Without keeping Gu Zheng waiting for too long, Lan Yue soon came out of the Mission Palace.

"Congratulations, brother!"

As the owner of Xingxu Mountain, Gu Zheng naturally knew that Lan Yue had successfully enlightened.

Lanyue laughed loudly, and then said: "After comprehending the 'Way of Speed', coupled with my 'Way of Fighting Intent', my strength will be greatly improved! Moreover, because of the comprehension of the 'Way of Speed' , I think my wood power will probably become enlightened soon, after the end of the mysterious realm just now, I have a feeling that I want to realize the Tao again, but in the end I failed to enter that mysterious realm.”

"Brother, I want to congratulate you again!"

Gu Zheng is very happy that Lan Yue has this feeling. This feeling is like a seed. As long as there is a seed, the chance of enlightenment will be much higher.

"It's a pity that I have to wait until tomorrow, otherwise I would like to have a drink with my junior brother today!"

The reason why Lanyue said to wait until tomorrow is because Gu Zheng arranged for Xiong San and Fairy Feiyu to come to Xingxu Mountain tomorrow. Regardless of whether Lan Yue and Xiong San can realize Taoism or not, a meeting among the seniors is inevitable, so when Lan Yue left the fairy camp, he told the peak leaders to take care of the fairy formation for two days.

"It doesn't matter! Senior brother enlightened and being a junior is naturally very happy. I will prepare a few dishes later. We two seniors will have a drink first tonight!" Gu Zheng laughed.

That night, Gu Zheng and Lan Yue drank a lot, during which Gu Zheng discussed the Tao with Lan Yue on the "Way of Change", but it is a pity that Lan Yue failed to raise his level of "Way of Change" .

The next day, according to the agreed time, Gu Zheng and Lan Yue went to pick up Xiong San together. When they came to the edge of the 'Death Cloud', Xiong San and Fairy Feiyu were already waiting for them.

When Gu Zheng saw Xiong San last time, Xiong San was still very decadent. Although Xiong San has not turned his white hair to black now, his whole spirit is no different from when Gu Zheng just met him. Moreover, during the period of time following Tiexian, Tiexian did food cultivation for Xiong San, so that Xiong San's cultivation base has changed from the original late stage of Daluo Jinxian to the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

"Xiong San, you are now at the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian, has Master told you about being promoted to quasi-sage?" Lan Yue asked.

"Master does not intend to use food to help me become a quasi-sage. He said that I can only rely on myself to become a quasi-sage."

Xiong San was not depressed by Tiexian's special treatment, anyway, he has always been treated specially.

However, when Xiong San's voice fell to the ground, Tiexian's voice suddenly rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Disciple, then your third senior brother will enter the No. 6 Mission Palace."

Tiexian's voice transmission moved Gu Zheng's heart, because Tiexian said before that Xingxu Mountain belongs to him, so the arrangement for the use of the preaching palace can be done according to his own ideas! Therefore, Gu Zheng did not tell Tiexian about the specific situation of the Evangelism Palace.

According to Gu Zheng's own plan, he wanted Xiong San to go to the No. 9 Mission Palace, because the phantom image of the spirit left by the magic cultivator in the No. The Taoism major is also a counterpart, and it is very likely that he can realize the Tao in it. As for No. 6 Evangelism Palace, what is taught there is the 'Way of Nirvana'. In this kind of Taoism, Xiong San has no foundation at all, and the possibility of him being able to realize the Tao is also very small, and Gu Zheng has no chance at all. He never thought of letting Xiong San enter this preaching palace.

Although he has doubts, Tiexian is a holy immortal after all, and his realm is beyond the reach of Gu Zheng. After Gu Zheng's thoughts changed, he also wanted to understand what was going on! Tiexian must have figured out something, but he couldn't tell Xiong San the person involved, so he told him via voice transmission! In addition, Xiong San just said that Tiexian is not going to help him become a quasi-sage, which makes Gu Zheng feel that the things in the No. 6 Evangelism Palace are very likely the opportunity for Xiong San to become a quasi-sage!

"Junior brother, what kind of preaching palace did you let us go to?"

Xiong San wanted to ask coincidentally, and Gu Zheng's heart also gave a 'thud', but fortunately, when he went to find Xiong San, Xiong San was doing something indescribable with Fairy Feiyu, so he didn't face it. Seeing Xiong San, naturally he couldn't tell Xiong San the details of the preaching palace, otherwise he must have told Xiong San that he would be arranged to go to the No. 9 preaching palace!

