To Be With You Forever

Chapter 204: Leftovers

  Chapter 204 Leftovers

  Some people say that Jian Sangyu is so scheming that no man dares to like her, and she is afraid of being calculated by her one day.

  Gu Shen searched the program and watched it again. From beginning to end, he watched it completely without a one-second fast forward.

  Gu Chen can only say that he was surprised, and Jian Sangyu, who looked a little silly on weekdays, had such a quick thinking.

  Jian Sangyu represented the undercover party in a big victory, and her wit made Gu Chen very surprised.

However, Gu Chen felt that, as a man, he probably still admired a woman like Jian Sangyu better, at least looking at the man who looked innocent than the one who only smiled stupidly or the look I love you so much. Yang Shishi is so much better.

  After watching the show, Gu Chen went online and collected Jian Sangyu’s emoticon into the phone album. He held the phone for a few minutes and then quit the album and dialed a phone number.

   "President Gu, I suddenly received a call from you, and my little heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are trembling." On the phone came a young man casually teasing.

   "I remember that you have a studio that specializes in digging out the scraps of those stars?" Gu Chen asked, "Your studio hasn't fallen yet, right?"

"Leaves?" This is probably the freshest word that the man heard. Hearing Gu Chen asking if his studio was down, the man laughed directly, "I let you down. earn."

"That's not bad." Gu Chen praised very unconcernedly, just like a boast to make the other party happy and happy, and then said: "I want Yang Shishi and Man Yuanhe's black material, how much is it? ?"

"Hey! What a coincidence!" The man on the phone yelled, and then he spoke with a serious voice, "I really have an anecdote of these two people in my hand! But, haven't you been paying attention to these things? Why do you want these two people's black material? They offended you?"

   "Yes, they offended me." Gu Chen answered very candidly.

  "There are people who dare to offend you?" The men on the opposite side felt very surprised. "Since I am a friend, I will tell you the black material first. You are seeing if you want to buy it."

   "Say." At this moment, Gu Chen's patience is still very good.

"Yang Shishi and Man Yuanhe are actually fake couples. They are a cooperative hype. There is a gold master behind Yang Shishi. Man Yuanhe doesn't know how many one-night girlfriends he has. I have them in my hands after they announced that they were together. Photos of open rooms and intimate and ambiguous, and they are all high-definition photos."

   "I want it, how much, let's make a price." Gu Chen's expression changed, and there was a smile on his lips.

  "Friendly price, one million."

"I will give you three million. You can help me find a team to operate. I will see the results tomorrow morning. I want to make these two people unable to turn over." Gu Chen said, "Now hang up and send me your account. I will transfer the money to you immediately."

  Gu Chen has always done things like this, either he doesn't do it, or there is absolutely no possibility of dragging his feet.

  3 million, mobile bank transfer is only a matter of ten seconds.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chen went up and flipped through the comments. This time the comment area was even more lively. Fans of Jian Sangyu and fans of Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi had pinched directly. The pinch was called a hot, official Bo's comment area can be said to be a mess.

  However, Gu Chen saw a message from one of the guests in the comment area, the one named Zhou Wu.


     Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~~~~


  (End of this chapter)

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