Eight hundred monsters equivalent to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian are more than enough to deal with more than 500 monsters of varying strengths, even if two of them have reached the early stage of Demon Emperor, but for As far as Meow Meow is concerned, they still can't do much. -

, her ultimate ultimate move requires the energy of the fairyland that she can dispatch to complete. Under this ultimate ultimate move, the two monsters with cultivation bases that are only the initial stage of the Demon Emperor are bound to be killed with one blow!

In Miaomiao's Immortal Domain, there are monsters whose appearance is 80% similar to that of Gu Zheng, but there are no continuous snow-capped mountains as before.

When I was joking with Gu Zheng, Miao Miao said that the continuous snow mountains in her fairyland were stolen by Gu Zheng.

It's a joke, but Miaomiao really wants her fairyland to have snow-capped mountains as she grows up, because it can be somewhat similar to Gu Zheng's fairyland. However, after Miaomiao put in a lot of effort for it, the continuous snow mountains in the Immortal Realm finally appeared after being promoted to the Demon Emperor Realm! However, the state of Lian Mian Snow Mountain existing in the fairyland is not permanent, but a summoning.


Almost after entering the three-breath time of the fairyland, Miaomiao dispatched the energy of the fairyland that she could dispatch, and summoned the continuous snow mountain.

I saw that the continuous snow mountain descended from the sky, pressing down on all the monsters trapped in the fairyland with endless coercion.


There was a huge noise, and no monster could escape the crushing disaster of the continuous snow mountain.

Lian Mian Snow Mountain disappeared with just one blow, but it was just this blow, more than five hundred monsters, including those two guys at the level of the Demon Emperor, were all crushed into meatloaf, and the dead could not die anymore.


However, Meow Miao, who killed hundreds of monsters with one blow, did not make a cheerful sound, but vomited blood directly.

Under the command of another demon emperor, hundreds of monsters from outside attacked at the same time, hitting the weak point of Miaomiao Xianyu in the outside world.

With hundreds of monsters attacking at the same time, including the presence of the Demon Emperor, Miaomiao's fairyland was inevitably broken. However, the attack launched by the monsters was still a targeted attack, and all the destructive power was used on the weak points of the fairyland, so the black hole did not appear. And, according to Jiao Wang's instructions, try not to use the method of black hole devouring if you can kill the enemy! After all, being swallowed by a black hole does not mean death.

However, the monsters did not expect that after they destroyed Miaomiao's fairyland, a large group of white monsters appeared out of thin air!

As long as Miaomiao's fairyland is forcibly broken, the white monsters in her fairyland will appear in the real world. This is where even Gu Zheng feels that her fairyland is perverted.

Although the eight hundred white monsters are not too strong, they don't have any intelligence, and they exist for a short time, but their appearance at this time can be regarded as sharing the pressure on Meow Meow and Angry Man.

Miaomiao's fairyland is weird, and after the fairyland is forcibly broken, she will suffer a lot of backlash, which will make her unable to launch an attack at all within three breaths.

"Create a black hole!"

The demon emperor who dominates many monsters is really shocked, he no longer has the intention to kill Miaomiao, he just wants to send this terrible opponent away through the black hole.

A lot of demons acted on Miaomiao's surroundings, and a black hole also appeared, but a strange scene happened again. Miaomiao, who was suspended in front of the black hole, did not move at all, as if there was no black hole behind her.

"You wait for me!"

Miaomiao sneered at the shocked monsters, and that smile, coupled with the huge phantom behind her, seemed so weird and weird.

Being able to avoid being sucked into the black hole is all thanks to the phantom behind Miaomiao, which is a supernatural power of using the power of her blood.

Miaomiao herself has the blood of the evil beast, and before she advanced to the Demon Emperor Realm, Tiexian purified her blood. Moreover, because of the ancient dispute, Tiexian also spent his mind and resources to help her carry out the blood transformation!

The so-called bloodline transformation is very complicated. To put it simply, it is to make a divine beast have the blood of another divine beast. Moreover, the blood of the beast that Tiexian found for Miaomiao is extremely precious. Anyway, there is no such beast in the prehistoric world today, and its name is 'Galaxy Jade Rabbit'. And there is only one descendant of this kind of beast in the heavens, that is the drug-making rabbit of Fairy Chang'e in the Moon Palace, but because of the extremely impure blood, it can only be called the Jade Rabbit, not the "Xinghe Jade Rabbit." '.

With the blood of the Galaxy Jade Rabbit, Miaomiao has two more supernatural powers, one of which is called "Moving Like a Star". It is this supernatural power that allows her to be safe in front of the black hole.

The monsters were shocked, and Xiao Qi and others who were hiding in the distance were also shocked.

"Its body is a black beast, but it has the blood of the Galaxy Jade Rabbit. It can only be said that the saint transformed her!" Fairy Chenxi said.

