Fairy Linglong and the others wondered outside the cave, and Gu Zheng had already opened the door of the second secret room in the cave.

Looking at the two boxes in the second secret room, Gu Zheng became more suspicious. There were two stupid guards outside the first secret room, and there were still two stupid guards outside the second secret room! Since when did it become popular among monsters to use such stupid guards to guard the secret room? This makes Gu Zheng really puzzled!

With a wave of his hand, Gu Zheng took the two boxes into the Primordial Space.

Without the cover of the two boxes, a dark figure suddenly appeared, it was the monkey monster that stole Dao Xinzi's stuff!

The moment he saw the monkey monster, Gu Zheng had already made a move.

It's just that Gu Zheng didn't expect that the monkey monster could easily break through the blockade of his immortal power, and rushed towards the door of the secret room.

Miao Miao, who was in charge of the door, pushed forward with a single palm, and an ice-like barrier instantly sealed the door of the secret room.


The meteor-like monkey monster smashed through the barrier, but was grabbed by the neck by an angry man with enlarged palms.

"not good!"

The exclamation of Angry Man and Meow Meow sounded at the same time.

"Kill him!"

Gu Zheng frowned, he already guessed that just this momentary contact, there must be something missing in the storage belts of Miaomiao and Angry Man.

The angry man didn't hesitate, concentrated his demonic power in his hand and squeezed it fiercely, the monkey monster's neck immediately 'clicked', and its head tilted to the side and remained motionless.

"Master, there is something missing in my storage belt!"

"Sir, I'm missing something from my storage belt too!"

Angry Man and Meow Miao spoke successively.

"Not only you, but mine too!"

Gu Zheng said to Miaomiao and Angry Man, and then asked Die Ling in the prehistoric space: "What was the situation at that time?"

This time I came to the Rot Swamp, because Die Ling drank "Star Market Drunk" before, she has been sleeping in the prehistoric space, and Gu Zheng couldn't bear to wake her up, anyway, there was nothing wrong. However, since the warning from the sixth consciousness, Gu Zheng has awakened Die Ling and asked her to be on standby at any time just in case.

When Gu Zheng wanted to seal the monkey monster with celestial power, he suddenly had the feeling that something was taken out of the prehistoric space! If it wasn't for the experience of the man in black and Dao Xinzi, this weird feeling would have shocked him!

"At that time, a strange energy entered the prehistoric space, and it swept through the owner's storage boxes like a gust of wind. If I hadn't stopped it in time, I am afraid that the loss of the owner would be far more than what it is now." Die Ling said.

Gu Zheng was really shocked. Although he is the master of the Primordial Space, if he hadn't deliberately sensed what happened inside the Primordial Space, he would not have been able to know it himself! And what happened at that moment was really outrageous. The four boxes he got from the two secret rooms were gone, and the eight boxes he had stored high-grade ingredients and ingredients from outside the circle were also gone! If Die Ling hadn't stopped him in time, I'm afraid whether he can keep his immortal artifacts, immortal ingredients, and treasures of heaven and earth is one thing.

"What did you two lose?" Gu Zheng asked Miaomiao and Angry Man.

"The storage belt was basically looted!"

Meow and Angry have the same answer.

At this point, the shock in Gu Zheng's heart intensified again. Whether it was the man in black or Dao Xinzi, they didn't explain in detail about the loss of things! Gu Zheng also knew from the jade slips given by the man in black that they had lost the pills and small resources. Therefore, Gu Zheng also habitually thought that although the thief's supernatural powers were outrageous, there was still a limit, and he was only able to steal some small things, and the amount stolen should not be much.

However, it was not until his own side suffered theft that Gu Zheng discovered that this was not the case at all! The thief's stealing ability can no longer be described as outrageous, it should be called terrible! In an instant, the thief stole a total of eight heavy boxes from his prehistoric space, even when Die Ling stopped him.

