Things have come to this point, and Jiaojiao's reminder didn't make Gu Zheng so anxious. Those who should be anxious have already been anxious before.

What happened in An Liuhai's trip is replaying quickly in his mind. Anyway, his death is imminent, and there is nothing to do. Gu Zheng is also thinking, if things change at which step, the current ending can be avoided.

After much deliberation, Xiong San's 'Hibiscus Tent' is a big event to avoid such an ending.

If Fairy Feiyu hadn't appeared, Xiong San and Sun Cheng would not have been fettered, then in the subsequent competition for rare treasures, Gu Zheng would have more confidence, and the direction of the incident would also change accordingly, making it less likely Encountered a 'Death Thunderstorm'.

"For this trip, Fairy Feiyu is a variable that I knew in advance but couldn't avoid!"

Gu Zheng, who was smiling wryly in his heart, couldn't help looking at Fairy Feiyu, he didn't blame Fairy Feiyu, it was just that he was unwilling.

Gu Zheng didn't care about it, and his brows frowned accordingly.

Xiong San wanted to offer another bowl of wine to Gu Zheng, but when he saw Gu Zheng's expression was wrong, he immediately asked, "What's wrong, junior brother?"

"Senior brother, do you still remember the deduction of the second senior brother? The auspicious position is in the north!"

Following Gu Zheng's words, Xiong San also looked at Fairy Feiyu, her position among the group of people happened to be north!

"Jiaojiao, fly to the direction where Fairy Feiyu is!"

Whether it's a coincidence, or just thinking too much, but if there is no other way, it can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Jiaojiao carried out Gu Zheng's order, and everyone's hearts became tense. The "death thunderstorm" outside was still crazy, and lightning struck the Chaos Tower from time to time, causing it to shake violently.

After a while.

"Master, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on anymore."

The voice of Jiaojiao sounded again, and when Gu Zhenggang was about to say something, the sight outside the window suddenly changed.

There is no 'thunderstorm of death', there is only a fog, and the calmness makes people feel unreal.


Everyone's eyes widened, and no one could utter a complete sentence.

Gu Zheng was the first to fly out of the window, the outside environment was the same as the original 'death cloud', and the intensity of the electric light was also like the depths of the 'death cloud', but the 'death thunderstorm' that drove everyone to a desperate situation before, It disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared at all.

Xiong San and the others also flew out of the window. They flew up in a small area as if they were looking for a trace.

"What exactly is going on?"

After flying around, Sun Cheng who stopped kept rubbing his face, he wanted to be more sober.

"Perhaps the so-called 'death thunderstorm' is an immortal formation, and the north is just the birth gate of the immortal formation?"

Fairy Feiyu frowned slightly, absorbing the electric light without any protection on her body, trembling slightly as if she was looking for the real touch.

"No matter what the 'death thunderstorm' is, the feeling of remaining alive after the catastrophe is really good!"

Xiong San came out with his fairy wine, and when the words fell, he poured himself another bowl and drank it with his head raised, drinking it vigorously without paying any attention to the wine flowing down the corner of his mouth.

"Senior brother, give me a bowl of Suppression!"

Gu Zheng's words were not meant to be a joke at all. In the short time before the crisis was resolved, he really experienced the greatest pressure in his life. Now he also desperately wants to drink a bowl of fairy wine, wanting to make the seemingly calm, In fact, there is still an undercurrent of mood to calm down.

"Friend Daoist Xiong, I want a bowl too!"

"Give me a bowl too!"

Sun Cheng and Fairy Feiyu spoke almost at the same time, but in fact, everyone was in the same mood.

Several people raised their bowls to respect each other, and when the wine bowl was put down, Sun Cheng, who hadn't swallowed the wine in his mouth, widened his eyes, he almost didn't choke on the wine.

"Jade, jade white electric light!"

Sun Cheng, who swallowed his drink, pointed excitedly behind everyone.

Everyone turned around and saw a jade-white lightning glow spreading in the air at a slow speed.

The normal electric lights in the 'Death Cloud' appear and then disappear soon, but the jade-white electric lights are different, it feels like a living thing, like a liquid flowing along an invisible gully .

