Facing Qi Ling's question, Gu Zheng said: "Go back before the end of time, and let her stay in this cave, isn't it a kind of chance? The flow of time here is fifty times slower than Honghuang. It’s so strange, if it’s not that time doesn’t allow me, I really want to practice in this kind of place! Not to mention anything else, the understanding of the way of time and the way of space can definitely play a big role Help, after I become the master of Xingxu Mountain, I can release him again!"

"I'm afraid that people won't appreciate it, and if you let it out, you will be your enemy!" Qi Ling said.

"Don't worry, when I dare to let her out, I won't be afraid of any troubles happening to her." Gu Zheng said.

"By the way, the Palace Master of the Ling Palace said that if you miss the time, you can never go back. Do you really believe this?" Qi Ling asked.

"The consciousness of Xingxu Mountain is very weak. Opening such a passage is definitely not a waste of nothing, so we can only stay for one day. This statement should not be false. After all, the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain asked us to come to this cave. , it just wants us to become more compatible with it under the influence of fluctuations! If conditions permit, it will definitely be eager to let us stay here for a while."

After listening to Gu Zheng's analysis, Qi Ling nodded, and then said: "But on the matter of the beast, it doesn't make sense!"

"Indeed, the lord of the Star Palace said that there are divine beasts here, but Le Xian has already visited the maze, and she hasn't found any living creatures, let alone a divine beast."

Gu Zheng shook his head: "Take a step and look at it. I finally came outside the circle, and I want to feel it."

The fluctuation that Le Xian mentioned exists all the time, and this kind of fluctuation may have a greater impact on ordinary cultivators. However, this kind of fluctuation is affected by the tranquilizing technique, so it doesn't have much effect on Gu Zheng.

Unlike ordinary caves, almost all are dark and humid. This cave outside the circle is very strange, the environment is very dry, and it can be clearly seen through the transparent rocks. There are nine suns hanging in the sky, and occasionally You can see weird birds flying by from high above.

Although there is only one day, this day is a day in the wild, and in the cave outside this circle, the time is fifty days! From Gu Zheng's point of view, since the flow of time in the cave is fifty times slower than Honghuang, the flow of time outside the cave should be the same! After visiting the maze, Gu Zheng planned to break through the cave to see the outside environment.

Compared with Gu Zheng's adventurous spirit, Le Xian was more cautious back then! Although she can stay outside the circle much longer than Gu Zheng, she didn't choose to look outside the cave. She spent all her time in the cave, so for things outside the cave, Gu Zheng's side is just one I don't know anymore.

Although he wanted to visit the maze and go to the outside environment, the first thing Gu Zheng had to do was go to the bottom of the cave. Although Gu Zheng felt that the space crack leading to Xingxu Mountain could not exist all the time, it should appear when the day of Xingxu Mountain was approaching, but guessing was guesswork after all, and only when you really saw it could you feel relieved.

With Le Xian's experience, Gu Zheng spread his phoenix wings and flew towards the bottom of the cave. Although there were many forks along the way, he didn't take any detours.

"Sure enough, opening a channel like a space crack is not a simple matter."

Looking at the empty bottom of the cave, Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

"There is no existence of cracks, so you don't have to stay here, you can do what you want." Qi Ling said.

"Yeah, I'm here to do what I want to do."

Gu Zheng paused, looked at Qi Ling and said, "You should also do what you should do! Hurry up and practice, and strive to develop your body as soon as possible."

"don't want!"

Qi Ling shook his head like a rattle: "This is a strange illusion, and you have to wander around by yourself. Under this premise, I can't concentrate on cultivation at all!"

"Okay, then you can practice again when I calm down!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"You can have this!" Qi Ling chuckled.

It took two hours for Gu Zheng to visit the entire maze, and finally stopped at the cave.

There are no divine beasts in the cave, and during this process, Gu Zheng saw Fairy Bibo once from afar. But as soon as Bibo saw him now, he immediately hid away, leaving only a look of strong hatred in his eyes.

Gu Zheng didn't chase Fairy Bibo, even though there was hatred in her eyes, as long as she didn't provoke trouble to death, Gu Zheng wouldn't bother to talk to her.

The stone wall of the cave is transparent, but it is not a crystal. From the perspective of the five elements, it is a mixture of gold and water, which is extremely resistant to damage. If an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian cultivator in the late stage wants to destroy it with only his immortal power , I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Moreover, this peculiar cave wall also has very good repairability. If there is no special method, it may take a long time just to break through the cave wall and get out.

Gu Zheng didn't use immortal power to destroy the stone wall. He had already comprehended the Five Elements Escape Technique when he advanced to the intermediate level.

With a slight sway of his body, Gu Zheng's person seemed to suddenly become transparent. He first cut into the cave wall with the water escape technique of the five elements escape technique, and then used the escape technique of the golden water cycle to pass through.

