
The third heavenly catastrophe descended from the catastrophe cloud.

There was a flash of light on the metal thorns on the angry man's body, and after a light net emerged from it, it headed towards the falling third Heavenly Tribulation Bag.

The angry man had been transformed by a 'ghost thing', and even Gu Zheng felt that the light from his metal thorns was extremely powerful. However, the extremely powerful optical net still couldn't stop the third catastrophe. It was torn into pieces by the catastrophe, and the aftermath of the catastrophe fell on the angry man again, causing his body surface to ignite. White thunder.

The angry man's body trembled, and the monster mist came out through his body, and the thunder fire was quickly extinguished, but he was basically burnt beyond recognition.

The power of the catastrophe is greater one by one, not to mention the targeted "natural law does not tolerate", the angry man thinks that with his strength, he can still resist the next catastrophe.


The fourth catastrophe is brewing in the cloud of catastrophe, and it will soon descend.

The angry man roared to the sky, and he actually let all twenty of his inner pills be sprayed out.

Twenty inner alchemy, twenty different kinds of luster, they formed a rotating light array in the air, welcoming the coming of the fourth catastrophe.


Gu Zheng couldn't help sighing, the angry man is really strong, the light array formed by the twenty inner alchemy, even his heart trembled! However, even with the existence of this inner alchemy array under the punishment of heaven, the angry man would not be able to survive the next catastrophe.


The fourth catastrophe fell.


Gu Zheng sighed again, he turned around and walked towards the palace, since he couldn't prevent the tragedy from happening, he might as well not look at it at all.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

There were constant explosions in the air, and Gu Zheng didn't dare to look back to see if the inner alchemy of the angry man exploded under the catastrophe. However, even if he didn't look at it, the screams of the angry man still reached his ears.


The very weak call of the angry man sounded, and Gu Zheng's heart also twitched. What he was most afraid of hearing at this moment was the voice of the angry man.

However, Gu Zheng turned around abruptly, and he heard a hint of excitement in the weak voice of the angry man! How could there be excitement at this time? Have things turned around?

The imagined scene of Angry Man's twenty inner pills being crushed did not appear, and they still exuded a dazzling luster in the air.

The angry man stopped in the process of falling, he looked at Gu Zheng who turned around, and shouted again excitedly: "Master!"

Gu Zheng frowned, he didn't understand what it was for.

Thunder was rolling in the clouds of calamity, and the fifth heavenly tribulation was about to land. The angry man who didn't have time to explain waved his hand at the twenty inner alchemy in the air, and one of the purple inner alchemy suddenly glowed brightly, and shot towards the ancient A ray of purple light was shot.

The moment Gu Zheng saw the purple light coming, Gu Zheng's eyes widened. He felt a bit of contract information from the purple light. He is not unfamiliar with this contract information, because it once appeared on Die Ling's body. Pass.

It was too late to say it, and then the purple light flew into Gu Zheng's mind, and Gu Zheng's body shivered as if he was shivering, and he suddenly felt that the relationship between him and the angry man had changed again.


Gu Zheng roared loudly, looking at him who was robbing the clouds in the sky, besides fighting spirit, there was ecstasy in his eyes!

"Congratulations, master!"

No one else realized what was going on, Die Ling was already excitedly congratulating Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng really didn't expect that the original mortal calamity of the angry man would turn into a great opportunity for the two of them. He actually concluded a contract with the angry man that the blessings and disasters depend on each other!

Die Ling and Gu Zheng have a contract of blessing and misfortune, so she can understand why Gu Zheng is ecstatic. However, this kind of contract cannot be concluded by human power. It is purely a coincidence that she was able to conclude this kind of contract! However, Gu Zheng and the angry man concluded a contract of mutual blessings and misfortunes, but it was obviously led by the angry man, which is simply incredible.

No matter how unbelievable things are, the blessing and misfortune of Gu Zheng and Angry Man began from this moment! In the future, the relationship between him and the angry man will be the same as that of Die Ling. No matter which one of the two gets the blessing of heaven and earth, the other can enjoy it too! If facing the catastrophe, the two of them can also bear it together, and the power of the catastrophe will not change!


The fifth heavenly catastrophe that could have killed the angry man descended from the robbery cloud, but now there is a contract of blessing and misfortune, and the heavenly catastrophe that the angry man can't deal with, Gu Zheng helps him resist!

With a long whistle in his mouth, Gu Zheng flew towards the fifth heavenly tribulation, and he was slashed squarely.