"Master, what did you lose?" the angry man asked.

"Mine is okay, the theft was stopped by Die Ling in time." Gu Zheng said.

"As long as you don't lose the important things, sir, those things we lost are nothing. Anyway, now that the vile thief has been taken down, we can get back everything we lost. Think about Dao Xinzi and the others in a panic. , maybe their loss is a disaster!"

Seeing Gu Zheng's tense face, Miao Miao smiled calmly.

"It's too weird! Even if the way of space is outside the circle, it is the supreme avenue! It's unbelievable to have one or two monsters like this in a small rotting swamp, but now it seems that there are quite a few of them. ah!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and then said: "I have a hunch that the things we lost are not so easy to find!"

"Let me take a look!"

As the angry man spoke, his hands were filled with demonic aura, and the monkey monster's body immediately began to melt.

However, the facts really conformed to Gu Zheng's premonition, there was no imaginary space fairy in the monkey monster's body!


Miaomiao's eyes widened, the question was self-evident, there is no space fairy in the monkey monster's body, so where did it steal everyone's things?

"There is no space fairy, and no demon pill, what kind of monster is this?"

Gu Zheng murmured in his heart, looking around thoughtfully.

"The man who took the box before seems to have found something!"

The mysterious voice sounded again in Centipede King's mind.

"Oh? What do you think he found?" Centipede King asked.

"I don't know, anyway, now he let his men release a thick fog in the secret room, I can't see what they are doing." The mysterious voice said.

Centipede King put down the wine glass in his hand and stood up: "The outsiders haven't come in yet, even if they find something, it's not suitable to collect the net, or you can let them throw something again!"

"It depends on the situation. If they want to leave, it's not too late to hold them back by throwing things! The key is the people outside, they are really patient!" The mysterious voice gritted his teeth.

"I don't believe that these damn bastards still have a lot of patience!" Centipede King scolded through gritted teeth.

Just as Centipede King expected, after waiting for such a long time, Immortal Zitong and the others really didn't have much patience.

"Brother, you'd better use your clairvoyance to observe. They have been in for a long time, but there is nothing good for them to get in their pockets! Whether it is Gu Zheng or Dao Xinzi who got that thing, let's go back The possibility of snatching it is very low!" Fairy Linglong said.

"Okay, then I'll use the 'clairvoyance' to see again!"

Immortal Zitong nodded, and brushed the middle and middle fingers of both hands over his eyes, and the purple light immediately lit up in his eyes.


The mysterious voice seemed very excited, what they were waiting for was the peeping of Immortal Zi Tong using the 'clairvoyance'.

"finally come!"

The Centipede King, who gritted his teeth and sneered, flicked his fingers, and a ripple suddenly appeared in the void.

at the same time.

The space distorted in Zitongxian's eyes, and then calmed down in an instant. He saw the situation in the cave! The wounded Centipede King is fighting Gu Zheng and others, and the battle has reached the point where it seems that it may end at any time!

"Go, the battle is almost over!"

Immortal Zitong was shocked, he didn't want the treasure to fall into the hands of Gu Zheng and others, but what he didn't know was that the picture he saw was nothing but an illusion created by the centipede king with his magical powers.

Entering the mud cave in a hurry, before finishing the slanting passage, the three Zitong fairy turned their heads at the same time, they sensed the slight vibration of the whole cave at the same time, and sensed that the entrance of the mud cave was closed!

"Is this a trap?"

Immortal Zitong frowned, the entrance of the mud cave was closed at this time, it seemed to be a trap.

"What the hell is this!"

Fairy Linglong exclaimed, just when they sensed that the entrance of the mud hole was closed and subconsciously turned around to look, a monkey-like monster suddenly appeared beside them! There is no trace of aura on this monster, except that it can be seen with the eyes, it seems to be non-existent!

The monkey monster stole the things in Fairy Linglong's space fairy, which caused Fairy Linglong to sense and discover its existence.