Without the fluency of using the Five Elements Escape Technique in the prehistoric world, he felt as if he was stuck in glue, and his whole body was surrounded by a sticky feeling.

After about two minutes, Gu Zheng finally came out of the cave wall, and he immediately felt the difference between the environment outside and the cave.

Frowning slightly, Gu Zheng closed his eyes to feel it carefully.

When he was in the cave, Gu Zheng didn't find the existence of Xianyuan. After leaving the cave, the first thing Gu Zheng felt was that there was a special energy in the air.

Xianyuan is a kind of energy, and its ingestion leads to the way of cultivation.

Black hole energy is also a kind of energy. Because Gu Zheng has mastered the profound way of eating and the celestial power ball in his body has mutated, it can be ingested by Gu Zheng to produce the effect equivalent to Xianyuan.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Like a child, Gu Zheng laughed with his eyes open.

"What's wrong?" Qi Ling immediately asked.

"The air here is filled with a special kind of energy. For this kind of special energy, my Xianli ball has a slight sense, but it is quite mixed, and I can't directly absorb it. However, the circles that the master gave me There are some other ingredients. The special substances in those ingredients make me think that maybe I can also do a food repair here to absorb the special energy from outside the circle! However, I don’t have many ingredients outside the circle. For this The deduction of a new kind of food cultivation is just a well-founded assumption!"

Gu Zheng's words made Qi Ling excited: "It is already a very good thing to be able to produce a well-founded idea! As the saying goes, one side supports one side. In this peculiar environment, there will definitely be Some strange ingredients, when you come into contact with these strange ingredients, maybe your idea with a gap will turn into a real circle!"

"Yes, that's the truth!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "In addition to the special energy in the air, the display of divine sense is still blocked here, and it feels as sticky as when I passed through the cave wall before! However, it is really here. It’s a good place, not to mention that the flow of time is so many times slower than in Honghuang. In Honghuang, the cultivation method of divine sense has always been relatively lacking, but here, as long as one moves the divine sense, it is a very effective spiritual cultivation method! Since then, I have always wanted to spend a long time in retreat, if I get Xingxu Mountain in the future and can enter this place casually, I must do a long-term retreat here!"

"For cultivators, this is indeed a good place, but don't be too optimistic, who knows what dangers will exist!" Qi Ling reminded.


Gu Zheng nodded and smiled, then looked towards the sky.

There are nine suns in the sky, but the light is not particularly glaring, something like a dark cloud covering the sky passes by, it is a bird that Gu Zheng has never seen before.

The phoenix eagle spread its wings and Gu Zheng flew towards the sky.

This is a world outside the circle, and even the energy of heaven and earth is not the kind that Gu Zheng is familiar with, so whether it is in the cave or outside the cave, it is not easy to regulate the energy of heaven and earth by conventional means! Unless it is like Gu Zheng or Fairy Bibo, mastering the way of the five elements is a relatively special means, so that he will not appear particularly passive, or a simple flight is not easy to do here.

The unknown bird is very big, with its wings spread over a hundred feet, otherwise it would not be able to cover the sky and block out the sun. It looks weird, its body is like a bird, its head is like a beetle, and its feathers have a rocky texture.

"The strength is equivalent to the middle stage of the demon king, and the food grade is garbage."

The voice of Qi Ling sounded, and she had completed the exploration of the unknown bird.

Qi Ling's assessment of the level of ingredients for unknown birds is a rough assessment. If it is divided into relatively finer details, not all parts of the unknown birds that can be used as ingredients are rubbish! On each pair of its wings, there is a bone spur with a length of three feet. The bone marrow in the bone spur has high-grade ingredients, and under the observation of the ancient heart, it contains a very wonderful special substance.


The unknown bird also discovered Gu Zheng, and turned to face it as if exhaling a breath, and suddenly a hot and violent air swept towards Gu Zheng.

The unknown bird is not launching an attack on Gu Zheng, it's just a normal reaction to seeing something strange. After all, Gu Zheng's body proportions are not even qualified to be his toothpick.


A shrill cry came out, and the huge bird's body began to fall downwards. It was not Gu Zheng who attacked it, but a bird that suddenly appeared from the void. A monkey without eyes! It suddenly appeared from the void, and hit the bird's head with a punch, and the bird fell downwards.

"The strength is equivalent to the late stage of the demon king, and the grade of ingredients is poisonous!"

After Qi Ling completed the investigation of the monkey monster, Gu Zheng was somewhat shocked! Although this is outside the circle, he is already completely familiar with the space structure outside the circle, but the monkey monster hiding in the space, with his intermediate mastery of the way of space, has not discovered it in advance. If there is a sneak attack by something, then he will definitely be very passive!


The unknown bird was not beaten to death by the monkey monster, it was only temporarily knocked out, and now that it woke up, it began to perform fancy rolls in the air, in order to get rid of the one lying on its neck Monkey monster.

The monkey monster firmly grasped the feathers on the unknown bird's neck, and punched the unknown bird's head with a seemingly light punch, but it made a sound like a bell.