However, at the moment when Heavenly Tribulation struck the Middle Ancient War, the Five Elements Celestial Ball in his body started to work, and the energy from Heavenly Tribulation was absorbed by the Five Elements Fairy Ball, which did not cause any damage to his body at all.

"Mister mighty!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng dared to meet the catastrophe, Miao Miao was still sweating in his heart, but now seeing that Gu Zheng resisted the catastrophe without being punished, Miao Miao finally let go of his heart.

'Heaven's Intolerable' is powerful, but it's really nothing to Gu Zheng. After all, Gu Zheng is neither a demon cultivator nor a demon cultivator. This kind of targeted catastrophe will greatly reduce the power of a normal immortal cultivator like him.

The remaining four thunder tribulations were carried by Gu Zheng alone. The original obliteration calamity became less stressful, and the calamity clouds in the sky began to change to auspicious clouds. The nine-nine-nine-day calamity of the angry man ended here.

"Master, the thing is like this..."

Seeing that Gu Zheng easily passed the "world is not tolerated", before he asked curiously, the angry man couldn't wait to tell him the whole story.

Entering the Demon Emperor Realm, the angry man was really excited. He felt that all his inner alchemy had become different because of entering the Demon Emperor Realm. These inner alchemy seemed to have been sublimated, and there seemed to be something he didn't understand waiting to be discovered inside. , he also told Gu Zheng about this.

However, when the angry man told Gu Zheng about the matter, Gu Zheng was immersed in the sadness that the angry man was about to face "heavenly justice". Regarding the difference between the angry man's advancement to the Demon Emperor Realm, Gu Zheng didn't even have the heart to think about it.

It is the helpless move of the angry man to sacrifice twenty inner alchemy to meet the fourth catastrophe. Under the powerful catastrophe, this is the only hole card he can hold on for a while.

The fourth Heavenly Tribulation hit the twenty inner alchemy of the angry man, and something that the angry man never thought of happened. The twenty inner alchemy seemed to be awakened during the process of sharing the energy of the Heavenly Tribulation. They not only resisted the fourth catastrophe, but also flooded the angry man's mind with a lot of information, including magical powers about how to conclude a contract of mutual blessing and misfortune with others!

After hearing what the angry man said, Gu Zheng laughed out loud. This is really a blessing in disguise! The calamity of obliteration originally awakened the inner alchemy of the angry man by coincidence. From now on, the angry man really has a bright future!


Gu Zheng patted the angry man's shoulder vigorously, his eyes full of approval.

"That's great, Angry Man, it seems that I will not be your opponent in the future!"

Miaomiao also patted the angry man on the shoulder, not only affirmation but also envy in his eyes.

"Angry man, you may be the most powerful next to the master in the future, I am optimistic about you!" Die Ling smiled at the angry man.

Indeed, the twenty inner elixirs of Angry Man have all awakened, and each of these inner elixirs has its own supernatural powers. Although there are only a few kinds of supernatural powers that the angry man has now, since the inner alchemy has been awakened, even if there are no supernatural powers in some inner alchemy for the time being, it is only a matter of time or the improvement of the angry man's cultivation base. What kind of opportunity is needed to trigger it. Twenty inner alchemy have never been seen before or since, and it is really hard to say how many supernatural powers can be derived from it!

Being praised one after another, the angry man was also very happy, and then he and Gu Zheng greeted their blessings from heaven and earth together.

The more difficult it is to overcome the catastrophe, the more turbulent the blessings of heaven and earth will be after successfully surmounting the catastrophe.

Immortal energy poured into the bodies of Nu Yao and Gu Zheng like a tide, and the cultivation base of the two also improved under the watering of immortal energy.

The crazy blessings of heaven and earth finally dissipated, and the angry man who had just been promoted to the realm of the demon emperor, unexpectedly, in this blessing of heaven and earth, his realm was raised to the middle stage of the demon emperor!

The further the cultivation level is, the more difficult it is to improve. For ordinary demon cultivators, it will take tens of thousands of years or even longer to improve from the early stage of the demon emperor to the middle stage of the demon emperor! However, the blessing of heaven and earth is the blessing of heaven and earth, and its improvement of cultivation cannot be always theorized.