"Great gift, this is definitely a great gift from Lord Tiexian to the disciples of Dujie! The blood of two kinds of beasts is combined in one body, how terrifying it would be if it grows up!" Fairy Ice clicked her tongue.

"It's not just her. None of these servants in Guzheng is ordinary. Do the two senior sisters think that I have a good chance of winning against such a person?"

Xiao Qi asked very seriously, but even Fairy Chenxi, who had the best relationship with him, hesitated, let alone Fairy Ice, who was rational.


The reaction of the two senior sisters did not shock Xiao Qi, on the contrary it made him smile coldly.

"The two senior sisters also think that I can't compete with Gu Zheng, but this is something that must be fought. Now is an excellent opportunity. I want to kill Gu Zheng. Will the two senior sisters help me?"

Facing Xiao Qi's stare, Fairy Frost frowned and said, "Junior brother, did you forget what Master told you to let you put down the past?"

"I dare not forget the teacher's explanation, and I have indeed let go of the previous things. But this time it is not aimed at the ancient dispute. It is replaced by any disciple of the saint immortal. If there is such strength and influence, the two Senior sister said, should I fight?" Xiao Qi asked again.

"Junior brother, early disciples are not allowed to participate in the battle among your disciples." Fairy Chen Xi said tactfully.

"Have you forgotten, senior sister? This is a rotten swamp, a place that even saints can't control! Besides, I only need two senior sisters to help me deal with the people who protect Gu Zheng, and that dragon king! To deal with Gu I'll just do it myself." Xiao Qi said resolutely.

"Junior Brother..."

Fairy Chenxi called out helplessly, seeing that Xiao Qi's eyes were still firm, she could only look at Fairy Ice, hoping she could say something. However, Fairy Frost looked up at the sky, and it was obvious that she and Xiao Qi had a better relationship, so she should be the one to completely reject it.

"Junior brother, let's put aside the matter of killing the ancients first! The main purpose of our coming to the rotten swamp is to find opportunities. Now that the Jiao King has gone away, this is a good opportunity for us to visit the Jiao Palace. I think we should now Go to Jiaowang Palace immediately!"

Xiao Qi's eyes were full of disappointment as he looked at Fairy Chenxi whose gaze had turned firm.

"Okay, if you don't go to Jiaowang Palace, you will miss your chance!" Fairy Ice said.

The communication between the three seniors, sisters and brothers was very short, and Miaomiao and the angry man had already launched a frenzied massacre.

Miaomiao's body is a false beast, and the supernatural power of the false beast is to bewitch. When she was still very weak and needed to cross the Xuan Yao Tribulation, she used this supernatural power to bewitch the heavens, and finally saved her from the suffering of the catastrophe. . Although bewitching the way of heaven is also a rule category allowed by the way of heaven, it is enough to show that the supernatural power of bewitching is powerful.

Now, Miaomiao has activated her bewitching power, hundreds of monsters were bewitched by it, and they turned against and killed their companions.

Miaomiao's performance is not bad, and Angry Man's performance is also eye-catching. In his incarnation as a giant, he is as mighty as a tiger in a herd of sheep.

At the same time, Die Ling was overtaken by Jiao Wang, and the two showed their bodies and fought crazily in the air.

A 100-foot-long dragon and a 100-meter-long real dragon fought in the void, and the main body of the dragon king and the butterfly spirit appeared. They were not afraid of ordinary black holes at all, so that their fighting skills were like shuttling in front of the black hole.

Die Ling herself is not afraid of the Jiao King, she also confidently let go of the fight, the Jiao King is not her opponent! But Gu Zheng was in her womb, she didn't dare to disturb Gu Zheng too much, so she tied her hands and feet, so that the surface of her body was left with many scars by Jiao Wang.

Die Ling did a very good job of putting Gu Zheng in his stomach, it was relatively the safest place, otherwise the mysterious realm of Gu Zheng would have been interrupted long ago. And the Xuanming realm was interrupted, not to mention missing the opportunity, the ancient struggle would suffer backlash if it was light, and various problems might arise if it was serious.

Die Ling is not feeling well, Jiao Wang is also in a hurry, Die Ling's strength is also beyond his imagination, he did not expect that he could not even interrupt the mysterious realm of the ancient struggle. However, the situation is still favorable to Jiao Wang, because his reinforcements have already rushed over, which is a monster of the level of the Demon King. As long as there is a helper, Jiao Wang believes that even if he can't kill Die Ling, he will definitely be able to interrupt Gu Zheng's mysterious realm, thus causing harm to Gu Zheng.

However, the Jiao King who was in the battle suddenly felt a chill in his heart, he felt that the restriction on the palace gate was opened by someone. Killing Gu Zheng is very important, but protecting the fairy formation is even more important, if the fairy formation cannot be protected, all his efforts will be in vain!

"Damn it!"

Glancing at Die Ling unwillingly, the Jiao King immediately turned around and flew towards the Jiao Palace.

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