After Venerable Blood Shadow and the others left, Fairy Xuanyue's face also became serious, and she looked like a different person from before.

"Junior Brother, what did you mean by what you said earlier?" Fairy Xuanyue asked.

"Senior sister, the thing is like this..."

Gu Zheng told Fairy Xuanyue and Fairy Huanyin what happened after he came to Xianying.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, a sneer appeared on the corner of Xuanyue Fairy's mouth. She had heard Tiexian mention about Gu Zheng's conflict with the power of the Saint Immortal.

"It's a good thing that Xiyan arrived in time in the ice prison, otherwise I'm afraid my junior brother will be in danger." Fairy Huanyin said.

"It's uncertain who is really in danger!" Gu Zheng sneered.

"These guys are really trying to die. They didn't cherish the opportunity given to them!" Fairy Xuanyue gritted her teeth.

"Senior Sister, do you think that the purpose of the three of them coming here just now is not pure?" Fairy Huanyin asked.

"I'm sure! It's just that the timing of their arrival is unlucky, we are all awake, if when they come, the younger brother is fighting the giant monster, I think they will definitely attack the younger brother!" Fairy Xuanyue said.

"If this is the case, then Senior Brother Taiyi's thoughts are worth pondering! He just sent those three people to go with the junior brother, and Xiyan must be missing in the fairy camp, but he let Xiyan stay in the fairy camp Among them." Fairy Huanyin said.

"It's good to know some things in your heart, and it's always right to be careful about everything. But since Xue Ying and Xuan Yang have already dealt with the younger brother in the ice prison, then this matter can't be ignored!"

Fairy Xuan Yue's voice paused, she looked at Gu Zheng and said, "What is the younger brother going to do about this matter?"

"The soldiers will block the water and cover them with soil." Gu Zheng said flatly.

"Junior brother, some things are better to be dealt with first!" Fairy Xuanyue said with earnestness.

"Junior brother is still too kind, others don't need to talk about it, but since you plan to stay with Wahuang's disciples forever, and they know about this situation, you really don't need to be polite to Xuanyang!" Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't speak, Xuan Yue said again.

Looking at Xuan Yue's serious look, Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, Senior Sister!"

Of course, Gu Zheng didn't feel that Xuanyang Fairy and the others could really keep their own place, but he was still willing to give these people a chance, the reason was that Xianying was employing people now, and they didn't do anything excessive again. The reason why Gu Zheng dared to do this was of course based on his strength. He was not afraid of the joint attack of Xuanyang and the three of them at all! But Xuanyue is different. Although she knows some of the situation of Gu Zheng, she also knows more than others, but she is not Gu Zheng after all, so it is inevitable to worry, and such worries are really like being treated by a sister. In her eyes, she was like a younger brother who would never grow up.

"Don't worry? How can you make us feel at ease? Although the younger brother is very confident, but on this matter, I also agree with the senior sister. It is best for us to act first!" Fairy Huanyin scolded.

"No, you must be vigilant enough, I'm going to see if I find anything!"

After Fairy Xuanyue finished speaking, she signaled Gu Zheng to follow, and everyone quickly returned to the ice from the bottom of the water.

"What is Senior Sister doing?"

Seeing Fairy Xuanyue's eyes sweeping around the ice surface, Gu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"It hasn't been too long, but there is no aura of Anilud and others in the air, which means that these guys must have said something here, otherwise the aura could not have disappeared so cleanly."

What Fairy Xuanyue said is true. There is indeed no aura of Anilud and others here. This abnormal situation can only show that Anilud and others have cleared the traces they left here! Then this kind of behavior has a taste that there is no silver three hundred taels here. However, if people like Anilu and the others deliberately cleared up certain traces, then even if Gu Zheng mastered the intermediate way of time, he would not be able to see anything in the flow of time.

"Junior Brother once helped Bai Fengtou to refine the 'time array disk' in the Celestial Immortal Camp. It is no secret to them that you have mastered the way of time, and the reason why they cleaned up the traces so Cleanliness is to prevent you from going back in time and discovering something! However, the more they behave like this, the more it means that they have left a lot of things here!" Fairy Xuanyue said.

"Senior sister is right, I will be more careful about them in the future." Gu Zheng said.

