"It's not clear, but it must be a beast!"

Gu Zheng replied in a low voice, he is not strong in immortal power now, and he doesn't have a weapon spirit by his side, so he can't investigate, but his intuition tells him that the eyes on the opposite side are just beasts, as long as they are beasts, even tigers and leopards, Gu Zheng No worries either.

"Can I eat it?"

Tao is a little eager to try. For him, the most interesting thing is to eat. He likes to eat the delicacies made by Gu Zheng. Apart from eating, he just plays. It is a pity that no one in the village plays games with him. Only Gu Zheng occasionally takes him to play games. .

However, there is a price for Gu Zheng to take him to play, and it must be done after cultivation. What he hates most is cultivation, but in order to be able to play, he still listens to Gu Zheng's words to practice every time. He has no idea what the meaning of cultivation is.

Six green eyes, approaching quickly, the moonlight is good tonight, and luck is good, Gu Zheng has already seen clearly that these are three porcupines with long tusks, two big and one small, like a family.

The big porcupine is bigger than the domestic pigs on the earth before, like a calf. No wonder the tigers dare not provoke them easily. With their hard fur and sharp long fangs, if a tiger and a porcupine face off, it’s just not sure who will lose. Who wins.

Fortunately, these porcupines like bamboo shoots and don't like to eat meat. Otherwise, other larger animals in this bamboo forest will not be able to survive. It is definitely the territory of these porcupines.

There are two big porcupines and one small one, even the small ones are the size of domestic pigs on the earth. The meat of these three porcupines together is enough for Aunt Cui to eat for several years. But the food and other things in exchange are definitely worth it.

These are three porcupines, the fur alone is worth a lot, not to mention there are six long tusks.

"Be careful, wait for me here!"

The three porcupines don't need gluttons to attack. Gu Zheng took a small short knife from the calf. This is a short knife made of iron. It was made at Aunt Cui's place before by exchanging dried fish for a piece of iron.

It's just ordinary iron, or pig iron. It's okay to deal with ordinary pheasants and hares, but it's too reluctant to deal with porcupines. Such a short iron knife can't pierce the skin of a porcupine in the hands of ordinary people.

But Gu Zheng is not an ordinary person, even a wooden stick, with the blessing of his celestial power, will become as hard as steel. He still has celestial power if his weapon is not enough, and celestial power is his greatest reliance.

The three porcupines, standing about ten meters away from Gu Zheng, let out sharp roars together, as if to warn Gu Zheng and them.

"bring it on!"

Gu Zheng grinned, and his body suddenly disappeared, not really disappearing, but his speed was so fast that it seemed to disappear.

"Isn't your body skills down?"

Gu Zheng murmured to himself, his hand had already been raised, and when his body stopped beside a porcupine, the dagger was ruthlessly inserted into the porcupine's eyes.

The whole porcupine skin has the highest value.

The porcupine roared in pain, its whole body rolled on the ground, twitching, Gu Zheng ignored it, drew out his short knife, and jumped up hastily.

The other two porcupines rushed over when they saw their companions being attacked. Gu Zheng is not afraid of porcupines, but there is no need to fight brute force with porcupines, not to mention that his body is not invulnerable now, and the fangs of these porcupines can also bring him harm , just hide.

His fighting skills against a few porcupines, there is no problem at all.

Three cuts in a row, each with an eye, three porcupines were slaughtered by Gu Zheng, and two big porcupines were caught by Gu Zheng. After a while, each of these two porcupines weighed about 500 catties. A real big fat pig.

The small one weighs about 300 catties. Just the meat, these three porcupines can harvest a lot, not to mention that the whole body of the porcupines is full of treasures. The value of the three porcupines is that of many ordinary families of four. to the harvest.

"I'm hungry!"

