There was a sparkle of curiosity in Kiryu Ruoye's beautiful eyes, but Hoshino Gen had no intention of continuing to talk. He lowered his head and continued to play with his phone, leaving people in suspense.

"Senior, you are so good at bullying people!"Kiryu Ruoha pouted and protested against Hoshino Gen's behavior of"killing without burying"......

Because she had to enter the studio for the next set of shots, Hoshino Rin just stood at the edge of the shooting site, brewing her emotions and preparing for the next shoot.

A slender white hand patted her shoulder. Hoshino Rin turned around and found that it was Asahina Kaoru who was looking at her with a faint smile on her face.

The other party gestured to the studio and asked curiously:"Your brother?"

Hoshino Rin blinked at her, and then showed a slightly proud expression:"Yeah." Asahina

Kaoru smiled and covered her mouth:"He is indeed so handsome that it's a bit unfair. He is much better looking than the photo in the news last time."

"Hehe, no, we are twins~" Hoshino Rin said half-jokingly

"Yes, yes, you are the most beautiful~" Asahina Kaoru smiled helplessly, and then asked curiously as if she remembered something:"Who is the girl who came with your brother? Is she his girlfriend?"

Speaking of this, Hoshino Rin's eyelids jumped suddenly, and she said a little unhappily:"No, my brother is very cold, he doesn't have a girlfriend"

"So that's it……"Asahina Kaoru showed a thoughtful expression, and then teased:"How about introducing your brother to me?"

Hearing this, Hoshino Rin looked at her in surprise, but before she could say anything, the director called her to prepare to enter the scene. She stuck out her tongue at Asahina Kaoru, made a face, and trotted to the camera. After she left, the smile on Asahina Kaoru's face gradually faded. She looked at the girl who seemed to be born to be loved by everyone, who could harvest all the good things in the world without doing anything... Her expression was full of complex emotions.......

On the other hand, after finishing his daily chat with Chi-chan, Hoshino Gen, who was also bored, started playing a popular multiplayer online adventure game recommended by Kiryu Ruoha.

The two of them teamed up to open up dungeons in the game, and they had a lot of fun.

"Senior, this one-handed sword is for you."

"Woo! Senior, save me!"

"Senior, I don't have any blood recovery medicine.……"

"Senior, I really want this staff. Can you defeat that boss and see if you can get it? Please~"

Time always passes quickly when playing games. It feels like it hasn’t been a while and it’s already noon.

The crew members rested on the spot, and the staff in charge of logistics distributed lunch boxes to everyone.

The director personally took two lunch boxes that looked much more upscale than others and came to Gen Hoshino. He put the two boxes on the table and said with a smile:"Mr. Hoshino and Ms. Kiryu, would you like to taste the lunch boxes of our crew? They taste very good!"

Gen Hoshino quit the game and put away his phone. He smiled politely at the director:"Thank you"

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay! Speaking of which, I should thank Mr. Hoshino. Your sister, Miss Hoshino, is the popular one in this drama. Her performance during the filming was also impeccable. Speaking of which, the current ratings of this drama are so high, and Miss has made an indispensable contribution!"

Hoshino Gen smiled and said nothing. He was praising Hoshino Rin, and what he said seemed to be true. He had nothing to say.

The director scratched his hair a little embarrassedly. Fortunately, at this time Hoshino Rin and Asahina Kaoru also came over with their lunch boxes.

The director took the opportunity to smile and said,"Okay, I won't disturb you young people from having dinner. See you later"

"See you later." Hoshino Gen replied politely. As soon as the director left, Hoshino Rin came here with Asahina Kaoru.

Putting the two lunch boxes of the same grade on the table, Hoshino Rin took a long breath and complained to her brother in a low voice:"I'm so tired. The sun was so strong in the morning. I feel like my skin is going to burst!" Asahina

Kaoru glanced at Hoshino Rin, whose skin was still smooth and tender, enough to make any woman jealous, and smiled without saying anything. Hoshino

Gen was too lazy to say anything.

Instead, Kiryu Ruoha smiled and said:"No way, Rin-chan's skin is super good! People are so envious!"

Hoshino Rin smiled at her, then pulled Asahina Kaoru next to her and introduced her to Hoshino Gen:"Asahina Kaoru, you are the popular member of TKY02! Isn't she super beautiful, brother?"

Gen Hoshino glanced at his sister's colleague, smiled politely and said nothing more.

However, Kaoru Asahina was not embarrassed either, and smiled politely,"Hello, I'm Rin's good friend, Kaoru Asahina. I was born half a month younger than Rin, and I'm also sixteen years old. Can I call you brother like Rin does?"

Calling a friend's brother brother is a very common thing, and it is very polite, but Gen Hoshino refused with a smile,"No need, you are Rin's friend, and you should usually call her by her name, so just call me Hoshino"

"Um...Okay then," Asahina Kaoru said with a forced smile.

As if she saw her friend's embarrassment and awkwardness, Hoshino Rin smiled and changed the subject,"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly, I'm starving."

Because there were two lively girls, Hoshino Rin and Kiryu Ruoha, at the table, the lunch ended in a good atmosphere.

In the middle, a few members of TKY02 couldn't help but come over and talk to Hoshino Gen, but most people were too embarrassed to go over. They just looked around and talked and laughed happily with the people around them. Then the afternoon shooting started again soon. It was almost the same as the morning. After a few scenes were shot, the sky gradually darkened.

Obviously, Hoshino Gen and Kiryu Ruoha, who had been in the crew for a whole day, only waited in vain.

When the director announced the end of work and the actors were all planning to go back to the hotel to rest and wash off the fatigue of the day, Kiryu Ruoha suddenly ran over and called all the members of TKY02 according to Hoshino Gen's instructions.

"Excuse me, everyone!" Under the gazes of this group of idols, Kiryu Ruoha still did not show any stage fright, and said with a smile:"I believe everyone should have noticed that today, Rin-chan's brother came to the scene to visit Rin-chan - I think everyone must be very curious about Rin-chan's brother!"

As soon as these words came out, almost all the members who were secretly paying attention to Hoshino Gen, Rin-chan's brother, suddenly brightened up and became interested in what Kiryu Ruoha said next.

Kiryu Ruoha smiled, and did not learn from Hoshino Gen to keep people in suspense, and said straight to the point:"In fact, Rin-chan's brother wants to play a game with everyone. Can everyone go to the studio over there and spend a little time?"

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