The top four masters of Kuanglei Mountain are Golem, Tianyan, Ghost Crane and Qiyun. Among these four guys, Golem, Tianyan, and Ghost Crane are equivalent to the late quasi-sage in strength, and Qi Yun's strength is equivalent to the middle-stage quasi-sage.

When Golem and the others broke the closed-door restriction, Gu Zheng had already arrived outside the tallest building, and he was waiting for Golem and others to come out from inside.

"I'm about to face four quasi-sacred monsters, how do you plan to deal with them?" Qi Ling's voice sounded.

"It's not long since I killed Tathagata, and I'm not in the mood to fight with them slowly, so I want to use thunder to resolve the battle as soon as possible." Gu Zheng said.

"Using the 'Way of Death'?" Qi Ling asked.

"That's right, I really intend to use the 'Way of Death'." Gu Zheng smiled.

The power of the "Way of Death" is affected by his own strength. After Gu Zheng gained the control of the seventh consciousness, his power of "Way of Death" has been able to kill the mid-stage quasi-sage. However, this extermination is not absolute, it will also be affected by certain factors of the person affected by the 'Way of Death'! For example, the control of the way of life, the particularity of one's own constitution, and whether there is some kind of artifact that can affect the function of the 'way of death', etc. But in any case, whether a person can be affected by the 'Way of Death', as a person who has mastered the 'Way of Death', he can tell at a glance.

The 'Way of Death' is one of the Dao. Even among the ten great saints, only Lao Tzu has reached a high level of control over the 'Way of Death', and its power cannot be said to be weak. However, the Tao power exclusive to the 'Way of Death' is very limited, especially when it is used to kill stronger opponents.

Just like Gu Zheng's "Way of Death" today, under normal circumstances, killing two quasi-sages in the middle stage is already the limit! But this time the situation is a bit special. Although Ghost Crane's cultivation level is equivalent to that of the late quasi-sage, he is a zombie-like monster, and the "Way of Death" happens to be his nemesis. It is even less to kill a normal mid-term quasi-sage.

Gu Zheng hasn't actually seen the four ghost cranes yet, and some things are just speculations, but if there are no major variables, then this time he will use the 'Way of Death' to instantly kill two monsters, Ghost Crane and Qi Yun, at the same time.

I don’t want to be disturbed when I’m in retreat, so I think the stronger the restrictions I set up, the better, but once something happens outside, when I want to come out, I will find that the time wasted will be extremely precious if I untie the restrictions I placed before.

Golem and the others finally released the restriction, and they were all aggressive and murderous.

Gu Zheng in the state of "space hiding", after taking a look at Golem and the others, he couldn't help but applaud in his heart. Ghost Crane and Qi Yun belonged to the category of "Way of Death" that could instantly kill at the same time, just as he hoped.


The powerful perception of the golem was displayed again. Although he couldn't detect the existence of Gu Zheng, his keen perception made him feel that the void was a bit abnormal.

"Ghost Crane, Qi Yun!"

When Gu Zheng appeared, he called Gui He and Qi Yun's names.

The 'Way of Death' immediately established a connection with Ghost Crane and Qi Yun. While their eyes widened, a strong breath of death hovered above their heads.

Too much time happened in an instant, Gu Zheng appeared from the void and shocked Golem and the others, and his "way of death" killed Ghost Crane and Qiyun in seconds, Golem and Tianyan who were frightened and angry, at the same time attacked him.

The attack on the bright side was that the golem slashed at Gu Zheng with the demon weapon in its hand, and Tianyan pointed at Gu Zheng. A hill that looked only the size of a house but had an astonishing momentum pressed down on Gu Zheng. However, the secret attack also included the banning of the middle-level space method, as well as the invisible attack that made Gu Zheng's heart want to burst.

The ban of the middle-level space method was useless to Gu Zheng. When the 'five elements shield' was born, the aching heart also returned to calm. An ancient battle that moved in a blink of an eye, escaped the slashing attack of the golem and the demon weapon, and also escaped the falling hill.


Appearing not far from Tianyan, the 'Five Elements Fairy Lotus' was thrown towards him by Gu Zheng.


The 'five-color fairy lotus' that hit Tianyan turned into five-color flames and surrounded it, and a strange scream immediately came from Tianyan's mouth.


