"Wu You, you are the most powerful guard captain of my family from now on. Because you are grateful to Aunt Cui for taking our brother in, you specially kept the porcupine harvested this time, and then took us away!"

Gu Zheng set up an identity for Wu You, and also gave an explanation to the porcupines left behind. As for why he went back, he said that the family members on the way learned that they had been signed up to participate in the Daxian preaching, so they asked Wu You to bring them back. Firstly, this is also a good luck, and secondly, not to cause trouble for Aunt Cui.

As for the rest of the family, because there are other matters, they are temporarily separated. After this sermon is over, Wu You will take them away again.

This explanation is a little better, but it is also a bit far-fetched, that is, since they were found, why they were taken away without even seeing them, this is still unreasonable.

Now I can only use the excuse that there are other more important things at home, and Aunt Cui won't ask about anything. If I really ask, they are children, so it's fine if they don't know.

Wu You, let him make it up by himself, I believe he can do it well, if he can't even do such a small thing, what do you need him to do, he will be his agent in the future, no matter what good things come out in the future, he must If he comes forward to buy or sell, then there will be more lies to be made up.

Gu Zheng got the news that it was already afternoon when he returned, even if Xiao Bailong galloped fast, he would have to return to Aunt Cui's house at night.

The night in the village here in Honghuang is similar to the ancient times on the earth. Once it gets dark, there are basically no people and there are few lights. Gu Zheng lived in Aunt Cui for more than two months and knows the situation in Aunt Cui’s house very well. There is only one small lamp. Oil lamps, and there is very little lamp oil, and they will not be lit at all unless there is an emergency.

At this time, it is meaningless to rush back.

Even so, Gu Zheng still drove through the night, walking more slowly this way, but he arrived at Huiyuan Village before dawn. After the sky was bright, Gu Zheng asked Wu You to lead the horse and lead them into the village.

"Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao, you are back!"

Aunt Cui's door was open, before he got there, Gu Zheng saw a person leaning against the outer door, without going in, Gu Zheng already recognized that it was Aunt Cui.

"Aunt Cui, we are back, sorry!"

Gu Zheng got off his horse in a hurry and trotted over with Tao. Aunt Cui had also stood up, hugged the two of them, and started crying there.

His crying made Gu Zheng feel a little sour. This time, he really didn't think carefully. He never thought that leaving by himself would make Aunt Cui so sad.

"You are Aunt Cui, I'm really sorry..."

After Aunt Cui cried for a while, Wu You stepped forward and began to explain that this was his task, and he knew very well what kind of punishment he would receive if he failed to do so, so he worked very hard.

Wu You is a man who can talk, and he explained it better than Gu Zheng himself thought. He even explained the matter of Gu Zheng's loss. Mysterious and secret, he said he was doing business for Lord Fuchengfu, so he didn't have time to come over.

He also said that Gu Zheng's father was a sharpshooter, and his archery skills were unmatched by anyone in Fucheng. Those porcupines were all killed by Gu Zheng's father, and they were all porcupines killed by shooting them in the eyes with sharp arrows.

This also explains why the fur that Gu Zheng sent before was so complete. Gu Zheng told Wu You what happened before. This point was completely thought up by Wu You himself. Then he nodded secretly, the agent was right.

Knowing that Gu Zheng's family found them, Aunt Cui was also very happy. Aunt Cui never thought that Gu Zheng's departure would bring her any disasters. She had been looking for Gu Zheng and them all day before, until night, and then waited at the door. All night, I was afraid that they would not be able to find the house at night, and they didn't even eat food.

Knowing this, Gu Zheng felt even more regretful.

Gu Zheng is back, Aunt Cui is no longer worried, and life gradually returns to calm. The difference is that Aunt Cui has an extra Wu You in his family. He is not small, and his craft is very dexterous. He has repaired some broken tools in the house.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the day when the Great Immortal preached. Whether Gu Zheng wanted to or not, he had to go. He and Aunt Cui set off one day earlier. All children will be sent to the valley.

Those who are not qualified cannot enter, and can only watch from a distance outside the valley. It is not that no one has sneaked in, but the end is very miserable. After a few times, no one dared to do so.

However, after a period of time, when the lesson is not remembered so clearly, there will still be such people, but these have little to do with Gu Zheng. Aunt Cui took them away one day in advance. Before the day of preaching, he and Tao had already arrived At the entrance of the valley, there is only one way to go in, and it is guarded by a few prestigious old people in the village. They will let these children in according to the list.

Those who come to listen to the sermon are all children under the age of twelve, and the minimum age limit is three years old. Ten-year-olds are okay, and there are many three-, four-, and five-year-old children. These children are not so obedient, and they have to be coaxed for a while before they can enter. push in.

Strange to say, as long as the children who really enter the valley, no matter how old they are or how much they cried before, they will not cry again after entering the valley, and then go in very honestly, find a seat and sit down by themselves, and wait for the sermon with peace of mind .

