Gu Zheng sat for an hour before standing up.

If there were still monsters from the realm of immortality in the cave, then he should have smelled the smell of blood long ago and came out to check. Since he hadn't come all this time, Gu Zheng felt relieved and made sure that there was only this monster here.

Putting away the incense table, the gourd and the mirage dragon ball, Gu Zheng strode up the mountain.

Inside the monster cave, a few monsters were chatting and farting, saying that the king would definitely be able to catch him when he went out. Just now when the monster went out, he said to his subordinates that his mirage dragon ball appeared, and he was going to catch the person who stole his mirage dragon ball .

I haven't seen their king come back for an hour, and these monsters are not in a hurry, they are still chatting and eating meat.

For monsters, there is no shortage of meat. The resources at this time are still very rich. Unlike later monsters, who occupy a mountain, only the things in this mountain belong to them, and they can only hunt the prey in the mountain. It might be someone else's place.

Those kind of monsters are really poor. Generally, animals on the mountain are limited, and they don’t know how to raise them. They just let these wild animals grow naturally. If they want to fill the stomachs of monsters like them, they have to save some food. Similarly, there are barren hills everywhere, and no one’s land everywhere. You can grab whatever you want, and eat whatever you want.

But even so, there are still many monsters who cannibalize people, and they regard people as a kind of food for them.

When Gu Zheng went up, these monsters were talking about the delicious human meat last time, they had already eaten it, and when they would catch some more, they didn't even notice that someone had already entered their cave.

"Who caught this little doll, why did it escape!"

A monster noticed Gu Zheng and yelled in surprise. Gu Zheng had observed them carefully, and no one had reached the realm of immortals, so he was relieved a lot.

Gu Zheng can't directly investigate them now, but he can still observe something through his words and deeds. Besides, he has already noticed the fishy smell at the foot of the mountain, so he won't be so careless and bragging here.

"I didn't catch it, this little baby's meat is so tender, it must taste delicious!"

The other monster stared straight at Gu Zheng and said maliciously. Gu Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand, holding a short knife in his hand. This is a short knife he had rebuilt early in the morning, which is much better than the original one.

"The little baby is still holding a knife, haha!"

The monster who wanted to eat Gu Zheng laughed, stood up rubbing his hands, and walked towards Gu Zheng. Before he got close to Gu Zheng, his head flew into the sky. Fighting knife.

To deal with this kind of little monster, there is no need to cut the fairy gourd.

Speaking of which, the monster died well enough. He was killed by the Immortal Slashing Gourd, and those killed by the Slashing Immortal Gourd were all powerful people. In front of those powerful people, he was at best a little demon.

The one who killed the little demon this time was Gu Zheng himself, his combat experience and skills were far from being comparable to these few little monsters.

The companion died just like that, and the little monsters were stunned. Only then did they realize that they wanted to take weapons to resist, but unfortunately Gu Zheng didn't give them this chance. These little monsters were quickly dealt with.

A total of four little demons were all killed by Gu Zheng.

After killing these little demons, Gu Zheng searched their cave again. The cave is not big, with a foul smell, and it is also very dirty. Besides a large pot, there are several obvious grills. The meat cooked in a pot is fortunately not human flesh, it is probably the rations of these little monsters today.

What made Gu Zheng angry was that he saw a lot of human bones inside, there were hundreds of them, and these monsters had already eaten a lot of people.

In addition to these hundreds of human bones, there is a large pit outside the cave, and there are many human bones in it. You can tell at a glance that they belong to children. Needless to say, these are the children who were killed before. I regretted killing those two people, I only hated taking advantage of them.

It's a pity that this ancient battle can't enter the underworld, otherwise their souls will be captured in the underworld to prevent them from entering reincarnation and make them suffer forever.

After getting rid of these monsters, Gu Zheng finally let go of some things in his heart, but unfortunately these monsters are too poor, neither the big king just now nor these little monsters have any useful resources, but they have harvested a few furs from the monsters.