"Actually, it's a space where the phantom of spiritual thoughts preaches. Brothers will know what it looks like when they enter it."

He didn't tell Xiong San about the preaching palace before, and now that Gu Zheng is lying casually, it won't make Xiong San think too much, and thus affect Tiexian's calculation results.

Worried that Xiong San would ask about the Daoist Palace again, Gu Zheng immediately looked at Fairy Feiyu: "Has Fairy ever met Lord Wa?"

"I have already met Master."

Fairy Feiyu paused and wanted to say something, but seemed a little hesitant.

"Is there anything the fairy wants to tell me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Fellow Daoist, when I came here this time, my master asked me to ask me, does the preaching palace allow me to have the right to use it once, or is this quota valid all the time?"

Fairy Feiyu herself was a little confused about Emperor Wa's order, because she didn't understand the Daoist Palace, and didn't know the difference between the right to use it once and the right to use it all the time. However, what she didn't understand shocked Gu Zheng's heart.

"Sages are saints after all. In this era when their deduction is affected, Master can still deduce things about Xingxu Mountain. Emperor Wa obviously deduced it, so what about the rest of the saints?" Gu Zheng Xindao.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't speak immediately, Fairy Feiyu didn't urge her either.

After a while, Gu Zheng said: "Did Emperor Wa have any other details about this matter?"

As far as Gu Zheng was concerned, after the shock of this incident, there was a kind of unhappiness immediately!

Since Emperor Wa would let Fairy Feiyu take the lead, it shows that she knows how much the quota of the preaching palace is always valid! That being the case, on this kind of matter, she didn't tell Gu Zheng herself, but let her disciples tell the story, which showed that she at least didn't let go of her airs of being a saint.

People's moods change with experience, and this is no exception for anyone.

The Saint Immortal is high above, and the Saint Immortal is very powerful, but for today's Gu Zheng, he is not afraid of the Saint Immortal. If he was afraid of the Saint Immortal, he would not have dared to run into the Demon Lord Cynthias spinosa in the Palace of Eight Views that day.

"No, Master didn't say any other details about this matter."

Fairy Feiyu's words intensified Gu Zheng's displeasure with Emperor Wa.

What if Emperor Wa had said details about this matter, such as Gu Zheng agreed! So even if the Emperor Wa's reward for this is not generous, but considering all kinds of considerations, Gu Zheng will still agree to give her a permanent quota. However, Emperor Wa didn't even say any details about this. This is completely bullying the small and bullying others.

"Please trouble Fairy to go back and tell Lord Wa that the Legendary Palace only has the right to use this time for Fairy."

Gu Zheng's words made the three people present frown.

"Should the younger brother refuse now? It's better to discuss it with the master. After all, Emperor Wa is a saint!"

"Junior Brother, what's the matter with the preaching palace being used all the time? Is Junior Brother really going to reject Lord Wa?"

Lan Yue and Xiong San sent voice transmissions to Gu Zheng at the same time.

"Master once said that Xingxu Mountain belongs to me, and how to arrange it is up to me. I think I understand what he really means!"

"Brother, originally I was willing to give Wahuang a permanent quota to use the preaching palace, but her attitude made me uncomfortable, so this quota will be gone! As for her identity as a saint, I am not afraid of it." she!"

Gu Zheng sent voices to Lan Yue and Xiong San respectively, Lan Yue didn't say anything more, Xiong San said to Gu Zheng again: "Junior brother is Master's disciple who crosses the tribulation, and his identity is indeed very special. Under normal circumstances, the saint I won't do anything particularly outrageous to you. However, a saint is a saint after all. If you really pissed her off and she did something outrageous against you, perhaps the master wouldn't have time to help you. !"

Xiong San's voice was meaningful, he didn't say such words because of Fairy Feiyu, he was really afraid of something unexpected happening to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng understands Xiong San's worries, and what he said is indeed very reasonable, but there are some things that Xiong San doesn't know, and this is the final reason why Gu Zheng dared to confront the Cynthias spinosa demon that day. Because, Gu Zheng met Hongjun Daozu in the mysterious realm. Although Hongjun Daozu's eyes did not make Gu Zheng read too much, his voice gave Gu Zheng a feeling, a kind of praise and praise. Sure feeling!