This is also regarded by everyone as the fairy trace of the Great Immortal, and they are more at ease with the Great Immortal.

"Xiao Tie, go in and listen carefully. If you can be selected by the Great Immortal, it will be a great fortune for you!"

Aunt Cui brought Gu Zheng and the others to Taniguchi. This time there were more than 230 children who came to the valley to listen to the sermon. Two of them failed to come. The families of these two children will be punished. What are the details? The punishment will not be known until the Daxian has finished speaking.

If Gu Zheng hadn't just heard about this incident on the way, I'm afraid there will be another Aunt Cui among those who will be punished.

Outside the valley, I couldn't see the situation inside clearly. After saying goodbye to Aunt Cui and Wu You, Gu Zheng took Tao's hand and entered the valley. He had already told Wu You to wait outside obediently. Well, if the restriction on him is not broken by himself, it will explode by itself in a month, and there will be no solution at that time, and his life will be worse than death.

Having learned the lesson before, I believe that Wu You dare not disobey his own words, and will just wait outside honestly.


As soon as he entered the valley, Gu Zheng felt that there was a formation in operation, which had a psychedelic effect. Those who entered the formation would involuntarily follow the instructions of the person who set up the formation. The order is to be quiet and find a place to sit down.

This kind of formation is actually not popular, not even a fairy formation. When Gu Zheng was on Earth's Emei, such a small formation could be arranged without much effort.

Although it is an unpopular small formation, it still has a great influence on the children. No wonder every child who comes in is so honest, and they are all controlled by the formation.

Such a small formation is good for controlling children, but there is no need for it. Real immortals have some ways to do it. There is no need to bother to arrange such a formation. There are many fairy arts that can be used, which are simple and convenient.

Pulling Tao, Gu Zheng casually found a seat and sat down. Soon, like other children, he looked forward.

There is a higher platform in front with a cushion on it. It seems that it is the place where the great immortal preached, but at this time there are two people standing under the platform, two men in their fifties, one by one. He looked at the child who came in with a strange feeling in his eyes.

"It's almost all in!"

After half an hour, one of the two men suddenly said something. They didn't have any fluctuations in immortal power, and they looked like ordinary people.

"It should be. I'm counting. There are more than two hundred people this time. I should be able to pick out a few that satisfy the king!"

The other one continued, stretched out his fingers and began to count the children who sat down, while Gu Zheng frowned slightly, "My lord?" There is a king behind these two people, who is this king?

But no matter how you say it, Gu Zheng doesn’t feel very good about the title of Great King. There are no immortal cultivators who call themselves Great King, unless they are cottage kings. That’s very rare, but some demon cultivators like others to call themselves Great King. Wang's is too much.

But this is just Gu Zheng's own feeling, even he himself feels a little sensitive.

"The number is correct, only two are missing. Hmph, if you dare not listen to your majesty, you must teach them a hard lesson this time!"

The man quickly counted all the children and snorted coldly.

"Then let's get started!"

The man who spoke first carefully took out a box from behind, bowed first, and then slowly opened it. As soon as the box was opened, there was a burst of light inside. Just by looking at the light, Gu Zheng knew that there was a treasure in the box. Still a good quality baby.

Soon, the man took out a round bead from inside. The bead exuded a charming colorful halo, and he carefully put the bead on the cushion of the table.

Gu Zheng was a little startled, could it be that this bead is the so-called Great Immortal? But this is wrong, this is a bead, a very good bead, but that's all. It is considered a treasure in the prehistoric world, but it has absolutely no wisdom. Isn't it a joke to let a bead without wisdom preach?

The man opened a small bottle again, and a drop of red liquid dripped from it, and it dripped on the bead. As soon as the liquid touched the bead, the whole valley changed instantly. Cranes, all kinds of flowers and birds, like a fairyland on earth.

Not only people inside the valley can see it, but people outside the valley can also see it.

The beads on the table disappeared, and instead, an old man with a white beard appeared, with a fairy-like appearance. People couldn't help but want to worship him when they saw it. He was a full-fledged fairy.

Those children had never seen such a scene before, and they were all stunned.

"Dragon Mirage, then this bead must be a Mirage Dragon Bead, so it is!"

Gu Zheng suddenly realized that all of this is actually an illusion, but this illusion is so realistic that people inside and outside can see it, and there are many people who know this illusion, but the illusion here has a dragon spirit , with dragon aura, only mirage dragon can do it.

The mirage dragon is a kind of dragon, famous for creating illusions, even Da Luo Jinxian can't tell the truth from the illusion created by the powerful mirage dragon, but this is not an illusion arranged by the real mirage dragon, if it is a real mirage dragon, even if it is not The powerful mirage dragon can also hide the current Gu Zheng, after all, Gu Zheng's strength at this time is very weak.

This is just a mirage dragon's illusion, and it is the mirage dragon ball on the stage that creates this illusion.