What Gu Zheng and the others were looking for was the jade-white Dianmang. Now that they found its trace, of course they immediately chased after it.

The crowd's approach seemed to have affected the jade-white electric glow, and its speed soared instantly, as if it had been frightened.

The speed of the jade-white electric light soared, but its speed was not enough to shake off Gu Zheng and the others, so they followed the jade-white electric light not far away and flew forward.

About a minute and a half later, the jade-white electric light that Gu Zheng and others were tracking suddenly disappeared. Just when Gu Zheng and others were wondering, a new jade-white electric light appeared not far away.

Following the new jade-white electric light, Gu Zheng and the others also flew up again.

Unknowingly, after about half a stick of incense, Gu Zheng and the others also flew very far in the 'cloud of death'. During this period, the jade-white electric light disappeared many times, but after each disappearance, it quickly disappeared again. There will be a new jade-white electric glow appearing.

At this time, the jade-white electric glow was still flying forward, but Gu Zheng and the others had already stopped.

"Xian, Xianshan!"

Sun Cheng's fingers pointed forward, and his excited voice trembled.

In fact, without Sun Cheng's reminder, everyone has already seen the sudden appearance of Xianshan, which is why they stopped.

"It's a wonderful feeling. It's like changing the space in an instant, but there is no special feeling of space travel. The previous 'death thunderstorm' is like this, and the current fairy mountain is like this!" Looking at the fairy mountain in front of him, Gu Zheng murmured language.

Escaping directly from the 'thunderstorm of death', everyone's environment has also become a normal 'cloud of death'. Now that they have traced the jade-white lightning to this point, the environment they are in has turned into an abnormal 'cloud of death' again. There are still electric lights here, but their power is much smaller than the previous electric lights. There is still fog here, but the impact on the line of sight is greatly reduced. The fairy mountain that everyone can see is actually at least a distance away from them. There are two miles.

"It's unbelievable that there is such a huge fairy mountain hidden in the 'cloud of death'!"

Fairy Feiyu didn't know Gu Zheng's purpose at first, but when everyone started chasing the jade-white lightning, Gu Zheng also told her about the secret of Xianshan.

The fairy mountain is the same as what Master Sun Cheng saw back then. Even if hundreds of fairy palaces are built on it, it will not feel crowded, and there are thousands of various fairy artifacts floating below.

Everyone looked at each other, and instead of rushing to grab the treasure, they cautiously flew towards the fairy mountain.

"Xiong, what do you think about this fairy mountain?" Fairy Feiyu asked Xiong San.

"I don't know what to say, I can only say it's shocking!" Xiong San said seriously.

"It's really shocking! There is such a place in the 'Death Cloud', but Master has never heard of it before. Doesn't even Master know about its existence?" Fairy Feiyu murmured.

As they approached the fairy mountain, more and more problems were discovered. First of all, the fairy artifacts under the fairy mountain, some of which were as strange as Sun Cheng's magic eye headband, and they were not the product of prehistoric artifact refining methods. Secondly, the Immortal Formation as a whole should be an Immortal Artifact. It has the fluctuations of a top-level Immortal Artifact, but it is specious. This is also a strange thing that everyone has never seen before.

"Maybe I know, but don't mention it, don't say it."

Gu Zheng frowned and said, Saint Immortal is a detached existence, and some things that are very meaningful to quasi-sage may be just a fleeting moment to Saint Immortal. Saint immortals are unpredictable, after all, the realm is too far apart.

"It feels like you are going to touch some secrets this time." Qi Ling said suddenly.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, but he agreed with Qi Ling's words. Although his cultivation was only in the late stage of Luo Jinxian, as a disciple of the Saint Immortal, he still had some knowledge in some aspects. What's more, there is also Fairy Feiyu, a quasi-sage, who has happened one after another beyond imagination, and there is such an incredible fairy mountain, so there will be some secret-level things on it, so it won't be such a big deal. Strange thing happened.

Everyone flew to the vicinity of the fairy mountain very cautiously, and nothing happened during this period. Looking at the thousands of fairy artifacts in front of her, Fairy Feiyu said: "I have just checked, and the fairy artifacts are suspended due to the influence of the fairy mountain. Here, this kind of influence seems to be some kind of unknown restriction, if we want to take away all these fairy artifacts, I'm afraid we can't do it here!"