The monkey monster screamed provocatively. Under the siege of the three fairies Linglong, it still stole the space fairy artifact of Immortal Zitong and Immortal Wuchang.

However, although the monkey monster jumped around very strangely, it was still caught by Immortal Zi Tong.

Immortal Zitong's complexion has changed. He killed the monkey monster, but he didn't find anything that belonged to them from its body.

"What have you lost?"

Immortal Zitong asked Fairy Linglong and the others, and the answer he got made his heart sink to the bottom of the valley! In addition to the fairy artifacts that have been taken out, their fairy artifacts and pills that were originally placed in the space fairy artifacts have been looted by the monkey monsters.


Fairy Linglong was so angry that she cursed, as a disciple of Tongtian Transcending Tribulation, she has many good and many fairy artifacts, but now there are only two left.

"This is definitely a trap!"

Wuchang Daoist's body swayed, and his real body appeared directly. When his four big pliers were opened and closed, electric lights lingered on them.


Weird laughter suddenly sounded from all directions, and a picture emerged in the void.

Centipede King, who was holding a glass of wine, smiled wickedly in the picture, not to mention how proud he was.

"Welcome to my king's palace!"

Centipede King toasted Zi Tongxian and the others, and the smug smile on his face became extremely sincere.

Zi Tongxian's facial muscles twitched, as if being pricked by a needle, he gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that the picture I saw with the 'clairvoyance' just now is fake?"

"This king said that he is the most calm person and the most able to find out the problem?"

Centipede King seemed to be talking to the air, seriously making people feel that he was praising Immortal Zitong from the bottom of his heart.

"Stop pretending to be a ghost, come out and fight if you have the ability!"

Immutable real person roared, and the lightning shot out from the four crab claws formed a circle, which was printed on the picture in the air, causing the picture to shatter into spots of light in an instant.

"This Almighty is really impatient!"

Accompanied by Centipede King's strange laughter, his appearance appeared in the void again.

"Do you have many arms? How does it compare to this king?"

Centipede King laughed at Wuchang Daoist, and his eight arms moved accordingly. Some brought wine to his mouth, some combed his hair, some picked his ears, and some even picked his nose. of!

Regardless of whether the booger was actually dug out or not, the centipede king smiled cheaply anyway, and flicked the booger-picking hand at the impermanent real person.

"Although your arms are not as large as this king's, you have a lot of meat! You said this fat crab claw meat, should I eat it boiled or fried?" Centipede King laughed.


Daoist Wuchang just wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fairy Linglong.

"I have to admit that you are very good at it. We didn't see through the trap you set up in advance. I'm curious, what happened to the two groups of people who came in first?" Fairy Linglong asked.

"The two groups of people that you came in first are now playing a game of catching thieves! Little girl, you are really extraordinary, unlike those two idiots who only know how to get angry, you can still maintain your rationality, and you can go from Check out the situation from the side!"

Centipede King looked at Fairy Linglong, and there was drooling from the corner of his mouth, which was a strange phenomenon that he had never seen when looking at other people.

Fairy Linglong frowned: "You seem to be interested in me?"

"That's right! If I hadn't been waiting for you to come in, I would have cleaned up those two groups long ago!" Centipede King licked his saliva and said.

"I'm curious, what is your interest in me?"

Fairy Linglong smiled, and fluffed her hair coquettishly.

"The king's interest in you is of course your body!"

The centipede king smiled, his gaze was instantly as cold as ice: "As long as this king eats you, your armor will grow on this king's body. Can you imagine how powerful this king will be at that time?"

Fairy Linglong's face turned green, she gritted her teeth and said, "You want to eat me? Is it that easy? Although your trap seems very good, but there are three groups of people trapped inside, do you really think you can take us down? "

"Isn't it easy to take you down? This king is here to take you down now!"

The picture in the void disappeared, leaving only the rampant voice of the centipede king still rewinding.