Tao was very obedient and didn't move at all. He didn't speak until Gu Zheng killed three porcupines. Aunt Cui's family didn't have much food. Usually, Gu Zheng would help with housework. Tao didn't do anything, so before Gu Zheng Limit him and don't let him eat too much at one time.

However, Gu Zheng often goes out secretly at night, hunting some small things such as pheasants and rabbits for tooth sacrifices, and some of them will be brought home by him for various reasons to subsidize Aunt Cui's family, such as the small traps he set up. Or if you are lucky enough to catch it, Aunt Cui has no doubts about it, and every time she packs up the things brought by Gu Zheng with a smile, and replaces them with grain to eat together.

They were all around the village before, and Aunt Cui never suspected anything, but this time the porcupine was not easy to explain, and Gu Zheng didn't intend to explain, he just wanted to put down the porcupine and leave.

Gu Zheng dragged the small porcupine, Tao took one in each hand, and dragged the two big porcupines. They just carried the three porcupines to the edge of the bamboo forest, and Xiao Bailong was still standing there waiting for them.

There is no water here, so Gu Zheng put all three porcupines on the back of the little white dragon, weighing more than a thousand catties on it, the little white dragon's legs softened instantly, and he neighed in grievance, this is the king of horses , replaced by ordinary horses, one big porcupine can crush enough, two big porcupines, ordinary horses can't get up.

"I'll give you a massage later, let's feel wronged first!"

Gu Zheng chuckled, he knew Xiaobailong's load-bearing capacity, more than 1,000 jin, was okay, it might be difficult to run, but it was absolutely no problem to walk for a certain distance, there was a small river not far away, as long as you got there.

By the river, the three porcupines were completely dismembered by Gu Zheng's short knife. The fur was neatly stacked, the meat was separated, and the fangs were put aside.

There is no need for ancient bones. In fact, the bones of porcupines are also valuable, but they are not as valuable as meat and fur. The bones are too heavy, so they should be thrown away. There is a fire frame beside the small river. The whole thing is roasting on top, and Tao is drooling watching it next to it.

A single pork leg made the belly of the two people bulge, and the other porcupine pork was packed by Gu Zheng, and the little white dragon who was put back had no bones and a lot less weight. After combing with Xianli, Xiao Bailong, who is full of energy, runs without any problems.

At noon the next day, Gu Zheng had already left the village dozens of miles away.

The meat, teeth, and fur of the three porcupines were placed by Gu Zheng in the living room of Aunt Cui's house, and Aunt Cui could see them as soon as she got up. As for the two of them, there was no need to stay there any longer.

Gu Zheng is now located in a place called Huiyuan Village, which is also one of the ten villages allowed by the Daxian preaching, and it is only the easternmost village.

Like Aunt Cui's place, there are quite a few people here, and this village is bigger than Aunt Cui's village, so there are more people here, especially foreigners, and there are more people staying here than Aunt Cui. Almost half more.

The main reason is not that this side is closer to Fucheng, but because the place where Daxian preached is very close to here. Among the ten villages, this village ranks third.

Fortunately, it is the third one. The village closest to the Great Immortal preaching is basically full of people. Even if you are not qualified to enter the Taoist temple to listen to the Taoism, you might as well take a look at it from a distance. Everyone wants to get a little bit of the immortal spirit.

Some villagers who know how to do business have already set up sheds and started selling tea. The village Gu Zheng came to also has a tea shed. After he tied up his horse, he brought Tao into the tea shed. Many people looked at the two of them. , more people look at Xiaobailong, and many people have greed in their eyes.

The expressions of these people could not hide from Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng just smiled, thinking in his heart, see who can take the bait in a while.

He is very clear that two three or four-year-old children riding such a steed are no different from the temptation brought by a child on earth holding a box of banknotes, and the box is still transparent, anyone can see it .

Gu Zheng did this on purpose. He is going to Fucheng. It is really difficult for the two children to enter. Fucheng is different from the village here. There are gates there, guarded by soldiers, just the two of them, even if the soldiers have no greed, I am afraid that they will not be allowed to enter at will, or sent to the city for people to raise them first as before.

