The ghost wanted to bury the angry man with him, but it was a pity that the angry man's body was no longer under its control.

As a result, a veil of bright light rose from the core of the angry man's mind, like a shield that blocked the impact of ghosts.

The next moment, the crane transformed into Gu Zheng's divine sense was already behind the ghost.

The ghost disappeared again, but a special pressure emerged from the angry man's mind, forcing it to show up early. This is the mind of the angry man, where the will of the angry man can do many things, and the will of the angry man is now dominated by Gu Zheng.


As soon as the ghost thing appeared, he was immediately hit by Gu Zheng's Shennian Crane, and let out an extremely ugly scream.

For Gu Zheng's divine sense, the ghost is very afraid, and it has been fighting in the mind of the angry man so far, this is the first time it has been encountered by Gu Zheng's divine sense. And this first touch is actually a touch that will never be redone.

The divine sense has a very powerful decomposition ability, and the bright outline of the ghost will disappear completely under the decomposition soon.

Since the ghost thing is an unusual existence, even after seeing it disintegrated, Gu Zheng still checked the angry man's body over and over again, until he was sure that the guy was really dead, so he let go tone.

Through the inspection of the angry man's body, Gu Zheng also understood some of the angry man's situation.

I learned from Miaomiao before that when she and the angry man were separated together, their respective cultivation bases had reached the early stage of the demon king.

When he saw the angry man in the mysterious space, there were eighteen bands of light in his body that were transmitting energy to the undercurrent sea monster. Gu Zheng thought that his cultivation would decline because of this. But later, under the control of the ghost, when the angry man launched an attack on Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng found that the angry man's cultivation had not declined as he thought, but he was already in the middle stage of the demon king! However, when investigating the angry man's body, what Gu Zheng originally thought was overturned again, and the actual cultivation level of the angry man has reached the late stage of the demon king! It's just that, because he was controlled by ghosts, he didn't show the strength in line with his realm.

Regarding the cultivation base of the angry man, Gu Zheng was quite surprised. How long has it taken? The cultivation base of the angry man can be raised to this level. If he saw it with his own eyes, no one would believe it. Miaomiao was able to reach the peak of the Demon King because she has actually practiced for 164 years without lack of resources. So what experience does the angry man have?

Gu Zheng is very curious about what happened to the angry man, and this is not pure curiosity, but very necessary! After all, the eighteen inner pills in the angry man's body come from giant clams, which have a lot of violence in them! Although when he was on earth, the angry man was treated by Gu Zheng with diet therapy, but now that time has passed and he was manipulated by ghosts for a period of time, for safety reasons, Gu Zheng decided to immediately search for the soul of the angry man.

Through the soul search of the angry man, Gu Zheng learned that he came to practice in the undercurrent sea, and it was also because he felt the induction that Yingfei felt that he found the cave leading to the mysterious space. It's just that the source of the induction is not a chance for sanctification, but a hateful ghost!

Only the demon cultivator can sense this kind of induction spread by ghosts. Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh for Yingfei. Fortunately, there was a powerful undercurrent sea monster in the cave, otherwise the unlucky one would not be the angry man, but the It's win and fly.

The angry man followed the induction to the cave, and after solving some undercurrent sea monsters, he entered this mysterious space from a place different from Gu Zheng's entering the mysterious space in the cave.

At that time, he was only an angry man in the early days of the demon king, so he couldn't possibly be the opponent of ghosts.

After the ghost thing restrained the angry man, it first transformed the angry man's demon body, that is, made the angry man merge with those metal thorns, and increased his control over him through the metal thorns. Later, the ghost made the angry man take the medicine belonging to their plane several times in succession, which raised the angry man's cultivation base from the early stage of the demon king to the late stage of the demon king in a short period of time. And after his cultivation reached the late demon king stage, the angry man completely lost his memory, and he had no memory of what happened later.

Although the angry man lost his memory, after he was restrained by the ghost, he also communicated with the ghost, which also allowed Gu Zheng to know the outline of the matter.