Fairy Xuanyue nodded: "However, they are also considered mistakes. They think that after cleaning up the traces, they will not reveal the details. Who would have thought that I would still have a backhand here."

"Follower?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Did Junior Brother not notice anything unusual here?" Fairy Xuanyue said proudly.

"It's true that I haven't found it." Gu Zheng said.

"Hmph, before I was ambushed by the giant monster, my sixth sense already had a premonition that there would be danger, so I left a backhand in the air. This backhand is quite special, and no one else can see it except for the big brother. At that time, I left behind, that is, I thought that if something really happened, I would leave a trace of clues for the senior brother to trace. I didn't expect that it would eventually play a role in letting us check Anilud and others here. What did you do?"

Fairy Xuanyue's voice fell to the ground, and she shot a few spells into the air, and a transparent thing like a barrier appeared in the void.

"The Way of Time."

Gu Zheng murmured, she had seen that the barrier in the air was a product of the Way of Time.

With the change of Fairy Xuanyue's instructions, the scenery in a huge range appeared on the barrier, and then began to flow back.

It is also a time reflow, the backhand left by Fairy Xuanyue in advance, achieved what Gu Zheng could not do in normal time reflow, it reappeared the scene where the three of Anilud met by the lake.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the picture in Time Flow, Fairy Xuanyue cursed.

The three of Anilud had a conversation by the lake, but the part where they communicated with their voices was more reserved, and the last part where the three of them stopped speaking was obviously replaced by the voice transmission of spiritual thoughts. In this part, Xuan Yue What the fairies want to know, but unfortunately they can't know the details through time travel.

"It's okay, even if you can't know what they said through the voice transmission of their spiritual sense, you should be able to guess something."

Gu Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, he wondered if he was really kind.

"Junior Brother, don't be too impulsive. After all, the Immortal Camp is an Immortal Camp, so we can do whatever we want to meet there. When we go out to the Immortal Camp and meet them, let's act first!"

"Yes, that's what I mean too."

Fairy Huanyin and Fairy Xuanyue each said a word, and then they all looked at Gu Zheng, waiting for his reply.

Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing again, he could feel Fairy Huanyin and Fairy Xuanyue's concern for him, as well as their nervousness on this matter. After all, there are quite a few enemies, and they are also in the quasi-sage realm.

"Senior sisters, I understand!"

Laughter is a laugh, but Gu Zheng's answer is very serious.

At the same time, Anilud and others flew towards the fairy camp above the frozen snow field.

There was no chance to deal with Gu Zheng in the ice lake, so the three of them were naturally not in a good mood, and there were not many voice transmission conversations during the flight.

Suddenly, Anilud frowned, and he sent a voice transmission to Fairy Xuanyang and Venerable Blood Shadow: "The poor monk just felt like his heart was jumping like crazy!"

"What's the meaning?"

Fairy Xuanyang frowned, her expression was serious, she understood that the feeling Anilud said came from the sixth consciousness.

"It doesn't feel very clear, so the poor monk doesn't know whether there will be danger when dealing with the ancient dispute next time, or even if the ancient dispute is not dealt with, the danger will also appear. Both"

Anilud's expression was also serious. Although the danger was not clear enough, he believed that it was related to the ancient dispute.

Venerable Blood Shadow shuddered in his heart. He also had a dangerous feeling just now, and it was also not clear enough, and he also believed that it was related to the ancient dispute! It's just that he didn't tell Fairy Xuanyang and Anilud about it.

The three were silent, and after a while Fairy Xuanyang sent a voice transmission to the two of them: "Anyway, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. Immortal camp is not a place to do it, but tomorrow there will be a task of leading a team to find the fish that slipped through the net. This is our chance to do it.”

"Gu Zheng doesn't necessarily leave the fairy camp." Venerable Blood Shadow said.

"Didn't he want to stay in the Immortal Camp to contribute? Since he wants to stay in the Immortal Camp to contribute, then I think Brother Taiyi will definitely let him lead a team tomorrow." Fairy Xuanyang laughed.

"The poor monk agrees with this decision, the feeling of making the poor monk jump is very bad!" Anilud said bitterly.

"Blood Shadow, what do you think?" Seeing that Venerable Blood Shadow didn't express his opinion immediately, Fairy Xuanyang asked.

"Let me think about it and give you an answer tomorrow!" Venerable Blood Shadow said.

