Meeting Tiexian, Yu Guzheng felt very good, as if someone who had been wandering for a long time finally had a home.

After a brief chat, Tiexian said to Gu Zheng: "Now the maintenance of the 'Star Dou Formation' has reached a certain stage, and the next year will not be too busy, and our masters and apprentices will have more time." This is a rare time to get together, if you have anything you want to ask your teacher, please ask now!"

"Master, I want to know the specific situation about Chaos Tribulation." Gu Zheng said.

Tiexian nodded: "I didn't tell you more about this before, it was because you are not in the realm, some things let you know in advance, it is not a good thing for you. Now the disciple is about to become a quasi-sage, about Even if you don't ask about the Chaos Tribulation, the master will tell you."

"There is a limit to the existence time of all things, even high-level planes like Honghuang are no exception. When this limit is reached, there will be catastrophes that can destroy it. This is the same as the cultivation of immortals. However, the Chaos Tribulation and the Great Desolation are over, if they can survive the Tribulation, the Great Desolation will be promoted to a more advanced plane."

"Master, has the chaotic catastrophe happened once?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"That's right, it was during that chaotic catastrophe that the master achieved the holy position."

Tiexian smiled slightly, looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Master also knows some legends about the disciple's hometown. In those legends, it seems that the immortal cultivators in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian are already very powerful existences. Bar?"

Gu Zheng nodded. According to the legends he knew, the Da Luo Jinxian was really a very powerful existence, but in the real prehistoric world, there were many Da Luo Jinxians, as many as a cow's hair.

"Last time during the Chaos Tribulation, the Great Desolation Crossing the Tribulation was successfully promoted to a high-level plane. It is for this reason that the reality is different from the legends you know. Daluo Jinxian is as numerous as a cow's hair, which is what a plane of this level should look like." Tiexian laughed.

In the past, Gu Zheng only knew about the Chaos Calamity, but he knew very little about it, and he didn't want to pass through the Chaos Calamity, and he was able to advance the plane! Now after listening to Tiexian's explanation, I finally know the gap between the legend and the reality, what is going on.

"Master, if the Great Desolation can't survive the Calamity of Chaos, what will happen? Will the whole Great Desolation cease to exist?" Gu Zheng asked.

Tiexian shook his head: "Honghuang will still be there, but most of its subordinate planes will be completely destroyed, and a small part will survive, but there are almost no living creatures on them. And these immortal cultivators in Honghuang now, Most of them will die under the chaos!"

"Master, what kind of situation will the Chaos Tribulation take?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The Chaos Tribulation is a very long process. You must have seen what will happen in the early stage. However, the final form of the Chaos Tribulation this time will be a battle between foreign forces and our Primordial Forces. Even if the saints don't arrive, they really exist like chickens and dogs." Tiexian said with emotion.

"Master, what is this? Invasion?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"It can be said to be an invasion, or it can also be said to be part of the way of heaven." Tiexian said.

"The Way of Heaven?" Gu Zheng was thoughtful.

"For example, you can regard Honghuang as a county, and Honghuang's way of heaven as the sheriff of this county, and foreign forces as a county, and their way of heaven as a sheriff. The sheriffs of different counties are naturally the largest in their own counties. However, looking at it from a distance, the county is not the largest. There is a country above the county. These counties are only part of the territory of the country. The king is a higher level of heaven. If you look further, this country is only a part of a planet, and this planet is just a high plane, one of countless planets under it."

What Tiexian said, Gu Zheng had some guesses the first time he heard it outside the circle. Apart from feeling a little small, he didn't feel too special.

"Master, as long as we can withstand the invasion at that time, will it be considered a success in crossing the tribulation?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's not as simple as you think. Immortal cultivators of different levels have different levels of battlefields. Even if the Chaos Tribulation finally appears, it will also be a time-consuming process. The specific situation at that time, even as a teacher is still unclear. It's not easy to say." Tie Xian said.

For the Chaos Tribulation, Gu Zheng now has a general understanding. Since Tiexian doesn't know the details too well, there is no need to ask more questions now, and he will naturally understand when the time comes.


