Make a rope with deer tendon, bring dry food and water, let Tao sit in front of him, and Gu Zheng directly rides on the horse king and drives forward.

This horse king was completely tamed. After running for a day, the horse king was actually very tired, but after Gu Zheng used his very thin immortal power to sort out its meridians, the horse king's strength recovered a lot. It doesn't have any repulsion to fight for Xianli, on the contrary, it enjoys it very much.

Animals have their own spirituality. In fact, Gu Zheng didn't know that. If he used fairy power to help the horse in this way, over time, the horse would also cultivate its own strength. When the strength reached a certain level, it opened up its intelligence. Then the horse is no longer a horse, but a demon.

In fact, some of the mounts of immortals in Honghuang came from this at the beginning. At first, they were kept as pets, and they developed strength and intelligence. In the end, they became disciple-like mounts, such as the mount Qingniu of the human sage Lao Tzu, However, I am afraid that the Lao Tzu in this meeting is not yet sanctified, but just an ordinary strong man.

With a horse, Gu Zheng can not only save a lot of walking energy, but also save a lot of time. When riding a horse, he can still practice, but he can't concentrate as before. What happened.

But Tao, sitting on the horse, looked around curiously, looking very excited, for him, everything was so new and curious.

Noticing Tao's appearance, Gu Zheng was still wondering if his master was the same as this Tao when he was born, he looked like he knew nothing and was curious about everything, just like Tao now.

In addition, he has been thinking about what Daozu Hongjun said before these days. Hearing the meaning of Daozu Hongjun's words, he seemed to recognize his own existence and woke himself up on purpose, but this was obviously performed by Master Tiexian Returning to the Immortal Art is just for him to understand and feel, not the real world.

But these days, everything about life, cultivation, and prehistoric times is so real, it's like a real world, which makes Gu Zheng very confused.

I can't figure it out, so I can only give up thinking about it temporarily, hoping to meet Daozu Hongjun again in the future, and ask him about the doubts in my heart. Perhaps only he can answer this doubt.

With a horse instead of walking, the speed is much faster than before. Even if the horse is not running wildly, the speed of riding all the way is not slow, not to mention that this is a king of horses.

Not only that, three days later, Gu Zheng also had an unexpected harvest in a barren rock pile. Originally, he went to the rock pile to find some sharp stones to make hidden weapons like small flying knives. His current strength uses Shooting these hidden weapons by hand can already kill small things like pheasants and hares.

What he didn't expect was that in this barren pile of rocks, he unexpectedly found flint.

Flint, as long as you hit it, you can start a fire, so he doesn't need to drill wood to make fire. After having flint, you can start a fire anywhere in the future, and you can eat cooked food. Those dried fish can be roasted. Eat it when it is cooked, or you can make it into dried fish soup, which is much better than eating it dry.

Gu Zheng came to pay attention to some ingredients on the road, and found a lot of condiments. He ate a whole hare roasted with these condiments, and he wanted to eat it again. They are all drummed up.

The recovery of Gu Zheng's consciousness is also equivalent to the recovery of his cooking skills. The Tiexian back then did not have the cooking skills of Gu Zheng now, even if it is just simple things, simple ingredients and condiments, in the hands of Gu Zheng, he can still cook Very delicious food, compared to eating raw fish at the beginning, the life of him and Tao has completely changed.

The two of them were not the only ones who ate Gu Zheng’s delicacies. The horse king once drank the soup made by Gu Zheng, and since then it has been out of control. As long as Gu Zheng makes soup, it will get better, but fish and meat are not the same. Eat, just have a soft spot for soup.

With Gu Zheng's delicious food, and Gu Zheng's use of immortal power to relieve his fatigue from time to time, this horse king was completely tamed by Gu Zheng, and he no longer had any intention of leaving.

A month later, Gu Zheng finally walked out of the grassland.

It took a month to come out, and he was still riding a horse. Ma Wang’s strength is much stronger than ordinary horses, and he can run for a period of time every day. According to Gu Zheng’s estimate, he can basically travel more than 200 kilometers a day. Although It's not a thousand miles a day, but it's four or five hundred miles, and it's very easy.

Calculated in this way, in one month, Gu Zheng traveled almost 7,000 kilometers before he walked out of this grassland.

There is absolutely no grassland with a length of more than 7,000 kilometers on the earth, but Gu Zheng understands that a grassland like Honghuang can only be regarded as a small place, and there are many larger and wider places than this. Ordinary people would never be able to get out of the desert of Africa.

Walking through the grassland, he entered a flat area. Although there were no people there, Gu Zheng knew that he was not far from a place where people lived.

In a month, Gu Zheng has already cultivated the first level of the Tiexian Xianjue to 70%. This speed seems to be not as fast as his own cultivation at the beginning, but back then he was assisted by various elixir, and there was also the cheating of Qi Ling. The instrument helped him, and now he is practicing on his own, and he can't do food cultivation, so he can only practice steadily.

He has cultivated 70% of the first level, and his strength has also increased a lot, and this is a prehistoric place, with plenty of immortal power. In terms of strength, he is much stronger than the practitioners of the second level of the inner strength of the earth. Today, he is generally The wild beasts are not his opponents at all, as long as they don't encounter practitioners, they are enough to protect themselves.