Fairy Feiyu's voice paused, and then said again: "Let me take a fairy artifact first, and see what happens, do you think it's okay?"

Fairy Feiyu has the highest cultivation level here, and she has a different relationship with Xiong San, so Gu Zheng and the others have no objection to this, and immediately backed away a little, being cautious.

Fairy Feiyu waved her hand, and from thousands of fairy artifacts, she picked out an immortal artifact that could not be refined by means of non-prehistoric artifact refining. This celestial artifact looks like a miniature three-story attic, and the connection between the floors is actually a black light that is so thick that it seems to be real.

Fairy Feiyu put away the celestial artifact, and seeing that nothing special happened, she looked at the crowd again and said, "Now you are going to get a celestial artifact, who will come?"

"Junior brother, you go!"

Xiong San rushed to Gu Zheng to speak, but Gu Zheng didn't say much, and flew forward after nodding.

When Fairy Feiyu was doing exploration before, Gu Zheng had also done exploration, and the result was the same as Fairy Feiyu, the fairy artifacts are under special restrictions, so the current layout is possible.

Thousands of fairy artifacts are arranged in a cube. Some of the fairy artifacts are as big as a cow, and some are as small as a pill. Although Gu Zheng had already used divine sense to investigate before, but the detection of divine sense could not go deep into the interior of the three-dimensional layout of the fairy artifact, so now that it is time to choose the immortal artifact, Gu Zheng naturally has to take a good look.

Flying around the cube made of fairy artifacts, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. Apart from the fairy artifact that Feiyu had chosen before, several fairy artifacts were missing from the standard layout of the cube! This made Gu Zheng feel that someone had already selected the immortal artifact before them?

"Is there any fairy artifact that you value?"

Gu Zheng stopped surrounding the cube, and Qi Ling's voice also rang in his mind.

"Yes." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Which kind of immortal artifact? The one produced by the prehistoric artefact refining method, or what kind of alien artifact?" Qi Ling asked again.

"The fluctuations of the fairy artifacts are sealed. If you don't get it in your hand, you won't know the level of the fairy artifact. If this is the case, then choose a different kind of fairy artifact!" Gu Zheng said.

"Although the alien artifact looks special, it may be a pitfall, just like the alien fairy artifact Feiyu picked out before. After taking it out of the cube, I realized that the grade of the immortal artifact is only high-level. But if you choose As for the Great Immortal Artifact, I can guide you to choose a top-level Immortal Artifact." Qi Ling said.

"Oh? Which is the top fairy weapon you are talking about?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's the cyan fairy sword engraved with symbols all over its body. Its name is 'Immortal Killing Sword'. I have heard its legends and know that it is a top-level fairy weapon! Moreover, the Immortal Killing Sword is also a very high-end fairy weapon among the top-level fairy weapons. The powerful one." Qi Ling said.

"Forget it, I already have a few top-level fairy artifacts. Compared with this kind of fairy artifact that belongs to the wild, I want a different kind of fairy artifact, even if its fairy artifact is not high-level!"

Gu Zheng said so, and Qi Ling didn't say anything. The most important fairy artifact is in the center of the cube, surrounded by several large fairy artifacts. If Gu Zheng hadn't been flying around the cube, it would have been really hard to find it.

The exploration of the interior of the cube will be hindered by spiritual thoughts, but Xianli penetrates into it to capture objects, but there is no feeling of being hindered at all.

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the immortal artifact he valued flew out from the cube.

When the fairy device left the cube, Gu Zheng's eyes widened instantly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Top Immortal Artifact!"

Sun Cheng and the others cheered at the same time.

Indeed, judging from the fluctuation of the fairy artifact, the fairy artifact that Gu Zheng obtained was a top-level fairy artifact, and it was very small because it was just a ring.

Gu Zheng had also obtained fairy artifacts like rings before, and there were also high-grade ones, but in the end it was because his own cultivation base had grown too fast, so he failed to shine in the battles he experienced.

