The celestial artifact that Tiger Immortal Officer took out was unusual. The name of this celestial artifact was 'Peak Soul'. Using it to deal with a person was like using the entire Tianshu Peak to deal with a person. The effect is no less than that of Immortal Realm, and it has a strong confinement ability.

'Peak Soul' is a space-like fairy weapon. Although it is very different, it dispatches space energy and blocks space.

Gu Zheng's body flickered, and immediately changed direction. In the eyes of outsiders, there seemed to be nothing ahead, but in the eyes of Gu Zheng, who mastered the way of high and deep space, there was a colorless barrier in front of him. This barrier separated the cave from the cave. The connection of the Belly Immortal Formation.

Behind it is the attack launched by Tiger Immortal Officer and others against Gu Zheng. All kinds of fairy arts plus the energy of heaven and earth have the momentum to kill Gu Zheng in one blow.

Gu Zheng's body suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared using the teleportation supernatural power, he cast the 'Magic Sealing Knife'.

Mastering the way of advanced space, Gu Zheng can not only see the colorless barrier that ordinary people cannot see, but also know where the weak points of space are in today's space.

The 'Magic Sealing Knife', which was in the form of thunder, slashed fiercely at the weak point in the space, only a loud noise was heard, and the colorless barrier blocking Gu Zheng shattered, and Gu Zheng moved in an instant, and appeared in the In the fairy array.

The Huxian officials who were originally aiming at Guzheng were all dumbfounded. It was difficult for Da Luo Jinxian to do it in the later stage of smashing the space blockade of the "Peak Soul" with one knife!

Gu Zheng pointed at the fairy formation with a knife and was about to strike, all the fairy officials who wanted to rush over stopped in their tracks.

"Bai Shu, do you know what you are doing?" Hu Xianguan sternly shouted.

"Bai Shu, don't do stupid things!"

"Bai Shu, once you hurt the Immortal Formation, there will be no redemption for a hundred deaths!"

He Xianguan and Geng Xianguan also spoke.

"I don't do stupid things, but you guys don't come here either, just keep an eye on Qi Xiao and just watch the truth."

Gu Zheng held a knife in one hand and stroked the air with the other, causing a strange fluctuation in the air.

"The way of time!"

Hu Xianguan was the first to exclaim.

The way of time and the way of space, both are the supreme way among the three thousand great avenues! No matter which one is mastered, it can make countless immortal cultivators envious. If one of the two supreme avenues can be cultivated to 50 to 60 percent, it can be said that even the quasi-sages have to go around when they see it!

A light curtain appeared in the space, and time flowed back in the light curtain under Gu Zheng's control. With Gu Zheng's fairy array grid as the center, the pictures within a certain radius quickly retreated in the light curtain.

The truth emerged with the passage of time. What Qi Xiao had done to the grid of the fairy array where Gu Zheng was located was clearly displayed on the light curtain.

"Okay, how dare you lie to us!"

Hu Xianguan was furious, and raised his hand to pat Qi Xiao's head.

Facing the powerful palm, Qi Xiao woke up from the previous shock, his body turned into a black mist, and fled towards the outside of the cave.

He Xianguan and Geng Xianguan also made their moves, one wanted to restrain Qi Xiao with a fairy whip, and the other sacrificed an awl-shaped fairy weapon.


Qi Xiao was stabbed in the arm by the awl-shaped fairy, and made a gasp.

Without looking back, Qi Xiao knew that there were not only three immortal officials chasing him behind him, but also the evil ancient dispute.

Qi Xiao didn't expect that Gu Zheng would be so fierce. After breaking the blockade of the 'Peak Soul', he could still display the law of time.

When the matter was about to end, such a change occurred, and the original victory turned into a disastrous defeat. Qi Xiao was desperate, but he was very unwilling. He felt that this was a big joke made by Tiandao with him.

Although Qi Xiao escaped very quickly, he knew that he couldn't escape. There were barriers on all sides of the fairy camp. many.

The long cave has an end after all, Qi Xiao reluctantly glanced at the scene outside the cave, and then looked back at the pursuers.


The last madness was confused in Qi Xiao's eyes, and he who shouted Gu Zheng's name threw a ball-shaped fairy weapon behind him.

