Under the leadership of a half-step ghost king, the speed of the car flew up.


Xiao Ye and the others arrived at the door of the hardware store on Elm Ghost Street.

Then, Sun Che led Xiao Ye into the shop.

"Sun Fu Hardware Store, so it's my home." Xiao Ye glanced at the plaque and smiled.

This made Sun Che look embarrassed, "It's just the same last name."

[Ding, negative emotion +666]

Xiao Ye nodded slightly, and then followed in.

A tall green-skinned ghost was greeted in front of him, with strong muscles and full of scars, it looked very fierce.

Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, it was a medium-sized red-clothed ghost.

When the other party saw Xiao Ye, his eyes lit up, the red light flickered, and he was almost drooling.

"Brother Che, you are too polite, just come, and bring any presents."

Sun Che: "..."

mmp, you have narrowed the road, do you understand?

"This man has delicate skin and tender flesh, but his body is still strong. He looks delicious at first glance, and you will spend a lot of money."

Sun Fu said he was embarrassed, but he reached out to grab Xiao Ye without hesitation.

It's really fragrant.

But it's a pity, Xiao Ye didn't plan to talk nonsense, a force of sunflower water froze him into ice cubes.

Then he lifted it and fell to the ground.


The ghost Sun Fu suddenly turned into blood-red ice balls all over the place.

"I'll defrost it." Xiao Ye gave a smirk, and made another Li Huo with his backhand,


Under the raging flames, the strangely transformed ice scum quickly melted.

Before Sun Fu could be happy, his body turned into a puddle of blood, bubbling "gurgling", and was actually boiled.


In the two heavens of ice and fire, he screamed and screamed in the torment.

[Ding, negative emotions +300+300+..]

After harvesting a lot of negative emotions, Xiao Ye let him go.

It's just that he is getting old now, and his body, which was more than two meters tall, has shrunk to one meter four or five.

"Human, who are you? What is your purpose here?" Sun Fu asked in horror.

Xiao Ye smiled lightly, and immediately said the pretended words:

"I come, I see, I conquer."

"Call Dad..."

Sun Fu was so angry that he wanted to die: "Damn humans, you dare to take my place..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ye changed the subject: "Let's forget it, you are not a pretty ghost, and you are so ugly, I don't need such an unfilial descendant like you."

[Ding, negative emotion +666]

"Human, I will kill you."

In a rage, Sun Fu activated his ability, and in the hardware store, all kinds of metal utensils flew out and stuck to him.

In an instant, a metal monster seven or eight meters long and as thick as several people appeared in front of Xiao Ye, roaring and pounced on him.

Xiao Ye chuckled: "

Isn't this a coincidence, I am the best at playing thunder. "

"Gengjin Divine Thunder."

Kacha, a golden thunder snake descended from the sky and hit the monster made of hardware.


The metallic thunder and lightning extremely restrained Sun Fu's hardware ability, and immediately blew up the hardware.

Sun Fu was also completely paralyzed.

"My name is Xiao Ye. From now on, you can call me Lord Xiao." Xiao Ye looked down at him from a high position and said flatly.

Sun Fu: "..."

The mmp, who has been short for a lifetime, had known earlier and agreed to forget it.

But the end was done, and Sun Fu could only surrender his natal soul with tears in his eyes.

Since then, he has become Xiao Ye's dedicated weapon supplier and blacksmith.

And there is no salary.

It was very hard.

"Get out of the car."

Now that the local snake on Elm Nightmare has been dealt with, Xiao Ye immediately opened the car door and let out all the younger brothers.

There are hundreds of densely packed dozens of strange things.

There are more than a hundred ghosts.

And also armed with weapons donated by Sun Fu Hardware Store.

As the owner of the hardware store, the ability of the red-clothed ghost Sun Fu is to strengthen weapons.

Therefore, the weapons in his shop are all lethal to weird creatures.

At this time, being used by the Ritian Gang is even more powerful.

Looking at this force, Xiao Ye stood with his hands behind his back, and faintly said a word: "Kill."


All the ghosts roared in unison, and rushed towards Elm Nightmare Street with the weapons they just got.

Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of the residents of Elm Ghost Street.

But just pay attention.

They didn't even realize that these weirdnesses were aimed at them.

Straight ahead, Wei Yi from the Ritian Gang kicked open the door and entered with a weapon.

At this time, they suddenly realized.

Fuck, these ghosts are actually here to blow up the street.

As a result, one after another began to resist, and subconsciously reached a united front.

Relying on Elm Ghost Street, the overall quality is relatively strong. Excluding Sun Fu, there are also three red-clothed people who have been fighting with the Ritian Gang for a short time.

Even if Li Yulian turned into King Kong Barbie and joined the battle, it didn't change much.

"Go and help her." Xiao Ye glanced at the old driver, Sun Che, and ordered.

The ghost was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

Although Sun Che was very reluctant, he could only nod: "Yes."

Then the ghost car merged into one, and a bus drove into the battlefield.

Ghost king-level supernatural powers, pulling people like a cart, recalling waiting to die, and severely injuring the two red clothes when he went up.

Then trap them in ghosts and monsters, and firmly suppress them.


The last person in red on Elm Street was outnumbered in the end, and was torn in half by King Kong Barbie on the spot, and swallowed in a few mouthfuls.

And the high-end combat power was completely lost, and the rest of Elm Ghost Street naturally couldn't resist.

one by one were either killed or captured,

or surrender.

Xiao Ye nodded in satisfaction.

The Ritian Gang is finally a mature gang, and they can already grab territory by themselves.

The following process, of course, is to help the crowd carry the captives and hand them over to Xiao Ye.

"Hand over a wisp of natal soul light to live, if you don't hand it in... you won't have to hand it in in the future."

Xiao Ye said coldly.

All the ghosts looked at each other, and after a while of silence, most of them chose Congxin.

As for the unsatisfactory, it all became snacks.

Grilled to medium-rare, and then sprinkled with incense sticks, the kid next door cried.

When the sun rises again.

Xiao Ye has another street.

"Everyone, take a break and continue tonight."

Xiao Ye said with a light smile.

After all, it's weird, take a break.

Such free and high-quality labor is not in vain.


All the ghosts wailed in unison.

Li Yulian was a little worried and said, "Do you keep doing this, can your body take it?"

Xiao Ye winked: "Don't worry, I'm very strong, and I won't be a problem even if I work for a few months."

"Besides, I'm the boss, you're the boss's wife, and we don't have to work, so why are you worried?"

Xiao Ye touched her hair and said softly.

Li Yulian: "..."

What you said is so reasonable, I am speechless.

In the next few days, things really happened as Xiao Ye said.

There is a half-step ghost king in the lead, and more and more red clothes and ghosts are the main force.

Little Ghost Street, Big Ghost Street, Elm Ghost Street, Evil Ghost Street... have fallen one after another.

After attacking Hongyi Alley, Naihe Bridge Square, Past Life Funeral Parlor and other places, ghost king-level powerhouses appeared.

Xiao Ye went off in person and killed the Ghost King.

Now, there is only the whole Mengpo District left, the last piece of land for raising corpses.

It is said that there are ancient zombies inside.

There is more than one weird corpse king level.

Moreover, because of Xiao Ye's recent big move, it has already aroused the vigilance of these zombies.

Anyway, this is the last battle.

"System, add points."

Xiao Ye took a deep breath and spent this time.

The bullying was weird and painful, and the billions of dollars he got were all invested in improving his cultivation.


Xiao Ye's mind roared, and countless complicated and fine spirit patterns poured out from all parts of the body, penetrating into the bone marrow, covering the internal organs, and even filling all the subtleties.

Even the place where life was conceived is covered with complex and bright spirit patterns.

At this moment, Xiao Ye has seven spiritual patterns, and his spiritual body is perfect.

Awakening the five elements and five colors of thunder, five elements of secret art, spiritual sword, control of thunder and punishment, etc... the great supernatural powers necessary for the spirit body.

"It's time, it's time to deal with the corpse farm."

Xiao Ye talked to himself, his words were full of confidence.

...biqu library

ps: It's really over soon.

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