"Master Uncle came to the Spirit Dance Palace this time for something, but he wasn't looking for your master."

Emperor Wa usually called himself "My Palace" when talking to people, but now he was talking to Fairy Qixuan, calling himself "Master Uncle". Emperor Wa talked about the power of the Seven Mysteries. After all, although she has never received any favors from Emperor Wa, Emperor Wa has always treated her well.

"Xuan'er, Xiao Qi did something wrong. The uncle asked him to come to the door to apologize another day. How about keeping the previous agreement?"

Emperor Wa looked at Fairy Qixuan, and there was a bit of pleading in his eyes. The dignified Saint Immortal looked like this in front of the juniors, and her attack really caught Fairy Qixuan by surprise.

"My lady, this..."

Fairy Qixuan really didn't know how to refuse for a while.

Seeing that Fairy Qixuan was hesitating, Emperor Wa gritted his teeth, and his expression became more sensational: "Xuan'er, Master, I'm telling you the truth, this time Master Chaos Tribulation is very dangerous, if Xiao Qi can't become a saint, you Maybe I'll never see Master again."

If it weren't for the fact that the disciples of Dujie were special enough, even the saints would not be able to use certain means against them. The power of the Seven Mysteries is shared with Xiao Qi.

Looking at Emperor Wa's expression, Fairy Qixuan seemed to see an elder who was about to pass away, and she really felt a little uncomfortable. However, the discomfort was only for a moment, and when she thought of Xiao Qi's disgusting face, and thought that she had agreed to Gu Zheng, Fairy Qixuan's heart immediately became firm.

"Sanctification depends on chance. Xiao Qi has already had the chance to become a saint, and his luck in the future should not be bad. I think Master will be fine in the chaos." Fairy Qixuan said.

Emperor Wa smiled wryly, she was already like this, and Fairy Qixuan's attitude was still so firm, which made her understand that there was really no need to talk about the power of Qixuan.

Without saying anything more to Fairy Qixuan, Emperor Wa walked towards Gu Zheng.

In fact, Gu Zheng had already completed the recasting of Fairy Fengming's physical body when Emperor Wa was walking towards the back garden, but he was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.

When Fairy Qixuan went to meet Emperor Wa, Gu Zheng naturally knew about it, but he still didn't stop adjusting his breath until Emperor Wa stood in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng needs to greet Emperor Wa when he sees him, but since he has already looked at each other in the rotten swamp, Gu Zheng doesn't bother to do anything false, so he even skips the meeting ceremony.

Originally because of Tianwu Saint Immortal, Emperor Wa still had some scruples in teaching Gu Zheng a lesson, but seeing Gu Zheng's current state, anger immediately sprang up in her heart.

"Who gave you the courage?"

As Emperor Wa questioned loudly, the energy of heaven and earth instantly acted on Gu Zheng, making it hard for him to breathe.

Faced with Emperor Wa's oppression, Gu Zheng had a feeling in his heart that even though he was already very powerful, if he really fought against Emperor Wa, it would be easy for Emperor Wa to kill him.

He had heard the phrase "all saints are ants" a long time ago, and Gu Zheng really felt the anger of the saint today! A saint is a saint, as long as there is no calamity like chaos, they will be immortal. Although the difference between a quasi-sage and a saint is only a letter, the real gap is the earth and the sky.

"Courage is still used? Isn't it innate?"

Gu Zheng didn't resist Wahuang, he laughed at Wahuang, he didn't believe that Wahuang dared to do extremely excessive things to Xiao Qi when Xiao Qi was still alive.

"you wanna die!"

The majesty of the saint was challenged one after another, and the furious Emperor Wa wanted to punish Gu Zheng immediately, and she wanted to teach Gu Zheng a lesson.

"elder sister!"

The voice of Tianwu Shengxian sounded, and the great punishment that Emperor Wa was about to impose on Gu Zheng was also resolved invisible, and even her previous oppression of Gu Zheng was resolved by Tianwu Shengxian.

"You actually stopped me? No one can stop me if I want to deal with him!"

Emperor Wa was furious, and instantly acted on the energy of heaven and earth on Gu Zheng, forming a complete suppression of Gu Zheng. She raised her palm as fast as lightning, and slapped Gu Zheng's face.

Emperor Wa was impulsive, but she didn't dare to do too much. The maximum she could do to Du Jie's disciples was within this slap. She wanted to use this slap to knock out Gu Zheng's mouth full of teeth. Gu Zheng's face was swollen like a pig's head, and she wanted Gu Zheng to understand that it would not be more difficult for her to kill Gu Zheng than to kill an ant.