The spherical fairy artifact is a high-level fairy artifact, with a special wave on it.


The Immortal Tiger Officer who rushed to the front roared, and the light of the 'Peak Soul' in his hand flashed, and the whole cave lit up accordingly.


The self-explosion of a high-level fairy weapon is very powerful, but the Tiger Immortal Officer used the characteristics of the "peak soul" to form a colorless barrier in front of everyone, blocking the impact of the fairy weapon explosion. Moreover, the 'Peak Soul' also put the cave body into a protective state, and the self-destruction of the high-level immortal weapon only caused the cave to vibrate.

"You bastard!"

Immortal Hu was furious, although the vibration in the cave would not affect the inner immortal formation, but it would inevitably cause him to be scolded by his superiors, which made him wish he could tear Qi Xiao apart.

However, immediately after the self-destruct of the first fairy weapon, the second high-level fairy weapon Qi Xiao sacrificed also self-destructed.

Suffering the self-explosion of two high-level immortal weapons one after another, the colorless barrier produced by the 'Peak Soul' was finally shattered, but fortunately, Gu Zheng and the others were prepared, and the impact of the explosion did not cause any harm to them. However, the Tiger Immortal Officer's anger also escalated, and the explosion of the second high-level immortal artifact made the cave tremble again.

"Go to hell!"

Qi Xiao had no more celestial weapons to blew himself up, and the angry Hu Xianguan waved the 'peak soul' in his hand again, and the gravel in the cave, with an astonishing whistling momentum, hurled towards Qi Xiao like a torrential rain.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qi Xiao raised his head and laughed, his voice desperate and crazy.


There was another loud bang, and Qi Xiao blew himself up.

The self-destruction of a cultivator in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian is naturally more powerful than the self-destruction of a high-level immortal weapon!

The cave was trembling, and Gu Zheng and the others used immortal techniques to resist the impact, and the surroundings soon returned to calm.


Qi Xiao had been blown up to the point where only fly ash was left, and when the Hu Xianguan came to the place where he blew himself up, he was so angry that he almost stomped his feet.

Turning his head abruptly, Hu Xianguan looked at Gu Zheng: "You have mastered the way of time, why didn't you let the truth reveal in the first place? Why didn't you stop Qi Xiao from blowing himself up just now?"

The way of time can prevent self-explosion, which is something that all immortal cultivators know. Gu Zheng also used the way of time to prevent Udolili from self-explosion.

"Everyone has the right to hide their hole cards. I didn't use the way of time at the beginning. I thought it would be enough to search the soul. As for why I didn't stop Qi Xiao from blowing himself up, I am also very helpless! Let the scene reappear before, already My Dao power is too depleted, and if I want to prevent Qi Xiao from exploding himself, the excessively depleted Dao power can no longer do this." Gu Zheng said helplessly.


Hu Xianguan snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and walked out of the cave.

He Xianguan and Geng Xianguan looked at each other, what happened this time was a bit big! Although it was not Gu Zheng's fault, but the matter was related to him after all. Now the Hu Xianguan just left with a cold snort. How to deal with Gu Zheng made the two of them somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

"You are a rotating fairy official, you can handle things in the cave!"

Immortal Geng shrugged at Immortal He, then left quickly.

He Xianguan frowned, looking at Gu Zheng with a complicated expression.

Knowing what He Xianguan was worried about, Gu Zheng said via voice transmission: "The previous things are over, what are you going to do with me now?"

"Officer Huxian is in a rage now, and I can't ask him how to arrange you, but it should be nothing, after all, he didn't say anything when he left. However, you should go out with me! Wait until I think it's appropriate It's time to ask the Tiger Immortal Officer, without his word, I would not dare to let you continue to serve." He Xianguan said.

Following He Xianguan out of the cave, Qi Ling's voice also rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Why didn't you stop Qi Xiao from blowing himself up just now?" Qi Ling asked.

