Tokusatsu World: Starting from Transformation into Dark Tiga

Chapter 230 Miracle Reappears (Subscribe)

Sakura Hoshino consciously took a half step back, and in an instant, took the spring and Aying away from this area.

Originally on the ground.

Wukong showed a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, slowly stretched out his hand to aim at the hot beam of light that fell from the sky and covered the entire earth, and grabbed it with five fingers.


Above the sky, the giant white mecha exploded automatically in an instant, and the attack originally released seemed to have become the fuse of its explosion.

The barrier cast by Sakura Hoshino was matched by this layer of violent fireworks.

In the distance, Aying, who was standing next to Sakura Hoshino, said stupidly: "SSS-level strongmen, two... just disappeared... Could it be..."

Sakura Hoshino did not hide it, and nodded directly: "It's what you think!"

As soon as the voice fell.

In the sky, the huge light Tiga stepped out of the void and aimed at the terrifying insects covering the sky, releasing an extremely majestic Zaperio light.

The sharp light swept across the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of Zerg monsters turned into dust and drifted in the air in the blink of an eye.

Aying was stunned and said, "This... This is another God Realm... A strong man???"

At this time, Tiga in the sky was indeed exuding a terrifying aura. Although this aura was full of justice, it was no different from Wukong who was chasing the mecha on the other side.

Although they did not give Aying the kind of pressure that SSS brought to him before, which was like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, they transcended the super energy that life could release.

This is the God Realm...

An existence that transcends all basic laws.

But in this multiverse.

The God Realm is the basic ticket to step into the "strong".

Sakura Hoshino had long realized that only those who entered this realm could reach out and touch the truth left by the universe to this group of people with the highest energy, and before that, there seemed to be obstruction and intervention from people in the same realm.

What is the truth of the universe...

He felt that he probably still had a long way to go, otherwise, why did the black shadow reincarnate for thousands of generations and still not be able to touch it.

Hoshino Sakura glanced at Aying beside her and explained: "Yes, you can understand it as a divine realm, but it can also be not."

Aying obviously didn't understand this sentence, but still nodded modestly and said: "I'm taught."

Then, it recorded the scene in front of it through the device and wrote many questions and explanations.

Hoshino Sakura can easily see through these words through the power of conversion. He has no doubt that this is the necessary condition for the Shadow Clan to survive in this universe. This Aying gave him the feeling that he was humble and keen to learn.


The Zerg in the sky were all wiped out by Tiga. This miracle light summoned by Hoshino Sakura illuminated this dust-polluted planet in a different universe.

After Tiga nodded to Hoshino Sakura, he seemed to have regained a lot of consciousness and disappeared in the air.

Hoshino Sakura received some information left by the giant in his mind, and his heart trembled suddenly. He had never summoned these special effects powers in other universes. Immediately, he summoned Dark Tiga again and landed in front of him.

A Ying was shocked and thought that the other party had colluded with some dark forces and called in thugs. It was not until Xingye Ying explained that it was relieved.

But this time.

Xingye Ying did not receive the answer he thought of. This giant still did not have his own consciousness.


He summoned the son of the earth, Gaia again!

This time, there was the same reaction as the light Tiga. Before disappearing, Gaia left the same message as Tiga, which was: "Tell Xingye Ying to go to the earth once!"

After Xingye Ying responded to the promise, she immediately summoned the six Ultra Brothers. Similarly, she received their subjective consciousness one by one, but was unable to obtain more information.

And this scene.

It shocked A Ying enough. This is enough for him to brag about for a lifetime. In addition, he also recorded it. Xingye Ying did not stop this.

Even if someone beat A Ying to death yesterday.

It is impossible for it to believe that at this moment, it can see so many realms of "God" warriors!

Xingye Ying was also extremely shocked.


Because they are getting closer and closer to the earth, the special effects power in his "golden finger" will slowly restore their consciousness, but Dark Tiga is a power that has long passed. Its body has long evolved into light, so it has no thoughts.

It seems that... only by going back can this mystery be solved.

At present, Dark Tiga was summoned, and Xingye Ying did not let it go back, but controlled it to help Wukong solve the other giant mechas.

After this battle.

Located by the cosmic wormhole lake, this town was completely destroyed.