Emperor Wa's absolute suppression, even with Gu Zheng's current cultivation level, he couldn't resist at all, which once again refreshed Gu Zheng's perception of the strength of the Saint Immortal! Moreover, when Emperor Wa made a move against Gu Zheng, she was also on guard against Tianwu Saint Immortal, so this slap of Tianwu Saint Immortal could not stop it. However, Emperor Wa's slap did not land on Gu Zheng's face, it almost swept past Gu Zheng's face.

Tianwu Shengxian frowned, she saw that Emperor Wa made a change at a critical moment, so her slap did not fall on Gu Zheng's face.

The furious anger on Emperor Wa's face was gone, replaced by a kind of daze. When she was about to slap Gu Zheng's face, she was inexplicably terrified.


Wahuang stared at Gu Zheng with wide eyes, inexplicably terrified, she already figured out what was going on, because of this she was very shocked.

Emperor Wa understood that the so-called inexplicable panic was actually a warning from the Dao of Heaven! Under the circumstance that she brushed against Gu Zheng and punished him, shouldn't such a situation happen? This kind of situation can only show that Gu Zheng has attracted the attention of Tian Dao, and he is very extraordinary in Tian Dao's eyes! And it was because Emperor Wa was extraordinary in the eyes of Heaven that he achieved his current holy position. Now that Gu Zheng is extraordinary in the eyes of Heaven, how could she not be shocked!

In the eyes of Emperor Wa, the ancient dispute should have broken the situation of the rotten swamp, so it became extraordinary in the eyes of Tiandao. Thinking about it this way, she felt a little better. After all, although Di You was blown out of his head by an angry man, his real death was in the hands of Xiao Qi. If Heaven wants to remember credit, Xiao Qi's credit will definitely be greater than Gu Zheng's! In this kind of matter, Tiandao doesn't care whether the means are upright or not, what he cares about is the result, otherwise, even if he was supposed to beat Kunpeng back then, he wouldn't have the chance to become a saint.

After all, Emperor Wa is a saint. In the inexplicable panic, she not only knew that Gu Zheng was extraordinary in the eyes of Heaven, but also discovered her own problems. This is the reason why she was really shocked. Because, the effect of panic on her was like a blow to the head, and she discovered the instability of Dao heart that was not easy to find.

Realizing that his Dao heart was unstable, Emperor Wa didn't stop much, and bid farewell to Tianwu Saint Immortal in a hurry. As for asking Gu Zheng for his disciple's relics, Emperor Wa didn't mention it again. She knew that she would not give it to her if she mentioned Gu Zheng. Now she just wants to go back to the palace to retreat and stabilize her Dao heart through meditation.

After Emperor Wa left, Saint Tianwu was very relieved, she already understood that Emperor Wa had discovered that his Dao heart was unstable.

Congratulations are gratification, but Tianwu Saint Immortal is still worried, it is precisely because Emperor Wa is a Saint Immortal, once there is a situation where Dao heart is unstable, he will not be suppressed too easily, what will happen, it is really very hard to say . After all, from Gu Zheng's attitude today, she has already seen that Gu Zheng is really going to die with Emperor Wa's disciples, and once Gu Zheng kills Xiao Qi, will this kind of stimulation trigger Wa Huang's way again? Unsteady, it's really, really hard to say.

Emperor Wa left just like that, and Gu Zheng was also ecstatic in his heart. He wasn't ecstatic that he escaped punishment once, but he was ecstatic that he was really different in the eyes of Heaven! Because, apart from his own differences in Tiandao's eyes, Gu Zheng couldn't think of any other reason for Emperor Wa to stop at a critical moment.

In fact, the last time he faced the lesson of the Cynthias spinosa demon, the meaninglessness of Gu Zheng had already relied on his difference in Tiandao's eyes. However, when the angry man crossed the catastrophe later, Gu Zheng asked for the way of heaven, but the way of heaven did not respond to this. When he saw the way of heaven in Kong Xuan's mysterious realm, the way of heaven still did not show any difference to him. This also turned his previous guess into uncertainty, and it was a surprise to him that Emperor Wa stopped his hand like this this time.

Gu Zheng stayed in the Lingwu Palace for a total of five days. During these five days, he helped all the disciples of Tianwu Saint Immortal to do food training once. In addition, in the past few days, Gu Zheng cooked delicious food for Tianwu Shengxian and the others every day, so that when he left, Tianwu Shengxian said that he was welcome to come to Lingwu Palace as a guest at any time. Of course, Tianwu Saint Immortal didn't make Gu Zheng's hard work in vain. She gave Gu Zheng some ingredients from outside the circle. Gu Zheng was also grateful to Fairy Qixuan for sharing the power of Qixuan with him, and he had already decided in his heart that after the repair speed of Xingxu Mountain reached the standard, he would let Fairy Qixuan use it in the preaching palace.