These pelts are better than normal beast pelts.

"Wu You, tell me, Xiao Tie will be fine, right?"

Next to a town, Aunt Cui asked Wu You very worriedly. They had been out for thirteen days, and they hadn't seen Gu Zheng for thirteen days, which made her very worried.

In the past ten days, Tao was also depressed, he didn't go out to play alone, and rarely practiced by himself in hiding.

"No, trust the master!"

Wu You immediately shook his head. In his heart, Gu Zheng is the most powerful, but it is rumored that the monster can fly, at least his master can't fly, which made him feel a little worried, but he didn't say it.

"Don't worry, Young Master is not a reckless person. He is very smart. Since he dares to go, he must be sure, otherwise he won't go there now!"

Ma Duo said with a smile, although Ma Duo has not been with Gu Zheng for a long time, but he knows Gu Zheng better than Wu You and Aunt Cui. Gu Zheng is too mature, not as mature as a child should be. Moreover, Gu Zheng is very smart. At the beginning, he concluded that he was deliberately bluffing just based on what he heard, which made him very admired.

There is also Gu Zheng's method of dealing with him, because he killed more than a dozen people, deliberately killed him once, and then revived him, so that he died once, which has nothing to do with the past, and at the same time showed the horror of Gu Zheng Ability, so that he no longer has any heart to dare to betray and resist.

Coupled with this period of getting along with each other, it made him clear that Gu Zheng should not be underestimated, but he would not do things he was not sure of, so he was very confident in Gu Zheng.

"But that's a monster!"

Aunt Cui was still worried, so she said something again, and Ma Duo laughed loudly: "That's right, it's a monster, but don't forget, the young master is also a fairy, isn't a fairy just exorcising demons?"

In the minds of many common people, besides being omnipotent, immortals can eliminate demons. At this time, there are not so many immortals enshrined. For many people, immortals are the first thing that comes to mind when monsters appear.

"That's right, Aunt Cui, we just need to wait with peace of mind!"

Ma Duo's words gave Wu You a lot of confidence. Gu Zheng really wouldn't do anything he wasn't sure about. Since he went, nothing would happen.

He was also afraid that something would happen to Gu Zheng, but he didn't notice that after Ma Duo said this, worry flashed in his eyes unnaturally.

He is indeed very confident in Gu Zheng, and he speaks the truth, but thinking of Gu Zheng's previous arrangements, he can't help but worry. He knows very well that they can only live a good life if they follow Gu Zheng. Get back to shape.

Before leaving, Gu Zheng had told him quietly that he had secretly lifted the restriction on Wu You, only Wu You didn't know that, if he couldn't come back, let Ma Duo take everyone to find a village to live in seclusion. Tao is here, no one can bully them.

But Tao won't follow them all the time, it doesn't matter how long he can protect them.

Ma Duo also asked Gu Zheng how likely it is that he will not come back. Up to now, Ma Duo still remembers Gu Zheng’s answer. Gu Zheng said that the possibility of him not coming back is less than 10%. If you succeed, you must also make preparations for not coming back.

Thinking of Gu Zheng saying that he is 90% sure of eliminating the demon, Ma Duo is not thinking about it, but just prays that Gu Zheng will come back as soon as possible.

"It seems that they still have a lot of confidence in themselves!"

Not far from them, Gu Zheng smiled and hid his body again. He had already chased them, but after finding them, he had a whim and didn't show up for a while, to see what these people would do if he couldn't come back , so as to better verify people's hearts.

So he hid himself, he didn't even bring the little white dragon with him, no one knew he was back except Tao.

There's no way, it's too close to hide it from him, his cultivation base is now higher than Gu Zheng's, but Gu Zheng has asked him to keep it a secret, seeing that Gu Zheng is fine, Tao is very happy, he doesn't care why Gu Zheng let him He did this, anyway, whatever Gu Zheng said, he would do it.

