"Sure enough... no matter how many times you see it, it's incredible."

As if it was a replay of yesterday, Shimizu Yu once again stood in front of the dilapidated gym shrouded in the sunset.

But unlike the last time she followed Hoshino Gen here, this time she came as a helper and companion.

Holding the wooden sword that had been"added" by Hoshino Gen, Shimizu Yu's eyes were full of amazement. Electric arcs wrapped around the wooden sword, exhaling a mysterious and fantastical breath.

Hoshino Gen took out a piece of talisman paper and held it in his hand. He smiled and looked at Shimizu Yu beside him, and asked in a gentle voice:"Are you ready?"

"……"Qingshui You held the wooden sword, and her lips trembled slightly. Although she had prepared herself mentally along the way, when she really came here, the fear in her heart still inevitably reached its peak.

Hoshino Gen silently looked at Qingshui You who was trembling slightly. After a long while, he smiled and said,"It's not too late to regret now. The supernatural things you expect may not be as good as you imagined."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingshui You had already taken a step:"I'm ready."

Hoshino Gen shrugged. What else could he say? The little girl herself was not afraid of death, so he naturally had nothing to say.

The two walked into the dilapidated gym at dusk together. The moment she stepped into the gym, Qingshui You shivered all over. There was no other reason, the temperature here was too low. The decayed smell inside and outside made people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Qingshui You looked around, but did not see the faceless swordsman from yesterday, until Hoshino Gen threw the talisman paper in his hand to the ground, and the talisman paper turned into ripples on the floor of the room.

Then, less than five meters in front of the two of them, a ronin swordsman, who is common in Taiga dramas, appeared in front of them, holding a demon sword, with a dark face and no visible facial features.

Qingshui You swallowed her saliva and subconsciously looked at Hoshino Gen beside her, wanting to seek a sense of security. However, when she turned around, she saw that Hoshino Gen had already run far away from her, as if he was going to watch the show.


The faceless swordsman moved. When he stepped out, the floor made a dull sound, and then Qingshui You only saw a flash of knife light slashing towards her neck. It was almost an instinctive reaction that made her stand up the wooden sword flashing with lightning in her hand, and then she felt a strong force coming, which was transmitted from the wooden sword to her wrist. In just this moment, Qingshui You's entire arm was numb.

However, the faceless swordsman's attack did not mean to stop at all. He backhanded a cassock slash from top to bottom. Qingshui You retreated repeatedly in panic. It should be said that he was worthy of being the runner-up in the country. His reaction was really amazing.

It was obviously unrealistic to just retreat to avoid the evil ghost's cassock slash. The opponent's figure was like a thorn in the bone, which made Qingshui You realize that she had to use the sword in her hand to block the opponent's attack, otherwise, let alone thirty seconds, her head would fall to the ground in three seconds!

Enduring the extremely strong blood and stench on the swordsman, suppressing the fear and panic in her heart, Qingshui You's retreating steps suddenly stagnated, facing the blade light, raised the sword and blasted it back with a reverse cassock slash.

Then Qingshui You was chopped and flew away. Her figure was slender and light, and now the kendo competition is more about skills and reactions. She is actually just a little stronger than an ordinary 16-year-old female high school student.

Although she relied on the hardness of the wooden sword added by Hoshino Gen to withstand the slash of the faceless swordsman, the opponent's terrifying power was not something that a serious high school girl like Qingshui You could withstand.

She fell hard to the ground, and the wooden sword in her hand almost slipped out of her hand. Before she raised her head, she saw the pair of feet that were covered with black mist and moving quickly towards her.

Fear instantly broke through the threshold. Her yearning for extraordinary power and her kendo skills all turned into bubbles at this moment. The only thing occupying her mind was the thought of wanting to live, because she knew that she would really die!

I don’t know if it was because of fear, or because she hadn’t recovered from the blow just now, but now Qingshui You was weak all over and couldn’t even raise her hands.

She subconsciously glanced in the direction of Hoshino Gen. The desire for life made her subconsciously place the last glimmer of hope on this incredible classmate, even though she didn’t last for thirty seconds as agreed, and even couldn’t hold on for fifteen seconds.

However, it was that glance that made Qingshui You see this unforgettable scene in her life.

A huge red-purple fireball was emitting dazzling flames between Hoshino Gen's palms. The boy's slightly long hair was flying in the surging heat wave. One by one, pieces of talisman paper were flying around him, and then one by one they fell into the fireball and turned into new fuel. With each additional piece of talisman paper, the color of the fireball became darker and the light became more dazzling.

Qingshui You suddenly found that the coldness in the gym had completely disappeared, replaced by an unbearable heat.

The heat wave spread to every corner of the gym and finally attracted the attention of the faceless swordsman who was running towards Qingshui You. It seemed that it had sensed the real threat and lost interest in Qingshui You, a"little bug". It completed a right-angle turn in front of Qingshui You without slowing down at all. The long sword in the faceless swordsman's hand lit up a terrifying blood red, and wisps of black mist were wrapped around it.

In the trembling of the air, Hoshino Gen also moved, and stretched out his right hand to push the fireball containing amazing heat towards the faceless swordsman.

The fireball collided with the tip of the demon sword.

Like cold water hitting sulfuric acid, the place where the two touched instantly produced a violent reaction.


The faceless swordsman roared once again, and Hoshino Gen was so calm that he could be called���A hint of viciousness appeared on Leng's face. The blue of his left eye was instantly stained with scarlet, and his eyes became fierce.

The fireball, which had reacted violently to the contact with the demon sword, was already quite unstable, and even the basic spherical state was no longer maintained. However, the heat that was completely released and stimulated had already elevated the sauna-like gym to the level of a fire scene.


The trembling in the air became more and more piercing. Hoshino Gen took a step forward, but the faceless swordsman did not retreat. The tip of the long sword had completely submerged in the flames.

However, the next moment, the faceless swordsman suddenly grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands and stabbed forward fiercely.


The huge fireball exploded, and in the scattered flames, the blood-red blade pierced the palm of Hoshino Gen's right hand, and the bright red blood spurted out.

The pain that penetrated deep into the soul made Hoshino Gen's expression instantly become hideous, but the corners of his mouth suddenly opened at this moment.

The scattered blood merged into the flying flames, and the red-purple flames became as red as blood. It attached to the faceless swordsman's body like a piece of iron attracted by a magnet, making it look like he was wearing a feather robe woven from flames.

"Roar——!"The roar was still piercing, but even more shrill.

Hoshino Gen gritted his teeth, and pushed his pierced right hand forward, grabbing the blade of the demon sword and clamping it tightly.

His free left hand scooped up the remaining talisman paper that had not been integrated into the fireball and fell into his hand. He squeezed it hard, and the talisman paper turned into flames and wrapped around his fist.

Hoshino Gen thrust his fist out, and it pierced through the chest of the swordsman who was burning in flames, as if he had punched through a plaster statue.

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