In the past, I have to say that Gu Zheng was very lucky. He met Aunt Cui and the others. I don’t know if this kind of lucky Gu Zheng will continue. With preparation, naturally it will not be the same as last time.

What he needs now is an agent.

A person who can help him and do things for him is too young. This is his biggest inconvenience. If he wants to collect raw materials and make food repairs, someone must come forward to help him buy them.

What's more, when he arrives in Fucheng, he still plans to earn some extra money. When the time comes to sell things, he can't go with the two of them. There must be someone to help him. Before he goes to Fucheng, he must find such a person. The sooner the better, otherwise It will be inconvenient for them all the way, unless they avoid the crowd and walk by themselves.

Gu Zheng deliberately came to the crowd, bringing Xiao Bailong with him, just to find this agent.

An agent does not need any loyalty to him, as long as he has a certain ability, it would be better if he is brave enough, no matter what he wants to buy or sell in the future, it will not be too cheap. In this case, an honest person will definitely not be able to do it .

It is also easy to find a brave person. He deliberately shows off himself, and there must be people who are greedy. It is not enough to be greedy. You have to dare to do it. Dare to do it is courageous. Although the current villagers dare to fight and kill wild animals , but for the same kind, many people simply can't do anything. People at this time are generally very kind.

But no matter where, there are always those who are brave. Gu Zheng has noticed that there are at least three waves of people with fierce eyes, and some people have been staring at Xiao Bailong.

He exchanged some dry food for some tea, and after drinking, he left without saying a word. The two little guys rode on horses and walked slowly outside the village.

Gu Zheng knew without looking back that there were eight people following behind, and these eight people were the three waves of people before.

"Two little dolls, where are your adults?"

Only a few miles out of the village, four people rushed over and stopped them.

These four are one of the previous three waves, and the one with the largest number of people. There is another wave of three people, and the last wave is a single person.

"We got lost with Daddy. Daddy told us before that if we can't find him, let us go straight back to Fucheng on horseback!"

Gu Zheng pretended to be innocent, and answered their questions with a smile. All four of them showed joy on their faces. These two children have no adults, no adults, and no one. This is simply a pie that fell from the sky. .

"Little baby, we happen to be going to Fucheng too, how about this, we will take you there!"

The four of them all walked towards Gu Zheng and them with smiles on their faces. Gu Zheng and Tao didn't show any fear at all, and they didn't even refuse when the four of them wanted to report them down.

"What a horse, what a horse!"

The four people kept looking around Xiaobailong, and kept praising him. Xiaobailong is the king of horses, and he is pure white. He is tall and mighty, so he is naturally a good horse.

"Brother, what about these two children?"

One of them asked their boss a question, while Gu Zheng stood aside holding Tao's hand, the two children looked innocent.

"These two children may be from Fucheng, or they may be children from a wealthy family. They cannot be kept!"

A fierce light flashed in the boss's eyes, horses are good horses, they want them, but people don't want them, Gu Zheng said before that they would go to Fucheng to find their family members, which made him mistakenly think that Gu Zheng was from Fucheng, who was in Fucheng , Such a good horse is not something ordinary people can have, it must be a powerful one.

In this case, if these two children find their families, their horse robbery will be exposed, and if they can't afford to offend someone, it may even bring disaster to them.

This boss is also a ruthless person, facing the two children of Gu Zheng, he can also be ruthless.

"Boss Si, it's not appropriate for you to do this business alone!"

Before they did anything, three more people came out. This was the second wave of people before. In fact, they had been watching secretly all the time. Seeing that the people here were about to make a move, they would definitely take their horses away once they did. , so walked out.

Of the three of them, one person was missing, which seemed to be a disadvantage, but the three of them were all ruthless and merciless, and they knew the four of them, so they walked out without fear.