The beam of light shot from the monster's demonic energy ignored Gu Zheng's 'five elements shield' and directly acted on Gu Zheng's body. However, in addition to the 'five elements shield', Gu Zheng also has the magical power of damage absorption, and the damage caused by the golem's attack is equal to zero.

"You're the only one left!"

Gu Zheng laughed evilly, he didn't care about the magic elephant, he used Tang Mo to chop out the "Crazy Demon Knife" attached to the "Five Elements Transformation", and directly cut Tianyan, who was still struggling under the five-color flames, into a pile of rubble , hastened his death.

Cold sweat overflowed the golden hair on the golem's face, and he tasted the despair he had never felt before.

Space hiding, high-level way of space, middle-level way of death, five-element shield, five-color fairy lotus, damage absorption, Gu Zheng's supernatural powers have been shown one after another in a very short period of time, destroying the fighting spirit of the golem.

Golem knows that he is not the opponent of Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng has already planted a 'space mark' on him, and the way of advanced space can be applied to his means of escape at any time, so how can he not despair.

No matter how desperate the golem was, Gu Zheng had already appeared behind him through teleportation, and slapped his palm on the back of his heart.


The golem's body exploded under Gu Zheng's palm, and turned into a piece of golden hair floating down, while his body was like a golden cicada shedding its shell. distance.

With a wave of the golem's hand, all the demon weapons that originally belonged to the other three flew into his hands, turning into a harp-like thing that shone with four kinds of brilliance.

The golem frantically fiddled with the strings, and the effect produced was not only a sonic attack, but also a flame like a "five elements illusion" shot towards Gu Zheng.

"too weak!"

Behind Gu Zheng, the five-color divine light exploded, and the flames that flew like arrows were wiped out instantly.

"Four images in one!"

The frenzied goblin finally used the 'unity of four images' that Gu Zheng wanted to see.

I saw that the golem grabbed the string of the four-colored zither, and then loosened it suddenly. The four-colored light was like a sharp arrow being shot, and turned into a huge monster head in the air.

With a head like a tiger, dragon beard, eyes like an eagle, and ears like a lynx, it opened its huge mouth and bit Gu Zheng.

Even through the 'shield of the five elements', Gu Zheng felt the extraordinary aura of the 'unity of four images'! Indeed, as Hanyue said, the 'Four Images in One' has the ability to kill ordinary quasi-sages.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng is not an ordinary quasi-sage, and the 'Four Elephants in One' couldn't even break his 'Five Elements Shield'.

The stormy attack launched against the golem. Gu Zheng didn't want the golem's life for the time being. He wanted to restrain the golem, and then searched for his soul.


The golem made a weird call, but he couldn't withstand Gu Zheng's crazy attack, and was knocked unconscious on the ground by Gu Zheng's palm.

The entire Kuanglei Mountain was in chaos. When Gu Zheng was searching for the soul of the magic elephant, Han Yue and the others were also killing and plundering as planned.

The chaos didn't last too long. After all the heads of Kuanglei Mountain died, the remaining monsters were naturally very easy to deal with.

The few people who came with Hanyue have been rescued, and they still don't know that Tathagata has been killed. Among them, the disciples like Zhunti, Jieyin, and Cynthias spinosa have a very good attitude towards Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng and others should do the same thing. In this regard, Gu Zheng will not say much, anyway, he is not on the same level as them.

After destroying Kuanglei Mountain, Gu Zheng gained a lot of resources from the outside world. However, most of these resources are not the kind that cultivators can use. After all, this is a different world from Honghuang! But even so, among these resources, there are still some things that make Gu Zheng smile. For example, there are more than a dozen boxes of high-level ingredients outside the circle, six pieces of immortal ingredients, and two pieces of heavenly materials and earthly treasures! In addition, there are some good monster weapons, which Gu Zheng gave to Nu Han and the others, but the fly in the ointment is that Gu Zheng didn't get any of the materials that could be used to repair Xingxu Mountain.

The matter of Kuanglei Mountain was over, and Gu Zheng didn't stay in this world outside the circle. After entering the black hole, he repaired the entrance, and then returned to the fairy camp.

All the extra entrances in the black hole have been restored, which is considered a happy event, and a banquet was held in the fairy camp for this reason, and the most talked about thing during the banquet was about the battlefield of chance.

