Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 196: Please spend your money!

  Chapter 196 Please spend your money!

  The old tailor looked at the cloth brought by Shen Man, and listened to her detailed explanation.

   "Comrade, is my request all right?" Shen Man spoke at length, and then looked at the person opposite.

  The old tailor frowned all the time, and said slowly: "Little comrade, I didn't understand, why don't you draw a picture?"

  Just listening to what Shen Man said, he really didn't understand at all, what about the one with the lapel and the one with the waist pinched.

   In fact, he couldn’t understand it at all because he hadn’t made related styles.

  When she asked to draw a picture, Shen Man was dumbfounded. If she knew how to draw pictures, would she still spend a long time here making gestures and talking?

  But it is not impossible.

  She looked at the ready-made clothes hanging on the wall, took them over and measured them, and said, "This collar is made a little wider, and then it's narrower here. The length of the clothes should be five centimeters longer, so they're made looser."

  With clothes as gestures, the old tailor understood what it meant.

   Of course, he has never made this kind of clothes. After thinking about it, he said: "I'm not sure if it will look good if you do it like this. If it doesn't look good, I can't help it. You have to pay the money."

   Ugly words first, if it's not good for her to mess around here, the leader of the tailor shop will blame him.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled: "Don't worry, old comrade, as long as you do what I say, there will be no problem. I paid for the clothes first, when can I get it?"

  Because making clothes is really troublesome, she only asked to make one set for her wedding day.

  The old tailor glanced at the calendar, and then replied: "Five days later, there are a lot of padded jackets to be made in these two days, so you have to queue for two days."

  Time is okay, Shen Man left directly with the old tailor's receipt.

  Everyone wears green when they get married these days, but they don’t have the means to buy it, and it’s hard to make it.

  So whatever clothes you like, just buy two.

  In addition to this dress, Shen Man also needs to buy two more sets of winter clothes, after all, the season is changing.

  Last year's clothes are no longer suitable for this year's temperament, so I have to change them when I need them, and my family has this condition!

  When you are young, you are not smug, but when you are old, it is useless to wear good-looking clothes. I don’t like to look at them.

   When she came to the department store, it was still the same salesperson who received her today.

   Since we already know each other, there is no need to talk nonsense.

   "Comrade, we have introduced several new winter clothes, and I think these two are very suitable for you." The salesperson was obviously flattering.

   After all, Gu Chen is now a deputy manager, second only to the director, so she dare not offend his partner.

  Hearing this, Shen Man looked at the two clothes she took out.

  One is a dusty pink cashmere coat, and the other is a light brown cashmere coat.

  The style is really good-looking, and it is quite thick, pure cashmere.

  Shen Man took over the light brown overcoat, the style was rather earthy, but it was already very good at this time.

   "Sister Wang!"

  At this moment, a voice came from behind Shen Man, followed by footsteps approaching.

   "Didn't you tell me to leave this dress to me? Why did you take it out and sell it!"

  Zhou Juan stared at Shen Man with an uneasy expression.

  That's right, she said this to the salesperson, Sister Wang, but she looked at Shen Man.

   Didn't even look at the clothes.

   Sister Wang was a little unhappy when she heard this. Ever since she offended Shen Man after hearing what Zhou Juan said, the relationship between the two has become very delicate.

   "Zhou Juan, it's working time now." She looked normal, but did not answer the question.

  Hearing this, Zhou Juan looked at her in surprise, and said, "Didn't we agree?"

   Obviously I made an agreement yesterday, but today I took out the only remaining coat and sold it. Isn’t this going back on my word?

  But Sister Wang didn't show any expression, let alone guilt.

   "Zhou Juan, you said yesterday that you bought it this morning, but you didn't buy it. These are all things from the unit. I can't keep them privately, can I?"

  Her meaning is very clear, if you don't buy it, you can't stop others from buying it, right?

  As soon as Zhou Juan said this, she was speechless. Why didn't she buy it? It's not because the clothes are expensive!

  A cashmere coat actually costs forty-five yuan! More than her monthly salary.

  She wanted to keep it first, and then raise money.

  Turning her head to look at Shen Man, Zhou Juan turned her anger towards this man.

  Of course, she still has some brains. If Shen Man is provoked at this time, let alone Gu Chen came out, even if other people hear it, they will criticize her.

   Taking a deep look at the other party, Zhou Juan turned and left.

   And Shen Man naturally noticed that Zhou Juan blamed herself for not being able to buy clothes.

   But she doesn't care, because what? Because Zhou Juan has no money?

  You can buy it if you have money, but unfortunately you don’t have money.

   "Put this and those two woolen sweaters on for me, and bill them." Shen Man pointed to two woolen sweaters of different colors.

  Winter still needs to be dressed warmly. After all, there is no heating, and the only way to resist the cold is to rely on righteousness.

  The stove at home is not too hot, it can only be said that it is not so cold.

   Bill and pay the money, come back and get the clothes and Shen Man is about to leave.

  Before leaving, Gu Chen just caught up, saw her shopping for clothes and said, "I didn't hear from you this morning, why didn't you tell me?"

   "Is it enough to buy these two pieces of clothes? I still have a ticket here, so I can buy two more?"

   Not to mention two, he will buy ten for his wife!

   I am afraid that Shen Man will not be willing to spend money. He has so much money, it is not so painful to earn money.

  Hearing this, Shen Man hurriedly said: "It's enough to wear. I may not wear it next winter after I wear it. Why buy so much?"

   She is the only one who can say this kind of prodigal words. The clothes you wear this year will not be worn next year.

  But Gu Chen didn't have any objection, and directly took out five hundred yuan and some coupons from his pocket.

   "Here, buy whatever you want, I will spend the money I make for you. Don't worry about it!" His tone was very domineering.

  Shen Man felt how he met the boss?

  Here is your card, woman, you can just swipe...

   "It's really not necessary. I bought it when I wanted it. The money you gave me last time has not been spent yet." Shen Man's tone was a little helpless.

  Is this the first time you feel helpless when someone gives you money?

  Gu Chen immediately felt pitiful, and stuffed the money into her hand.

   "I beg you, spend your money! There's so much money I can't even spend it."


  Shen Man saw this kind of person for the first time, begging for help to spend money, and said that he didn't know how to spend money.

   "Pull you down! I'm going home, I'll be back early in the evening." She didn't bother to talk to him, and just left.

   Gu Chen curled his lips, looked at the unsent money in his hand and sighed.

  Who would have thought that one day the money would not be sent out.

  Zhou Juan, who was hiding behind the stone pillar, was stunned. She really didn't expect that Gu Chen would be so kind to Shen Man.

  Why don’t you have to wear this clothes next year? Who is such a prodigal?

  Gu Chen actually begged for money, this...

   All of this should have been hers!

  Why are there such stupid people who can’t see their own?

  What's so good about Shen Man, that prodigal son!

   Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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