"Okay, let me say, but you have to tell me first, are you a human or a demon?"

The bandit leader was a bit courageous, although it hurt, but he gritted his teeth and endured it, the sweat on his forehead came out, he still had the heart to bargain with Gu Zheng, he didn't answer Gu Zheng's question, but asked another one.

"Yes, at least you said I was a monster before you came up, much better than those people, but your eyesight is really bad, is there a monster like me?"

Gu Zheng showed a little appreciation. After seeing his ability, this person did not regard him as a monster like the villagers in the big market before, at least not purely as a monster. He even asked him if he was a human or a monster. .

"It's good to be human, so you are a fairy?" The bandit leader took a long breath and was still asking.

"It can be said that I am currently an immortal cultivator, and I have not yet reached the realm of an immortal!"

Gu Zheng nodded, he is not far away from the realm of immortals, and if he does not reach the realm of immortals, he really cannot call himself an immortal, but what he really uses is immortal power, so he can barely be called an immortal.

"My name is Ma Duo. I am originally from Ma Village, 500 miles away. Our village has few people. There are only about 30 families with a population of less than 200. Seven years ago, our village suffered a disaster. A group of monsters attacked our village. A lot of people left, and I escaped with three people from the village, wandering around, living a very difficult life!"

The bandit leader finally talked about his own situation. He is also a miserable person. The village was attacked by monsters. There are only four people left in the whole village. They depend on each other, but life is not easy. Few, and often bullied.

Once, I worked as a helper in a village. Because I failed to finish the work on time, not only did I have no food, but I was also beaten by the owner and kicked out. One of them was hungry and beaten, and he fell seriously ill after leaving. ,died.

The bandit leader, that is, Ma Duo, was too angry at the time. In a fit of anger, he took the remaining two people and killed the master's family. All thirteen members of the master's family were killed by the three of them. This Ma Duo He is a smart man. Although he is going to take revenge, he is not reckless. He knows that there is a poisonous weed. Although the poison does not kill people, it will make people vomit and faint. Eating half of the food and doing the same work, the host family took the three of them back.

In the evening, he secretly put the venom produced by the poisonous weed into the drinking water of the master's house. The next day, the people in the master's house vomited and felt sick after eating. Knives and sharp objects killed all thirteen members of the family, leaving no children behind.

Committing such evil deeds, he was thinking that it was impossible to make a living by working for others, so he simply took his two brothers and became bandits. After a few years, he also developed some forces. Now there are more than 30 people, most of them He is a miserable person who cannot survive.

There are only about twenty of them here, and there are more than a dozen weak women waiting in their lair, but there are no old people, no old people can live to them, they would have died long ago.

Although he became a bandit, he still lived a good life. He occasionally robbed passers-by, but unfortunately he gained too little. The people who walk around here these days are basically poor people, and there is no money at all. Smart, he thought of the trick of intimidation.

Prepare more torches, go out at night, deliberately scare people, and then ask the people in the village to give them food, and they leave. In this way, they successfully robbed three villages and harvested a lot of food. This is the fourth one. I didn’t expect Planted here.

"I've finished talking. I know that we have done a lot of evil. If we want to kill or cut at will, but after they followed me, they have never killed anyone. When we rob passers-by, we only grab things and don't kill them. Since you are a fairy, then Can you let them go?"

After Ma Duo finished speaking, he looked straight at Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng didn't expect that he was still a man, and finally pleaded for his subordinates.

But what he said, Gu Zheng believes that these people should really have never killed anyone, and they don't look so cruel. Gu Zheng is not an ordinary person, and they can't deceive Gu Zheng.

On the contrary, Ma Duo, at this time, can still say the words to let his subordinates go, it is really not easy.

"It stands to reason that you killed thirteen members of their family. Although there was a reason for the incident, the children were not spared. It is indeed too much!"

Gu Zheng sighed, he is not against revenge and murder, he has done it too, but he has never gone down to fight the weak and weak, and he is a bit unacceptable to this point.

"I know, but the child looked at me with hatred in his eyes. If I don't kill him, I will be killed by him sooner or later. I will be alone. I have brothers and maybe family members in the future. I must kill him. I do not regret!"

Ma Duo nodded, and Gu Zheng was a little surprised again. He didn't expect that this person knew how to kill grass and roots, and he didn't kill people purely because of bloodthirsty.

"Forget it, since evil deeds are unforgivable, I will do justice for the sky today!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and Ma Duo closed his eyes. He knew that he was no match for Gu Zheng. He only wanted to die now, and it would be a good thing for him to die safely.

Gu Zheng clapped his hands forward suddenly, Ma Duo's body flew out suddenly, and then Gu Zheng pulled him back, and his body flew back again, but his whole body had already softened, and his head drooped there.


The few people behind all yelled, and their faces were full of pain. It can be seen that he has a lot of prestige among these people, and everyone respects him very much.

A faint figure emerges from Ma Duo, which is Ma Duo's soul. At this time, Ma Duo is already a ghost, but other people can't see it, only Gu Zheng can see it, and he also sees Gu Zheng.

