Silently, a monster outside the circle in the corner approached Gu Zheng. It looked a bit like an antelope, with a metallic luster all over its body and a mouthful of extremely sharp teeth.

"The strength is equivalent to the realm of Daluo Jinxian."

When Qi Ling told Gu Zheng the information about the monster, the monster had disappeared out of thin air, and it appeared behind Gu Zheng through teleportation, with two long and sharp horns piercing Gu Zheng's back.


Gu Zheng cursed secretly, although this monster has good strength, it can't escape the category of fierce beast after all. When it sees someone coming in, it wants to attack. It is really fearless.

Dragging the side of the afterimage, while avoiding the goat's surprise attack, Gu Zheng grabbed its horns with both hands.

The sheep monster's reaction was also extremely fast. It wanted to escape Gu Zheng's hands through teleportation, but the space had been sealed by Gu Zheng, and its horns were caught in Gu Zheng's hands.


With a loud bang, Gu Zheng threw the goat to the ground.

Before the goat monster got up, Gu Zheng kicked it in the stomach again.


The Goat Monster screamed, and its body slid rapidly on the slippery ice, until it stopped when it reached another monster in the corner.

Although it was a kick and a fall, Gu Zheng didn't know if there was any special use for the life of the goat monster left in the fairy camp, so he just beat the goat monster seriously. As for kicking the Goat Monster to another monster in the corner, it was because this monster had murderous intentions towards Gu Zheng and had already been captured by him.

Another monster in the corner is humanoid, it has a pair of huge palms, facial features without nose and mouth.

After Gu Zheng kicked the goat to its side, it glanced at the goat who was struggling to get up. Its huge palm raised and fell, and several black mist shot out from its fingertips. After the goat's body was pierced, it immediately used Rotten at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you courting death?"

Gu Zheng looked at the giant palm monster that was flying towards him, his brows were already furrowed, he kicked the goat monster over, he just wanted to make an example to others.

The giant palm monster naturally understood Gu Zheng's divine thoughts. It stopped for a while, but still flew towards Gu Zheng.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!" Gu Zheng took out Tang Mo.

"The strength is equivalent to the realm of Daluo Jinxian." Qi Ling's voice sounded again.

"I'm afraid you're going to make a mistake this time!"

Gu Zheng smiled at Qi Ling. From the moment he noticed that the giant palm monster had murderous intentions, he decided that this giant palm monster was not simple.

Qi Ling didn't argue with Gu Zheng. It can be seen from the fact that she didn't directly report the specific realm like she did with the prehistoric monster, and she left room for fluctuations in the results of the investigation. However, even if the detection is inaccurate this time, Qi Ling is still very remarkable, at least for such outside monsters, Gu Zheng does not have her detection power.

The giant palm monster flying on the way shot at Gu Zheng first, and its two huge palms pushed forward, and at the same time as the two palm-shaped phantoms flew towards Gu Zheng, a feeling that made Gu Zheng want to be dizzy also spontaneously generated in his mind.

The tranquilizing technique worked automatically, and the bad feeling was eliminated. Gu Zheng slashed at the flying palm-shaped phantom.

The one containing the 'five elements illusion', after hitting the palm-shaped phantom, successfully split the palm-shaped phantom from the middle, but the palm-shaped phantom did not dissipate strangely, and even the flame attached to the blade wind, It also failed to stay on the split palm-shaped phantom.

There are many monsters outside the circle, and Gu Zheng is a little numb to this situation. With a wave of his sleeve, a storm that appeared out of thin air rolled towards the palm-shaped phantom.

Saber Qi is useless against the palm-shaped phantom, but the storm has swept the palm-shaped phantom into oblivion. However, the giant palm monster also shot at Gu Zheng again, and in an unexpected way, when it pushed towards Gu Zheng's palms, it also sent out its pair of giant palms.

The palms that escaped from the giant palm monster's body were not dead objects. They avoided Gu Zheng's knife wind at a very fast speed, and grabbed Gu Zheng from a very tricky angle.

The giant palm changed quickly, and Gu Zheng's reaction was not slow. He swung Tang Mo's arc-shaped saber energy, and accurately hit the two giant palms close to him.

"Clang clang!"

The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded, one of the two giant palms was split by Gu Zheng, and black air shot out from the other fingertip, which ignored Gu Zheng's saber air blockade and hit Gu Zheng's body.

The yin and yang celestial ball in the body circulated, and the black energy that pierced Gu Zheng's body did not cause any harm to Gu Zheng. However, the absorption of black energy by the yin and yang celestial ball also allowed Gu Zheng to see the peculiarity of this black energy. It belongs to the kind of dark energy that is difficult to use, and it contains strong toxins and corrosive properties. Transform them for use It's not cost-effective, I can only force it out of the body when it calms down.

