Xiao Kuta withstood the pressure and detained everyone for 48 hours. During this time, he only rested for 30 minutes.

In the last 2 hours, Huang Xuan issued an ultimatum, and Guy finally let go, saying in a whisper, I'll tell you...

Huang Xuan got the formula happily, turned around and hung up the phone to his uncle, saying, Someone in that group may have put on makeup.

Zhang Si also had a tired face, and said with a bad temper: We have thought of everything you thought of, makeup, and disguise, you thought it was a martial arts movie!

Rub a little bit of everyone's skin off, and check it with a flame atomic absorption instrument. Those who contain excess heavy metals are the disguisers.

Zhang Si stared at the phone for a long time. He almost thought he was reading a science fiction novel. However, Huang Xuan's last phone call has already earned his cousin a credit, and now there are only the last two hours left, be silly.

The analysis speed of the flame atomic absorption instrument was very slow, so Zhang Ste sent people to various colleges and universities to borrow it, and ordered people to send the samples to each school, and Guy, the moment the sample was taken away, immediately reacted , yelling at the window: You lied to me?

Huang Xuan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said through Lorraine: Mr. Guy, you have deeply involved in this plane, and it is impossible to let you go now. Stay in prison for a while.

I'll tell you everything I know. Guy gritted his teeth.

That's less than directly letting you lose the energy of the buffer zone. Besides, don't force me. Although space-time fighters are immune to most low-level energy attacks, in Lorraine's current state, if you take out a few thousand at once Wandudian can also instantly kill him in an instant. In the case of no value, the only reason not to do so is Huang Xuan. He has not yet reached the age of being cruel and ignoring everything.

Guy immediately shut his mouth. In fact, after saying everything, he has not been killed yet, which is already beyond his expectation. If it was on his plane, such a thing would not happen.

Please cooperate with the police and hand over everything. I will ask you for the key. Also, don't play tricks. If you have any tendency to not cooperate, I will find someone to retrieve the key from your body.

Understood. After making sure that Huang Xuan would not do it immediately, Guy was very sensible and didn't provoke him.

The two policemen in the room were frightened by Guy's voice, they immediately twisted Guy's arm, but the latter didn't resist, especially after he talked with Huang Xuan

In fact, Guy originally thought that Huang Xuan was going to kill people to silence him, but he didn't expect that he would survive without any bargaining chips.

Time travel is always full of surprises.


The paste that Guy had stuck to his face was carefully rubbed off, Xiao Shu looked at the guy with a new look and admired him, and Zhang Si suddenly discovered that this guy looked very similar to the puzzle that assassinated Nicholas the day before yesterday .

Successfully resolved the hijacking case, and ended another serious case by the way, Xiao Yu also felt very honored, the time he worked so hard for was not in vain, before leaving, he patted Zhang Si on the shoulder and said: I am here this time, Two people made great efforts. Coincidentally, they are all from the Zhang family, one is you, and the other is Zhang Shuduan from the police station, do you know each other?

Zhang Si smiled awkwardly and said, That's my elder brother.

Oh! Xiao Kuta also found it interesting, and laughed, and everyone around him laughed along with him. After saying a few words, he patted Zhang Si on the shoulder, turned around and boarded the plane.

After sitting in his seat, Xiao Shu asked the secretary, Zang Si and Zhang Shuduan are a family? Why didn't you tell me?

The secretary glanced at Xiao Kuta, saw that although he blamed him, his face was not sullen, let go of his worries, and said: You are too busy these two days to care about these things, even if I tell you, you can't remember, You might even scold me for talking too much.

You, Xiao Liu. Xiao Shu nodded with his finger and said, Who else do you know in their family?

Actually, you know each other. General Zhang Zhongqi is their father.

Oh! Xiao Kuta laughed all of a sudden, and said, These two boys are Lao Zhang's sons, not bad at all. OK, I'll remember.

At this moment, Zhang Si was still in a daze at the airport, and his assistant, Li Ranying, pushed him and said, What good thing do you want?

It's impossible. Zhang Si smiled. How dare he say that he was suspicious of Huang Xuan? The person in front of him is notoriously curious. If he talks about the past two days, his nephew will not be able to think about peace recently. up. At that time, let alone what will happen to Huang Xuan, the second sister Zhang Xinyi will be afraid of him.


After waiting for two days, Huang Xuan took a car to the Yuhuatai area. The authority key was still in Guy's thigh. Zijin was an element discovered only in the plane era. It existed at the entrance and exit of the plane passage. The highest density, so it is called Zijin, which cannot be detected under the current conditions.

Approaching Nanjing Prison, Lorraine sent a message to Guy, and the poor Mr. Traveler had to stay in the room obediently, and Lorraine pulled him out of his thigh.

Zijin has the ability of plane affinity. When the traveler is close, the plane base can take it into the bag-the opening of the plane channel must be near the traveler or the base. As for the reason, it is probably related to the authority. About the limit made to avoid buffer loss.

In Nanjing in July, signs of scorching heat had begun to appear. Sitting in the Bentley, Huang Xuan carefully looked at the authority key. In terms of appearance, there is not much difference between the so-called purple gold and brass. The whole key is about 30 centimeters long, and there is no brilliance as imagined. After scanning carefully, Lorraine said: This is a key with The 16-level key for strict biological transmission should belong to the product of the Great Plane Era.

what is that?

Biological teleportation is actually a miniaturized plane teleportation technology, and the difference from plane bases is like a calculator and a supercomputer, but their nature is the same, that is, a certain point can be set as a coordinate, and it can be used to For teleportation, the restriction of this key is that it can only transmit strictly living organisms with the owner as the coordinate. Its design purpose should be for short-term plane penetration.

Huang Xuan flipped through this little gadget very naturally, and said, That is to say, when I arrive at a certain plane, can I still send supplies?

Yes. But strictly living organisms.

Huang Xuan was already very satisfied. He looked at this small thing over and over again. It was hard to understand why such a small key could have such a magical function - just like the ancient people watching TV, why such a small box So many people can be locked up here.

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