Tao's progress is also very fast, which can be said to be beyond Gu Zheng's expectations.

Tao's strength is not weaker than Gu Zheng's, and even stronger, but his skills are not as rich as Gu Zheng's. He cultivated later than Gu Zheng, and his daily practice is not so serious. Unlike Gu Zheng who is practicing every day, he Only when Gu Zheng urged him would he practice helplessly. It can be said that his cultivation time was less than half that of Gu Zheng.

In this case, his strength and even the immortal power in his body have surpassed Gu Zheng by a little bit. It can only be said that his physique seems to be better than Gu Zheng. Besides, Gu Zheng really doesn't know what to do. to explain this.

In this regard, he can also comfort himself, everything depends on the end, Tao's cultivation technique itself is fast in the early stage, and his Taoxian Xianjue, the first three levels are all stable, only after the fourth level is cultivated, can it be counted True cultivation is successful.

"Tie, look ahead!"

Another month, Tao, who was sitting in front of Gu Zheng on horseback, suddenly woke up Gu Zheng who was adjusting his breath and practicing kung fu, and pointed forward with his finger.

After more than two months, Tao has been able to express his meaning clearly, but there are some long words that are still unclear, but the simple meaning is completely fine.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes and was taken aback for a moment, with a hint of excitement in his expression.

In the distance ahead, there was actually a house. Although it was not big, it was indeed a house. A house proved that there were people there. After more than two months, he finally found a place where people lived in the wild.

Two months, the time is not too long, or it is already considered very short. Gu Zheng was mentally prepared before, not to mention two months, even two years can let him find a place with people, he is also happy, the prehistoric is too big , Now it is the early days of the prehistoric period, and there are not as many human races as in the back. It is definitely luck to find them in two months.

"There must be someone!"

Gu Zheng patted the horse and let the horse run, still muttering in a low voice. There is only one house in the distance, which is a bit abnormal, but there is hope if there is a house. Gu Zheng is not the quasi-sage before, he is An ordinary child with no cultivation base, at this time he hopes to find a place where people live and live with other people.

Live together so you won't be alone.

Not long after, Ma Wang ran to the house. The house was not a thatched house, but it was also a very simple mud house. To Gu Zheng's disappointment, the house had obviously not been lived in for a long time, and it was full of dust and spider webs.

If you see a house but no one there, you haven't found it.

However, Gu Zheng was only disappointed for a while, and his mood improved after a while. Since he found out that the house exists, it proves that someone has lived here. Looking at the things inside, it is definitely not something that one or two people can make by living here. , there must be a place where people live here.

Only in this way can we make these tables and chairs, as well as some missing porcelain.

"Go, keep going!"

After dismounting and observing for a while, Gu Zheng remounted and let the horse run again. He believed that there must be people living not far away, and it must be a village if it is not a town.

Humans live in groups, and only when more people are together can they exert great power. A single person cannot survive in the wild compared to those wild beasts.

"Smoke, smoke!"

After half an hour, Tao Xian yelled, Gu Zheng nodded excitedly, they saw cooking smoke in the distance, this is real cooking smoke, and the presence of cooking smoke proves that there is someone.

Regardless of the witch race or the demon race, they don't know how to cook. They basically drink blood and eat raw food. Only humans can process food and make it into gourmet food.

He just saw smoke in the front, but a minute later, Gu Zheng saw more houses. This is a village with a simple wall, but it is not a city wall, and it should not be a town.

But with the village, I believe the town will not be far away, and sooner or later they will be found.

"Where did the child come from, what about you adults?"

Gu Zheng rode a horse to the entrance of the village. There were two people guarding here, holding simple weapons. After seeing Gu Zheng and Tao, he asked curiously.

"Our adults can't find it, and we are also looking for it. We have been walking for several days. Can we go in and have a rest and drink some water?"

Gu Zheng said softly, he looks like a child now, and he utters immature homonyms. Seeing that Gu Zheng said so clearly and well-adjusted, the man was very surprised, but he opened the door quickly, and personally took them out of the room. Hug it down now.

"My lords, you are really careless. Why did you get lost? You are a fortune-teller, and you actually let the horse bring you here. Yes, this is a good horse!"

This person looks about 30 years old, but the life of the human race in the early days of the prehistoric period was not particularly good, and it is also possible that his actual age is only in his early twenties. At this time, it is not a problem for people to grow older at all, but it is common.

Gu Zheng just said thank you, didn't say anything else, he took the horse with one hand, and followed the man with the other hand, and finally found a place with people. In this way, Gu Zheng can find a place to live in seclusion and practice slowly. Let yourself grow up by the way.

He is really too young now, only three years old.

This is still more than two months, he and Tao have developed, grown up a bit, when they were just born, they looked like two years old.

"Aunt Cui, these are two lost children. Their adults have gone somewhere, please take care of them first!"

The man brought the two of them to a yard, and shouted at a woman in the yard. The woman was not very old, less than forty, and immediately ran out after hearing the words, and was stunned when she saw Gu Zheng and Tao. Next, a smile appeared on his face.