After seeing the characteristics of the black air, it is naturally impossible for Gu Zheng to let it hit again, and the giant palm monster has grown a pair of new palms during this period, and it pushes Gu Zheng's palms again. The palm of his hand also separated from his body and flew towards Gu Zheng.

However, the two palms that had attacked Gu Zheng before did not dare to attack Gu Zheng rashly at this time. Tang Mo's sharpness had already injured them, and if they were struck by Tang Mo again, they would be destroyed.

Gu Zheng is not afraid of the giant palm monster, and the attack method of the giant palm monster is rather peculiar. Gu Zheng also has the idea of ​​using it to practice his hands, instead of attacking it actively, he will deal with the attack of its palm symbolically and see how it goes. How many giant palms can be split.

The split palms of the giant palm monsters are not as many as Gu Zheng imagined. When there are as many as ten pairs of palms in the air, the giant palm monsters that no longer split their palms will start to attack Gu Zheng frantically.

Through the ancient battles, it has become clear that the giant palm monster has the strength equivalent to that of the quasi-sage in the early stage. However, this kind of strength is not enough in the eyes of Gu Zheng. If he hadn't used him to practice, Gu Zheng would have killed him long ago.

At this moment, Gu Zheng was practicing his moves in the ice prison, and Blood Shadow Venerable, a disciple of Demon Lord Cynthias spinosa, was watching Gu Zheng's performance outside the ice prison.

These people in the fairy camp have basically been in the fairy camp for more than a hundred years. They know that there is Gu Zheng, and they also know some things about Gu Zheng, but almost all of them are seeing Gu Zheng for the first time. .

Venerable Blood Shadow's duty in the Immortal Camp is to take care of the ice prison. He already knew that Gu Zheng was about to appear here before Gu Zheng was thrown into the ice prison. And the reason why he was able to know in advance was because of Arnie's careful thinking! After Anilu told the Holy Mother of Wudang that he could not get out, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Venerable Blood Shadow, telling him that Gu Zheng was about to be thrown into the ice prison.

Anilud knew that Venerable Blood Fiend died at the hands of Gu Zheng on Xingxu Mountain, and that Venerable Cymbidium spinosa taught Gu Zheng a lesson in Bajing Palace. He told Venerable Blood Shadow that Gu Zheng would be thrown into the ice prison. Naturally, he hoped Venerable Blood Shadow will be very impulsive.

If Anilud's advance notice happened two days ago, Venerable Blood Shadow would indeed be very impulsive! No matter how powerful others say about some things, if you don't see them with your own eyes, you will still feel dissatisfied in your heart, and Venerable Blood Shadow has such a character! If Gu Zheng was in the ice prison at that time, Venerable Blood Shadow would find a way to kill him. Anyway, this is one of the four dangerous places in the prehistoric world. Even the saints can't interfere with what happened here. Killing Gu Zheng also happened to vent his anger for his master. However, Venerable Cold Wind died yesterday, he was killed by Gu Zheng, Demon Venerable Cymbidium also told Venerable Blood Shadow.

As his nephew, Venerable Blood Shadow knows exactly what kind of strength Venerable Cold Wind has. Even if he has a hundred dissatisfaction and hatred for Gu Zheng in his heart, knowing that all his uncles were killed by Gu Zheng, Master and After deliberately telling him about this matter, although his hatred for Gu Zheng still has one hundred, his dissatisfaction with Gu Zheng has dropped to twenty.

In any case, Venerable Blood Shadow is really a little timid, otherwise he wouldn't have been watching Gu Zheng's performance until now.

"Why are you just watching here?"

Fairy Xuanyang had already arrived outside the ice prison, and she was somewhat disappointed with Venerable Blood Shadow who was still just watching.

Fairy Xuanyang also knew that the person in the Ice Prison Zhongguan was Gu Zheng, and it was also Anilul who informed him in advance.

However, Fairy Xuanyang is different from Venerable Blood Shadow, she already knew from Emperor Wa that Gu Zheng wanted to keep fighting with them disciples of Emperor Wa, so she had the intention of asking Gu Zheng to die.

Anilud also wanted Gu Zheng to die, but he was too cunning, he didn't fully show his hatred for Gu Zheng, if he fully showed his hatred, then the three of them might join forces to deal with Gu Zheng. However, not all outsiders know about the hatred between the three parties and Gu Zheng. In addition, they all have their own ideas. Under the unfavorable situation that Gu Zheng is trapped in a cage, the three parties did not join forces after all.