The reason why Gu Zheng did this is very simple. There are too many people. He has limited energy now and doesn’t want to bring so many people, but he can’t drive people away for no reason. Use this method to test and see which people are worth bringing. , It’s okay to bring them along, it’s not worth it, let them find another way to make a living earlier.

Including Ma Duo and Wu You, who are also in the test, the ones who are really not tested by Gu Zheng are Tao and Aunt Cui, but the news of his return is also not told to Aunt Cui, Aunt Cui is an emotional person, Ma Duo is very smart, it is easy to see something from her.

Don't worry about Tao Na Gu Zheng, Tao himself is a child, moody, and changes a lot, such a person is the most difficult to be pondered, not to mention, Ma Duo didn't dare to test Tao too much, he had already heard about Tao do some things.

In the early morning of the next day, Ma Duo and the others continued to move towards Fucheng. Before they left, they brought enough food. Moreover, there was not enough food with Tao, and Tao would soon catch two big prey from the wild. On the way they had plenty of food.

Twenty days after he set off, Wu You became a little anxious. He didn't know that his ban on the ancient dispute had been quietly removed for him, and he was still worried that the one-month deadline had come.

Not only Wu You, Aunt Cui was also in a hurry. Although Ma Duo was better than them, his doubts also increased. Twenty days later, the monster's den was not far away, and they were not walking fast. This was the only way to go. On the road in Fucheng, he also left a mark on the road according to Gu Zheng's request. Normally speaking, he should have caught up long ago.

Twenty-five days later, they were getting closer and closer to Fucheng, but there was still no news from Gu Zheng.

Although they don’t have to worry about food and clothing, the atmosphere of these people is obviously different. Some people have already begun to quietly discuss that Gu Zheng failed to remove the demon and was eaten by monsters. They can’t go to Fucheng anymore. What should they do if the monster catches up and takes revenge?

This kind of remark was quickly suppressed by Ma Duo, but he was obviously worried now.

On the 28th day, Wu You was restless, and Ma Duo's suppressed remarks showed signs of rising again, but Aunt Cui was much more stable now, not asking when Gu Zheng would come back, and just doing her own things every day.

On the twenty-ninth day, Wu You was almost desperate. He took out his waist knife and wiped it there several times. He had tried the pain caused by the restriction, and he was absolutely unwilling to try it a second time. Once it happened, he would rather die.

At this time, Ma Duo told him that Gu Zheng had already lifted the restriction for him.

Wu You was dubious, but he was still fully prepared. Once the January period came and his restraint broke out, he asked Ma Duo to help him and killed him directly, so as to save him from suffering the pain.

Thirty days passed peacefully, Wu You's restraint did not break out, and the restless he finally calmed down.

However, Ma Duo’s previously suppressed remarks raised his head again, and it seemed that Ma Duo was not in control this time. Some people came to Ma Duo, saying that they would not go to Fucheng, Tao was a child, and asked Tao to go with them Well, as long as there is Tao, they are not afraid of anyone, and they will have a good life in the future.

There are quite a few people like this, and at least three waves of people have found him, and they were all reprimanded by Ma Duo and left.

However, Ma Duo's worries are getting more and more serious. These people only focus on the immediate interests, thinking that Tao is a child and it's easy to coax, but they don't know at all. leave by yourself.

Thirty-five days, more and more discussions, and Ma Duo gradually showed signs of being unable to suppress it. At this time, everyone is no longer hopeful about Gu Zheng. If they haven’t come back for such a long time, something unexpected has happened. People who don’t want to go to Fucheng There are also more and more people, and some people even propose to return to their old jobs and continue to be bandits.

Those who make this point also say that he is powerful enough to destroy any enemy as long as he is present.

Forty days, the team has stopped for three days, more than half of the people are unwilling to continue to Fucheng, and even sent representatives to negotiate with Ma Duo. At this time, Ma Duo can no longer control his original team.

