Black and white are mixed with the three primary colors of red, green and blue, creating a grotesque passage with no end or end in sight. Huang Xuan sat with his head held high on his blanket, and flew aimlessly along the passage, with his left hand under his leg, holding down his trembling little finger. The 15-year-old Huang Xuan was still a junior high school student, and everything in front of him was clearly beyond his imagination. Just an hour ago, he was just curious about why the ground of the newly dug swimming pool at home was so dry and hard. A few days ago, the school transplanted big trees and dug very deep, but the pit was like rain after rain. Adhering to the curiosity and research spirit that teenagers in the new century should have, Huang Xuan pretended to go to the gazebo in the garden to read after dinner. Wrapped in a blanket, he turned to the swimming pool and started digging down again. Although it was still windy in early spring, the weather in Nanjing wasn't too cold. Huang Xuan worked hard to dig a few meters before he felt that the ground was getting harder. Seeing that there was still no water coming out, he felt tired, so he picked up the hammer left by the worker and hit it hard a few times. He was about to vent some energy and go back to his room to rest, but he heard the hollow sound of woo woo. Huang Xuan weighed the hammer in his hand, then turned his head to look at the corner where the tools were piled up, walked over and chose the largest engineering hammer, and carried it on his shoulder with a smile on his face. While walking, he said to himself, Let me give you a few heavy checks. Then..., then Huang Xuan arrived in this kaleidoscope-like passage. He yelled loudly and cursed bitterly, but there was no echo in this channel. Huang Xuan stopped his mouth helplessly, only feeling that his limbs were numb, and had a tendency to lose control of his brain - obviously, he was trembling a little. Of course, Huang Xuan didn't want to admit that he would be frightened by the colorful scenery. He had never played in any amusement park... However, if he was really kidnapped in the playground, it would be safer. The blanket was like a piece of paper floating on the river, rising and falling gently, and Huang Xuan's body also rose and fell. After a while, Huang Xuan said loudly again: I'm thirsty, give me some water. It's better to put it lightly than the other. At this time, he prefers to fall into the hands of the kidnappers instead of being caught in some weird thing - his parents may be able to deal with the former. There was still no reply, Huang Xuan couldn't help but lowered his head, and habitually looked at his watch, as if he had just entered, the watch also stopped. Maybe it was because digging a hole was too tiring, or maybe it was too much energy spent shouting. Huang Xuan fell asleep for a while, and heard a squeak, like the sound of a high-power electrical appliance being unplugged. He immediately thought of his situation, turned over and opened his eyes. There is a circle of white light in the distance, which is extremely eye-catching in this colorful world. Before Huang Xuan could see it clearly, a neutral voice thought: The destination has been reached, p112t1061968w7890. Who are you? According to your understanding, you can call me a space-time shuttle. Where. P112 plane is equivalent to the space-time coordinates of p113 plane in 1968, and its geographical address is 7890. I don't care what it is here, send me back, don't mess with these imaginary things, my dad is very stupid. Seeing the white circle of light getting bigger and bigger, Huang Xuan felt uneasy. A neutral voice said coldly: I can't send you back. You have already touched the safety of the base. Since your actions violated Article 5 of Article 3 and Article 4 of Article 11 of the Space-Time Convention, the base guards absently judged that the p113 creature complies with the regulations and will be exiled. Before Huang Xuan could say anything else, he crashed into the thick white circle with his own blanket. *** A day later, Huang Xuan was almost sure that he was really in the time and space of 1968. Although he had only heard about this era from the conversations of his fathers, this did not prevent him from talking with passers-by on the street, going to bookstores to read, he even walked out of this small town to stop vehicles on the road, asked the driver, checked the license plate, looked at various invoices, food stamps and even machine numbers. Every mark is evidence. Just this morning, Huang Xuan walked into the largest building in the town - the post office. Looking at the neatly stacked stamps under the counter, Huang Xuan had a smile on his face. This is both a wry smile and a blessing. Huang Xuan is very familiar with the stamps under the cabinet, The Mountains and Rivers of the Country Are Red, a famous stamp that was withdrawn on the day it was issued, and it is also the most valuable stamp issued since the founding of New China—it is inversely proportional to its quantity. But now, Huang Xuan saw a thick stack, which hadn't even been cut. In Huang Xuan's era, half a day after this well-known stamp was issued, an editor of the China Map Publishing House found that the map of China on this stamp was not drawn accurately, and the Xisha Islands and Nansha Islands were not drawn. After the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications discovered the problem, it urgently ordered the post offices in various places to stop selling them, but some post offices have already sold them in advance, resulting in the outflow of some stamps. However, now, Huang Xuan didn't know whether he was lucky enough to be there that day, or whether this era was different from what he knew. There was only one female employee behind the counter, sitting on a desk behind the counter, lazily knitting a sweater, and there were stacks of stamps on the desk, all of which were printed copies of The Mountains and Rivers of the Country Are Red. This era is not like the later generations. The post office usually only sells one kind of stamps, and sells what is available, and exchanges it for another one when it is sold out.