"Du Gouzi, it's your brother!"

The boss called Si frowned. These three brothers were not good people. They were the most notorious people in dozens of nearby villages. They were basically the bullies of this period.

The four of them are not very good people, but they are still better than these three brothers. Seeing these three people, Boss Si hesitated.

"How about this, the child belongs to you, and the horse belongs to our three brothers. These two children must have a background. If you send them back, you will definitely get a reward, how about it?"

The three of them stepped forward with smiles, and the boss and the four of them were already on alert and took out their weapons.

Among the four of them, Boss Si took out a short knife, but it was much longer and better than Gu Zheng's. The other three were all sticks and poles.

"What, want to do it?"

The three of them didn't leave, showing fierce looks. The three of them lifted up their clothes together, and all took out a knife, and it wasn't a particularly short knife, but a waist knife.

Three waist knives, Si Boss and the others gasped.

I have long heard that these three brothers are ruthless and have killed people. Judging by their posture, there is no need for such rumors. These three waist knives are not ordinary knives, they are knives that only belong to the soldiers in Fucheng. I did not expect that the three of them also have them.

You don't need to guess, and you know how this knife came from. The three of them are not soldiers, so they definitely don't have such a knife. It is impossible for them to come out freely after being soldiers in Fucheng. This knife must have been obtained secretly by them.

These three brothers are not rich masters, and the knives are not cheap, so there is no need to explain how they got here.

"Okay, I'll give you the horse, and we don't want the child anymore, let's go!"

Boss Si took a step back. There were many of them, but the opponent's weapons were better and more fierce. They were not necessarily opponents when they started fighting. Those who knew the current affairs were heroes, and Boss Si also understood that, so he thought of leaving.

This horse is good, but unfortunately life is more important, so we can only avoid it first.

"Well, let's go!"

The three of them stepped forward again, and put away their knives, as if they were going to lead the horse. Even if Boss Si was unwilling, he had no choice but to turn around and leave with the people around him.

As soon as the four of them turned around, the three brothers pulled out their knives again and rushed forward with a loud roar. Boss Si was not a real robber at all, he was very inexperienced, and with his back turned, all three knives fell on him.

One of them cut off half of his head, and it seemed that he would not survive.

The rest of the three were stupid, and before they even thought about running, the three brothers rushed up again. Even if they ran, they couldn’t escape. Only one of the three picked up a pole to resist, but was quickly cut down to the ground. The final result of the battle can be imagined, the three brothers killed all four, and only one was slightly injured.

He was still beaten a few times by the person who resisted, but there were only blue marks, and there was no injury to the muscles or bones.

"A good horse, indeed a good horse, haha!"

The three brothers didn't even look at Gu Zheng, the three of them walked to Xiao Bailong together, and praised there, Tao was always looking blank, and Gu Zheng was always smiling.

After a while, one of the three brothers suddenly turned his head to look at the two of them. This person finally noticed the weirdness. The two children didn't react at all when they saw the murder here, and they were still laughing, which was very abnormal.

"Kill them both!"

Turning his head was Du Gouzi, the eldest brother of the three brothers, pointing at Gu Zheng with his waist knife and barking.

The other two turned their heads, did not speak at all, picked up the knife and slashed at Gu Zheng's necks.


It wasn't the sound of slashing, but someone fell, and the eyes of the two of them blurred, and the child who had been laughing disappeared. Soon, both of them were in a daze, and then their consciousness completely disappeared.

Du Gouzi stayed there completely. His two brothers were falling on two trees. The two trees were not close, and they hit the middle of the tree first, and then fell down. .

That is, someone kicked them out or threw them, so far straight into the middle of a tree, and then onto the ground.

Such a distance and such strength made Du Gouzi shudder.

"Demon, monster!"

Du Gouzi screamed suddenly, threw the knife directly, turned his head and ran, and fell to the ground after a few steps.

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