'Heaven's Law Forbidden' is considered to be a catastrophe of the same level as the 'Miexian Thunder Tribulation'. Throughout the ages, only one person, Gu Zheng, has successfully survived the 'Miexian Thunder Tribulation'. Compared with the 'Destroying Immortal Thunder Tribulation', among the demon cultivators and demon cultivators who encountered 'heaven's intolerance', only the angry man successfully survived! After Gu Zheng survived the "Extinguishing Thunder Calamity", the blessings of heaven and earth were also very amazing. He made Gu Zheng's Tie Xian Jue, which had just entered the seventh level, be promoted to the seventh level and third level, and even the Die Ling in the early stage of the Demon Emperor Entered the middle stage of the Demon Emperor. And in this time's blessing of heaven and earth, the ancient contention that the Tiexian Jue had already reached 70% and 40% was raised to 700% and 60% by life, only one achievement short of being able to become the existence of the late quasi-sage!

"Master, you used to be envious of my cultivation speed, now you don't have to be envious!"

In the realm of mid-stage quasi-sage, Die Ling has to enter the realm one step ahead of Gu Zheng, but now Gu Zheng is progressing faster than Die Ling, and is closer to the late quasi-sage than her, which makes Die Ling really happy, she likes this Looking up at the feeling of ancient struggle.

"It's a pity." The angry man said suddenly.

"What's the pity?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's a pity that Sister Miaomiao has already advanced to the Demon Emperor Realm. Otherwise, let her also sign a contract with the master that depends on blessings and misfortunes, so that the master's cultivation will improve faster!" the angry man said.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that you can still make Miaomiao and me enter into a contract of mutual blessing and misfortune?"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened, as did Die Ling's and Miaomiao's beautiful eyes.

"The supernatural power awakened in the purple inner alchemy is the conclusion of a contract. It can be used not only for me, but also for other people to sign a contract with the master for good and evil. However, this supernatural power can only be used once." The angry man said.

"Great!" Meow cried excitedly.

Gu Zheng and Miaomiao are not in a master-slave contract. Due to some reasons, Gu Zheng did not conclude a master-slave contract with Miaomiao. This is nothing to Gu Zheng, but it is a bit regrettable to Miaomiao. In the past, when Gu Zheng had only two servants, Miaomiao and Angry Man, the regret in Miaomiao's heart could be ignored, but after seeing Die Ling, Miaomiao's regret intensified, even though she got along with Die Ling It's also very good, the two hit it off as sisters, but comparisons between sisters are inevitable! What's more, apart from Die Ling having a master-slave contract with Gu Zheng, she and Gu Zheng are still dependent on each other in blessings and misfortunes. This is something that Miaomiao can't even envy! But now, the opportunity of the angry man also gave her the opportunity to conclude a contract of mutual blessing and misfortune with Gu Zheng, how could she not be excited!

"Then let Miaomiao and I sign a contract of mutual blessing and misfortune!"

Gu Zheng is also very excited. He naturally understands Miaomiao's thoughts. It can make Miaomiao happy and benefit both of them. Why not do this.

What the angry man said was a pity, but Gu Zheng didn't think it was a big deal. Anyway, even if the contract of fortune and misfortune was concluded before Miaomiao advanced to the Demon Emperor Realm, what he got was nothing more than the accumulation of immortal power. At the current state of cultivation, the strength of immortal power is not the only criterion for measuring strength, what is more important than it is enlightenment! And as long as a contract of mutual blessings and misfortunes is concluded with Miaomiao, no matter which of the two of them can trigger the blessings of heaven and earth due to enlightenment, the other can share them.

And, don't think that enlightenment that triggers the blessings of heaven and earth is difficult, it is indeed a rare thing for others, but not for Gu Zheng! After all, Gu Zheng is the owner of Xingxu Mountain, and he himself has had many experiences of enlightening the Tao and triggering the blessings of heaven and earth. As long as Xingxu Mountain can be restored to a certain extent and the Mission Palace resumes normal use, then comprehension of the Dao that can trigger the blessings of heaven and earth , this is not a dream!

Under the influence of the angry man's supernatural powers, Miaomiao and Gu Zheng also concluded a contract of mutual blessing and misfortune. So far, Die Ling, Angry Man and Miao Miao, as long as one of them can trigger the blessings of heaven and earth due to enlightenment, Gu Zheng can share with them.

This is an exciting day, and the unhappiness brought back from the rotten swamp has been swept away in everyone's hearts. Gu Zheng wants to fulfill his promise to the angry man, and he wants to celebrate with a table of delicious food.