Gu Zheng told Tiexian about Xingxu Mountain and the opportunity to become a saint.

"I didn't know about Xingxu Mountain before I became a teacher. After you met Le Xian some time ago, Le Xian told me something she knew."

Tiexian's voice paused, and then he said again: "Being taken into the prehistoric circle by the teacher, it's a good chance to see one of them, but you not only saw two, but also got one. And the other one should be in your pocket, this opportunity can't help but move you as a teacher!"

"Master, I am still a little confused about the chance of becoming a saint. It is still in my mind, and I don't know how to make it work." Gu Zheng said.

"Let the teacher explore your body."


Tiexian quickly completed the inspection of Gu Zheng's body, and his divine sense almost flickered in Gu Zheng's body.

"The opportunity for sanctification has its advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages and disadvantages also affect the possibility of sanctification. Your chance for sanctification is considered superior. After you cultivate and advance to quasi-sage, it will naturally have its due effect. As long as However, even if the opportunity for sanctification plays a role, it is impossible for you to become sanctified right now!" Tiexian shook his head.

"Master, why is this?" Gu Zheng asked.

"How many holy positions can there be in a plane, this is the same under normal circumstances. When the holy positions will change, it is also during the special period when the chaos calamity really begins and the chaos calamity ends." Tie Xiandao .

"Master, so it doesn't make much sense for me to get the opportunity to become a saint now?" Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"Silly boy, it is a chance to become a saint. Although the timing is not right, you cannot gain the possibility of becoming a saint with it, but its benefits are still very huge!" Tiexian said with a smile.

"Oh? What are the benefits?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"What are the benefits, you will know when the time comes, anyway, it can surprise you!"

Tiexian put it off, and then said: "Although it is not easy to become a saint, you don't have to have this kind of chance to become a saint. This disciple is a person with deep blessings, so don't be too entangled in this point, just let it take its course." Naturally it will be fine!"

Gu Zheng nodded and said: "Master, did Lord Le Xian tell you about my power of the Holy Immortal?"

"She told me about it."

Tiexian nodded: "This matter is only good for disciples and not harmful, so I will take care of this matter in two days."

"Master, now that this disciple's cultivation has reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, the surprise that Master said at the beginning, but help me become a quasi-sage?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Did Linlin tell you?"

Tiexian shook his head and smiled: "Indeed, the purpose of being a teacher is to help you become a quasi-sage, but this matter will also be a few days late, because there are still some things that need to be prepared."

"Master can help me become a saint, so can master help other demon cultivators become quasi-sages? I have a servant who is also a demon cultivator, and now his realm is at the peak of the demon king realm!" Gu Zheng said.

"Disciple, even if you are a saint as a teacher, it is not easy to help someone become a quasi-sage. At the same time, it is not easy to help others become a quasi-sage. The reason why being a teacher can help you become a quasi-sage is because of your cultivation. Because of Tiexian Jue!" Tiexian said.

"The apprentice understands!"

For this matter, Gu Zheng really didn't give much hope. If the holy immortal can really help people become holy easily, then there are probably too many quasi-sages.

Tiexian looked at Gu Zheng and was silent for a moment, then said again: "What is the body of this disciple's servant?"

"She is a descendant of the beast." Gu Zheng said.

"Evil beast? It's okay, it's a divine beast after all! Disciple brings her, I'll see how she's doing!" Tiexian said.

"Thank you, Master! But she is not in Honghuang now, and I will not be able to bring her out until I get Xingxu Mountain!" Gu Zheng said.

Tiexian stretched out his hand and patted Gu Zheng's shoulder: "Among the disciples, you are the one who owes me the most. If you can make you feel happier, I will feel more comfortable as a teacher!"

"Thank you, Master!" Gu Zheng said again.

"Are there any other questions? If there are no other questions, we two, master and apprentice, will cook together." Tiexian laughed.


Anyway, Tiexian will not be too busy for the next year, so you can ask any questions slowly. Gu Zheng also really wants to see for himself how Master cooks.

They said they were cooking together, but Gu Zheng only cooked two of the eighteen dishes. Tiexian's biggest purpose was to let him increase his knowledge.

