On the earth, countries that eat whale meat are mainly Japan, Norway and Denmark. Among these countries, Japan has the highest utilization rate of whales. For example, they use whale blubber (that is, whale oil), which Norwegians do not eat at all, as Delicious, besides, the price of the same part is usually higher in Japan than in Norway. However, due to the denunciation of the international community, the Japanese eat whales with trepidation, and have carried out detailed registration of the whales they eat (or claim to be scientific research). At the same time, whale trading itself was prohibited, which made it difficult for Huang Xuan to deal with his property. However, difficulties are just difficulties. Since drugs and arms can be sold in a grand manner, whales are no exception. According to Huang Xuan's idea, in those stores in Japan that specialize in selling whales, the bosses will not mind whether the whale meat comes from Where is it, and in the enterprises that produce medicines, there will be no dissatisfaction because of cheap and abundant raw materials, so everything is just a matter of price. In terms of contacting buyers, Lorraine's role is completely better than that of a large consulting company, especially when he can have any consulting company information. Using the phone or fax, he could even communicate directly with the other party, and all Huang Xuan had to do was show up when possible. After the last container was dragged into the cold storage, Huang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. The manager of the cold storage was originally unwilling to let the container go directly into the cold storage, but in order to save 10% of the asking price, he reluctantly agreed to Huang Xuan's request, but still Not very happy. Huang Xuan gave him a big smile. This is a cute Brazilian. Anyone who puts his mood on his face can be called cute. The standard of course depends on the mood of the person involved. At this time, Li Qing also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, Huang Xuan, it's time to go back. Your father is going home tonight. Huang Xuan responded, and watched the cold storage door close before turning around to say goodbye, and said: Brother Qing, don't tell Dad what happened today. Then where did you go? Just say that you went around the city of Sao Paulo. Huang Xuan said casually. Li Qing said En, it was a wonderful experience to discuss with the boss's son to lie to the boss, and it felt like being a treacherous minister. ... Father Huang came home with a smile, which is said to be related to the research of some structure. Huang Xuan was very happy to see his father's smile, which calmed his uneasy mood. After dinner, I called my mother and it was said that everything was fine. Then his father took over the control of the phone, drove Huang Xuan upstairs alone, and said, I hired a new tutor for you, remember to get up early tomorrow. It's something to be thankful for, but the new tutor may be called Dabeierwa. Huang Xuan has no say in this matter. He just said angrily to Lorraine: Don't you think that your former travelers also How come they don't kill themselves? He may indeed have reason to be angry when a middle school student who is just starting to learn English and is devastated by it finds himself needing to learn basic Portuguese conversation in half a year, with occasional Neuroticism is also understandable. Lorraine can only say sorry for this. As for accepting the reward as a secretary and not being able to satisfy the funder, Comrade Warden said that he will strictly discipline himself and deepen reforms, but at present, he can only propose a compensation plan: Order a z990, and in the future, in terms of translation, you can save energy as much as possible and try to keep the length of the bytes similar—that is, you will not translate a Chinese word into a sentence. At the end, Lorraine said again: As a level 23 authority holder, I suggest that you learn more than 3 languages, which will be beneficial to your plane travel. Huang Xuan scoffed, and spent 1 million dollars just to translate English into English instead of English. In the United States, such a byte similarity deserves to be called the future level? Therefore, Comrade Lorraine said kindly: In this way, on important occasions, I can use the saved energy for vision correction, and use light distortion to help you change the shape of your mouth. That's called an illusion here. Huang Xuan With strong doubts: If you can change the shape of your mouth and translate by byte, why did you ask me to cover my mouth with a scarf when we were at p146, or just move my lips when I spoke? It consumes a lot of energy in the outer plane. When will Lorraine complain? After all, Huang Xuan had no choice but to let him go, the base was still in Nanjing, not to mention the server had to be bought in the end. After contacting Li Shenggang and others in China, everything was fine, and the whale was still in the cold storage. Huang Xuan had no choice but to go to the school - St. Paul's Institute of Foreign Languages. If in China, one is freed from the shackles of education after entering a university, then being an auditor at a Brazilian university is just the beginning of the shackles. Most of the professors in the college are very serious. Unlike China, in Brazilian universities, not only strong academic abilities can be promoted to professors, but teaching itself is also a way to be promoted, so it is not surprising that Huang Xuan met an old professor who is surprisingly serious . Professor Paulino is about sixty years old, with a disheveled white hair, only slightly inferior to Einstein, he teaches Portuguese and English, he can speak Spanish and Italian, and even not fluent in French From a bystander's point of view, Huang Xuan also admired this old man who was still learning Russian by himself, but from the point of view of the person involved, being in a messy English and Portuguese environment was not a pleasant experience.