"If I stop Qi Xiao from blowing himself up, Qi Xiao will be searched for his soul! When he is searched for his soul again, his identity will be different. He has changed from a cultivator serving in the service to a person who destroys Tianshu. Prisoners of the Peak Immortal Formation! Soul search for such a prisoner is not allowed to have the power to keep secrets. The soul search will be very comprehensive! At that time, even our previous private fights will be revealed, which is a little bit for me There are no benefits!" Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, I just want to find out who plotted against you, and I forgot about private fighting." Qi Ling said.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Qi Xiao and Shang Hong are in the same nest, if you can't search for Qi Xiao's soul, then it's the same for Shang Hong." Gu Zheng said coldly.

There are several fairy officials outside the cave, and the tiger fairy official is talking to them.

"This time the incident was a bit big, and Tianshu Peak was shaken several times because of it. It must be alarming the Commander-in-Chief!"

"A scolding seems inevitable!"

"It's okay if it's just scolding, but I'm most afraid that the commander will punish us for the crime of dereliction of duty!"

Several immortal officials were quite worried. After seeing Gu Zheng coming out, they didn't have a good face.

Facing the hateful eyes of the immortal officials, Gu Zheng pretended not to see it. This incident was an accident to him!

Although Sun Cheng was worried that Qi Xiao might make things worse, in fact, Gu Zheng thought that Qi Xiao would not dare to commit suicide like this! However, Qi Xiao really acted to death. In addition to exposing Gu Zheng a lot, he also made these immortal officials grit their teeth with hatred for Gu Zheng.

No one paid attention to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng was happy to be at leisure, so he just stayed aside and practiced 'separation of mind and mind' silently.

After a while.

Immortal officials arrived one after another on Tianshu Peak. Like Tiger Immortal Officials, these officials were the top of a peak. They also sensed the vibration of Tianshu Peak, so they came to check the situation.

Unlike the immortal officials of Tianshu Peak, the peaks of other peaks are obviously very curious about Gu Zheng.

First of all, it's nothing to do with oneself, and the accident on Tianshu Peak has nothing to do with them, so they don't have to grudge the ancient dispute because of it.

Secondly, Gu Zheng used the law of time, was able to move in an instant, and was able to find the weak point of the 'peak soul' in space in an instant, which obviously had a good grasp of space.

Secondly, Gu Zheng broke the blockade of the "Peak Soul" with a single knife. Even if he targeted the weak point of the "Peak Soul" in space, this is still not something that ordinary Da Luo Jinxian can do in the later stage! And Xianying's registration of Gu Zheng's strength is only in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, such an unfathomable person is destined to be not a thing in the pool!

"Tao friendly means, come to my Tianji Peak when you have time, how about we drink tea and discuss the Tao?"

"Fellow Daoist, if you want to change jobs, I, Yuhengfeng, welcome you very much!"

"Fellow Daoist, with such a good method, Yao Guangfeng's 'Illusory Battlefield' is looking forward to your arrival!"

"Fellow Daoist Bai, come to Kaiyang Peak if you have time, how about we drink tea and discuss the Tao?"

The few Fengtou were not easy to say anything on the surface, but they all sent voice transmissions to Gu Zheng one after another. Among them, Kaiyang Feng Fengtou's voice transmission really made Gu Zheng dumbfounded.

"I'm not going to your little black room!" Looking at the peak of Kaiyang Peak nodding to him, Gu Zheng Center secretly thought.

Suddenly, all the immortal officials who had been chatting with each other turned serious, and clasped their fists together in the air and said, "Commander!"

The Commander of the Immortal Camp did not come, only a powerful divine sense came over.

Gu Zheng's heart trembled, and a powerful divine sense fell on him.

This is not the first time that Gu Zheng has come into contact with the divine sense of the quasi-sage, but this divine sense is stronger than what he has come into contact with before.

The divine sense of the Commander of the Immortal Camp did not linger on Gu Zheng. It flew into the cave and circled around. When it came out, it said to everyone: "Although the Tianshu Peak was shaken, the Immortal Formation did not suffer any damage. The troublemaker has already blew himself up, and how to deal with it will be left to the head of Tianshu Peak. I am still in retreat now, so you can do it yourself!"

"Congratulations to the commander!" All the immortal officials said in unison.

Everyone was very fortunate. They thought that the commander's divine sense would come, and some scolding would be unavoidable, but who would have thought that he would let the matter go so easily.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Tiger, you saved yourself a lot of punishment!"