Compared with Tiexian's culinary skills, Gu Zheng's culinary skills are still inferior, because his eyes of the Tao have not yet advanced to a certain level, the gap between his culinary skills and Tiexian's cooking skills is not only because of this reason In addition, there is another reason that he has not yet reached the state of "two begets three" in the way of food, so the heart of the Tao is less sensitive to ingredients than Tiexian.

The gap with the Tiexiandao Eye can be made up by cooking more ingredients outside the circle. This is just a matter of time and ingredients. As for the gap in the heart of speaking, it depends on the chance, to see when he can cook the immortal food cultivation, so as to raise the realm to 'two begets three'.

Naturally, it is impossible for Tiexian and Gu Zheng to cook the eighteen dishes. Tiexian had notified Xiong San and Lanyue before cooking, so this feast can be regarded as a reunion between master and apprentice. It's just that Gu Zheng's elder brother and fourth senior sister couldn't come due to some special reasons, so there were only four of them at the banquet.

Seeing Xiong San's white hair, Tiexian naturally asked about it.

However, Tiexian has always been very loose with his apprentices, so he didn't reprimand Xiong San for it.

The four masters and apprentices had a very happy meal. This kind of reunion was the first time for Gu Zheng, and for Lan Yue and Xiong San, it had not happened for a hundred years.

After the banquet, Lan Yue returned to the fairy camp, and Xiong San didn't stop there, claiming to hurry up and practice. Gu Zheng knew that Xiong San didn't want to cultivate, but he was still immersed in the pain, so he wanted to be alone for a while.

"When I become a quasi-sage, I will go to Xingxu Mountain, right?" After Xiong San left, Tiexian asked Gu Zheng.

"Yes, everything over there should be done sooner rather than later." Gu Zheng said.

"The current situation of your third senior brother is only you who can save him. This catastrophe should be regarded as a blessing in disguise for him. After he comes out of this state, I will arrange tasks to train him. Try to let him advance to quasi-sage before the chaos really comes."

Tiexian didn't say anything to Xiong Sanduo during the dinner, but what he said now still made Gu Zheng feel his concern for Xiong San.

"Master, don't worry, I have already kept the matter of the third senior brother in mind." Gu Zheng said.

Tiexian nodded, and then said: "Do you like this palace disciple?"

Gu Zheng and the others are now located in the Canglan Palace in the Heavenly Court. After becoming immortal cultivators, Gu Zheng has seen many palaces, large and small, but he has never seen any palace that can match the splendor of Canglan Palace. compared to! Moreover, this palace is very new. Although there is no master inside, there are more than thirty servants. When *** brought Gu Zheng to Canglan Palace, Gu Zheng also asked whose palace it was, but*** Laugh without saying a word! At that time, Gu Zheng had guessed that this palace with only servants and no master was probably a gift from Tiexian.

"I like it, but this is heaven!"

Gu Zheng was a little surprised. He knew that disciples of the saints would have palaces to live in. These palaces were either shared by several people like the disciples of Emperor Wa, or they had a separate one like Lanyue. However, these palaces are located in the heavens, and the Canglan Palace is located in the heavens!

Tiexian smiled slightly: "Every disciple who crosses the catastrophe of the Holy Immortal will have a palace in the heavenly court, you deserve it!"

"Crossing Tribulation Disciple?"

Gu Zheng touched his face subconsciously, not only the changes displayed by Lan Yue on his face, but also the Tianyu mask given by Immortal Tie back then. If only disciples of the Saint Immortal could live in this palace, then the identity seemed to be known.

"I'm going to be a saint soon. With my disciple's strength, I can already look down on my brothers and sisters who are crossing the catastrophe, so I don't need to hide my true colors anymore!" Tiexian said happily.


Gu Zheng also smiled, and he stretched out his hand to swipe his face, and the method of dispelling the transformation also took off the Tianyu mask, showing his original appearance.

"Master, about Wahuang's disciple who crossed the catastrophe..."

Gu Zheng told about his feud with Xiao Qi.

