Liz stared blankly at the figure that was obviously familiar, but now it was so strange.

In her little head, countless chaotic thoughts were almost tangled.

Did he kill someone?

Is he here to save me?

He is so powerful... Really so powerful.

To be honest, Liz didn't hate Hoshino Gen, because to be more precise, her feelings towards Hoshino Gen were more like"jealousy".

Liz was born in the Isabel family in London, England. She is the third and youngest daughter of Leandi Isabel, the first heir to the family title.

Because her parents always wanted a son to get the priority inheritance right of the next generation of the title, Liz was born in the disappointment of her parents.

How much love can a child born in the disappointment of the family get? Her parents didn't like her, and her two sisters also complained about why she was not a boy - after all, if Liz was a boy, not only would her parents who had realized their wish treat them better, but their status would also rise in the future.

But if it is just if, the fact that Liz is a girl cannot be changed.

But even so, Liz does not lack the warmth of"home".

After all, since she can remember, her cousin Rin Hoshino, who loves and takes care of her, has always been a part of her life.

She even thought that only Rin Hoshino was her real and only family.

Since she was a child, her favorite thing to do is to stick to her cousin and follow her. Wherever Rin Hoshino goes, she goes there. She learns to do whatever Rin Hoshino does. Even if she is clumsy and often messes up things, Rin Hoshino never dislikes her. Instead, she patiently teaches her and comforts her.

Whether it was in the past or now, in Liz's heart, Rin Hoshino has always been the most important person to her.

A year ago, when she learned that Rin Hoshino was going back to Japan with her aunt, Liz, who didn't like to cry since she was a child, cried for three days. Even when she slept, she spent her time in tears. Finally, she had to accept the fact that her favorite cousin was about to leave her.

But fortunately, in modern society, even cross-border communication is not a difficult thing. Since then, the thing Liz looks forward to most every day is to talk to Rin Hoshino on the phone, video or send messages.

Every day, she chats with Rin Hoshino about daily life and some interesting things that happened recently, as if the two of them were still together.

Of course, the two of them also talked about Gen Hoshino, but the topic about him probably only accounted for less than one ten-thousandth of the length of their chat.

And Liz's understanding of Gen Hoshino, the cousin she had never met, only stayed at"Rin's brother", and she was just a little envious that he could live with Rin Hoshino.

But starting from some time ago, Gen Hoshino's proportion in the topics that Rin Hoshino threw to her suddenly became larger and larger, and sometimes she was so engrossed in talking that she accidentally ignored Liz's voice trying to change the subject.

This situation made Liz uneasy, so she took advantage of her aunt's return to the UK and asked her to take her to Japan to find her sister Rin.

She thought that elder sister Rin no longer"only had eyes for her" like before, but it was just because the two of them had been apart for too long. But that afternoon, she came to Rin Hoshino's home here, and when they were chatting face to face, they talked about Hoshino Gen again. Looking at Rin Hoshino's unconscious smile and her beautiful heterochromatic eyes that seemed to be glowing, Liz felt as if something in her heart was broken.

It felt like her most important treasure was taken away by someone.

Even though they had never met before, at that time, Liz's jealousy towards Hoshino Gen had almost reached its peak, especially when Hoshino Gen walked in and she saw the boy's heterochromatic eyes that were very similar to elder sister Rin's.……......


The sudden sound of a gunshot instantly shattered Liz's chaotic thoughts. Only then did she notice that the super ferocious-looking adult actually had a pistol in his hand.

And the direction the muzzle of the gun was pointing at -

Liz hurriedly looked in the direction the gun was pointing at, and Hoshino Gen, who tilted his head slightly, was unharmed, and on the wall behind him, there was a bullet hole.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Liz realized something and became worried again. After all, in her opinion, even if Hoshino Gen's strength just now was beyond imagination, no matter what, a high school student with a stick could not be the opponent of an adult with a gun, especially this adult was a vicious gangster.

"Close your eyes." In the extremely heavy and frozen atmosphere in the hall at this moment, Hoshino Gen suddenly said something completely irrelevant in English.

After being stunned for 0.5 seconds, Liz realized that the words were spoken to her. After all, among all the people present, she was the only one who needed to communicate in English.

But she did not do as Hoshino Gen said at the first time. Maybe her body did not keep up with the reaction of her brain, or maybe she was subconsciously confused by Hoshino Gen's instructions.

But the next second, Hoshino Gen suddenly threw out a yellow piece of paper, as if he had cast a magic spell on the paper, so that it accurately covered Liz's eyes and made her passively execute Hoshino Gen's instructions.

After doing all this, the violence that he had felt unbearable from the beginning instantly spread from Hoshino Gen's left eye to his whole body. He raised his face, his left eye slightly widened, a scarlet light flowed, and his face unconsciously revealed a crazy smile that was almost impossible to associate with his usual self.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Kumamoto felt that the scene in front of him was extremely weird. If it could be a coincidence that the first shot was dodged by this weird high school student, then the fact that the three shots just now all hit the opponent's afterimage almost overturned his worldview.

However, when Kumamoto was still amazed that the"unscientific" scene actually happened in front of him, Hoshino Gen, with his left eye flashing scarlet light, had already appeared in front of him.

Kumamoto shouted in horror,"Who are you?!"

In response to him, there was a crazy and tyrannical smile. The wooden stick in Hoshino Gen's hand stabbed into Kumamoto's abdomen. Before the extremely severe pain began to spread, Hoshino Gen suddenly pulled out a five-thunder talisman and stuck it on the wooden stick.


Violent lightning exploded from Kumamoto's abdomen, and terrifying energy rushed through his body.

Under Kumamoto's incredulous expression and bulging eyeballs, his body was torn into pieces, and blood was sprinkled on the floor of the hall like rain and mist.

Hoshino Gen cast his undisguised bloodthirsty eyes on the terrified couple by the wall, and grinned slightly.

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