Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 57 Management Right (4)

Back in Sao Paulo, after only one day's rest, Huang Xuan called to rent a helicopter and flew to Shengfeng's office. Although Shengfeng Company's main business items are agricultural products, its headquarters is still located in Sao Paulo because its products are mainly sold domestically. Of course, maybe the ladies and gentlemen of Shengfeng prefer Sao Paulo’s popularity. Direta Avenue is one of the main commercial centers in Brazil. The headquarters of Shengfeng Company is located on the 21st floor of the Bento Building on this street. There are nearly 100 employees in total, and the middle managers are basically Brazilians. Like many buildings in Sao Paulo, there are four helicopter seats on the top floor of the Bento Building, one of which is a public seat. Huang Xuan hung up the phone to Huang Youwei after getting off the plane, and only said: I have arrived at the company It's gone. At the elevator entrance, Deputy General Manager He Zeng brought several senior executives to greet him. He took the lead to say hello to Huang Xuan, approached Huang Xuan by the way, and said in Chinese: The general manager just went out. I can't come to pick you up in time. Let me take care of it. Reception. Huang Xuan nodded lightly, bowed his head to the several people behind him, and walked into the door written with Chinese and Portuguese characters. Most of Shengfeng's employees are stationed in the farms all over the savannah, 120,000 hectares are 1,200 square kilometers, and they are distributed in seven states in the Midwest, which also makes Shengfeng's personnel more dispersed. The Sao Paulo headquarters is the most concentrated one, including personnel, finance, import and export trade departments and other functional departments, but it is also complete. The staff in the room stood up and applauded one after another, which caught Huang Xuan, who had never seen such a scene, a little unprepared. He applauded a few times, Huang Xuan pressed both hands, and said in Portuguese: Everyone is so enthusiastic. I am as enthusiastic as the Brazilians, thank you. He said and bowed slightly. His Portuguese is already very idiomatic. In fact, there is still a big difference between the Portuguese spoken by Brazilians and that spoken by Portuguese, but this has amazed everyone present. After all, Huang Xuan is just a young man who has just come to Brazil. The applause was even more enthusiastic. Huang Xuan walked towards the room marked the general manager's office with a smile on his face. Huang Youwei was leaning on the back of the chair and sipping tea, Huang Xuan hissed, and said, Manager Huang is back? Eyes, he also took advantage of the situation and said En. This time, he lowered his tone. The words on the door of the room were all in Portuguese. The two of them didn't expect that Huang Xuan would learn Portuguese in a few days, and they were caught by him. It's good to be back. Huang Xuan didn't make excuses, but pulled Huang Youwei's chair away, sat on it, and said to a group of people crowded at the door: Have a small meeting, according to domestic sayings, only the supervisor level Come in. More than 20 people came in in a mess, of which there were only 8 Chinese people, except for the three general managers, there were several department managers and financial directors, Huang Xuan smiled at the following, and said in Portuguese: Everyone, please sit down first. I am the boss of this company. Everyone knows about this? Everyone nodded. Then I'm taking over the management right of Shengfeng Company, have you been notified? Huang Xuan's Portuguese was quite clear, but there was a commotion underneath. Anticipating that Huang Xuan would come to seize power so impatiently, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart. After all, he was still a child and had no city at all. We don't know about this yet. A person suddenly said in a loud voice, and then added: Of course the right to operate must be handed over to someone with experience. The same words were spoken in Portuguese , everyone present could hear clearly. The noise disappeared instantly. Brazilians are not stupid. Their ancestors didn’t make up the proverb about shooting the first bird, but everyone still knows it clearly, especially those guys who work in foreign companies. However, there is a lack of interest in high-level struggles. Brazilians understand that the chances of becoming high-level in such xenophobic foreign companies are too low. Huang Xuan glanced at the speaker. It was Li Minpu, the manager of the company's customs declaration department. He looked like he was just in his early thirties. His face was full of conceit, his eyebrows were raised high, like a rooster preparing to fight. Huang Youwei has worked in Shengfeng for 4 years. In the past 4 years, he has already managed the entire company's top management as a monolith. According to common sense, let alone Huang Xuan, even if Zhang Xinyi came in person, they can't be moved in a short time. Corporations, unless they catch someone's sore foot, are a bit more trouble than rebuilding. However, Lorraine couldn't understand it with common sense. Huang Xuan knocked on the table lightly and said, Whether you know it or not, it's okay if you know it today? The answer was low and weak, and Huang Xuan also Don't be annoyed, turned around and said to Huang Youwei: I don't have much time today, I want to have a look at the company's accounts and have a general understanding. These were prepared a long time ago, and the secretary sent over the sorted accounts immediately, Huang Xuan didn't look at it, and said, I want to read the original record. Huang Youwei almost laughed out loud, this son wants to read the original record, does he understand? There was not much time left, and the original records in more than a dozen file cabinets could blind him. Li Minpu also looked dumbfounded, while the two deputy general managers shook their heads directly. Huang Xuanwu didn't realize it, glared at the secretary, and said, What are you doing in a daze? Go and get it. Did you hear that! Quickly? Go! Huang Youwei also shouted, otherwise, he would have grinned.