After a person dies, the soul will enter the reincarnation of the underworld, and the underworld is a separate realm, not in the prehistoric world.

However, the Yincao Jifu at this time should not really take shape, at least the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is definitely not there, and the King of Hades from the Ten Temples is also not there. As for what the Jifu will look like, Gu Zheng has no idea at all.

Gu Zheng guessed this point correctly. The underworld is really chaotic right now. Simply put, it is similar to the warlord era. Many ghost kings took over the mountains and became kings. There are also battles between forces, but there are no particularly powerful masters yet. The environment in the underworld is too bad, the resources are too few, and there are inherent defects in the practice of fooling around. There are very few strong people in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Not to mention quasi-sage.

If not, it would not be occupied by Ksitigarbha in the future, and the Ten Halls of Hades would be opened.

At this time, Gu Zheng can still arrest a soul, even if he is not an immortal, but after all, with immortal power and immortal art, it is not difficult to prevent a soul from entering the underworld.

"Am I dead? You, you are an immortal. I didn't expect you to be able to control fools!"

Ma Duo said bitterly, or rather Ma Duo's ghost said, he had seen his dead self, and also saw Gu Zheng who was watching him.

"You are right. I can control ghosts, so in my hands, death is useless. Since I can make you die, I can also make you live. Do you want to die or live!"

Gu Zheng said to Ma Duo's ghost, Ma Duo was stunned for a moment, and then nodded wildly: "Daxian, if you want to live, of course I want to live!"

"You can live if you want to, but you have to remember, don't kill people indiscriminately in the future. I can let you live, and I can let you die. When you die next time, it won't be so easy. I will prepare a mouthful of oil." The frying pan will fry you every day, and let you suffer the pain of deep frying every day!"

Gu Zheng said to Ma Duo, and Ma Duo's ghost couldn't help but shiver. There is no punishment of frying pan in the underworld, but he would think, what would it be like to fall into the frying pan and be blown up? , the most important thing is that this is not just once, but every day, that is ten thousand times more uncomfortable than dying.

"Yes, yes, I understand, I will definitely not harm anyone again, and I only had that one time, it was really that family who went too far and killed my brother and made me do this!"

Ma Duo nodded quickly, while Gu Zheng stopped talking, stretched out his finger, and lightly pointed at Ma Duo's ghost, and his transparent body returned to his body in an instant.

The ghost can't stay in the sun for too long. Fortunately, it is night. If it is daytime, the sun's yang energy will shine, and Ma Duo's ghost will be scattered, and there is no time to talk to him.

With his soul in his body, Gu Zheng tapped Ma Duo a few more times. Ma Duo coughed violently, coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and then struggled to get up.

When Gu Zheng rescued him, his arms had been reset and his legs could move.

Ma Duo died once and accepted the punishment. The current Ma Duo is not the previous Ma Duo, but the reborn Ma Duo. Ma Duo is a good person. If he uses it well, he can help him in the future. , he only has Wu You by his side now, and there are still a few people.

What's more, he can be regarded as a bandit with a bottom line. He has never killed anyone, but cheated some food for survival. The crime does not warrant death. Gu Zheng didn't intend to kill all these people, so naturally he wouldn't kill him.

"Take them all back, and wait for me tomorrow at the east of the village entrance!"

Gu Zheng gave Ma Duo instructions, and then walked back by himself. He didn't help reset the arms of these people, but dislocations happen occasionally at this time. Many people know that those who understand can reset themselves, and those who don't understand It's okay to find someone to help out.

In any case, these people are bandits, and some punishment is necessary for them.

At the entrance of the village, many people were still discussing there. After a child from Guzheng went out, everyone was worried about him, but what happened after that made them confused. First they heard two people screaming, and the number increased. But they are far away here, so they can't quite hear what's making the noise over there.

They were also worried that the bandits did it on purpose, so they didn't dare to go over to see it. The head of the family where Gu Zheng lived was a little anxious, but they were not in a hurry when they saw Wu You, and they had no choice but to give up afterwards. It wasn't his child. , since the adults in their family are not in a hurry, there is no reason for him to be in a hurry.

"Someone, someone!"

The people at the entrance of the village shouted quickly, and after a while, they saw Gu Zheng walking alone from the darkness, how did he go, and how did he come back.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was fine, many people's eyes almost fell out.

"The bandits realized their mistake and have already left, and they won't come again in the future. Don't worry, everyone!"

Gu Zheng grinned, and said to the people in the village, regardless of their reactions, walked over to hold Tao's little hand, and walked towards the village together, Wu You and Aunt Cui followed closely behind.

The villagers at the entrance of the village stared wide-eyed, and then they saw that many of the torches on the opposite side were extinguished, and the rest were also moving away. After those light spots turned a corner, they could no longer see them.

A few brave villagers ran over to have a look and found that the bandits were indeed gone. Everyone was relieved. After a search, the villagers on duty were left behind, and the others went back to rest.

Early the next morning, under the awe-inspiring eyes of the family, Gu Zheng and the others left. The family even deliberately returned the animal skin that Wu You had given them before. .

Even a fool would understand that the kid went out yesterday not to play, but to teach those bandits a lesson and drive them away. They don't know what method Gu Zhengzheng used, but they just need to know how to save them.