This time, the unknown bird was not knocked unconscious by the monkey monster's punch. The feathers on its neck were shot out like arrows, and even the monster monkey lying on its feathers was also shot out.

After shooting the monkey monster, the unknown bird didn't take the opportunity to launch a counterattack. It had a kind of inherent fear of the monkey monster, and immediately spread its wings and flew up.

The unknown bird is very big, and its flying speed is naturally extremely fast. It only has one wing, and it is already hundreds of miles away.

"Somersault cloud!"

Gu Zheng was shocked again. The monster monkey who was hundreds of miles away caught up with the fleeing unknown bird. The method used was not the "somersault cloud" in the way of space!


A bell-like sound sounded, and the monkey monster that had caught up with the unknown bird punched it on the head again, knocking it unconscious and falling down.

Without giving the unknown bird a second chance to wake up, the monkey monster punched it on the head again.

This time, there was no sound like a bell ringing, and the sky spirit cover of the unknown bird exploded under the fist of the monkey monster, and the monkey monster stretched out a long tongue, and began to lick its brain.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to attack the unknown bird, but who would have thought that such a monster monkey would be killed halfway, and it would deal with the unknown bird in a thunderous way.

"Why don't you try to find that monkey monster?" Seeing Gu Zheng turning around and flying in another direction, Qi Ling couldn't help asking curiously.

"not going."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, the monster looked like a monkey, and had the supernatural power of 'Somersaulting Cloud', which made him feel a little complex, as long as the monkey monster didn't take the initiative to provoke him, he didn't want to seek its bad luck.

Whether it is an unknown bird or a monster like a monkey, in Gu Zheng's mind, these two things can only be defined as monsters rather than spirit beasts, because they have a very big difference from spirit beasts, that is, there are all kinds of monsters in their bodies. There is no such thing as inner alchemy.

Generally speaking, the scene that Gu Zheng saw from the cave was desolate, the ground was soil harder than rocks, and there was not a single so-called plant.

After flying forward for about a stick of incense, Gu Zheng's eyes lit up and he landed towards the ground. He finally saw a few things that looked like tall cactus.

With the landing of Gu Zheng, the tall cactus-like things were all retracted into the ground, and the surface quickly healed without even a pit. If you hadn't seen it clearly, maybe you really thought there was nothing here. !

Gu Zheng divided the divine sense into the soil. Although the divine sense is not easy to use here, it is not completely useless, but it is not as efficient as Honghuang.

Things like cacti are indeed plants, and they just shrink into the soil, not really disappearing.

Through the investigation of Gu Zheng, it was found that the cactus-like plant ingredients were of medium grade, and it actually contained a variety of special substances that Gu Zheng had never seen before.

"It would be great if we could harvest a batch of ingredients from outside the circle this time! These ingredients from outside the circle contain more or less special substances, even though these special substances may not all be used in the cooking of Shixiu, but They can still cultivate the eyes of the Dao at a deeper level." Gu Zheng secretly said.


The hard ground cracked under the effect of Gu Zheng's "Soil Control Technique", and five ingredients that looked like tall cacti appeared in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After being exposed to the air, the five cacti-like plants vibrated, and their thorns with certain toxins all shot towards Gu Zheng, and when they touched the protection of Gu Zheng's body, they made a slight noise , It can't do any harm to Gu Zheng at all.

After getting five cacti-like ingredients, Gu Zheng went on the road again.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

During these half a month, Gu Zheng spent most of his time on the road. During this period, he encountered many things that he had never seen before, including monsters and plants, and some things that he did not know whether they were monsters or plants. , and some minerals that have never been seen in the wild, but can be used for refining.

Generally speaking, Gu Zheng has gained quite a lot in the past half month. He has obtained a lot of minerals, and he has also obtained a lot of ingredients that belong to outside the circle, but whether it is minerals or ingredients, the grade of resources is not considered how high.

In the past half a month, Gu Zheng also encountered several dangers, one of which came from a monster whose strength was no less than the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, but it was a pity that this monster not only looked like a pile of rotten meat , even the grade of the ingredients is rubbish, and it didn't bring Gu Zheng any gains at all. Another danger came from plants. It was in a forest-like place. All the plants launched attacks on Gu Zheng at the same time, and those seemingly weak attacks were actually extremely powerful, and they were breaking Gu Zheng's body. After the superficial protection, it also left a strong toxin in Gu Zheng's body. The other two dangers came from the environment, one was when Gu Zheng went to explore dangerous places, and the other was when he encountered a tornado! It has to be said that the tornado that Gu Zheng encountered was as dangerous as the first space storm he encountered through space travel.

In Gu Zheng's view, the world outside this circle is very large, and its area should not be smaller than that of Honghuang, because Gu Zheng flew for fifteen days, and the landform has just undergone a relatively obvious change. The terracotta turned into an endless desert.

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