When Gu Zheng returned to the Immortal Camp, he didn't perform 'Meteor Chasing the Moon', and talked a lot with Fairy Xuanyue and Fairy Huanyin along the way. When they returned to Xianying, the three of Anilud had already gone back.

After everyone in Xianying chatted about what happened around Fairy Xuanyue and the others, Fairy Xuanyang urged Gu Zheng to cook, acting as if he couldn't wait for the delicious food.

There are not only kitchens in the fairy camp, but also fairy chefs. After all, it is quite boring for these quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxians to guard the black hole here. Who knows when there will be an invasion, so they have no way to choose to retreat for a long time! Moreover, due to their responsibilities, they cannot leave the Frozen Snow Field, and tasting the food made by the fairy chef is also a kind of fun and pastime for them.

The kitchen in the fairy camp is very large, and there are more than 30 fairy chefs.

Gu Zheng was coming to cook, so the fairy chefs were naturally very excited, and they all knew that Gu Zheng was a disciple of Tiexian, and his culinary skills were truly passed down by Tiexian. For them, being able to watch Gu Zheng cook and ask Gu Zheng for advice is a rare opportunity. After all, it has been a long time since Tiexian has taught cooking skills to others, nor has he taught the way of eating to others.

"Okay, what should I be busy with, I've never seen you guys so enthusiastic!"

Fairy Xuanyue glared at the immortal chefs, scaring the immortal chefs to quickly end the starry-eyed celebration of the ancient dispute.

As a disciple of Tiexian, Fairy Xuanyue's culinary skills are naturally not bad, and her job in the fairy camp is to lead these fairy cooks.

All the fairy cooks are afraid of Xuanyue, but they also respect Xuanyue, because Xuanyue can also be regarded as their master, and they have all learned a lot from Xuanyue.

"Junior brother, today you have to show your hand!"

When Xuan Yue said this, it didn't look like her sister was facing her younger brother, but instead she had respect and admiration in it. Among the several disciples of Tiexian, only Gu Zheng has comprehended the heart of Dao, and the realm of the way of eating and drinking has reached the point where he is on par with Tiexian, which makes Xuanyue admire him very much.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I will definitely show my hand today. If there is anything senior sister wants to ask me, feel free to ask me." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Okay, then senior sister will help junior brother now! What kind of dishes will junior brother cook?" Xuanyue said.

"Since you're here in Xianying, let's cook Xianying's dishes." Gu Zheng said.

There is a menu in the kitchen, so Gu Zheng ordered fifteen dishes on the menu, using the ingredients in the kitchen, so there will be a clear contrast, and it will be easier for Xuanyue to feel the difference, so there will be more harvest.

Although there are many ingredients in the kitchen, not all of them are of high grade. Most of them are of ordinary and medium grades, while there are relatively few of fine and high grades. After all, even in Xianying, it is impossible to eat delicacies cooked with high-grade ingredients.

The ingredients have been selected, and Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue handle them together, talking and laughing.

"It's a pity that these ingredients are all 'dead things'. Otherwise, by improving the grade of the ingredients, the dishes cooked today will be even more delicious."

Looking at a piece of ginger that looked like ginger in his hand, a trace of regret appeared on Gu Zheng's face. The quality of the ingredients for this thing is excellent. It had a chance to grow into a high-end product, but unfortunately it was picked when it was not mature enough, and it was processed. Dry goods now. If it is a living thing, even if its current level is not high, Gu Zheng can still improve its level through the way of promotion.

"No way, for ordinary people, they are ingredients and medicinal materials, and they must be collected as soon as possible, or they may become other people's pockets, unlike us fairy chefs, who know how to handle them properly, so that they Play greater value." Xuan Yue said.

"What's the way to improve senior sister?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Ability to upgrade medium-level ingredients to excellent."

Xuanyue's voice paused, and she said regretfully: "Unfortunately, senior sister failed to comprehend the heart of the Tao, and the realm of the Tao of eating and drinking stopped here."

Among the disciples of Tiexian, Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue have the highest love for the way of eating and drinking. Although Han Yue, Lan Yue and Xiong San are also very enthusiastic about the way of eating and drinking, they can't compete with Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue. Compare. As for talent, Xuan Yue's talent is considered the best among the brothers and sisters, Gu Zheng is not as good as Xuan Yue in this point, and the reason why Gu Zheng's achievements are higher than Xuan Yue's is because his luck is so good .