Most of the people who meet the requirements in the fairy camp are very interested in the battlefield of chance, but they still have jobs. Whether they can go to the battlefield of chance in the end depends on the people above to make a decision. However, since the extra entrances have been repaired, the fairy camp's manpower requirements are not so strict, so Hanyue and Xuanyue easily took a short leave from Taiyi Daoist.

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng took Hanyue and Xuanyue back to Xingxu Mountain. This time, Hanyue and Xuanyue asked for leave, that is, to go to Xingxu Mountain to accept the gift that Gu Zheng gave them, and enter the missionary palace of Xingxu Mountain Accept preaching.

The two preaching palaces left by Gu Zheng to Hanyue and Xuanyue, the Taoism taught in them is also more suitable for them. One is the intermediate "True Water Way" among the Five Elements, and the other is the intermediate "Formation Way" .

Senior brother Liu and senior sister enlightened in the preaching palace, Gu Zheng wanted to call Tiexian, as long as Tiexian was not particularly busy, he would definitely reply.

Tiexian quickly replied to Gu Zheng, expressing his satisfaction that Gu Zheng became the first person under the Saint Immortal.

The exchange between Gu Zheng and Tiexian was very short. Regarding the battlefield of chance that Gu Zheng wanted to know the most, Tiexian told him that in a month, the operation of the "Star Dou Formation" will reach a small cycle, and he can one day In his free time, let Gu Zheng go to the Palace of Delicacy to meet him, and they will have an interview about the Battle of Chance.

Hanyue and Xuanyue lived up to Gu Zheng's hopes. They successfully enlightened in the Evangelism Palace, and then stayed in Xingxu Mountain for a day, and then Gu Zheng sent them back to the Immortal Camp.

Returning from the Frozen Snowfield again, Gu Zheng returned to Xingxu Mountain and began to restore Xingxu Mountain.

Similar to the process of restoring Xingxu Mountain last time, Gu Zheng quickly completed the restoration process after turning the materials needed for the restoration into various energy crystals.

As expected, Xingxu Mountain's damage has recovered to 50%, and only 10% of the repair speed is needed. Xingxu Mountain's Mission Palace can be used normally. This is a day that Gu Zheng is looking forward to! However, this 10% is still short, and the resources outside the circle required are relatively rare, and Gu Zheng is not sure when he will be able to get it together.

The last restoration of Xingxu Mountain made Gu Zheng understand Xingxu Mountain better, and he also discovered the good thing of 'commanding starlight'.

With the restoration of Xingxu Mountain this time, Gu Zheng's understanding of Xingxu Mountain has also deepened, which made him realize that before, he thought that "Protoss spirits cannot leave Xingxu Mountain within a certain range" was a mistake due to lack of understanding cognition.

A month later, I will meet Tiexian, and Gu Zheng plans to go to the statue space to practice meditation in the next time. After all, it's been a while since the last meditation practice. Although not too much time has passed, too many things have happened during this period, and some things need to be calmly settled and figured out.

The faint light flickered in the 'Stars of the Heavens', and the ten holy immortals with their eyes closed seemed to be asleep. Ripples in the air continued to spread, which was a manifestation of the continuous effect of the power of Tao.

Finally, the original flickering light stabilized, and the light in the 'Stars of the Heavens' became brighter as a result, all the ten great saints who had closed their eyes opened their eyes.

"One day, everyone hurry up and deal with the things that need to be dealt with!"

Lao Tzu's voice was still echoing in the air, but the man had disappeared.

The remaining nine Saint Immortals also disappeared soon, and there was no one in the 'Stars of the Heavens'.

With just a thought, Tiexian has already returned from the "star formation of the heavens" to the Zhenxiu Palace thirty-three days away, and Lexian appeared in the palace with him.

"Huh? Where's Gu Zheng?"

Lexian knew that in this rare time, Tiexian would definitely see Gu Zheng, so she followed Tiexian. However, after appearing in the palace, she did not find Gu Zheng waiting in the Palace of Delicacy.

"The last time I communicated with Gu Zheng, I didn't tell him the exact time when I would return to the Palace of Delicacy, so he will come tomorrow morning." Tiexian smiled.

"Brother, is something wrong?"

Le Xian frowned, if Tie Xian was not busy, he should have told Gu Zheng the exact time.

Tiexian nodded, and then asked: "What do you think of the battlefield of chance?"