Everyone has selfish intentions, and now life is easier. After following Gu Zheng, in the past two months, everyone has gained a lot of weight, their stomachs can be filled, and they don’t have to worry about clothes. People's thinking has also changed, and they want a better life.

At this time, someone had a wrong idea.

After two months of getting along, everyone has discovered that Gu Zheng's child is too smart, not a child at all, even smarter than ordinary adults, but Tao is different, Tao's wisdom is at most ten or so. It's much easier to coax a child who is 10 years old.

The most important thing is that gluttons have power, the power they long for and envy, as long as they abduct the gluttons, they can live the life they want. If they have nothing to eat, they can take the gluttons to grab them, and they can have everything they want What, even snatching some women back to be daughters-in-law, there is no problem.

Together with greed, no one can control it.

At the beginning, there was Ma Duo's accumulated prestige, but as time went by, Ma Duo became more and more difficult to suppress. He is a person who firmly implements Gu Zheng's orders. , which is the bottom line.

"Brother, we are all brothers, you don't want to be with us, we understand, but I hope you don't stand in the way of the brothers' wealth, as long as you give us Xiao Tao, we will leave immediately!"

On this day, Ma Duo’s subordinates finally officially split with him. Sixteen people and three women, a total of 19 people, asked to become bandits again. If Ma Duo wanted to, he could continue to be their boss. Leave with Tao.

They must take Tao away, without Tao, there is no life they want.

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Two groups of people were standing next to a carriage, confronting each other, while Tao was standing next to Aunt Cui, as if they didn't understand why these people were arguing with him.

"Young master is powerful, you don't know at all, and I will not disobey your order, if you really want to leave, you can go, but one thing, you are absolutely not allowed to be a bandit again, otherwise don't blame me for carrying out your order!"

Ma Duo almost gritted his teeth and said that Gu Zheng had said before that after these people followed him, whoever wanted to become a bandit again would never spare them.

"My son was eaten by a monster, big brother, don't let your imagination run wild. If he hadn't been eaten, with the speed of that white horse, he would have caught up long ago, and he wouldn't have waited until today!"

The representative who advocated being a bandit again was still there to persuade Ma Duo: "Brother, one last question, you take us away, or let Xiao Tao go with us, choose one of the two!"

"I don't choose either!"

Ma Duo yelled angrily. Just as he finished speaking, two people around him suddenly held him down, and one of them took out a knife and put it on his neck.

"You, you also betrayed me, you betrayed the young master!"

Ma Duo was stunned for a moment, then became even more angry, struggling there, but unfortunately he didn't struggle.

Wu You reacted very quickly. After they moved, he immediately came to Aunt Cui, took out his waist knife, and looked at them vigilantly. Aunt Cui was protecting Tao, also a little terrified.

Several other people who had been following Ma Duo and were unwilling to be bandits with them were also controlled by these people and tied up with Ma Duo.

Ma Duo didn't expect that there were their spies beside him, and these people began to learn to use tricks.

He can't be blamed entirely, these people usually behave normally, but after following him for so long, some schemes can still be figured out, this time he was also careless, and he trusted the people around him too much, so that he suffered a disadvantage.

But now everything is clear, except for the four men and two women who are still willing to be with him, the rest have betrayed him, even the three children have been taken away by them, and now only these are left on his side. Six people are willing to follow him no matter what, and they are unwilling to go with others.

It's a pity that among the six people, there is no remaining companion from the same village as him. At this time, that companion is going to be the leader of the bandits, the new eldest brother.

"Aunt Cui, Wu You, we don't make it difficult for you. If you are willing to follow us, you will have a share in the prosperous life in the future. If you don't want to, you can go wherever you want, but let Xiaotao follow us!"

After the man controlled Ma Duo, he said to Wu You and Aunt Cui again, with a smile on his face, and looked at Tao after speaking.

"Xiao Tao, I know a place that is more interesting. There are a lot of big deer there. Do you want to go? If you want to go, we will go now..."

Before he could finish speaking, he screamed and flew out, flying a dozen meters away.

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