The secretary asked in embarrassment: When did you get it? I started to get it three years ago. If you can't carry it, find a few more people to move it. Huang Xuan took a sip of tea calmly, and moved his back deeply. Leaning on the chair. The meeting room immediately fell silent. Seeing Huang Xuan's calm expression, the people who were about to read a joke gradually became uneasy. Huang Youwei gritted his gums and raised his head high. There were indeed some problems with the accounts. This kind of Feilu company There are no problems with the accounts, but these are accounts that have been prepared long ago. Let alone a son, even if you ask someone from the tax department to check, you may not be able to hold the evidence if you are tired. The original records were moved into the meeting room one by one, and a layer of fly ash was immediately raised. Everyone dodged one after another, and some even patted their suits. Only Huang Xuan sat motionless on the chair, with a sullen face from the first page. flipped over. Inside, there are ordinary journals, as well as a large number of invoices, stubs, etc., all stacked together, which seems to be a headache. However, Huang Xuan's way of checking the accounts is definitely different, because he doesn't read the contents of the records at all, he just flips through the pages, as if pulling out a certain page or a few pages at will , Divide the invoices, bills, stubs, etc. that are piled up on the conference table into three parts. There is no problem with one set, but there are naturally problems with the remaining two stacks. It took about thirty minutes for Huang Xuan to look through the records for a year. He took a break and shook his hands. He drank a sip of tea, waved, called the chief financial officer, and said, Come here, I'll ask you some questions. Nearly fifty years old, his name is Liu Hong, with a round belly and a round face, he walked over with a smile on his face, and said in Chinese: Young Master Huang, tell me. It's called the boss. Huang Xuan used It is Portuguese. Yes, Boss Huang. No matter how awkward it sounded, Huang Xuan squinted one eye and looked at him. He took out the top invoice from the problematic stack, flipped through a few pages, and put it on the table. He said: Can you tell me why only this one of the invoices is printed with a different printer? , looked right, and said: Of course it's possible. Maybe the printer was broken at the time, or maybe they were printed separately. Really? It happened that the middle one was broken, and then the next one was fine. Xuan made a joke. Which printer was used to type this kind of thing requires professional equipment to judge. Liu Hong's first feeling was that there was a traitor, but before he could figure it out, Huang Xuan took out a few check stubs and invoices and asked: Why has the money in the check been withdrawn, and the invoice was issued three months later? Liu Hongxiao's muscles stiffened, he swallowed hard, took the invoice and looked at it pretendingly, and said: You read it wrong, the time It's the same. The time written on it is the same, but the ink time is different by three months. How is this possible... Liu Hong shook his hands and glanced at Huang Youwei secretly. He naturally recognized this invoice. This was his first income of millions. For this reason, he helped Huang Youwei embezzle thousands of dollars The sum of ten thousand US dollars was specially settled at that time, but who would have known that the ink time three years ago could be seen with eyes? Huang Xuan smiled indifferently. He didn't need Liu Hong's admission at all. Comrade Overseer, he has long known that Shengfeng Company is a bad debt. Huang Youwei has been the general manager for so long and helped his uncle earn a lot of money. Originally, nothing would happen, but it is a pity that Huang Xuan came too early. Many problems are too late to deal with - in theory, the problems that can be dealt with in a short time have already been dealt with, and the rest may not be dealt with at all. He Zeng coughed, and just about to speak, Huang Xuan immediately glared at him viciously After glancing at it, he continued to pick up the account book above, and said, Yes, Liu Hong, please tell me why the middle pages of this journal have been changed. Liu Hong took it over with trembling hands, and he didn't know what was wrong with it. Of course he couldn't tell that the glue in it was different. Without further investigation, Huang Xuan changed to the next one, and the room was full of people Then he watched his little boss perform in amazement. Huang Youwei and others stayed on the spot. As for those Pakistani staff who were not familiar with Huang Xuan, their faces were full of admiration. Just because of Huang Xuan's feat, everyone When he lost his voice, Huang Xuan dropped the rest of the books, and said to the secretary in a flat voice: Call the police! don't want. The corners of Liu Hong's frightened mouth were crooked, like a stroke. He threw himself on the table, stretched out his long hands in front of Huang Xuan, and said, Mr. For the sake of 5 years, Boss Huang. Meng Quhao, the deputy general manager who hadn't made a sound for a long time, also pleaded, Boss Huang, these are all business transactions of the company, we'll deal with them internally first. He was not only pleading for Liu Hong, more precisely, he had no intention of pleading for Liu Hong at all, but he was worried that the invisible boss in front of him would throw everyone in. He Zeng and others also echoed, one after another In time, Chinese intercession and Pakistani persuasion came in. If it was just to control the management of this company, Huang Xuan might gently lower the big stick that was raised high, but he didn't look down on the little Shengfeng at all. , although this company has assets of nearly 150 million US dollars, its annual profit is only a mere 10 million, and most of the rest is taken up by domestic family businesses, and as part of the compromise, the contracts of several companies were signed For a full 5 years.

Huang Xuan brushed Liu Hong's hand away unmoved, and said to the secretary word by word: Call the police! He wanted to say hello to the self-righteous Huang family and tell them, I'm still alive, and I'm alive and well. .”


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