"You must invite us to drink some other day!"

"Fellow Daoist Tiger, we don't want to bother you anymore, let's say goodbye!"

Since there was nothing to do, several peak leaders bid farewell to the Tiger Immortal Officer, but only the peak of Yuheng Peak stayed.

"Fellow Daoist Tiger, the commander-in-chief didn't say anything, so you won't pursue fellow Daoist Bai for anything?" Bai Changfeng, the head of Yuheng Peak, laughed.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, what do you want to say?"

Immortal Hu frowned and looked at Bai Changfeng.

"I want to ask you for someone. You also know that I am refining weapons recently. I want a fellow Taoist who masters the way of time to help me at the right time! Fellow Daoist Bai has the same surname as me, and he is good at the way of time." , we are very destined!"

Bai Changfeng told Gu Zheng a while ago that he wanted him to use the way of time to help refine weapons.

Gu Zheng also wants to serve in another place, but this matter must be approved by the Tiger Immortal Officer. After all, he belongs to the immortal cultivator on Tianshu Peak.

"It's a beautiful idea!"

The resolute Hu Xianguan burst out laughing.

"Mastering the way of time and the way of space, don't say that you Yuhengfeng want such a person, even the other peaks want such a person? Don't even think about it! I can Borrow people, but I won't give them to you, I will keep Fellow Daoist Bai, and I also have better jobs for him to do!" Hu Xian said officially.

"Among all of you, the one with the surname Hu is the only one who can't talk. Do you think you are a tiger? You give me a person, and if you want to refine weapons in the future, can't I give you a discount?" Bai Changfeng said.

"No, if you say no, you can't do it. There is no need to discuss this matter!"

Immortal Hu paused, and chased away the guest: "Hurry up and go back to your Yuheng Peak! When you need someone, just let me know in advance, I'm going to arrange a new job for him now."

"I don't want to talk to you!"

Bai Changfeng glared at Immortal Hu, looked at Gu Zheng and said helplessly, "This stupid tiger is not accommodating, which is really a pity! Then when we need help from fellow Taoists some other day, let's have a good chat." Already!"

Gu Zheng nodded, clasped his fists and said, "Fengtou is easy to go!"


Bai Changfeng clasped his fists in return, and flew away from Tianshu Peak.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, Hu was in a bad mood before, and he offended him a lot, fellow Daoist, don't take it too seriously!" Immortal Hu said.

"It's okay." Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, go back to rest today! Come over to serve in the army at Chenshi tomorrow, and temporarily take over Qi Xiao's original job."

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Bai!"

"Fellow Daoist Bai is much more relaxed now than before!"

"Fellow Daoist Bai, if you are not in a hurry to go back and rest, we can also communicate!"

With the decision of Immortal Tiger, the immortal officials who seemed to hate Gu Zheng seem to have changed.

For the congratulations from the immortal officials, Gu Zheng replied with a smile. Anyway, everyone knows that as long as the face is decent, it doesn't matter what you think.

Since there are immortal officials to keep him, although Gu Zheng didn't want to stay, he still stayed. Who would want to serve on Tianshu Peak in the future!

Drinking is not allowed during the duty, so Gu Zheng chatted casually with several immortal officials.

Immortal officials are naturally very curious about the ancient dispute, and the immortal cultivator who masters the way of time and space must not be a thing in the pool! They also wanted to know more about Gu Zheng by insinuating. But it's a pity that Gu Zheng didn't reveal anything that they shouldn't know.

After not chatting with the immortal officials for too long, Gu Zheng had just left Tianshu Peak when he saw Sun Cheng wandering outside Tianshu Peak.

"Friend Daoist Bai!"

Seeing Gu Zheng coming out, Sun Cheng rushed to meet him.

The vibration on Tianshu Peak was not only sensed by the immortal officials, it can be said that all the immortal cultivators in the immortal camp sensed it.

He was already worried that Qi Xiao would plan against Gu Zheng, so Sun Cheng naturally rushed over immediately.

But it is very helpless that Sun Cheng is not a fairy official, and he can't climb Tianshu Peak during non-service time. He can only watch anxiously as the peaks of various peaks go to Tianshu Peak.