Le Xian was taken aback, she didn't expect Tie Xian to ask: "Senior Brother, Junior Sister is stupid!"

"Or to put it this way, the disciple of the Saint Immortal becoming the first person under the Saint Immortal is actually the condition for being able to open the battlefield of chance in advance. Do you find it strange that we didn't know this in advance?"

Hearing what Tiexian said, Lexian nodded, "It's a bit strange, but it's not too strange. After all, there are many important events that we can't know in advance."

"Senior brother, is it because Gu Zheng met the potential activation condition, so you have to be cautious, or is it because you have a premonition about this matter?"

Le Xian also became more cautious. Tie Xian's premonition and deduction ability have always been the first among the saints. If he really had a premonition, it might not be easy.


Tiexian's voice paused, and then he said seriously: "So I want Junior Sister to help me!"


Le Xian's eyes widened: "You need me to help you, brother, do you want to use the power of deduction that is the only one in your life?"

Tiexian didn't speak, but just nodded.

"This is the only deduction power in my life, isn't senior brother planning to use it during this chaotic catastrophe, or during the chaotic catastrophe in the future, when it is particularly dangerous?" Le Xian asked again.

"Plans can never keep up with changes. I think the opportunity of 'joint force deduction' is most suitable here."

With a molestation, Tiexian said again: "When Gu Zheng was weak, the rules I made were very strict. After he became strong, I taught him very loosely. Among the few disciples, he is my disciple of crossing robbery. , in some respects, I gave him the least, so that my junior sister even laughed at me, is Gu Zheng my disciple for crossing the catastrophe! I always think that the way I taught him is right, but deep down I don’t know He also owes something, and using the only 'combined force deduction' on him can be regarded as a kind of compensation for him!"

Le Xian shook his head and smiled: "I used to think that senior brother was too strict and indifferent to Du Jie's disciples, but it turns out that senior brother is right, this will not only make him more independent, but also increase his luck! Or Senior brother has foresight, I'm afraid the rest of the saints still don't understand this point."

"Gu Zheng is really a good kid. Since senior brother has a premonition that the most suitable time to use 'Joint Force Deduction' has come, junior sister wishes senior brother a helping hand!" Le Xian said solemnly.


Immortal Tie responded, and immediately began to practice, and the air in the hall suddenly became densely rippled.

A jade flute appeared in Lexian's hand, and her silent playing made ripples appear in the air.

The Taoism of Tiexian and Lexian both made ripples appear in the air, and the two ripples with different frequencies seemed to collide and slowly merged together. During this process, Tiexian's body seemed to be shaking back and forth, and an afterimage beside him gradually changed from blurred to clear. It was a person who looked exactly like Tiexian but wore different clothes. , There is an image of full violence between the brows.


Tiexian and Xuying opened their mouths to roar at the same time, and the roars of two different tones merged into one, shattering the ripples in the air, causing the sudden bright light in the air to turn the hall into a world where people couldn't even open their eyes .

The bright light appeared only for a moment, and when the light returned to normal, Le Xian had already put down the jade flute in his hand, and Tie Xian was pinching his fingers quickly, as for the image beside him, it had disappeared without a trace.

One month in the real world, the ancient struggle in the statue space has actually been in meditation for three months.

After three months of retreat, Gu Zheng has reached the best condition in all aspects, and he is going to go out to see Tiexian.

Thirty-three days away, the Palace of Delicacy.


After seeing Tiexian, Gu Zheng was very shocked, because Tiexian's complexion was very bad, it seemed that he had suffered internal injuries, and he seemed to be extremely tired.

"It's okay, it's just too tiring to maintain the 'Star Dou Formation' during this period of time."

There is only one chance in a lifetime, and Tiexian can't do it alone. The "joint force deduction" that has to be helped by another saint, in addition to being able to really see the secret, it also has a good backlash against itself. In this inevitable backlash, Tiexian is still good, but Lexian suffers more serious backlash, so that she, who originally wanted to see Gu Zheng, had to hurry up to adjust her breath.

"Master, do you want to rest? Let's talk about it when you get better!" Gu Zheng worried.

"It's really okay, disciple, don't worry too much."

Tiexian smiled slightly: "In the past, as a teacher, I only mentioned the battlefield of chance to my disciples. I didn't say much about some details. Now that the battlefield of chance is about to open, the master will tell you the details."

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