"When the preaching palace on Xingxu Mountain can be used normally, I will preach to my senior sister about the way of diet, and I will make my senior sister feel less regretful!" Gu Zheng said.

"Most of the materials needed to restore Xingxu Mountain are very rare. I really don't know when it will be until the Mission Palace can be used normally." Xuanyue sighed.

"After staying in Xianying for a while, I'm going to open a fairy kitchen shop outside the circle. I think it will definitely speed up the collection of materials to restore Xingxu Mountain." Gu Zheng said.

The ingredients for the first dish were processed quickly. The name of this dish is "Fried Fish with Fragrant Kou".

'Fried Fish with Fragrant Kou' is a very common dish in the Xianying recipes. There are three main ingredients used in it, Xiang Kou, Xian Flour, and Blue and White Fairy Fish. The grades of ingredients are medium, ordinary, and medium.

The meat of the blue-and-white fairy fish is tender, and Gu Zheng has marinated it with some seasonings after cleaning it.

Xiang Kou is a processed food material. It is a kind of nut seed. It is steamed and added with a special oil and a paste made of several spices. It can be used as sesame oil when cooking dishes.

Put the fragrant cardamom with creamy yellow paste in the hot pot, and a faint fragrance permeates as the fragrant cardamom melts.

The marinated blue-and-white fairy fish has been controlled by Gu Zheng to remove excess water. After dipping both sides of the fairy flour, he put the blue-and-white fairy fish in the pot when the oil temperature was right.

"Zizi la la..."

There was a sound of frying, and under the control of Gu Zhengxianli, the blue and white fairy fish circled at a constant speed in the oil pan.

For ordinary fairy chefs, if the dish of "Xiangkou Fried Fish" is to be delicious, all the fragrant oil of the fried fish must completely enter the fish body, while the outside is crispy and the inside is tender. It is fresh, smooth and tender, and will perfectly blend with the scent of xiangkou. However, since the ancient struggle is going to be done, it will not be that simple!

"Sister, it's now."

The two sides of the mackerel had been fried until slightly yellow, and a small piece of Xiang Kou was put on the fish eye by Gu Zheng.

The fragrant cardamom used by Gu Zheng is not ordinary fragrant cardamom, it is actually a part that Gu Zheng extracted from the fragrant cardamom paste processed by the fairy chefs! This part contains some special substances that can be seen by the eyes of Tao, which belong to the category that Xuan Yue can also extract.

Touch the extracted Xiang Kou on the fish's eyes at this time, because some wonderful substances that belong to the heart of Tao can only be sensed at this time, and they happen to gather in the fish's eyes! When the extracted Xiangkou encounters these wonderful substances at this time, the taste of the whole 'Xiangkou Fried Fish' will be doubled!

Since Xuanyue didn't open the heart of Dao, Gu Zheng could only use this method to let her know how to cook 'Xiangkou Fried Fish' would taste better. Of course, this approach can not get the real essence, it can only be regarded as a copy! However, if you do a lot of copying, you may not necessarily have the heart to open up the Tao.

"Smells good!"

Xuan Yueqiong's nose twitched, and she praised her sincerely.

Although Xuanyue can't sense the substances that can only be sensed by the heart of the Tao, she is a fairy chef who has opened the eyes of the Tao after all. She can see the incense sticks on the fish eyes. , a kind of wonderful substance that did not exist before, but can now be seen by the eyes of the Tao, is spreading to the whole body of the blue and white fairy fish. It is precisely because of the nourishment of these wonderful substances that the blue and white fairy fish burst out with a fragrance that is different from the past.

"Master Gu is amazing!"

"'Xiang Kou Fried Fish' can still do this, I am taught!"

"It's incredible that the fragrance can reach this level!"

Behind Gu Zheng stood a few chefs in the fairy camp, who had already opened the eyes of the Tao, and they couldn't help but sigh with emotion at this time. The same ingredients, but with different usage, can produce such an effect, and the gap in their ability makes them have to accept it.

"It is very fragrant, but this is not its limit!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and put a small piece of incense on the back of the blue-and-white fairy fish, which was the position of the seventh scale in the second row.

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