Holy Grail War at that time. We can try to play, it should be very interesting." Nasu said again, "Ms. Xia Sen is very good about both FATE and the Holy Grail War. Like it, he will be happy to be the host!"

"Indeed." Takeuchi nodded in agreement.

"He's meowing, this host, I'm wrong!"

The words are divided into two ends.

On the other side, when the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was finally disabled by the players, Morinka set the table.

Obviously it should be the behind-the-scenes black hand destroying the world. As a result, the players gave full play to their subjective initiative and successfully prevented the behind-the-scenes black hand from destroying the world—because they destroyed the world before the behind-the-scenes black hand destroyed the world.

Yes, the whole story is broken.

Fukushima was not saved, but this was not the fault of the black hand behind the scenes, but the fault of the players.

Although Senxia released a few Chara Zerg to stop the player, it failed.

With successive great successes, the players successfully prevented the Char'a Zerg from blocking, and then destroyed the world, making Senxia want to hit his head.

——The mythical creature who saved the world but failed.

So in the end...Senxia is picking her up.


Today’s festival is the two in one, meow meow~

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