The mysterious space is the same as Xingxu Mountain, they all entered this plane during the last chaotic calamity.

The consciousness of Xingxu Mountain is very weak, and the ghost is also very weak! However, the consciousness of the ghost thing is different from that of Xingxu Mountain. Hongjun Daozu didn't impose any restrictions on it, so it has been preparing to walk out of the mysterious space.

The Angry Man is an important part of Gui Dongxi's plan. Gui Dongxi needs to use his eighteen strange inner alchemy to mutate the undercurrent sea monster that originally did not have the ability to reproduce.

Moreover, the ghost also needs the angry man to provide energy for the undercurrent sea monster to give birth to the "disaster", and to provide energy for the growth of the "disaster".

If the ghost thing's plan goes well, Angry Man will be gone in three months! At that time, the 'disaster' that has squeezed out the angry man will also grow to the way the ghost expects. And as long as the ghost absorbs the energy of 'disaster', it can carry out the last step of its plan! As long as the last step of the plan is successful, it's hard to say what the ghost's strength will be. At least it won't be afraid of any quasi-sages from this plane!

In the memory of the angry man, the last step of the ghost plan is to refine a drop of mysterious liquid, and that liquid is extremely extraordinary in the angry man's mind! And when Gu Zheng looked at the mysterious liquid through the memory of the angry man, he had the wonderful feeling of seeing the world!

"Sacred Chance!"

Gu Zheng's heartbeat quickened a bit, and he hurried to the corner of the mysterious space, opened something similar to a metal coffin, and took out a bottle made of special material from it.

The bottle is transparent, in which is suspended the mysterious liquid that Gu Zheng saw in Nu Han's memory.

Even through the bottle, Gu Zheng can feel the extraordinaryness of the mysterious liquid, looking at it even has a feeling of wanting to enter the state to realize the Tao. Moreover, Gu Zheng looked at the composition of the mysterious liquid with the eyes of Tao, sometimes he couldn't see anything, and sometimes he could see mysterious substances as many as stars in the sky, but he didn't know them all. Using the heart of Tao to sense, but found that the mysterious liquid is very pure, just like a drop of water that is too clean, there is no special substance in it.

"Qi Ling, what the hell is this thing?"

Gu Zheng was really excited, but he couldn't believe it was true.

"What exactly is the opportunity for sanctification, there is no fixed form, this is something you already know before."

Qi Ling smiled slightly, and then said: "I know you can't believe this is true, but I think it is true!"

"However, the ghost needs to be fully prepared before he dares to refine this drop of mysterious liquid. How should I deal with it?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"You are a human, and the ghost is a living body outside the circle. There must be differences in your absorption of certain things! The chance of sanctification that I know, once obtained by others, will penetrate into the human body. No special treatment is required. So I think, as long as you open the bottle, this drop of liquid should fly into your body!"

Although Qi Ling smiled calmly, Gu Zheng knew that calmness was only on the surface, she was actually very excited, and even wished that Gu Zheng would try it now.

Gu Zheng also wants to try it now, but the environment is obviously not ideal. He wants to deal with the things here, and then find an ideal environment before opening the bottle.

First took out the inner alchemy of the dead undercurrent siren, and then Gu Zheng opened all the metal coffin-like things in the entire space.

Things like metal coffins are actually training places for ghosts and things of the same kind. Gu Zheng already knew this in the memory of the angry man.

There are thirty-six things like metal coffins, all of which contain some materials from outside the circle. However, due to the lack of understanding of outside the circle, among these materials, the things that Gu Zheng finds useful for the time being are some ingredients that belong to outside the circle. As for the fairy artifacts, Gu Zheng didn't even get a single one, because the ghosts didn't need fairy artifacts at all. The only combat equipment they used was the armor that protected the ghosts in the first place.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, Gu Zheng put everything he got from the metal coffin into the primordial space. If the mysterious space was not too huge, he even wanted to move the mysterious space away! After all, the material of the mysterious space is special, if it is sold to a master craftsman, it will definitely be able to sell for a high price.

