Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 81 Trigger Test

Four fried eggs, not that Chang Le's grandfather didn't want to eat them, but his health care doctor didn't recommend eating them anymore.

Grandpa Chang Le hasn't eaten much for a week. Although Gu Zheng's fried eggs don't look greasy and their appearance is very different from other fried eggs, they are fried food after all, so it's not easy to eat too much at one time.

In fact, the doctor was also shocked that he could eat four at a time. If possible, he would certainly want the old man to eat more, but for the sake of the old man's health, he could only advise him first.

The old man has strong self-control. Although he still wanted to continue eating, he stopped after the doctor persuaded him.

"Master Gu, my grandfather wants to thank you personally. He hasn't eaten like this for a long time, and he has eaten so happily!"

Chang Le came back again, and said to Gu Zheng with a smile, surprise, it was really a big surprise, grandpa actually ate the food made by Gu Zheng, and he didn't have any adverse reactions.

At this meeting, he began to regret a little bit, regretting not finding a way to invite Gu Zheng earlier, and regretting agreeing to Gu Zheng's request that he only come to do it up to five times a month.

Grandpa's anorexia can be improved, it is definitely a major event in the family, five times a month is not enough.

"You don't need to thank you, this is what I promised, and I should do it!" Gu Zheng shook his head.

"How can this be? Grandpa is still very weak now. He is an old man in the house and asked me to call you!"

Chang Le also shook his head, and stepped forward to hold Gu Zheng, without giving him a chance to object, took him to the side of the small building, and walked in directly.

The decoration inside the small building is very simple, but the materials used are very unusual. There is a room at the back of the small building and a large balcony. There are some flowers and plants planted on the balcony. Yangon is abundant. Chang Le brought Gu Zheng to the large On the balcony, there is a wheelchair on the balcony. A skinny old man is sitting on it. Next to the old man is a middle-aged man who is a doctor who takes care of the old man.

The old man is really thin, his face is almost skinny, and his mental state is not very good, but his eyes are very bright.

"Trigger test, successor of Tiexian, please note that the trigger test has been activated, this test cannot be refused, there will be rich rewards for completing the test, and severe punishment for failure!"

Gu Zheng came to Lao Jieyou, just about to say hello, suddenly a serious voice came from Qi Ling in his head, and Gu Zheng froze there.

"Trigger test, what is a trigger test?" Gu Zheng asked anxiously.

"The trigger test is a test set by Master Tiexian before. It can only be triggered if you encounter it. I don't know what it is before it is triggered!"

Qi Ling quickly explained, and just after finishing speaking, it continued: "Food is the most important thing for the people. I am a god who uses food to enter Taoism. Anyone who is anorexic or non-eating is not allowed in the world. I walked in the mortal world in my early years." , the mortal body is limited, often unable to swallow food due to pain, feeling the sufferings of the mortal world, this seat creates the method of diet therapy to improve the physique of mortals and avoid injustice!"

Qi Ling said a lot of words, but Gu Zheng didn't understand what it meant at all. What impressed him most now was what Qi Ling said just now, this test cannot be rejected.

Damn it, it's another undeniable test. It wasn't given to him by Qi Ling, but Tiexian himself. Can't refuse.

Gu Zheng cursed inwardly, now he has forgotten that when Qi Ling couldn't give him a compulsory test, he was grateful to Tiexian.

"This is the reason for this test, and I must explain it to you. Simply put, Lord Tiexian was the same as you in his early years. He encountered anorexia patients like the one in front of you. Later, Lord Tiexian changed their lives with his cooking skills. Physique relieved their pain!"

Qi Ling explained to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng rolled his eyes, Master Tiexian cured the anorexic patient, what's the matter with him, could it be that Master Tiexian had to do it all over again?

"Master Gu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng had been in a daze, Chang Le asked in a low voice, and the old man was also looking at him curiously.

"I'm fine, I just felt a little dizzy just now, and I'm fine now!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly waved his hands. He was frightened by the news of Qi Ling just now, so he was in a daze for a minute. This kind of shocking news made him unable to concentrate on two things.

"Doctor He, please check with Master Gu!"

The old man spoke, his voice was not loud, but he was very firm, and the doctor standing beside him immediately asked Gu Zheng to sit down and help him check.

Gu Zheng didn't object either, he was not in the mood to deal with it now, and he was still urging him quickly: "Qi Ling, what's going on with this test, please tell me quickly."

Gu Zheng was a little apprehensive, wondering if the test set by Lord Tiexian himself would be as perverted as Qi Ling. It was not only difficult, but also had many restrictions.

"This test is very simple. It is to use Master Tiexian's dietary therapy to cure the anorexia of the old man in front of me. It will be completely cured!"

Qi Ling quickly explained, and Gu Zheng was stunned again, only listening to the test task seems to be very simple, using diet therapy to cure the old man's anorexia, the test is considered complete.

Gu Zheng didn't have a deep understanding of diet therapy, but Qi Ling said that he wanted Master Tiexian's diet therapy method. Tiexian is an ancient saint in the prehistoric fairy world, and his methods are all fairy arts to deal with a mortal's disease. , presumably with ease.

"Master Tiexian is better, the test given is so simple, is Master Tiexian going to teach me a new diet therapy method?"

Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of expectation in his heart. Diet therapy, as the name suggests, is to replace medicine with food for treatment. A new diet therapy method is equivalent to a new cooking skill.

Master Tiexian has only two cooking skills, both of which are extremely good, one is fried eggs, and the other is chicken blood soup.

"There are no new cooking skills, but chicken blood soup has therapeutic effects. Now you only know this one, and you can only use this one!"

Gu Zheng was a little disappointed by Qi Ling's words. There is no new cooking skill to learn, but chicken blood soup can be used, and chicken blood soup can be used to cure the old man's anorexia. That is also a merit, not only saving people , and then there will be rewards for myself.

"Don't be too happy so early. Master Tiexian's trigger test has a time limit and must be completed within a month. I checked the old man's body just now. His health is already very poor. I want to treat him with chicken blood soup. For his body, he must use more than two kinds of common-grade supplementary ingredients, with more than two kinds of supplementary ingredients, combined with the chicken blood poplar made by Mr. Tiexian’s cooking skills, if he takes it for a week, he will be cured!"

Two auxiliary ingredients, and the minimum must be ordinary grade?

Gu Zheng slowly opened his mouth. Chicken blood soup needs supplementary ingredients to have therapeutic effects. He has long known this. In fact, the chicken blood soup he made before was not complete, after all, there were no supplementary ingredients.

When Mr. Tiexian demonstrated his cooking skills, there were accessories.

There are no strict restrictions on auxiliary materials, but they must be better raw materials, such as spirit grass and fairy mushrooms. There are no spirit grass and fairy mushrooms on the earth, so they can only be replaced by things with similar functions.

These ancient disputes have communicated with Qi Ling before, and the things that can replace spirit grass and fairy mushrooms are basically the top things on the earth. Most of these things are used for medicinal materials, such as high-grade ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, etc., which are fused with rice marrow Things are the same.

In other words, regardless of whether Gu Zheng wants to fuse rice marrow or not, he has to find these high-grade raw materials after passing the test this time.

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