"That's it, you keep writing, I'm going out to do something." In front of the antique shop, Hoshino Gen changed into his outdoor shoes, said hello to Shimizu Yuu who was sitting at the desk and writing furiously, and left.

Shimizu Yuu looked at him expressionlessly, then lowered his head and continued to work, like a ruthless homework machine.


In the quiet antique shop, only the wall clock made a"tick-tick" sound to indicate the flow of time. After an unknown amount of time, Qingshui You finally finished the math homework that he hated the most and shook his sore wrist.

He flipped through the exercise book full of handwriting that imitated someone else's handwriting, and Qingshui You pouted and muttered softly:"Annoying guy……"She didn't know who he was talking about.

However, just when she was about to get up and pour herself a drink and take a break, the door of the antique shop was suddenly pushed open with the sound of crisp wind chimes.

Shimizu Yu thought it was Hoshino Gen who came back and didn't even want to look at him.


A sweet and energetic voice came in, and soon after it appeared in the antique shop, a beautiful girl wearing a baseball cap, a white T-shirt and denim shorts.

Qingshui You was attracted by the voice and was stunned for a moment. He was a little surprised at the beauty of the girl, and even more surprised that there were still customers in this unlucky place? No... What did the girl shout when she came in just now? Senior? Oh, an acquaintance, that's okay.

But to be on the safe side, Qingshui You still asked tentatively:"Um, who are you looking for?"

In fact, when she saw that there was only a strange girl in the room after entering the door, Kiryu Ruoye was also a little stunned. Her first reaction was that she had found the wrong place, but she thought that she did follow the navigation strictly, and the iron sign in front of the door also marked the three words"antique shop", so there was no way she could be wrong, right?

Kiryu Ruoye blinked her bright eyes and looked at Shimizu Yu with a well-behaved smile:"Hello, I'm looking for Hoshino Gen. Is Senior Hoshino here?"

"Oh, he's been out for a while, he should be back soon.……"Shimizu Yu was a little curious about the relationship between this lively, well-behaved, cute and beautiful girl and Hoshino Gen. Although from the way they addressed each other, it seemed that they were a junior and a senior, but thinking about the boy's behavior in school, it didn't seem like he would go to the junior high school to socialize.

"Phew... Fortunately I didn't go to the wrong place!" Upon learning that this was indeed the residence of Hoshino Gen, Kiryu Ruoha patted her chest as if she breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled sweetly at Shimizu You:"My name is Kiryu Ruoha, and I'm a sophomore in the junior high school of Segawa Private Academy."

After saying that, seeing that Shimizu You was still staring at her curiously, Kiryu Ruoha seemed to have just realized something and said in surprise:"Huh? Are you asking about the relationship between me and Senior Hoshino?"

As soon as she finished speaking, her pretty face flushed with a few blushes, like tender cherry blossoms blooming under the white clouds in spring.

Her gaze also became evasive, and she said shyly:"Actually, I don't know how to define my current relationship with Senior Hoshino."

After saying that, Kiryu Ruoha secretly stuck out her pink tongue to dispel her shyness. Then she glanced at the layout of the antique shop and looked at Shimizu You, who had a stunned expression, and asked with a smile:"Do you want to change your shoes?"

"……There are disposable slippers in the cabinet.……"Qingshui You answered subconsciously in a daze, and at the same time, the ripples in her heart were no less than the shock on her face.

After all, the tone and appearance of Kiryu Ruoha when she spoke just now were too easy to arouse people's imagination.

At this moment, Qingshui You completely misunderstood. She swallowed her saliva, and her mind was almost blank. No way! That boy actually has a girlfriend? And a cute girl in junior high school?! That boy likes girls younger than himself?! Although it is normal for children nowadays to fall in love in junior high school, but that guy...that guy...

Qianshui You's thoughts are completely confused. Thinking about the image of Hoshino Gen in her mind, and then thinking about the fact that the guy actually has a girlfriend, this shock is about to shatter her worldview.

At this time, Kiryu Ruoha, who had changed into disposable slippers, had happily come to the table:"Can I sit down?"

"……Um, go ahead."

If you were that guy's girlfriend, you should be more comfortable here than me, right?

Shimizu You looked at the girl in front of him, and he could guess how popular she would be in school without knowing her in depth. He still couldn't accept the fact that Hoshino Gen had such a lovely girlfriend.

It's not that Hoshino Gen didn't deserve her. After all, no matter in terms of appearance or ability, that guy was definitely a top-notch beast. It was normal for girls to like him, but...but you ignored people at school. When others talked to you, you would just shoo them away. In private, your personality was so bad, and you didn't know how to be gentle with girls. How could you fall in love when you are like this? For some reason

, Shimizu You felt irritated and didn't want to do his job anymore.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't asked you yet, Miss, who are you?……"

Kiryu Ruoha, who was sitting next to the table, also asked Qingshui You curiously.

Qingshui You was confused at the time and answered casually,"I am his classmate and I work here part-time.""

"Oh, I see."Kiryu Ruoha heard this, her eyes turned, and her smile became brighter:"That's senior sister, senior is willing to let you work here, you must have a good relationship, right?"

Upon hearing this, Shimizu Yu, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly became excited:"What's good about it! That guy is just a……��

In the middle of her words, Qingshui You suddenly stopped, and seeing the curiosity on Kiryu Ruoye's delicate face and the doubt in her watery eyes, she remembered that the other party was the girlfriend of that boy Hoshino, and it was really despicable to say bad things behind his back in front of his girlfriend. She pouted sullenly, swallowed back the words she had said about the bastard, and said casually:"That's it."

Although she didn't finish her words, who is Kiryu Ruoye? Looking at Qingshui You's performance just now, and thinking about how Hoshino Gen usually behaves, she immediately raised the corners of her pink mouth, but her tone did become a little serious and heavy:

"It's really hard for me, senior.

Senior Hoshino is good in every way, except that he is sometimes difficult to get along with.

But you may not know that Senior Hoshino is actually a very gentle person.

He just becomes a little loveless because of his growing environment.

He is not difficult to get along with, he just doesn't want to trust others.

His coldness and badness are actually the protection he has built for himself.

If someone can really get into his heart, then for that person, Senior Gen Hoshino must be the best person in the world!


Qing Shuiyou stared in amazement at the serious and earnest expression on the face of Kiryu Ruoha in front of her, which made her look even more adorable. If she had doubts about Kiryu Ruoha's identity as Hoshino Gen's girlfriend before, now she was almost convinced, and felt that if it was the girl in front of her, it would be normal for even Hoshino Gen to like her.

However, what Qing Shui didn't know was that what Kiryu Ruoha said just now was not her own words at all, but the fragments of Hoshino Gen's personality profile by the psychologist in the special task force... The most she did was to add some modifications to these fragments.

Buzz buzz buzz——!

At this moment, the roar of a motorcycle engine stopped in front of the antique shop from far away, followed by the sound of wind chimes——

Hoshino Gen pushed the door open and walked in.

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