After cleaning the battlefield, Gu Zheng immediately left the mysterious space with an angry man like a vegetable.

This trip to the Undercurrent Sea, Gu Zheng can be said to have gained a lot. The next thing he has to do is to find a suitable place nearby to deal with the problem of the angry man.

The reason why the angry man is not sober is the legacy of the ghost controlling the angry man. However, it is not too difficult to deal with this misfortune, which belongs to the work of spiritual thoughts. Gu Zheng felt that he could wake up the angry man in just one day.

However, the angry man's own problems are more serious! When Gu Zheng was on Earth, he once gave Angry Man food therapy to get rid of the violent energy in the 18 inner alchemy in his body, and the effect was very good. However, Gu Zheng's cultivation level at that time was not considered high, and the problem of realm also determined that his vision could not be compared with what it is now.

In fact, after the angry man ascended, the problems in the inner alchemy were exposed, and the violence became more violent than before! But fortunately, the angry man's cultivation base has also improved rapidly, so he can barely suppress his violent aura. But this time, the cultivation base of the angry man has improved too fast, from the early stage of the demon king to the late stage of the demon king in a short period of time, and there is not a little time to suppress the violence! If it wasn't for his special state like a vegetative person, he must have been reduced to a beast that can only act on instinct. And this time the ancient battle awakened him, the reason why it took a day was because of the prevention of his fall.

The sea is not a safe place, so Gu Zheng flew directly to Undercurrent County with the angry sea.

After staying in the inn in Undercurrent County, Gu Zheng immediately started to deal with the angry man's situation.

Awaken the angry man through his spiritual thoughts, and when he reached a certain level, Gu Zheng stopped and cooked the first diet for the angry man.

With the help of diet therapy, the violent attack on the angry man's mind was temporarily controlled, and Gu Zheng once again used his spiritual thoughts to successfully awaken the angry man.

"Lord, master!"

Contacted by the contract of recognition, the angry man knew that Gu Zheng was by his side before he opened his eyes. After he opened his eyes and saw Gu Zheng, his choked eye sockets were a little red.

Although Nu Han has not been with Gu Zheng for a long time, there is a very sharp contrast between the bad treatment of his last master and the kindness Gu Zheng treated him. It is very respectful.

"Don't talk, take care of yourself. The hostility in your body is very violent now. You should calm down the hostility first, and take care of the rest of your situation. I'll cook the next diet for you," Gu Zheng said.

Although the angry man suffered in the mysterious space, it was a blessing in disguise. First of all, his cultivation base has been improved from the early stage of the demon king to the late stage of the demon king. Secondly, his body has been transformed by ghosts. In addition to being stronger than before, those metal spikes It also has an extraordinary effect.

After staying in the inn for three days, Gu Zheng gave the angry man five times of diet therapy, which completely eliminated the violent energy in his body.

After completely solving the problem of the angry man, Gu Zheng calmed down to deal with his own affairs.

Imposing restrictions in the room, Gu Zheng released the Chaos Tower. After entering the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng took out a bottle containing the mysterious liquid.


This is a moment that people look forward to. Although Gu Zheng has gone through the storm, he still swallowed his saliva nervously.


Seeing that Gu Zheng was so nervous, even though Qi Ling was also nervous, he couldn't help but give him a supercilious look.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, and after paying back to Qi Ling with blank eyes, he opened the bottle.

As soon as the bottle cap was opened, the mysterious liquid inside immediately flew out, and it only paused in the air for a moment before shooting towards Gu Zheng's eyebrows.

Gu Zheng was extremely nervous. Although the mysterious liquid was very likely to be a chance to become a saint, he couldn't guarantee it was something else!

The tension is the tension, but Gu Zheng still let the mysterious liquid go, a burst of cool feeling followed the mysterious liquid into the brain, making Gu Zheng feel comfortable all over, and then it was gone.


Gu Zheng looked at the quiet mysterious liquid in his mind, and didn't know what to say for a moment. The earth-shattering changes I imagined didn't happen, and apart from the initial cool feeling, I didn't feel any other strangeness at all.