Fairy Xuanyang is naturally a very arrogant person, but she doesn't think she can deal with Gu Zheng alone, so she hopes that when she comes to the ice prison, Venerable Blood Shadow has already started a fight with Gu Zheng. If this was really the case, then Fairy Xuanyang would join without hesitation, but this was not the case, Fairy Xuanyang couldn't help but hesitate while being disappointed.

Although Emperor Wa had already told Fairy Xuanyang that Gu Zheng would fight them forever, Emperor Wa also told Fairy Xuanyang that she was guarding the black hole. , Gu Zheng should not kill her regardless of the overall situation.

"It's not watching, what does the fairy want me to do?"

Venerable Blood Shadow looked at Fairy Xuanyang, his sharp eyes seemed to want to see into her heart.

"You seem to know who is here, did Anilulu tell you?" Seeing that Fairy Xuanyang didn't say a word, Venerable Blood Shadow said again.

"That's right, he told me!" Fairy Xuanyang said.

"This thief is very shrewd because he is bald, and we are not the only ones who have complaints against him."

Venerable Blood Shadow smiled contemptuously, he didn't know that Gu Zheng would never die with Emperor Wa's disciple, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

Fairy Xuanyang felt a "thump" in her heart, Venerable Blood Shadow said "resentment" instead of "hate", this is a very subtle message.

Fairy Xuanyang gritted her teeth secretly, and seemed to be talking to herself: "This is the Frozen Snow Field, if something happens to the disciples of the Saint Immortals, they can only consider themselves unlucky."

Venerable Blood Shadow frowned. He was already very handsome, with an evil smile on his face: "Anyway, we don't know who is trapped here. If you have any ideas, then try it as soon as possible!"

"Try it early?" Fairy Xuanyang's eyes lit up.

"Of course, fairy please?"

Venerable Blood Shadow made a gesture of invitation, Fairy Xuanyang raised her eyebrows, and jumped towards the ice prison.

Seeing Fairy Xuanyang enter, a trace of hesitation flashed in Venerable Blood Shadow's eyes, but he was finally replaced by dissatisfaction.

There are various restrictions in the ice prison, and the strength of the prison is undeniable. Therefore, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to know what just happened outside the ice prison.

However, when Fairy Xuanyang appeared in the ice prison, Gu Zheng, who no longer held back his hand, also severely injured the giant palm monster with the "Mad Demon Knife", weakening the unfavorable environment for him.

It was also the first time for Gu Zheng to see Fairy Xuanyang and Venerable Blood Shadow, but he already knew the information about them in advance.

When he saw Fairy Xuanyang, Gu Zheng was very calm. He knew that there were disciples of Emperor Wa in the fairy camp, and he did not forget the oath in the rotten swamp. However, this is the fairy camp after all, and Fairy Xuanyang is also guarding the black hole leading to the outside world. As long as she doesn't take the initiative to make trouble, Gu Zheng doesn't want to attack her in the fairy camp.

"What are you two looking at?"

Gu Zheng frowned and looked at Venerable Blood Shadow and Fairy Xuanyang who were looking up and down at him.

"Ancient struggle?" Fairy Xuanyang asked.

"That's right." Gu Zheng said.

"Where's the evidence?" Venerable Blood Shadow asked.

Gu Zheng threw the token given to him by Tiexian to Venerable Blood Shadow.

Venerable Blood Shadow looked at the token, shook his head and said: "It's just that this doesn't prove that you are Gu Zheng. Recently, the black hole is not peaceful. Some monsters outside the circle have fled to the frozen snowfield. They are very good at changing and seizing houses."

"what do you want?"

Gu Zheng's face turned cold. According to Venerable Blood Shadow, he has no way to prove his identity. Even if he shows his cooking skills, Venerable Blood Shadow can say that he was taken away.

"It's very simple, search the soul!" Fairy Xuanyang's heart beat faster.

Gu Zheng laughed, he looked at Fairy Xuanyang and sneered again and again, and Fairy Xuanyang felt hairy when he looked straight at it.

"Rampant, let me see what kind of monster you are!"

Fairy Xuanyang yelled, she swung the long sword in her hand, and the sharp sword energy slashed towards Gu Zheng continuously.

At the same time, a bronze bell suspended behind her trembled, and Gu Zheng felt like a thunder rang in his head. Even with the automatic operation of the tranquilizing technique, it still made his mind a little dazed.

The five-element celestial ball in the body vibrates, and the five-color light shines out through the body. Gu Zheng casts the "five-element shield" to resist the sonic attack of Xuanyang Fairy's bronze bell, and at the same time activates the "spatial ban".