Like the sound of thunder passing by, the channel trembled into a shape that shocked Fairy Linglong and the others.

The metal turned to red flesh, the dampness turned to a slimy tick, and the wriggling tunnels were closing like the sky was falling.

"This is not the interior of the 'Sky Boat' at all, it is the esophagus of a monster!"

Immortal Zitong screamed, he was completely shocked, he never thought that he would enter the body of a monster without even knowing it.

Not only Zitong Immortal is screaming, but Immortal Immortal and Linglong Fairy are also screaming, their supernatural powers are not easy to use here! Moreover, the monster seemed to swallow its saliva, and the effect was like a raging tsunami. They were involuntarily sliding towards the end of the monster's esophagus under the circumstances of multiple blows.

At the end of the esophagus is the monster's stomach pouch, and after the three of Zitongxian fell into it, the viscous digestive matter immediately splashed up quite high.

Being swallowed by a monster is a very dangerous thing, no less than entering someone else's fairyland! Because of this, when monsters fight with people, they often swallow people into their stomachs and slowly clean them up.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The three Linglong fairies who fell into the digested matter rushed out immediately, they were surrounded by various rays of light, and they rushed towards the monster's stomach wall like shooting stars.


There was a muffled sound, and the stomach wall of the monster was trembling. Fairy Linglong and the three were bounced back, stopping in the void.

The faces of the three of them were not good-looking. Although they knew that the monster dared to swallow so many of them into their stomachs, they would not be able to get out of trouble too easily, but they were shocked by the touch of the stomach wall just now. The powerlessness of the gnats shaking the tree!

"Damn it, if my 'Breaking Sky Shuttle' has not been stolen, I can try to break this stomach!"

Fairy Linglong brushed across the void with her jade hand, and using the 'Way of True Fire', the entire stomach was instantly engulfed in flames.


Countless holes appeared on the stomach wall, and the liquid sprayed out of them instantly extinguished the flames produced by the 'True Fire Way'.


Immortal Zitong turned around suddenly, and the spiral air wave shot out from her sword finger, with a strong aura, locked on a blood-red centipede crawling out of the hole in the stomach wall.

The blood-red centipede looks very strange, it doesn't have many legs like ordinary centipedes, it only has ten legs, the first eight are on the upper body, and the last two are on the lower body.

Immortal Zitong has already made a move, so Daoist Wuchang and Fairy Linglong will naturally not be left behind. The attack launched by the three quasi-sages is to kill the little centipede that is only the length of chopsticks. However, at this moment, a blood-red centipede sprang out from the hole in the stomach wall behind the three of them, stopped in the air and turned into a centipede king.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is it worth your effort to deal with a piece of dead skin from my body?" Centipede King laughed mockingly.

The three of Zi Tongxian turned around at the same time, and launched an attack on Centipede King at the same time.

The centipede king pushed forward with a palm, and the stomach wall was shaken accordingly. The energy belonging to this space was instantly dispatched, and it hit the attack launched by the three of Zi Tongxian heavily.


There was a huge noise, and the three of Zi Tongxian all flew backwards, while Centipede King did not retreat a step.

"Get out of here, my lord!"

Centipede King frowned, and slapped Immortal Zitong and Daoist Wuchang from afar.

Huge palm shadows appeared like mountains above the heads of Immortal Zitong and Daoist Wuchang. No matter how many attacks they launched, they couldn't stop their bodies from being forced to sink.


Immortal Zitong and Daoist Wuchang were finally forced into the viscous digestive matter of the stomach sac by the shadow of the palm.

Immortal Purple Eyes, who was crushed like a digest, jumped out again in an instant, but his legs had just escaped from the digest, and the two ghost claws protruding from the digest pulled his legs and dragged him went back.

"Junior Sister..."

Immortal Zitong disappeared completely, leaving only his voice calling for Fairy Linglong, still echoing in the stomach.

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