Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 299: cheating money cheating feelings

  Chapter 299 Cheating money to cheat feelings

  Hearing what Ma Xiaoli said, Xu Rong accepted it and went to the counter with the money.

   "Comrade Shen, we have found the fabric, and there is just one piece left." The voice of the salesperson sounded.

   Shen Man turned around and walked over, "Then issue a ticket."

  She didn't go to find Ma Xiaoli, this matter is not handled well, after all, it is her business.

   But this cloth is heavy enough, I will send it to Gu Chen's office in a while, and I will take it home after he gets off work.

   As for this, there are no tailors. At that time, I need to find someone else, so there is no rush.

  Shen Man went to pick out some sheets and quilt covers again, try to pick solid-colored ones, or plain ones.

   And Li Jinhua likes to bring flowers, so I bought some and tried to take care of everyone.

   These things take time, and she bought the last white towel to cover the sofa and home appliances, and she has completed the task.

  There were too many things, Shen Man took the small parts back by himself, and sent the rest to Gu Chen's office.

  The salesperson here is very enthusiastic, and many people come to help.

   "Thank you all." Shen Man handed out toffees one by one. She still had some of these. She usually gave out two yuan when she saw children.

   "Oh, you're welcome."

   "That's right, they are all in the same unit. Of course we need to help with Director Gu's affairs."

  Everyone is very enthusiastic, most of them are looking at Gu Chen's face.

  Of course, sitting in this position, it is normal for the people below to fawn on you.

  Thanking everyone, Gu Chen closed the office door.

   "Just let me do this, why don't you go there yourself?" He walked over and took Shen Man's hand.

   Well, for some reason, he just likes Shen Man.

  I can't wait to nail a board on the wall and put it on it, I can't bear to touch it.

  Shen Man smiled and said: "Anyway, I have nothing to do, besides, I choose what I like, what do you know?"

   The two chatted for a few words, and she went back home.

   In the following days, Gu Chen was very busy looking for someone to order furniture.

  After seeing that Xu Rong last time, Shen Man felt a little worried about Ma Xiaoli.

  That person is obviously the Phoenix man who wants to eat soft food. If he continues to be deceived, I am afraid that Ma Xiaoli will be deceived of all the wealth that Ma Xiaoli saved for the two sons.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man went to find Ma Xiaoli, ready to inquire about the situation.

  If you come up and say that someone cheated you of money, this is definitely not acceptable.

  Ma Xiaoli is washing clothes at home, and she was a little surprised to see her here.

   "How do you know I'm off today?"

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and said, "I passed by the food factory and asked, and I came here."

  What was passing by? She specifically called Director Liu to ask.

  Director Liu is not from the secretary's office either, so he found out the result after asking someone to inquire.

  Seeing what she said, Ma Xiaoli didn't ask any more questions, and the two started chatting instead.

  Shen Man noticed that there were a few men's clothes in the pool, which looked rather big, and they couldn't be those two children's clothes.

  The two of them couldn't turn to that Xu Rong. She got up and walked around, and then stopped beside the pool.

   "Hey? Miss Xiaoli, does this dress belong to your child? It looks so big." She said casually.

  What she didn't expect was that Ma Xiaoli's reaction was particularly strong.

   "Huh?" The man hurried over, pawed at his clothes, and smiled awkwardly.

Maybe he didn't think of a good excuse, so he said: "The person you met that day, he is now in college in the city, and he doesn't have time to wash clothes, so I help wash them. There are only two clothes, and I will bring them with me when I wash my family's clothes." a bit."

   go to school?

  Shen Man just remembered that many people went to the city for the college entrance examination last year.

   Now is the wave of returning to the city to take the exam, and many people in their thirties are also rushing to go to university to find a way out.

   Xu Rong is not uncommon. Most of them just want to stand up and don't want to stay in the countryside for a lifetime.

  Hearing this, Shen Man hesitated, "Miss Xiaoli, is he single?"

   At this time, very few educated youths who went to the countryside were single all the time, especially Xu Rong was not young, he seemed to be in his thirties, so it was impossible for him to be single all the time, right?

  Ma Xiaoli didn't know why she asked such a question, but she still replied: "He said about a person, and I don't know."

   The two have known each other for so long, it seems that they have never seen other women appear beside Xu Rong.

   "You misunderstood!" Ma Xiaoli suddenly recovered, and said with a smile: "I don't have that idea about him."

   After all, she is older than the other party, no matter what the situation is, she is too embarrassed to admit it.

  Thinking of this, she had another expression of inferiority.

   Seeing this, Shen Man said indifferently: "Miss Xiaoli, I heard that many college girls have been cheated recently. Some educated youths have come back to deceive single people, and they are actually dragging their families in the countryside."

   "You'd better be careful, it's okay to be cheated of money, cheated of feelings and cheated of money, it's not too hard to die."

   This is what they reminded of when they have a good relationship. After all, they have been together for several years. If it's an ordinary friend, she doesn't care.

   What's more, Ma Xiaoli is not a single girl anymore. She is a mother of two children. If she remarries, she must choose the right person, otherwise she cannot afford to lose.

   Ma Xiaoli's face turned pale, she naturally didn't expect these things to happen.

  After a long while, she smiled awkwardly: "Impossible, right? College students can still deceive people?"

   "Liars don't care about academic qualifications." Shen Man gave her a blow in the head.

   At this time, persuading people to think better, isn’t that self-deception?

  If this person has no other thoughts...

  But Shen Man thinks this is unlikely, otherwise how can women buy clothes for them?

  If you lose your money, it will be the same if you buy it next time.

   Ma Xiaoli didn't speak anymore, and she didn't know if she listened.

   After chatting for a few words, Shen Man saw that she was absent-minded, so he went back.

   As for whether this person has a good heart or not, then it doesn't matter, what needs to be said has already been said.

  After Shen Man left, Ma Xiaoli pursed her lips and stopped washing her clothes.

  She glanced at the time and it was still early, it was just past ten o'clock in the morning.

   Immediately packed up, changed clothes and went out.

  That's right, she does have some thoughts about Xu Rong, and the other party is single and has ambiguous behavior towards her.

  So Ma Xiaoli decided to stay with him, but she didn't expect Shen Man to say these things today.

  She was not unhappy, but rather suspicious, because Xu Rong was indeed a little anxious. The two had just known each other for a month, and the other party was anxious to confirm the relationship.

   Then there is spending money, everything is too sudden.

  Shen Man returned home and packed his things first.

  The quilt at home has been covered for several years, but it is actually not as warm as before.

  The winter in Northeast China is very cold, so the quilt needs to be remade.

   One thing I have to say is that the Northeast has four distinct seasons, and you can feel it in the twenty-four solar terms. Other places are completely different from here.

  Shen Man calculated how many quilts he needed, and then wrote it down. There will be a big purchase tomorrow.

   Find a tailor by the way and make curtains together.

  Looking at it this way, I will need to do these preparations in the next month.

   But that’s okay, decorating your own home is a particularly satisfying thing.

   Ask for a monthly ticket, double the monthly ticket and vote



  (end of this chapter)

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