Affected by the 'space ban', the sword qi slashed by Fairy Xuanyang and the bronze bell suspended behind her all fell, and even Venerable Blood Shadow, who wanted to attack Gu Zheng by teleportation, was forced out. Appeared in a place not far from the ancient battle.

When Gu Zheng mentioned Tang Mo, he slashed, and the black knife light hit Venerable Blood Shadow right in the middle. However, it was not the Blood Shadow Venerable's body that was slashed by Gu Zheng Dao's light, but a blood shadow left by the Blood Shadow Venerable! Immediately after the blood shadow was struck by the knife light, there was an explosion, and the thick blood light broke through Gu Zheng's 'space ban' and hit him like a tsunami.

Gu Zheng frowned, and at the same time he moved to avoid the blood tide, the blood shadow venerable body appeared at the place where he had just stopped, with two scimitars engraved with mysterious symbols in his hands, flashing a very strange luster.

"Everyone stop!"

A female voice suddenly sounded, and Fairy Xiyan, the disciple of Tianwu Saint Immortal, also appeared in the ice prison.

"Everyone, what's going on?"

Fairy Xiyan frowned and looked at the three people who had ceased fighting.

"He refuses to search for souls!" Fairy Xuanyang said.

Fairy Xiyan looked at Fairy Xuanyang for a moment, and then said: "Senior sister, do we still have to fight now?"

"Since Junior Sister Xiyan has appeared here, Senior Brother Taiyi must have returned, and there is no need to search for souls to verify the authenticity."

Hearing what Fairy Xuanyang said, Fairy Xiyan looked at Gu Zheng again: "Brother Gu?"

Gu Zheng and Tian Wu are considered good friends, he saluted Fairy Xiyan and said, "I have met Senior Sister Xiyan."

Fairy Xiyan nodded, and then said: "This time is different from the past. A while ago, some powerful monsters came out of the black hole. Some of them are good at changing, and some are good at seizing houses. A precedent for the battalion guard. Brother Gu came here today, and it happened that Brother Taiyi was not there, and Senior Sister Xuanyang and Brother Xueying wanted to determine the identity of the younger brother through soul searching, and there was a reason for this.”

Gu Zheng didn't expect such a thing to happen in the fairy camp, but no matter what the facts were, he had already seen the bad intentions of Fairy Xuanyang and Venerable Blood Shadow. However, after all, Gu Zheng had a feud with both of them, so it was not surprising that such a situation would happen, and he was not going to say anything about some things, as long as he was clear in his heart.

"Since senior brother Taiyi has a way to verify the authenticity, please ask the senior sister to lead the way. The real one can't be fake, and the fake one can't be real!" Gu Zheng said.

Without saying anything more, Gu Zheng followed Fairy Xiyan and the others out of the ice prison and flew towards a certain place in the fairy camp.

Gu Zheng is naturally very curious about some things about Xianying, but his identity has not been confirmed yet, so he doesn't want to ask too many questions. Anyway, he will meet the real Taiyi soon, and he will not ask after his identity is verified. Late.

Dressed in a Taoist robe, with white hair and beard and full of immortal demeanor, Daoist Taiyi, after hearing what Fairy Xiyan said, looked at Fairy Xuanyang and Venerable Xueying with a half-smile.

"Why is Senior Brother Taiyi looking at us like this?"

Fairy Xuanyang was upset, but she still had a calm smile on her face. Before Fairy Xiyan stared at her in the ice prison, she was already upset, but at least Fairy Xiyan's eyes were more reserved at that time, but now Master Taiyi's half-smile was not a smile, but it seemed very playful.

"Pindao is wondering why the younger sister and younger brother are so impatient, they can't wait for the poor to come back."

Master Taiyi laughed heartily, as if the half-smile before was not funny.

"There's no reason, it's just that I've been upset recently, and it just happened that he didn't cooperate." Fairy Xuanyang said.

Daoist Taiyi nodded, then looked at Gu Zheng and said: "The monsters outside the circle are indeed strange. Apart from the poor way, the only way to verify the authenticity is to search the soul. Brother Gu, are you real or not? Dao's demon mirror will tell you as soon as you look at it!"

"Brother Taiyi, please." Gu Zheng said.

The Demon Mirror was not a very powerful fairy weapon in the Age of Conferred Gods, but after it experienced the first chaotic catastrophe and received the blessings of heaven and earth, its power is not what it used to be.

Master Taiyi took out the demon mirror, Gu Zheng couldn't open his eyes because of the bright light on the mirror, but it was true, and the portrait finally fixed in the mirror was still Gu Zheng's appearance, without any change.

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