Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 72 Hero’s twilight (3)

Until Napoleon was out of sight, heading for Grenoble. Huang Xuan didn't click the trigger after all. Not only because of the fear of killing people, but also because Napoleon himself, Napoleon in Lamir Village, is the most attractive commander in human history. Recruited and surrendered the opposing army far beyond its own strength. This is the greatest praise and affirmation for himself. The cheers that were like a mountain tsunami, like a sea tide, inadvertently infected Huang Xuan. Lorraine didn't complain to Huang Xuan, or in other words, he didn't know what to complain at all, so he helped Huang Xuan put away his gun, and said calmly, Since this opportunity has been lost, we can only go back to Lyon. Huang Xuan didn't know what to say, so he got up silently, and said, Lorraine, we must, um, I mean, deal with, uh, Napoleon? Or we can change our target. It's not up to us. Luo Lin said simply: We have already arrived here, so unless the energy consumed when we came is wasted, this is the only way to go home. Maybe we can try to do something else, such as... For example What? Kill Wellington? Huang Xuan was referring to the British commander in the Battle of Waterloo. Lorraine said seriously: We don't have time to find Wellington. Then change it... Huang Xuan was still thinking, and Lorraine said: Napoleon's defeat is already certain, even if he is in Victory in the Battle of Waterloo, he will also fail in the Eighth Anti-French Coalition, or the Ninth. If we can really let Napoleon build a European super empire, then this plane will almost certainly collapse. At that time, People in the entire plane will die. Go, let's go to Leon first. Before Huang Xuan could say anything, Lorraine urged him to go on the road. The town that had just gone through the war did not lose its vitality. Huang Xuan successfully rented an ox cart for 30 francs. A bold French youth volunteered to drive for Huang Xuan until he found a carriage or reached Lyon. City of Lyon. MacDonald worked hard to organize the army, trying to resist Napoleon's advance. This is the second largest city in France, and Louis XVIII had high expectations for him. According to history, Napoleon will take Lyon without firing a single shot, as he firmly believes-there is no royal army in France at all, there are only Napoleon's army, the emperor's army, and an army in Bourbon. The dynasty spent 11 months with the army under the white flag. However, this is almost the last glory of His Majesty the Emperor. Huang Xuan carefully walked through the once bustling streets of Lyon. The exiled nobles continued to go into exile, and the merchants closed their shops one after another. Most people welcomed His Majesty the Emperor, but not everyone. At this tense moment, no one paid attention to a person of yellow race, or maybe they were just Huang Xuan with strange yellow skin and black eyes. He covered his black hair and tried his best to look normal. Walking in the alleys of Lyon, there is a feeling of being in the middle ages - this is a nation that never lacks imagination, just like China. However, the roosters of Gaul always encountered some ambitious commanders. Interestingly, the most famous commanders often came from foreign countries: Caesar, Octavian, or Napoleon. Among the shops that are still open, restaurants are the most. The history of French cuisine in the folk probably started with Louis XIII, and Louis XIV held cooking competitions in the Palace of Versailles many times. The winner was put on a ribbon by the queen, guess, just guess , perhaps the hand kiss to the queen promoted the development of French cuisine. Louis XVIII, the current king of the Bourbon dynasty, has a father and grandfather who love food, and he himself is probably keen to escape, too late to enjoy in the Palace of Versailles. That was Napoleon's prerogative! Huang Xuan spent 8 francs on a sumptuous meal. The same content would cost about 1,200 francs in Paris in the 21st century. If it were in Beijing, it would be equivalent to 8,000 francs. Walking out of the street, Huang Xuan pretended to accidentally drop a 50g directional biological bomb on the ground. This was the last resort Lorraine had originally prepared. If unfortunately he really reached an inaccessible or even uninhabited area, he was going to look for a volcano or geological fault, and then, with a boom, detonate all the directional bombs. For this reason, Lorraine brought a full 50 kilograms, equivalent to 80,000 tons of TNT equivalent, three times higher than the atomic bomb that exploded in Hiroshima. However, in terms of lethality, it is still the terror of the atomic bomb. Its main lethality lies in nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution, and what Huang Xuan has in his hand is only commendable for its explosive power. Carefully sprinkle a piece of biological bombs on the street. These things that are kneaded into the size of traditional Chinese medicine pills will automatically absorb on the ground, then gradually penetrate into the ground, and degrade over time. That is to say, if they are not detonated at all, In the foreseeable few years, they will again become nutrients for microorganisms. This street will be the only way for Napoleon's army to enter the city. Huang Xuan completed the homework in Lorraine in a daze, and Your Excellency the Warden also remained silent during the process. On March 10, Napoleon's army approached the city. Guarding Lyon was the king's brother, Count Artois, who volunteered to come here, imagining that he would use his loyalty to the Bourbon dynasty to encourage the Lyon workers to cut off Napoleon's way forward. The result is predictable. Huang Xuan was still standing on a distant hill, which was 4 kilometers away from the battlefield, but his vision in the scope was still clearly visible.

In the European battlefield in the 19th century, the formation of troops was like that of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States in China. Not only was the dense formation the main combat method, but also had to be confined to a relatively small space due to the impact of the range of weapons. The Borodino battlefield is only 3.5 miles (5.6 km) square. In the Battle of Waterloo, which made all military fans sad, 140,000 people on both sides and more than 400 artillery pieces were all crowded in a place about the size of Borodino. Wellington's British forces were fully deployed on the montsaintjean ridge, only 3,500 yards (3,200 meters) ahead. Therefore, when Huang Xuan stood on the commanding heights nearby, the battlefield was clear at a glance. The only danger is that a certain commander also has his eyes on the same place. But that kind of thing doesn't happen in Lyon. MacDonald delivered a speech before the battle, he shouted almost at the top of his lungs. Through Lorraine's lips, Huang Xuan quickly understood that the commander who was destined to fail was trying to tell his soldiers: Once Napoleon won, a new war with Europe would definitely break out. However, the entire army was silent, silent, dry silence. This kind of silence also affected Huang Xuan, and made his face, which was about to watch McDonald's joke, sink. Napoleon Bonaparte appeared. He stood under the tricolor flag, wore a three-cornered hat, and kept his officer's coat clean. He held his head high, as if he had won. Huang Xuan, aim. He did as he did, but soon stood up. Because, the battlefield is boiling. Macdonald's army shouted the slogan Long live the Emperor, shouted with a voice that could be heard throughout the city of Lyon, lowered their guns, and rushed to Napoleon's army. The two sides quickly formed a torrent, and the short Napoleon was quickly overwhelmed by excited soldiers. Huang Xuan's hand on the trigger loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened, and finally dropped mx109, sat on the grass, and shouted, Lorraine, I can't do it. You have to do it. Lorraine said seriously: If we go home with nothing, we have to start all over again. We may never be able to catch that traveler again. Huang Xuan, do you really want to give up? Give up on yourself? Give up on your grandfather. Huang Xuan cleaned up expressionlessly. Good rifle, knelt on the grass, and said with a hazy look in front of his eyes: Why are you talking so provocatively.


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