Wukong and Xingye Ying harvested a total of two SSS source cores, and there were countless other SS to S-level source cores, and some source cores that did not reach A-level were all given to A Ying as a guide fee.

Under A Ying's shock.

The four of them came to the vicinity of the wormhole lake.

Because this planet has always maintained a black and gray tone from the beginning to the end, even if there is starlight, there is no beautiful scenery, so this lake looks very plain.

The lake sleeps unusually calmly.

Before this place was discovered, no one knew that under the deep lake, there was a secret place leading to another universe.

"Okay, then you can send us here. When you come back next time, if you have time, you want to pick us up. See you then!"

The three of them, Hoshino Sakura, stood by the lake and nodded to Aying.

Ah Ying said with concern: "Okay, Na Ying will go back and give you the information on the third universe, which should come in handy. Na Ying wishes you all your wishes will come true! If you have a good trip, I won't say anything... After all, with your extraordinary strength, you don’t need to say such polite words.”

Wukong waved his hand and said: "I leave you with the task of rebuilding this planet. I hope everything will be brand new when I come back next time, and these lives will no longer be oppressed by darkness!"

Ah Ying nodded respectfully and said: "Of course!"

The four of them said a brief farewell.

Hoshino Sakura released her divine power, wrapped the three of them, and suddenly fell to the bottom of the lake. In an instant, the surroundings were dark. Obviously, the quality of the lake water here was not high, due to the influence of the entire planet.

With increasing depth.

Under the light of God.

Hoshino Sakura and the others arrived at the barrier that separated the lake from the universe. There were no other energy seals here, and the flow was unimpeded. However, what surprised the three of them was that after breaking through the barrier, it was still a body of water. However, here The water is much clearer than that of the fourth universe.

Wukong asked curiously: "Isn't the third universe just a sea area?"

At this time...

Aying presented a ball with a camera and a white metal data machine. It flew out of Sakura Hoshino's arms and announced with a mechanical voice: "The third universe is the sea of ​​the universe that is formed by the gods. Its universe is formed by water." Filled, all galaxies float in water, so the creatures here are divided into amphibious species. "

Hoshino Sakura's eyes suddenly glowed.

This novel setting aroused his curiosity. No wonder Black Shadow wanted them to stay in the Fourth Universe for a few more days. It turned out that the intention behind it was to let them learn more about other universes in Shadow Clan. .

But they were eager to return.

Therefore, Hoshino Sakura could only use the database with Aying to see new things while exploring the way home.

Saw such a novel setting.

Hoshino Sakura asked: "What is the level of civilization in this universe?"

The data ball replied: "It's hard to say, because the main god of this universe does not want to cultivate direct warriors, so all civilizations in this universe belong to the low martial arts period, similar to your Blue Star ancient times, and some are even still in the tribal era."

Hoshino Sakura sighed softly.

It was obviously what he had thought before, and he had overthought it. He had also wondered whether there was a universe other than the earth. The closer the universe was to the earth, the higher the level of civilization. It seemed that he had indeed overthought it.

It turns out that the advanced level of civilization in each universe is related to those unreliable extraordinary beings.

So... extraordinary people are just a group of life forms who were lucky enough to obtain extraordinary power. Their thoughts may not be high enough to match their abilities.

This also leads to the fact that there are many gods on earth who are gods but do not do divine things and violate morality.

Soon after leaving this exit.

Hoshino Sakura and the other three saw a spectacle that surprised them. After they surfaced, all the surrounding huge celestial bodies or stars and meteorites were floating on the water due to the wonderful gravity.

In the so-called sea of ​​the universe, there is no advanced civilization like the fourth universe and the Shadow Clan that can step out of the galaxy.

Wukong suggested at this time: "It's better not to disturb these natives and go directly to the second universe!"

Hoshino Sakura agreed.

After all, their arrival is itself a disaster for these low-martial worlds. As long as they appear, it may lead to the development of civilization on an undetermined route, so it is better to let them develop on their own.

After deciding to go directly to the core planet of the universe.

The three of them set off quickly.

In an instant, they arrived in front of the core planet. This was a truly blue planet, completely blue, not much different from the Earth, but slightly larger in size.

Hoshino Sakura determined an answer.