Sun Cheng also had some contacts. Later, he asked from the top of Tianxuan Peak what happened on Tianshu Peak.

When he learned that Sun Cheng was Gu Zheng's friend, the head of Tianxuan Peak gave Sun Cheng a thumbs up.

Sun Cheng was shocked. Although he never asked Gu Zheng what supernatural powers he had, Gu Zheng dared to take him to Shang Hong's cave to find a place. He had already defined Gu Zheng as an unfathomable existence. However, mastering the way of time and space is not within the scope of Sun Cheng's vision at all.

Sun Cheng was very excited, a fairy chef who mastered the way of time and space turned out to be his friend of Sun Cheng! Knowing that Gu Zheng is low-key, Sun Cheng will not show off these things, but he feels that these things are enough to make him happy in his heart for many years. Making such a friend really feels like a dream!

"Bai Daoyou, what should we do next? Shang Hong must have intervened behind this matter. If it's just Qi Xiao, then He Xianguan should not be able to help him." Sun Chengdao.

"I gave them a chance, but they didn't cherish it, so I can't blame others. However, if I want to deal with Shang Hong, then I have to let him die, and if I want to kill someone in the fairy camp, I still need a chance, let alone What's more, he still lives in Tianxuan Peak with the immortal officials!" Gu Zheng said.

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult! This time the incident is so big, and you have exposed too much, fellow daoist, I'm afraid Shang Hong will no longer think that he can defeat you! What's more, when such a thing happened, he You shouldn't be lucky enough to think that you won't trouble him! Therefore, he should be very cautious." Sun Chengdao.

Gu Zheng nodded: "So there is still a chance!"

After returning to the cave, Gu Zheng continued to concentrate on practicing his 'separation of mind and spirit' as if nothing had happened.

Compared with the tranquility of the ancient dispute, Shang Hong's stone room is another scene.

Some of the original decorations in the stone room were all reduced to dust under Shang Hong's venting. He already knew what happened on Tianshu Peak.

Without putting much emotion into the deceased, what Shang Hong was annoyed was how he provoked such an enemy.

If Shang Hong didn't want to be an enemy of Gu Zheng before, but in the end he was forced by the situation to calculate Gu Zheng. Now, Shang Hong did not dare to be an enemy of Gu Zheng. Even though he thought highly of himself, he still felt that he would not be Gu Zheng's opponent.

Venting is all about venting, but things have to be resolved. Shang Hong, who was sitting on the stone bed, took out a pot of fairy wine and poured it into his mouth.

"How about I talk to him? After showing weakness, put everything on Qi Xiao?"

"No! Bai Shu's behavior must be vindictive. Even if I go to him, he will believe what I say? Will he give me another chance? He won't!"

"Let's go find him! What if he gives me a chance?"

Shang Hong, who smiled wryly, took his last sip of wine. He never thought that one day he would care so much about what a person thinks.

Just when Shang Hong was about to leave the stone room to find Gu Zheng, there was a sound like gurgling water in the stone room, it was someone who came to him!

Shang Hong's heart clicked: "Could it be Baishu?"

Feeling apprehensive, Shang Hong stretched out his hand to caress the air, and a picture outside the gate of the cave appeared in the air.

"Tiger Immortal Officer? What is he doing here?"

Like a frightened bird, Shang Hong's first thought was that the matter had been revealed.

I want to go back, but Shang Hong still wants to open the door.

"Tiger Immortal Official is here, so welcome!"

Opening the gate of the cave, Shang Hong was all smiles.

"Aren't you going to invite me in for a sit down?" Hu Xianguan said calmly.

"Tiger Immortal, please!" Shang Hong hurriedly said.

Entering Shang Hong's stone room, Immortal Tiger looked at the powder on the ground and said, "Why, are you very irritable?"

"No, I was just practicing just now." Shang Hong smiled.

"Isn't it because of Qi Xiao's death?" Official Hu Xian stared at Shang Hong.

"No, although Qi Xiao and I are called friends, our relationship is actually very ordinary! He actually did something to threaten the fairy formation for his own selfish desires, which never occurred to me, and made me feel deeply ashamed Ah!" Shang Hong gritted his teeth.

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