"Two lovely children, still twins. Why are their adults so careless? Don't worry, let me go first, and take them away when their adults come!"

Gu Zheng and Tao Chang are both pink and cute. These days, they are traveling in the wind, eating and sleeping in the open, and they are a little tanned, but the tan is limited. Both of them are practicing. With strength, the sun is not so easy to tan them. .

"Your family is a hunter. It looks like a hunter living alone, but this leopard skin is really good. Your family must be a very good hunter!"

Aunt Cui dragged the two of them into the yard, Tao just looked at everything curiously, it was Gu Zheng who was communicating with her.

Both of them wore leopard skin clothes, such clothes are usually only available to hunters, but they only had animal skins on their bodies, without any other cloth, which meant that they lived alone in a place where no one was around.

There are indeed such hunters in Honghuang, which is why Aunt Cui said so.

Whatever she says, Gu Zheng can answer whatever they want, they can guess as they please, they don't have such an adult at all, and there will be no adult who will come. For Gu Zheng, he only needs to find a place to live in seclusion. Not here, he can ask. The same goes for other places.

"You guys are hungry, come and eat something!"

Soon, Aunt Cui took out two more steamed buns, and they were white flour steamed buns. Gu Zheng observed carefully. Although Aunt Cui's house was not big and the furniture was simple, it was clean and tidy. A cow, life is not bad.

Also, Gu Zheng heard the barking of some other livestock, as well as the barking of dogs and the crowing of cocks, none of which belonged to Aunt Cui's family. From this point of view, the life of the villagers in this village is not bad, at least the problem of food and clothing is not a big problem, and they can all solve it .

In the early days of the prehistoric period, this was actually the case in many places where human races lived. At this time, the big country had not yet formed, and there were few exploiting classes. In addition, there were not so many monsters in the early days of the prehistoric period. The weather was good, as long as we worked hard, ordinary people's lives would not be bad. .


"Tie, this is not as tasty as yours!"

Gu Zheng took the steamed bun and thanked him, while Tao directly ate it in his hand. After taking a bite, his little brows frowned slightly, and he spat it out again, wanting to throw away the steamed bun in his hand.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng noticed his movement and took it over for him at once.

"You child, don't spit it out if it doesn't taste good, it's a waste!"

Aunt Cui saw Tao spit out the steamed buns, and frowned and complained. This Aunt Cui is a person who doesn't like to waste, but he is not the only one. Many women at this time are like this. Even in the earth behind, many peasant women will not If there is any waste, as long as it can be eaten, it must be eaten.

"I'm sorry Aunt Cui, he's still young and doesn't understand much!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly apologized, and went to the horse to take out some dried meat and fur. Aunt Cui's face immediately turned bright, and she kept praising Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng and Tao look exactly the same, they both look like children, but their performances are completely different, which makes Aunt Cui very puzzled, she doesn't understand how the same children have such a big gap.

But in any case, these two are children, and Gu Zheng also gave her a lot of good things, so she won't really blame them.

"It's really not delicious, it's delicious without you!"

When Aunt Cui went to work, Tao said aggrieved again, when he said you are delicious, he didn't mean that Gu Zheng could eat, but that the food made by Gu Zheng was more delicious.

Gu Zheng was once a famous fairy chef. Even without his cultivation and strength, his culinary skills are still there after all. As long as he has enough ingredients, he can still cook delicacies that others can't.

"I know, but some things can't be said indiscriminately. We will be with others for a long time in the future, so many things can't be so casual!"

Gu Zheng taught him slowly, in the eyes of Gu Zheng, Tao is not actually his brother, but more like his child, at first Tao was like a blank sheet of paper, everything was taught by Gu Zheng, take him.

"I see!"

Tao nodded vigorously, not sure if he really understood, but since he nodded, I believe there will be no such thing in the future.

The sky quickly darkened, and the smoke that Gu Zheng saw was dinner. When they came, it happened to be dinner time, but this dinner was at four o'clock in the afternoon, not six or seven o'clock. black.

Aunt Cui made two dishes with the meat and dried fish that Gu Zheng gave. Gu Zheng ate some, and Tao put it down after only a few mouthfuls. Don't want to eat anymore.

The same thing, made by Gu Zheng, is much better than this Aunt Cui, and Gu Zheng can't do anything about it, who made him have a gluttonous stomach before, and now he can't eat anything made by others. Today they are again When he came here for the first time, he didn't like to behave too much. He cooked by himself when he came here, so he could only make do with a meal first.

Having nothing to say all night, Gu Zheng got up early the next day, went out for a walk around the village, and then went into the kitchen.

The things in the kitchen are very leaky, but they are much better than when Gu Zheng was in the wild. At least there is a real pot here. Unlike before, Gu Zheng’s soup pot is made of stone, which is clumsy and heavy. There are not many soups that can be cooked, and the cooking is very slow, making it more difficult to control the heat.

After all, there is a real iron pot, a stove, and some seasonings. Gu Zheng saw that there was still some corn, so he simply took out the dried fish and some ingredients collected on the road, and prepared to make a corn porridge with dried fish. to make their breakfast.

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