Dragons have dragon balls, and mirage dragons also have them. This mirage dragon should have been killed, otherwise the dragon balls would not have flowed here. The red liquid that dripped before is the blood of mirage dragons. Mirage dragon balls can also create illusions, but only Only the blood of the mirage dragon can be activated. This illusion should have been prepared in advance in Dragon Ball, and it was displayed after being activated with the blood of the mirage dragon.

"Okay, we can make a good choice. Last time we chose 20, the king was very satisfied and helped us extend our life for another 20 years. If we do well this time, the king can help us extend our life for another few decades!"

Two people came down from the table, both of them looked excited, they looked at each child carefully, and pinched these children from time to time.

What they said made Gu Zheng even more puzzled. The white-bearded old man on the stage just opened his mouth and didn't make any sound. However, with the cooperation of the illusion, all the children couldn't see the two people, but they could hear what Daxian said. Talk about nonsensical things.

They didn't know what they were talking about, and they couldn't understand it at all, but after they went out, they could publicize the fairy scenes they saw.

"This is acceptable!"

A man quickly selected a child, reported him, and brought him to the stage. This is a seven or eight-year-old boy with a confused look on his face. He probably only sees the old fairy in his eyes, and he has no idea that he has been changed. Location.

Although this mirage dragon illusion is not very good, it is not a problem to deceive ordinary people, let alone these children.

"This is fine too, two!"

"and this!"

The two kept walking among the children, and when they found a suitable one, they shouted happily. After a while, they picked out a dozen or so children, and they were only halfway through at this time. Half of the kids they didn't observe.

"Both are good!"

Soon, a person walked up to Gu Zheng and Tao, his eyes lit up sharply, he stretched out to pinch Gu Zheng, and then pinched Tao, his face became more excited.

"Excellent, excellent, here are two excellent, the king will be very happy!"

After touching it a few times, he turned his head and screamed excitedly. His companion was startled and immediately walked towards this direction. He turned his head and didn't notice at all. The two children he touched just now turned their heads together, eyes Staring straight at him.

"Who is your king?"

Before his companion arrived, Gu Zheng asked suddenly. He just turned around and replied without thinking: "The king is the king, a very powerful king!"

As soon as he spoke, he froze for a moment, and looked at Gu Zheng in shock, to be exact, he looked into Gu Zheng's eyes.

"You're talking to me, can you see me?"

After the launch of Dragon Ball, others cannot see them. Before, they were followers of immortals, and it was okay for everyone to see them. That's why they are so bold. After the launch of Dragon Ball, they dare to say anything.

"You don't think it's stupid to ask this question. I won't tell you. Could it be that I said it to the air?"

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger and pointed to the platform, where there was an old man with white beard who was preaching endlessly, but what he said was all psychedelic voices, people couldn't understand at all, only knew that someone was talking, but I can't remember what I said.

This is also the reason why the people who went out later could not explain it clearly to the outside world. Instead, they thought that they did not have enough understanding and did not have this opportunity. As everyone knows, all the people had the same result after hearing it, and there was no such thing as understanding.

"You, how could you see me, it shouldn't be!"

The man was a little flustered. His companion also arrived at this time, and looked at Gu Zheng in surprise.

"It shouldn't, it shouldn't, no one should see us!"

The man was still talking, Gu Zheng was not talking nonsense at all, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

The man was taken aback, and hurriedly exerted force, but unfortunately he couldn't break free. Gu Zheng's hand suddenly let go, and his brows were tightly condensed together.

Just now he grabbed the man and probed the man's body with celestial power. He is an ordinary person. It is not right to say that he is completely ordinary. He has cultivated some strength, but it is very weak, but it is stronger than ordinary people. The initial stage of strength.

What surprised Gu Zheng was that his power was not immortal power, but demon power.

As a person who has cultivated to the quasi-sage realm, he can distinguish between fairy power and demon power. This demon power is still very mixed, and he is indeed a human being. It is impossible for human beings to cultivate monster power. It can only be said that there is a monster Forcibly infused them with power, and then this power remained in their bodies.

"That king of yours is a demon?"

Gu Zheng asked suddenly, and the two of them froze again, their faces flustered, and the man who came from behind took out a knife from his body and stabbed at Gu Zheng.


His body flew straight out, and the knife he took out also fell into Gu Zheng's hands. This is a short knife, much better than the waist knife Du Gouzi and the others used before, but it is also Fantie, not a treasure. .

But the mirage dragon ball on the table is a real treasure, even if it is the ancient disputes in the past, I will be a little interested.

"You, who are you?"

"No matter who you are, if you offend our king, you will only die!"

The two were shouting together, Gu Zheng walked over and hit a few restraints casually, and the two immediately rolled on the ground, howling in pain.

It's a pity that under the illusion, others can't see it at all, and Gu Zheng doesn't have to worry about alarming those children.

"Is your king a monster?"

Gu Zheng asked again, and the two of them rolled all over the floor, howling non-stop, but Gu Zheng's voice still entered their ears very clearly.

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