Fully understanding Gu Zheng's depression, Qi Ling couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry! Now I can be 100% sure that it is a chance to become a saint! There is no abnormality, but it is actually the biggest abnormality. There is an extra drop of mysterious liquid in an important place, and you don’t feel any discomfort at all, so what is it if it’s not abnormal?”

Being so impressed by Qi Ling, Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"You have not yet reached the quasi-sage level, and the opportunity to become a sanctification cannot be triggered immediately, but you don't need to be too impatient. When the time is up, you go to the heaven to meet Master Tiexian, and he will help you become a quasi-sage!" Ling laughed.

Things happened one after another, since the chance of sanctification had already entered the body, Gu Zheng didn't plan to stay any longer, and it was imminent for Die Ling to take food repair.

Doing food repair for Die Ling is a very important thing. Apart from some problems in cooking, there is also the choice of venue. After all, a good food repair also needs a good venue, which can provide strong immortal essence to maximize the medicinal effect of the food repair! And this good venue, Tianjie is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment. Moreover, the trip to the Turbulent Sea has come to an end, and Gu Zheng also wants to go back to see the second and third senior brothers.

With the token given by Lan Yue, it is very simple for Gu Zheng to lead the angry man into the heaven.

Nothing special happened along the way. After arriving at Xianying and seeing Lanyue, the two brothers and sisters naturally had a chat. Regarding the opportunity of Gu Zheng's trip, Lanyue felt a lot of emotion and was extremely gratified.

It's a pity that Lan Yue told Gu Zheng that Xiong San, who has become more and more depressed recently, had left the fairy camp three days ago. And during the time in Xianying, even if Lanyue wanted to make him happy, he refused to invite him to the Hundred Flowers House for entertainment.

Thinking of the third senior brother with white hair, Gu Zheng also felt very distressed, and he wanted to improve himself again in his heart. After he reached the quasi-sage level, he must take down Xingxu Mountain as soon as possible.

The angry man needs time to recuperate and adapt to his own situation. Gu Zheng asked Lan Yue to arrange a room for him in the commander's mansion, and then left the fairy camp.

Gu Zheng left the fairy camp to go to Lanyue's mansion in the heaven, which is currently the best place for Die Ling to take food repair.

The food training that Gu Zheng wants to cook for Die Ling this time is very meaningful, because this food training that Die Ling has put forward special requirements will help her advance to the Demon Emperor! Once promoted to the demon emperor, there will be a catastrophe, which is also the reason why the immortal essence in the immortal camp is more intense, but Gu Zheng wants to bring Die Ling out to take food repair! Because Xianying is an important place, it is forbidden to take place there.

After arriving at Lanyue's mansion, Gu Zheng immediately started cooking for Die Ling.

Die Ling's requirements for the food repair cooking for Die Ling this time are: there must be inner alchemy of the three-eyed sky python and the giant golden-winged eagle, and the final grade of the food repair must also be top-grade.

The seemingly simple request is actually not simple. First of all, the inner alchemy of the three-eyed sky python and the golden-winged giant eagle have an inherent mutual restraint! To solve this problem, some special ingredients need to be added. However, solving the problem of mutual restraint of the origin does not mean that the level of food repair must be high. This requires Gu Zheng to add some ingredients reasonably and cook reasonably.

Regarding Die Ling's matter, Gu Zheng is naturally very concerned. How to cook this tailor-made food repair, he has already deduced it countless times when he was outside the circle, taking into account all possible problems. .

"Master, is there really no problem?"

Looking at Gu Zheng who started to process the ingredients, Die Ling looked excited and nervous, much like when Gu Zheng was about to open the bottle before.

"Don't worry! Although it is a bit difficult, this is not such a difficult cooking for me!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he looked at Die Ling with a gratified smile: "That's great, I'm about to become the Demon Emperor!"

Listening to Gu Zheng's praise, Die Ling smiled like a shy flower blooming.

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