Huang Xuan went to school very early. Although the Chinese were always criticized by their own countrymen, Japanese, and Americans for not being punctual, compared to the Brazilians, they were more rigorous. At least Huang Xuan had never seen them being busy during class. crowd. And the professor didn't care, but if you say he has a good temper, Professor Paulino's anger will be ignited instantly against people who talk and do other things in class. Generally speaking, Mr. Paulino will not use violence, but for Brazilian students, deducting credits is a worse punishment than being kicked out of the classroom. Huang Qunsheng is a father who doesn't know much about education. In China, the reason why he can happily work in his favorite field is because he married an enviable wife. Zhang Xinyi took full responsibility for Huang Xuan's education. But in Brazil, Huang Qunsheng only knew how to send Huang Xuan to the Foreign Language Institute and hire a tutor. Besides that, he spent all his time in the research institute. Even in this special period, his research mood was also different. No less. Huang Xuan had to pay for his father's irresponsibility. Although he couldn't understand English or Spanish, he still had to stay in the classroom, and couldn't even do other things—Professor Paulino was a man full of A curious old man, he takes good care of the children from China, and he does not slack off because he is just an auditor. Fortunately, there is also Lorraine, the guardian student is a firm educator, he believes that a qualified base authority owner should know more than 3 foreign languages, and have knowledge beyond ordinary people - this is to reduce the superposition of energy The basic principle, although Huang Xuan is not interested in this, he still doesn't mind chatting with Lorraine when he has nothing to do. While discussing too many local dialects in the Brazilian vocabulary, the back door opened quietly again. The last door of the lecture theater was heavily lubricated by the students, and there was almost no sound between the opening and closing. Only when the two doors collided with each other did they greet each other affectionately. During the whole class, such sounds often appeared Huang Xuan was already used to it, until someone gently sat next to him, Huang Xuan turned his head slightly, wanting to see who was so bold, who dared to ignore the terrifying Paulino, crossed half of the classroom and sat beside him beside. The other party has perfect blond hair. This was Huang Xuan's first impression. Brazil is a multi-ethnic country, but brown is the most common hair color, similar colors are not as pure as black hair - this is Huang Xuan's subjective idea, maybe he is still a teenager with him, and he doesn't know how to appreciate the greatness of Brazilian beauties Mind related. Huang Xuan's seat was near the window, and the cold wind passed over his head, making him feel cool and pleasant. At the same time, he gently blew the light golden long hair of the beautiful woman beside him, making it flutter around his neck slightly. The hair gave the best embellishment to the fair shoulder blades, and the skin was crystal clear like snow, completely different from the Europeans and Americans he had seen. Looking carefully, the pores were tightly shrunk together, and the overall skin appeared smooth and tender. Probably feeling Huang Xuan's unscrupulous comments, the girl next to her wrinkled her tall nose and turned her head. Her plump lips were slightly raised, fully expressing her mood at the moment. It's not shameful to peek at beautiful women. Huang Xuan has been raised at home for a long time. At this moment, he raised his head straight, showing a narrow smile, and gave the other party a big grimace. It's you? It was the classic beauty that Huang Xuan saw at the airport. The bodyguard beside him went somewhere, her blue eyes were like a pool of lake water, with a misty breath, and the corners of her mouth fluttered.


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