It's not a big deal, Hongjun Daozu, who has already fit the Dao of Heaven, will never show up, but in the mysterious realm of Gu Zheng, he called Gu Zheng's name, which is a very meaningful thing. Therefore, Gu Zheng felt that the Saint Immortal who was not at the same level as him, if he really did something extremely excessive to him, then the Saint Immortal would definitely pay a very heavy price for it!

Although many things are just speculation, Gu Zheng believes in his own feelings, so he is really not afraid of the saint.

"Brother, don't worry! Master once said that Xingxu Mountain belongs to me, so how to arrange it is up to me." Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Xiong San.

"Since Master said so, then I can rest assured!" Xiong San laughed.

Fairy Feiyu's message made the atmosphere a bit awkward, and Xiong San immediately played his gag, hoping to resolve the embarrassing situation.

"Fellow Daoist, Master's decision has nothing to do with me. I wanted to say something about it, but Master didn't let me say anything!" Fairy Feiyu sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"Fairy, don't worry, I haven't seen the fairy far away because of this!"

Fairy Feiyu's words made Gu Zheng smile wryly, which is really embarrassing for her, if these words of hers were known by Emperor Wa, it would be called treason.

After bringing Xiong San and Fairy Feiyu to Xingxu Mountain, Gu Zheng arranged for Xiong San to go to the No. 6 Mission Palace, and arranged for Feiyu Fairy, who was going to No. 7 Mission Palace, to go to No. 9 Mission Palace.

"I don't know what kind of expression Feiyu Fairy will have when she comes out." Qi Ling smiled.

"No way, except for her and my third senior brother, no one in the plan is suitable for the No. 9 Mission Palace." Gu Zheng said.

"Emperor Wa has already made plans for Xingxu Mountain. I don't know if other saints will also make plans?" Qi Ling worried.

"Let's talk about the situation! Cynthias spinosa will definitely not make any demands. As for the two in the west, it is useless to ask. I will not agree to them!"

Since both Emperor Wa and Tiexian could deduce the matter of Xingxu Mountain, it is also possible for the rest of the saints to deduce it. However, Gu Zheng really didn't like those two from the west, so no matter whether they would make a request about Xingxu Mountain or not, Gu Zheng had already rejected them in his heart.

After a while, Fairy Feiyu first enlightened from the preaching palace.

"Fairy, have you enlightened yet?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Gu Zheng pretended not to know anything.

"Have I realized the Tao? Don't fellow Taoists, the owner of Xingxu Mountain, know?" Fairy Feiyu smiled meaningfully.

"What does the fairy mean by this? Although I am the owner of Xingxu Mountain, the preaching palace is a strange place. I don't even have the qualifications to go in to receive preaching, so I don't know much about it. Is it any wonder? "Gu Zheng looked innocent.

Fairy Feiyu gritted her teeth, feeling like she really wanted to spit at Gu Zheng: "Then let me ask you, why did you let me enter this preaching palace, and let your brother enter that preaching palace? Why didn't I enter his one? How about he entering my one? Also, since you don’t know much about the Mission Palace, why don’t you let us choose it ourselves?”

"Fairy really misunderstood me. When you two come to Xingxu Mountain, you can only enter the No. 6 Mission Palace for men and No. 9 Mission Palace for women. Xingxu Mountain will give such guidance, and I am just Knowing that you are in the designated preaching palace, it will be easier to enlightenment."

Gu Zheng paused, and decided to change the passive answer to an active question and answer, saving Fairy Feiyu so many questions.

"Fairy, you make me very curious, have you ever enlightened?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Enlightened!" Fairy Feiyu said angrily.

"Then what Tao are you enlightening now? Why are you so angry?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"I won't tell you!"

Fairy Feiyu gave Gu Zheng a hard look, and she sat down cross-legged and stopped talking.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath, he finally stopped Fairy Feiyu from asking, and a sense of accomplishment gradually emerged in his heart. Fortunately, Gu Zheng had already arranged for Lan Yue to enjoy the rich immortal energy in the cultivation place on Xingxu Mountain. Otherwise, if Fairy Feiyu had such a weird question, Lan Yue would probably be curious to ask him what happened. After all, he had already told Lanyue before that he, the master of Xingxu Mountain, was very clear about what was preached in the preaching palace.

After a while, Gu Zheng suddenly opened his closed eyes, and Xiong San became enlightened. However, the excitement of Gu Zheng was instantly replaced by tension, because a vision appeared in the sky, and the clouds quickly condensed and changed color, which was a sign that the robbery cloud was about to form!