Huang Xuan took two steps with a little dizziness, straightened his collar, smiled what he thought was the most cordial, and asked, How do you sell this stamp? Can you show me? Mostly because of the standard mandarin - Huang Xuan has benefited many times in the past two days - the female staff stood up with her little finger holding her hair. She only took one look at Huang Xuan, who was extraordinarily dressed, and lost interest in looking again. She said in a soft Wu language, How many do you want? I want to see first. Always kept smiling. Apart from his clothes covered in mud, he only had a blanket, and he had no money to buy stamps, although the face value of a piece of The Country's Mountains and Rivers Are Red worth at least 200,000 yuan in later generations is only 8 cents. The face of the female staff member who didn't have a smile on her face became even colder. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she threw him a stamp with two stamps cut off. She sat down and started to knit her sweater again. Huang Xuan has never been a good-tempered person. In fact, as a descendant of the Huang family, he has somewhat tainted the temper of Mr. Huang: simple and violent, but not lacking in thinking, plus a little flexibility and tenacity to adapt to the environment. In addition, as a 15-year-old boy, Huang Xuan was even more rebellious. But at this moment, he still acted naturally, picking up the stamp with a smile on his face. Huang Xuan has seen the stamps collected by his grandfather many times. Although he can't talk about the level of identification, at present, he just wants to take a closer look at whether this precious stamp is different from what he knows. As for the authenticity of the stamps, to be honest, Huang Xuan prefers that the stamps are clumsy fakes. The current town and its surroundings are just a disgusting farce... But in case, or if he is really in 1968, then these stamps may be his life-saving straw. After 8 years, his house, his bread, his computer and game console, and even his woman. At this time, there are no merchants, no capitalists, and no ID cards; there are food stamps, cloth tickets, meat tickets and letters of introduction. In 10 years and 78, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee will be held, and those who want to get rich first start to wait and see... Huang Xuan doesn't know what he can do at the age of 15, and he doesn't even know when the Cultural Revolution will end, but two things are certain. What a difficult number to read. After looking at the stamps in his hand twice, Huang Xuan couldn't help but feel in his pocket. It was empty. Yesterday, he was preparing to dig a hole. Even the blanket was brought to the gazebo as a disguise. Huang Xuan finally understood his grandfather's feeling when he talked about The Mountains and Rivers of the Country Are Red. In the future, stamps worth 300,000 each were placed on an old table with peeling paint, and 50 sheets were placed there, so there were hundreds of sheets. In other words, as long as the things on this broken table are kept for 30 years, the small paintings on it are theoretically worth more than 400 million yuan, which can buy a hundred Mercedes-Benz, which is equivalent to 800 years of hard work for a small employee with a monthly income of 4,000 yuan. To buy them, you only need to pay 400 yuan now. Thinking that he might never see his grandfather and parents again, Huang Xuan's heart shrank violently, and his mouth became dry. He shook his head and put all this behind him, pulled the only valuable blanket on his body, stretched his head over the chest-high counter, and said, Sister, I have something to discuss with you. Speak. Look, I'm still a student. I don't have much money. I want to buy some stamps. Can I exchange this blanket with you? Huang Xuan thought about it, and he didn't know how long he would stay here. This is 1969, an era when strangers were not welcome, and there were no small businesses and hawkers, and there was no golden week for tourism. It's not helpful for survival.


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