Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 61 Master Demon Fox, Do You Hate Me (3)

The blood all over reminded her of the scene where she was hidden in the corner by her parents, but she saw the scene of her parents being killed in the window.

She was suffocated.

Xing Yun bit her dry and chapped lips.

She didn't want to see innocent lives die in front of her anymore.

Although she didn't know what happened to the vicious-looking big monster in front of her, Xing Yun felt that she couldn't let it go.

If mother is here, she will definitely not let her die.

Thinking of this, Xing Yun's eyes were instantly filled with a small fire of determination.

Seeing the little girl turn and walk away, Yinchi's face gradually returned to normal.

He was clutching the abdominal wound that was bleeding continuously, and his delicate and beautiful face was indifferent.

In order to obtain the Soul Eater Sword that was blocked on Canglang Mountain, he started a fierce battle with the powerful guardian demon spirit in the sword.

Although the injury was a bit serious, but fortunately he defeated the demon spirit, made it submit to his subordinates, and became his weapon.

As for the injury, he just needs to stay for a few days to heal.

I hope there will be no more annoying humans to bother him.

Thinking of this just now, the rustling sound of rustling grass leaves sounded again, and the silver-colored eyes narrowed dangerously, and a dark red color flashed across the silver-purple eyes.

That's a sign of anger.

If this human girl dared to touch him, he would try the power of the Soul Devouring Sword in advance.

Because if this weak human being calls many of its kind to catch him, it will be a little troublesome.

But now, he only felt the breath of the human girl who came here just now.

He put on a fierce look again, intending to scare her away with the same trick.

But he was a little surprised when he saw that small human girl who looked very delicate at first glance went back and forth with a lot of wild fruits, water and clean white clothes.

Obviously, when I saw his demonized appearance just now, I was frightened and wanted to run away, but now I dare to come back in an attempt to help him?


Even now, the human girl who saw his fierce appearance was still terrified.

But enduring her fear, she knelt obediently beside him and held the fresh fruit still dripping in front of him.

Yinchi turned his head to the side, facing the little girl with the back of his head, and retracted his fangs feeling a little bored.

I'm not vegetarian.

Xingyun was stunned.

These words were a bit like intimidation and threats, but at first glance, the big monster who seemed a bit delicate said these words indifferently, Xing Yun was not too afraid, and only regarded these words as declarative sentences.

The big monster wanted to eat meat, so she tried to find meat for him.

But time may be a little long.

She wanted to say that she would go catch fish and come back, but she didn't speak for several days, and she didn't drink water for a long time, and there seemed to be something wrong with her throat.

As soon as the words came out, it became a soft monosyllabic ahh.

Xing Yun closed her mouth, and put the clear spring water filled with big lotus leaves within Yinchi's reach, and put the few clean cloths that she could find at home at Yinchi's hand.

The wild fruit was also put aside.

After finishing all this, Xing Yun stood up, nodded to the big monster who didn't even bother to look at her, and then ran out of the grass again.

After the inexplicable human girl left, Yinchi turned his head and looked at the things all over the floor. A disdainful snort escaped from his cold voice.


Xing Yun walked and walked by the stream, but she didn't see a big fish, they were all small fry.

She walked back to the village unknowingly, and suddenly saw a little weasel biting the neck of a chicken cub raised by a family.

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