That is, these space wormholes may be built on planetary bodies like the Blue Star Earth. Of course, this may be a wrong judgment, or, in fact, all galaxies in the entire universe are moving slowly, and this The core of the universe at that time was just at the position where the earth and the blue star were moving.

Just as the three of them were preparing to escape into the upper half of the planet, which was not submerged by the sea of ​​space.

A huge beast like a blue whale roared out of the sea of ​​the universe with a sharp roar like the cry of ancient times. Its body was extremely huge, and it leaped above the planet in front of it.


The giant beast fell into the water, causing the half-blue star to tremble violently.

What shocked Hoshino Sakura the most about this universe was its unique structure. Because it was all water, there seemed to be no vacuum, and sounds could be heard very clearly.

After sensing it, Wukong said, "This big guy seems to be hostile to us!"

Hoshino Sakura nodded and said: "It's another SSS-level one. The Black Shadow guy probably left these problems on purpose for us to deal with."

The data ball used the camera to scan the giant beast and hurriedly said: "The demigod beast of the third universe, the Raging Sea Titan, is said to be the plaything of the sea god who was born in this universe. It enjoys devouring planets that have derived life every day. It’s also the main reason why no more gods can be born in the third universe!”

Hoshino Sakura shook her head and said: "How can civilization be suppressed by this kind of thing? You guys wait here for me, and I will deal with this thing myself."

Wukong rolled his eyes and said, "No problem, it's quite fun to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger."

The words just fell.

Sakura Hoshino smiled and transformed into Dark Tiga, descending in front of the Titan of the Sea, but just floating in the air, with his feet not touching the sea of ​​the universe below.

The Titan of the Sea of ​​the Sea had indeed long been harboring murderous intentions. After seeing Dark Tiga, he opened his sharp teeth and bloody mouth without hesitation, and bit him in the air. His huge body rolled away, shaking the surrounding stars and drifting backwards, leaving the galaxy and losing gravity.

Dark Tiga did not show weakness, and directly opened his hands, suddenly supported the giant mouth of the Titan of the Sea of ​​the Sea, and suddenly threw it from the sea of ​​the universe into the sky.

Sakura Hoshino seemed to sense the fear of life lost in the mouth of this fierce guy. After throwing the giant beast into the sky, he directly opened his hands and gathered a strong "Dark Zapelion Ray!!!"


The purple-black energy ray directly annihilated the giant beast into slag.

Transformed into a colorful source core.

Xingye Ying's heart paused, feeling that this semi-god realm seemed to be very watery, but just after waving and taking the colorful source core, the universe that was originally bright with stars suddenly dimmed.

Xingye Ying looked around fiercely.

He found that he did not seem to be in the third universe at this time, and the giant beast blocked his divine communication. The surroundings were dark, but not far away, a tiny red light seemed to bloom from a certain darkness, but it quickly disappeared.

Xingye Ying did not think much and flashed towards the red light.

After approaching the previous red light directly, he found that there was actually a huge planet in front of him, and there was residual energy light on the planet.

Xingye Ying immediately flew into these stars that lost the protection of the atmosphere, and faded away from the dark Tiga giant form.

Xingye Ying landed in an area with strange buildings.

The buildings here are the same as the earth mound fortress.

The data ball flew out of his pocket at this time, explaining: "This is a literary star body in the third universe, and it seems to have been swallowed by the Raging Sea Titan."

At this moment, a pair of fishmen father and daughter emerged from the earthen fort. The father seemed to be very uncomfortable, supported by the fishmen daughter, and kept panting. When the two saw Xingye Ying, they were serious at first, and then carefully spoke the difficult syllables.

Xingye Ying immediately said to the data ball, transfer their language data to my mind.

"No problem!"

The data ball quickly super data analysis, all the language texts were injected into Xingye Ying's mind.

The poor little fishman daughter said in fear: "Who are you???"

Xingye Ying waved her hand and said: "I am not from this... this universe..."

The little fishman was puzzled, but hurriedly said: "Then... how did you come here after Fengyuxing was swallowed by the demon Raging Sea Titan? Is there an escape route here?"

As soon as this sentence came out.

The earthen fortress suddenly became lively, and a group of fishmen suddenly emerged from the mud, all of them pale and thin, looking very painful.

Xingye Ying had already guessed the general situation, and shook her head and said:

"There is no other way out, but miracles will happen again!!!"

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