Jieyun will appear above Xingxu Mountain at this time, which can only show that Xiong San has broken through the realm and stepped into the threshold of quasi-sage, and he needs to pass the final test of Tianjie.

Since he had just passed the 'Thunder Tribulation of Extinguishing Immortals', Gu Zheng was also quite worried about whether Xiong San's thunder tribulation would be very powerful this time! But after thinking about it, Gu Zheng immediately felt relieved. Since Xiong San had really been promoted to quasi-sage in the preaching palace designated by Tiexian, Tiexian should be able to figure out whether he would be able to survive the subsequent thunder tribulation. yes!

"I don't have to worry too much whether or not the master has calculated the follow-up. Transcending the tribulation is an indispensable part of cultivating immortals. Even if I worry, it will be useless!"

Gu Zheng smiled, but he quickly looked away, but looking at Fairy Feiyu, who was still excited before, her two willow eyebrows were almost twisted into pimples at this time.

"Fairy don't worry too much..."

"How can I not be worried? Crossing the catastrophe is a great disaster in itself for cultivators!"

Gu Zheng wanted to comfort Fairy Feiyu, but before he could finish his words, Fairy Feiyu had planned for him.

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled, and without saying anything, he thought of closing the barrier of Xingxu Mountain to facilitate Tianjie's test of Xiong San later.

In the hope of Fairy Feiyu, Xiong San finally came out of the preaching palace. He swept Gu Zheng, Fairy Feiyu and Lanyue just arrived with smiling eyes, and gave everyone a reassuring look , and then lay on the ground.

The wide-eyed Fairy Feiyu was about to say something, but Xiong San had already snored, and he fell asleep just like that!

"Anyway, you are also a quasi-sage. How can you be so anxious at this time?"

Lan Yue is not as friendly as Gu Zheng is to Fairy Feiyu, he always has a straight face towards Fairy Feiyu.


After being told by Lan Yue, Fairy Feiyu smiled embarrassedly, but she didn't seem so anxious on the surface.


The first tribulation thunder descended from the calamity cloud, its color was normal white, and its size was much smaller than the "immortal extermination thunder tribulation" experienced by Gu Zheng, which made Gu Zheng completely relieved, because Xiong San The Transcending Tribulation is just the most normal Ninety-Nine Heavens Tribulation.

The moment Jie Lei was about to hit Xiong San, a layer of transparent shield suddenly appeared on Xiong San's body surface. After Jie Lei landed on it, it turned into lightning and wreaked havoc, but it failed to break through the barrier. Xiong San who was sleeping soundly inside was not hurt.

Seeing that Xiong San easily received the first tribulation thunder, Fairy Feiyu's heart was truly let go.

The power of the tribulation thunders was stronger one by one, but the shield on the surface of Xiong San was also very strange. After resisting four calamity thunders in a row, a little crack appeared on the shield.

"Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother doesn't have the supernatural power to use this kind of shield, does he?"

Gu Zheng asked Lan Yue through sound transmission, Xiong San's shield is indeed very powerful.

"No, this should be the supernatural power he got from enlightenment in the preaching palace, right?"

Lan Yue asked Gu Zheng again, he still doesn't know what kind of preaching Xiong San accepts.

"It shouldn't be! The preaching palace that the third senior brother went to taught the 'Way of Nirvana', and although the 'Way of Nirvana' is an extremely profound Taoism, it involves death and life. It shouldn't be so weird. It's the shield!" Gu Zheng said.

"'The Way of Nirvana'? How could the younger brother let Xiong San go to such a missionary palace where it is almost impossible to realize the Tao?" Lan Yue was curious.

"At first, I didn't want Third Senior Brother to go to this preaching palace, but when I received Third Senior Brother, Master suddenly sent me a voice transmission, and he asked Third Senior Brother to go to this preaching palace by name."

Anyway, now that Xiong San has already started to cross the catastrophe, Gu Zheng said what Tiexian told him through the sound transmission, and it would not have any impact on Xiong San, so Gu Zheng told Lan Yue the reason.

"Since it's Master's decision, it's not surprising that Xiong San has such abnormalities! Let me just say, even if Master let Xiong San do it rashly, it's impossible for him to be promoted to the quasi-sage." It's time to let it go, and now it seems that the master really has other arrangements!" Lan Yue laughed.

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