"Master already knows about this matter. As long as you don't lose your life because of it, it's nothing but trivial trouble in our eyes. However, if he doesn't know the current affairs and continues to cause trouble, it's enough for the apprentice to kill him. If he He wants to deal with the catastrophe, but no one can save him!" Tiexian said coldly.

"By the way, Master, are there many palaces in the Heavenly Court?" Gu Zheng changed the subject.

"According to the legend you know, there should be thirty-six heavenly palaces and seventy-two treasure halls in the heavenly court, right?" said Tiexian.

"That's what the legend says." Gu Zheng said.

"That's what Honghuang looked like before the first chaotic catastrophe! After the first chaotic catastrophe, Honghuang became a higher plane, and the number of thirty-six heavenly palaces and seventy-two treasure halls also doubled, like Canglan The palace is the heavenly palace that never existed before.”

Tiexian smiled slightly, and then said: "However, no matter how good Canglan Palace is, it is just your temporary residence. When you get Xingxu Mountain, your cultivation environment will make all quasi-sages envious! , let’s take a rest in your Canglan Palace today, and tomorrow you will go thirty-three days away to see the teacher’s residence.”

"Okay, everything will be arranged by Master!" Gu Zheng said.

After getting the Canglan Palace, Gu Zheng naturally had to take a stroll.

Before visiting Canglan Palace, Gu Zheng first met with the servants of Canglan Palace. These servants also knew that Gu Zheng would be their master in the future. awe.

Gu Zheng wanted to visit the Canglan Palace, and the deacon Xian'e immediately offered to accompany him, but Gu Zheng refused. He just wanted to take a quiet tour of this heavenly palace that belonged to him.

The Canglan Palace is very large, and the immortal essence is much richer than the general places in the Heavenly Court. The shapes and layouts of various buildings are also unique. The strange flowers and plants, spirit beasts and birds that Gu Zheng saw outside the Heavenly Court can be found in Canglan Palace, and there are even many of these things that he has never seen outside. The spirit beasts and birds also know that Gu Zheng is their master. When they see Gu Zheng coming to play, some of them chirp happily, and some dance around Gu Zheng.

"Why didn't you talk all the way?" Gu Zheng looked at the sullen Qi Ling.

"What are you talking about?" Qi Ling seemed very listless.

"When I was talking to Master before, did you communicate with Master?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, I'm just Qi Ling, so I don't have the qualifications to intervene at that time." Qi Ling laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

"I didn't see you just as a tool spirit." Gu Zheng said seriously.

"I didn't see you asking Lord Tiexian about me, you even asked me about meow." Qi Ling's eyes were red, and there was endless grievance in his voice.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Zheng smiled: "About you, I have nothing to ask Master! Letting you really appear in front of me is something I want to do with my own hands. It means a lot to me !"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Qi Ling chuckled, but didn't say anything more.

The location of the Heavenly Court is the Yuque Golden Sky in the thirty-three days, and there is a place that leads directly to the thirty-three days.

Since this time he wanted to let Gu Zheng know the way to Zhenxiu Palace, Tiexian didn't take Gu Zheng there by teleporting like Lexian did.

The place leading to thirty-three days away is guarded by special personnel. After Tiexian brought Gu Zheng there, the guarding immortal official knew Gu Zheng. something is blocking.

Going thirty-three days away is not through the teleportation fairy array, but a misty mist like a whirlwind.

Tiexian led Gu Zheng into the mist, and Gu Zheng's vision immediately became pitch black, nothing particularly uncomfortable, just a continuous feeling that his body was rising rapidly.

After a while, the feeling of rising stopped, Gu Zheng's sight was restored, and there was a chaotic world in front of him.

This is the first time that Gu Zheng has seen Thirty-Three Days Away, and he has seen it on Xingxu Mountain before, but there is a colorless barrier between the Thirty-Three Days Away and Xingxu Mountain.

This is a strange place, the residence of the saints. It is said that there is no time or location here.

However, Gu Zheng didn't lose his sense of direction here. As for the time, he didn't find any abnormalities. The time flow here is exactly the same even in the heavens.

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