Leaving Xingxu Mountain this time, the thing that made Gu Zheng most happy was that because of Fairy Qixuan, the time for him to share the power of Qixuan was postponed for half a year.

Gu Zheng is not afraid that Fairy Qixuan will change his mind, and it is definitely a good thing for him to delay sharing the power of Qixuan for half a year. He can take care of another matter in this half a year.

After returning to Xingxu Mountain, Gu Zheng entered the prehistoric space and began to promote the growth of some precious ingredients and upgrade some ingredients that were not of high grade.

Processing the ingredients in the prehistoric space is actually what Gu Zheng often does when he has ample time. However, even if Gu Zheng didn't have enough time, Die Ling would help with the production of ingredients, after all, she lived in the prehistoric space.

Gu Zheng came to the prehistoric space to process the ingredients, and Die Ling naturally accompanied him to help. She liked the feeling of working with Gu Zheng very much.

The immortality in the prehistoric space is rich, but this richness is not without differences. There is one place where the richness of the fairyland is particularly prominent, and this place is the fairyland of Guzheng.

There are not only fairy food planted in the fairy field, but also some more precious things, such as Gu Zheng's flat peach tree, and the earth tire obtained by beheading Xiao Qi's avatar.

Due to the serious damage to the ground tire, after Gu Zheng got it, he threw it in the prehistoric space, and what he will do in the next period of time is related to the ground tire.

"Hey, it's a good thing I planted the seedlings under the flat peach tree."

Seeing Gu Zheng stop beside the tire, Die Ling smiled triumphantly.

When Gu Zheng got the ground tire, it was seriously damaged and it was nowhere to be repaired, so Gu Zheng didn't pay much attention to it, and just threw it in the prehistoric space. However, when Die Ling was taking care of the prehistoric space, he moved it to the fairyland.

If they are planted in ordinary places, they will receive ordinary treatment. For example, when Gu Zheng and Die Ling don't have much time, they will only take care of the flat peach trees. However, since the ground tire is under the flat peach tree, it is easy to take it with you when taking care of it.

Don't underestimate the so-called piggybacking, it saved Gu Zheng a year of time in refining the avatar! For ordinary cultivators, one year is really not worth mentioning, but for Gu Zheng, one year is already a long time, enough for him to do a lot of things.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the ground cracked open, revealing the black jade Taisui-like tire underneath. Next, Gu Zheng used the five elements to nourish the earth tires, and the earth tires also contracted and expanded as if they were breathing.

After a while.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng had finished nurturing the ground tires, Die Ling hurriedly asked.

"Very stable, after this period of warming, it has been able to accept the repair of 'earth blood'." Gu Zheng smiled.

'Earth blood' is the resource obtained by Gu Zheng from beheading the Queen Jiao in the depths of the rotten swamp, and it is a great tonic for repairing damaged earth tires. However, Gu Zheng has never used 'Earth Blood' on the ground tires, because the medicine effect of 'Earth Blood' is too strong, and the weak ground tires can't bear it, but today's ground tires have reached the point where they can be used' Earthblood' time.

Pulling out the cork, the air was immediately filled with a strong smell of blood. Gu Zheng poured a tenth of the 'earth blood' in the bottle on the earth tire.

After the 'earth blood' touched the body, the earth tire was like a beating strong heart. It quickly absorbed the 'earth blood', and bursts of fluorescence appeared all over its body.

After a while, the fluorescence surrounding the tire disappeared, and the black jade-like color of the tire faded a bit, and the appearance of Tai Sui also began to transform into a human form! After Gu Zhengfentian used up the 'earth blood' for the earth tire, the earth tire would completely lose the black color left by the damage and turn into a chubby villain.

"Master, after the ground tire is completely repaired, you can sacrifice the clone, right?" Die Ling asked.

"Yes, but it will take about half a month." Gu Zheng said.

Time passed quickly, before I knew it, half a month had passed.

After half a month, the earth tire that has completely absorbed the 'earth blood' has now turned into a little man with a height of one foot, and Gu Zheng is also planning to sacrifice him to become his clone.

The supernatural power of avatars is often mentioned in the legends, and the process of refining avatars is very troublesome without exception.

There are a lot of things to do in the early stage of using earth tires to sacrifice clones, and it is very easy to fail.

However, the tire obtained by Gu Zheng is not an original thing, it was already Xiao Qi's clone before. Because of this, there is no need for Gu Zheng to do the most difficult preliminary work of turning the ground tire into a clone! This is like, the original earth tire is a piece of metal, and the earth tire obtained by Gu Zheng is already a fairy artifact made of metal. Although this fairy artifact has been damaged due to the loss of its owner, as long as Gu Zheng can get it Repairing can save the most tedious and most failure-prone steps before.

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