For the savior, how could it be possible to return their things.

After a few times, seeing that the family was very persistent, Gu Zheng gave up, but secretly asked Wu You to release them back after leaving, and then left the village. They didn't want it, but Gu Zheng didn't even want to go back with this thing. , Just give them another way.

Five miles away from the east entrance of the village, when Gu Zheng arrived, Ma Duo was waiting there. Gu Zheng believed that he would not dare to run away, especially after knowing his ability.

It's just that Gu Zheng didn't expect that not only Ma Duo came, but more than 30 people, the whole bandit den, including seven women, three children, and twenty-seven adult men.

Thirty-seven people are all members of this bandit den. Yesterday they dispatched 22 people, and the remaining five stayed in the den.

"Why did you bring them all here!"

Gu Zheng frowned, and asked Ma Duo, all he wanted was Ma Duo alone, not so many people, so many people were of no use to him, and would drag him down.

"Daxian, if they don't want to be bandits, they can only starve to death. But you told me that they can't be bandits anymore. They followed me out if there was no other way. Daxian, you must have a way to help them. They are very capable. Just give them Just a little food, if you don’t starve to death!”

Ma Duo knelt down and begged there. One thing he said was true. If these people were not bandits, they would really starve to death.

They can also hunt, but hunting is not easy, the risk is high, and there is no guarantee of harvest. Besides, they are not good at hunting. No one knows how to make traps. Ma Duo knows a little, but not much. They had tried before, but they failed to catch their prey, and two of them died, one of whom was the first to follow Ma Duo out. Since then, they have not dared to hunt at will.

When Ma Duo knelt down, all the bandits knelt down and begged Gu Zheng together.

"Xiao Tie, they are poor people, why don't you follow us back to the village?"

Aunt Cui came over and whispered, Huiyuan Village suffered a big loss five years ago, and most of the powerful people in the village lost more than half of them. They don't do evil, and they live there in Huiyuan Village, which can supplement Huiyuan Village.

After all, Aunt Cui is still from the village, thinking about her village.

After going back yesterday, Gu Zheng briefly talked about the bandits, letting them know that these bandits are actually hard-working people, and they don't really want to be bandits to harm people.

"Alright, let's take them with us!"

After thinking for a while, Gu Zheng nodded quickly. It would be good to take them to Huiyuan Village to settle down, so that they have a place to stay and won't starve to death. Turn around and talk about it in Huiyuan Village, let the people over there Just don't bully them.

The big loss in Huiyuan Village five years ago has not yet regained its vitality. These people will only enrich their strength if they go, and they should not come over to bully them stupidly. Just in case, Gu Zheng intends to speak up One said.

Seeing that Gu Zheng agreed to take them away, these bandits were very happy, they all stood up, followed their carriage, and walked slowly.

These people walked very slowly. After all, they didn't have enough to eat, and they didn't have much energy. It was pretty good to be able to walk.

"Wu You, light the fire, I'll get something to fill their stomachs first!"

Gu Zheng and the others have already eaten, and they are not hungry for the time being, but these people can't do it. Gu Zheng asked Wu You to light the fire first, and make the grain and jerky from the carriage, while he himself went to find out if there was anything he could grab to eat thing.

Wu You quickly cooked a pot of meat porridge. The aroma made the bandits and their family swallow their saliva. After cooking, Wu You asked them to hold a bowl to eat. take out wooden bowl.

These wooden bowls are also made by Gu Zheng, but there are not many of them. If there are none, just wait until others finish eating.

They had just finished eating a pot, and when Wu You and Aunt Cui continued to cook, Gu Zheng came back with a big porcupine and a bison dragging behind him. Gu Zheng's thin body was dragging these two big prey. Very discordant.

"Don't be dumb, go help, those who have eaten, hurry up and help the master bring the things back!"

Wu You scolded, Ma Duo got up immediately, and ran over with more than a dozen people. The others ate, but Ma Duo hadn't eaten yet. The pot is so big after all, and one pot is not enough to feed more than thirty people. Can only be cooked separately.

Seeing the two prey, Ma Duo secretly clicked his tongue. The porcupine and the bison add up to at least a thousand catties. Not to mention how Gu Zheng killed these two prey, if he can drag these two big guys back, that's a big deal. How much strength is needed, anyway, he can't do it.

But when he thought of Gu Zheng's identity, he was relieved. This is an immortal. Let alone two immortals, twenty can be dragged back. In the eyes of ordinary people, an immortal is someone who can call wind and rain, move mountains and seas, and do anything.

With the help of Ma Duo and the others, Gu Zheng didn't have to drag it by himself anymore. A dozen of them could drag these two big things back together. With these two prey, the meat on them could be eaten for at least a few days.

In the past few days, I have to hurry to find a place with people and exchange for more food. Before, a little was enough, but they were few. Now with these people, there are more than forty people. It is really impossible to prepare more.

How come Gu Zheng is not worried this time. When they are full, everyone except the children will carry some on their backs, and put some on the carriage. A carriage, so that those children and women can all sit in the carriage and drive on the road.

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