Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 86 I want to win (add 3 more for the leader Youngcuteboy)

Behind the gate, there is actually a very wide road, the further you go in, the better the scenery.

It didn't take long to arrive at the row of buildings in the back. There are hot springs in front of the buildings. The whole looks like a resort, a hot spring resort. Unlike other resorts, there are no people here, only them.

The cars soon all parked in the empty parking lot. A total of more than 20 cars came in, most of which were luxury cars, but Shu Yu's car became the most inconspicuous one among them.

"Gu Zheng, help me move things down!"

After parking the car, Shu Yu opened the trunk. There were two small boxes in there. There were actually a lot of marinated raw meat in one box. Besides the raw meat, there were also some potatoes, eggplants, etc. that were marinated and skewered. Ingredients for BBQ.

Not only did Shu Yu bring two small boxes, but everyone else also took boxes from the car one after another. Most of the items they took out were some ingredients, all kinds of ingredients, and someone even brought a live sheep, which attracted many people. The eyes of few people.

"Sister Shu Yu, I didn't come here, I didn't bring anything with me, this time I don't want to fight anymore, so I'll just go with you, don't drive me away, okay!"

The little girl who was talking to Shu Yu just ran away again, pulled Shu Yu's arm and said pitifully, Shu Yu shook his head helplessly, and finally pinched her little nose: "Okay, just follow me!" Let's go!"

"Great, I knew you were the best, Sister Shu Yu, but can we do it with only these things? Brother Xu has prepared a big prize this time, don't let Old Qiao and the others snatch it!"

The little girl looked very excited and puzzled, Gu Zheng didn't speak, but just helped Shu Yu carry things, moved them over, and put them together with other people's things.

So many people brought a lot of things, put them together like a small mountain, they are all ingredients, and the fragrance is coming out before they start cooking.

This made Gu Zheng's heart calm down a little. This gathering was just like what Shu Yu said, a picnic with self-provided materials. The difference was that the picnic was in a place similar to a resort, not really in the wild.

In addition, Gu Zheng can also see that the identities of these people are probably not simple. They are either rich men or young ladies. They are basically the same as Shu Yu, but Gu Zheng didn't care. For this group, he just needs to do his own thing well and help Shu Yu well.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Zheng's heart calmed down a lot, and he didn't feel any discomfort anymore, instead, he was doing all this with great interest.

"Don't worry, as long as my companion today is willing to help me, we will definitely win!"

Shu Yu looked at the busy Gu Zheng with a smile, and said something to the little girl beside her, who looked at Gu Zheng again, her eyes were full of disbelief, but she didn't question Shu Yu's words.

Gu Zheng guessed right, this is a gathering in the circle of rich families, and they even gave themselves a very vulgar name, called a rich family's party.

Those who can participate in this kind of gathering must have family assets of at least one billion yuan. This is the qualification, and they may not be invited to participate, so the families who can come here are all rich, or in other words, They are all rich people.

The purpose of such gatherings is also very simple, that is, to integrate resources and allow the younger generation to communicate and communicate more. It is not expected that they can achieve great things, but they can understand each other, learn from each other, and even cooperate.

Of course, such an occasion also has a certain role in promoting marriage. Someone really met on such an occasion, and finally walked together to complete a strong alliance. Therefore, older parents are supportive of such gatherings and encourage them. children to participate.

This kind of gathering has been developed for many years. From the initial reception to the outdoors, and from the outdoors to the suburbs, the appearance of the party has also changed. Planned events and occasionally charity events are also organized.

The organizers are also young people, and those who can organize are generally more prestigious people among their peers. Later, the organizers also took out some prizes and held some small activities to increase the fun of the party. It turned into a party like it is now.

This gathering is organized by a young master of the Xu family. What Shu Yu said to Gu Zheng before is also true. This is a gathering, a picnic with self-provided ingredients, and there will be a competition at this gathering, just to see who Make the most delicious, the most eaten by others, and the most recognized, so that you can get the rewards provided by the organizer.

What the reward is will be kept secret for the time being, but the organizers will talk about it at the beginning. According to Mr. Xu who organized this time, the reward this time is not small, and the value is more than six figures. That's why the little girl said to Shu Yu like that. .

"I remember your name is Gu Zheng, can you really beat them?"

The little girl walked up to Gu Zheng and asked curiously. Most of the people at the party knew each other. It was the first time for Gu Zheng to come, and they were all brought by other people. No one came alone. Participate in such events.

"It depends on you, if you want to win, I can help you win!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, he is not interested in parties or anything, but cooking food, as long as he is willing, there may not be anyone here who can match him.

His cooking skills were very good before, and he was already considered a professional level. Now he has accepted the inheritance of the Tiexian, and with the help of the immortal power, he can cook things with twice the result with half the effort. The best chef is here, and he must be the winner.

Picnicking is something that Gu Zheng usually likes to do. He has practiced this aspect, and he has really practiced it himself.

"Of course we want to win. I haven't won before. I just won once by crying last time. It's not a real win!"

The little girl nodded quickly, and she was a little embarrassed when she spoke, but Shu Yu had already laughed out loud, this little girl was so naive, she actually revealed her own embarrassment.

Since the party set up a lottery, there will be competitions. There are various competitions. This time it is cooking, and last time it may be talent.

The little girl is not very old, but she likes such occasions very much. She has participated in many times, but unfortunately she has never won a single game. Once she got a good result in bowling, but was overtaken by others again. She burst into tears and finally The person who won her gave up voluntarily, and finally let her take the first place.

That's why she said that she won once by crying, and if she didn't cry, she really wouldn't be the one who won that time.

"How about you, Shu Yu?"

Gu Zheng was also amused by the little girl's words. The little girl spoke a bit harshly, but she was not a bad person. Such innocence and simplicity changed Gu Zheng's impression of her.

"I want to win too. To be honest, I haven't won once, so I'll let you help me this time!"

Shu Yu nodded. She did not win once, but she was different from the little girl. She didn't win because she participated in a small number of times. She didn't participate in such activities at all when she was a student. She only started contacting after graduation.

If it weren't for Shu Yu's big heart and wanting to make a career on her own, she would not have come to participate in such an event, but since she is here, if she can win, she must win. In some occasions, it is not suitable to hide one's clumsiness. When you show your edge, you still have to show it, so that others can pay more attention to you.

Shu Yu had been forbearing before, and now that she has started her own business, there is no need to continue to forbear. She was not polite to Gu Zheng, and told Gu Zheng directly that she wanted to win.

The fifth update, thanks again to the leader Youngcuteboy.

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