The ring artifact that Gu Zheng chose now, if only in terms of color, seems to be no different from ordinary purple gold. However, where there should be a flower pattern on the original ring, there is a hollow carved ball, in which an extremely thick purple mist circulates endlessly.

"Ancient struggle!"

Qi Ling's voice suddenly rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, Qi Ling's voice was serious.

"Something just communicated with me, he asked each of you to take a fairy artifact, and then go to the fairy mountain!"

Qi Ling's words surprised Gu Zheng. First of all, he didn't feel the external power communicating with Qi Ling. Secondly, Qi Ling said it was a thing, which means that the person communicating with Qi Ling is not a human being!

"Specific!" Gu Zheng asked.

"No specifics, that voice was directly heard by me, and immediately disappeared without a trace. I can only judge from the feeling given by that voice, it is not you cultivators!" Qi Ling said.

"Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng looked different, Xiong San asked immediately.

"I just heard a voice, let us each take a fairy artifact, and then go to the fairy mountain, that voice is not a person!"

Out of caution, Gu Zheng told Xiong San what happened to Xiong San through the sound transmission.

"Not human? How could it be anything?" Sun Cheng frowned.

"Why do I have a bad premonition!" Fairy Feiyu said via voice transmission.

"I also have a bad premonition, but do you think that since we have already come here, we can just take a fairy artifact and leave? What's more, if there is a real danger, can we really take a fairy artifact and leave? "Xiong San also transmitted voice to everyone.

"In that case, let's take the fairy artifact and go up the mountain! I also want to see what's on it, so why give me such a bad feeling!" Fairy Feiyu raised her eyebrows and transmitted her voice.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, but he understood that hesitation in communication is also a common sense thing, and he has reached this point, even if he has a bad premonition, he can't scare everyone, who makes wealth and honor always seek in danger!

"Old Sun, go and choose first!" Xiong San said to Sun Cheng.

"Fellow Daoist Xiong first!"

What Sun Cheng said was very sincere, Xiong San didn't hesitate, and immediately flew towards the cube of the fairy formation.

"Senior brother, if you really have nothing to choose, you might as well choose the cyan fairy sword full of symbols." Gu Zheng said.

"It's troublesome to pick and choose. Since my younger brother suggested that I choose the blue fairy sword, then I will choose it!" Xiong San laughed.

Ben wanted to remind Xiong San that the selection of the fairy weapon should be based on his own feeling, and his proposal was just a backup, but since Xiong San said so, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more.

In addition, the communication between Gu Zheng and Xiong San was not through sound transmission. We have experienced life and death together, and some things that sound transmission said are a bit out of line. What's more, among the huge number of fairy cubes, Qi Ling also recognized a top fairy artifact, and when it was Sun Cheng's turn to choose, Gu Zheng would tell Sun Cheng.

"What's wrong? Still don't believe my knowledge?"

Qi Ling, who could see a little bit of Gu Zheng's psychological changes, snorted and laughed at Gu Zheng.

"It's not anymore, it's just that I think it's better to choose your own feeling when you have a strong feeling!" Gu Zheng said.

"You're right in saying that. Immortal artifacts have spirits. I feel that this kind of thing is indeed very important..."

Before Qi Ling finished speaking, embarrassment surfaced on her face, because the Immortal Killing Sword held by Xiong San was only high-grade.

"This turned out to be a fake, I misread it!"

Qi Ling paused in embarrassment, and smiled embarrassingly: "I wanted to guide Sun Cheng to choose a fairy weapon later, but now it seems that I should forget it!"


Qi Ling was embarrassed, and Gu Zheng was also embarrassed, but his voice transmission to Xiong San was interrupted by Xiong San's loud laugh.

"Very good, I like this sword very much!" Xiong San said seriously.

"Indeed, a high-level fairy weapon is also a very good fairy weapon. Now it's up to me to choose it. I don't want to be as lucky as Fellow Daoist Bai. I can choose a top-level fairy weapon. I just need a high-level fairy weapon!"

Gu Zheng understood that Sun Cheng said this to make him less embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, do you have any guidance? If I were to choose from so many immortal artifacts, I guess I would be very entangled."

Quite unafraid of death, Sun Cheng even took the initiative to ask Gu Zheng for guidance.

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