Everyone is naturally very happy to celebrate Gu Zheng with delicious food, which is something they will always be greedy for.

In order to keep everyone entertained, Gu Zheng has a total of 18 dishes this time, among which the dragon beard fish that the angry man wants to eat is the most important.

Back then on Wufeng Island, Gu Zheng threw three dragon beard fish into the pond in the prehistoric space and never cared about it again. Now these three dragon beard fish weighed more than ten catties, and each of them has grown to twenty catties. heavy look. Moreover, because it is in a special environment such as the prehistoric space, the dragon beard fish, which was originally only a medium food material, has grown into an excellent food material.

The angry man wanted to eat dragon beard fish, which naturally reminded Gu Zheng of many things about his hometown. Therefore, for the cooking of dragon beard fish this time, Gu Zheng used all the ingredients he brought from his hometown.

The earth is a low-level plane, and there are few high-grade ingredients on it. However, for today's Gu Zheng, even if it is a low-quality ingredient, he can transform it into delicious food through cooking skills.

Dragon beard fish is the main ingredient, and there are six other auxiliary ingredients. Gu Zheng improved the quality of these ingredients, and then cooked them into a dish called "Yuyuelongmen" through his superb diet. Dishes, the angry man and others who eat it are addictive.

After enjoying the delicious food, Gu Zheng and the others rested in Xingxu Mountain for one night, and then set off for the rotten swamp again.

Using the 'meteor to chase the moon' forward, it didn't take much time for Gu Zheng and others to reach the border of the rotten swamp.

Due to the special environment in the rotten swamp, it is not possible to travel quickly, so the speed of Gu Zheng and others will also slow down. It is estimated that it will take one and a half months to reach the destination in the depths of the rotten swamp.

The last time I came to the Rot Swamp, I was aimlessly looking for opportunities, and I just collected whatever ingredients I saw along the way. This time he came to the Rot Swamp, Gu Zheng had a clear goal and direction, so he hardly stopped on the way as he was on his way.

Unknowingly, half a month passed, and Gu Zheng and the others arrived at the boundary between the outer and deep part of the rotten swamp.

It is also a world of green mist, but the color in the depths is obviously heavier than that in the periphery, so it forms a sharp contrast. In addition, the deep space is also more unstable. If it is said that space cracks are not easy to appear in the outer battle, then the possibility of space cracks in the deep battle is much greater.

The rotting swamp is divided into three parts: the periphery, the depth, and the core. The depth of the three parts is the largest, followed by the periphery, and the core is the smallest. Not to mention the time needed to enter the core from the depths, just from the border to reach the destination in the depths, Gu Zheng and the others still need to travel for a month.

Deep in the rotting swamp.

The barrier formed by the demon power propped up the swamp mud, creating a huge space in the swamp.

There are dots of light floating in the space, so that even if there is thick swamp above it, the light here is not dark at all.

Jiao Wang is busy in the space, and various demonic methods are displayed by him. He looked like a middle-aged man, more majestic than Centipede King, and exuded a cold aura all over his body.

"Bang bang bang..."

A door-knocking sound sounded on the barrier of demon power. Jiao Wang stretched out his hand without looking back, and the color of the barrier of demon power faded. A feathered sparrow with two heads that looked a bit like a phoenix passed through the faded The barrier flew up.

Jiao Wang flicked his fingers, and two light spots flew towards Yuque.

The two heads of the Feather Sparrow pecked at the light spot, and then let out a cheerful cry.

"Report!" Jiao Wang said lightly.

"call out!"

The feather sparrow in the air twittered, and the light rays from the four eyes merged in the air to form a picture.

In the picture, a man and a woman are flying in the swamp, the man is Gu Zheng, and the woman is Miao Miao.

After seeing the picture delivered by Yuque, Jiao Wang frowned slightly and said, "Ning Cui, do they have the energy mechanism in Ni Ling's body?"

The mud spirit was killed, and the teleportation array in its body was affected and invalidated. The Jiao King naturally wanted to investigate this.

Jiao Wang obtained the aura of Gu Zheng and others through the demonic method in the body of the mud spirit. Ningcui, who was sent by him to patrol the depths of the rotten swamp, naturally also understood Gu Zheng's aura.


Ning Cui's two heads screamed at the same time, and her head moved even more.

Obtaining the answer from Ning Cui's reaction, Jiao Wang smiled coldly: "If you can kill Ni Ling and Centipede King, let me see what kind of means you have!"

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