After beheading three Xuan-level undercurrent sea-monsters, Gu Zheng is still seven away from completing the task.

From the next time to noon of the next day, Gu Zheng didn't delay any time on the road. The concentric jade talisman showed that the distance between him and Yingfei was already very close.

Finally, Gu Zheng saw Yingfei from a distance. However, there are not two immortal cultivators beside Yingfei, but three.

Two of the three immortal cultivators had been seen by Gu Zheng in the memory of the fish woman. One of them was dressed in black and looked like a skinny old man, and the other was dressed in yellow and looked like a middle-aged man with long sideburns. The appearance of a man, as for the extra immortal cultivator is a female cultivator, she looks like a girl.

Yingfei also saw Gu Zheng, and his lifeless eyes suddenly turned incredible.

The girl beside Yingfei frowned, and glanced at Yingfei, and then at Gu Zheng.

"Do you know the man in front?"

Yingfei and his group stopped, and the middle-aged man stared at Yingfei.

"do not know."

Yingfei lied, he didn't want to involve Gu Zheng.

"He has already stopped, how dare you say that you don't know each other?"

The skinny old man sneered. Although he was talking to Yingfei, his eyes were looking at Gu Zheng, which contained a hint of contempt. There were three of them, and Gu Zheng had only one, and he still looked young. Even if he was a late Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, the skinny old man would not take him seriously.

"The old man in black and the middle-aged man in yellow are both at the late stage of Daluo Jinxian. As for the female cultivator, her cultivation is at the early stage of Daluo Jinxian."

Qi Ling paused, and then told Gu Zheng about Yingfei's physical condition.

The greater the expansion of Guzheng's prehistoric space, the stronger Qi Ling's detection ability will be. With Qi Ling's current detection ability, even in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, it is difficult for her to detect it.

Hearing what Qi Ling said, a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face. Although Yingfei was escorted, he was not seriously injured. This is luck among misfortunes.

Yingfei looked at Gu Zheng and smiled wryly. He could see from the smile on Gu Zheng's face that Gu Zheng was going to talk to him.

"Friend Daoist Win, how long have you not seen each other, how did you end up in this situation?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's words full of emotion, Yingfei's heart shuddered. The group of them seemed to be nothing on the surface, but why did Gu Zheng say that? Did he discover something?

"I don't understand what Fellow Daoist Bai means, but I'm fine now!"

Yingfei deliberately had a cold face, no matter what Gu Zheng saw or not, he didn't want Gu Zheng to go into this muddy water.

"Cultivation base and divine sense are sealed, how can you still say that you are fine?"

Looking at Gu Zheng who was shaking his head, the brows of the three people beside Yingfei all frowned. They didn't feel the detection of divine sense, but the other party could see Yingfei's state at a glance, which made them have to despise the original Put some away.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man asked.

"I'm Yingfei's friend."

Gu Zheng didn't look at the middle-aged man at all, he just smiled at Yingfei.

Yingfei pursed his lips, feeling so touched that he couldn't express it! Under such circumstances, not all friends dare to stand up and admit their identities. This requires not only courage, but also various considerations.

"You want to save Yingfei from us?"

The old man in black frowned, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Gu Zheng looked at the old man in black and said seriously: "I didn't want to rescue Yingfei from you, I just asked you to let him go. As for where you go, it depends on what Yingfei wants! If you don't know how to praise, Then I'll send you on your way."

Everyone on the opposite side stared wide-eyed. The first reaction of the enemies was that Gu Zheng was an idiot, but the second reaction of the enemies was not only anger but also caution.

"I don't remember how many years, I haven't heard such a joke!"

The old man in black looked at his companion and laughed to cover up his previous gaffe.

"I'm not kidding you, it's not funny at all."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and his eyes narrowed: "I'll ask you one more time, do you want to let Yingfei go?"


The old man in black shouted angrily.


Almost accompanied by the voice of the old man in black, the middle-aged man beside him screamed, and his body was chopped off in half.

The old man in black felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He didn't know when there was an enemy behind him. He only noticed a cold killing intent when his companion was killed.

In an instant, the old man in black did two things, one of which was to activate his immortal supernatural power.

The scene instantly changed from the undercurrent sea to the sky, and everyone stood on top of the clouds.

The person who instantly killed the middle-aged man with one move was naturally Die Ling released by Gu Zheng in advance.

Die Ling herself is quite strong, and her silent actions are also her specialty. After getting the Dark Moon Dagger, her strength has increased a lot. Even the dark moon dagger, which can leave scratches on top-level immortal weapons like Fan Tianyin, was used by Die Ling to sneak attack a late Daluo Jinxian cultivator. Prepared.

The opponent has magical powers in the fairyland, or the magical powers to deal with the fairyland, this is something Gu Zheng has long guessed. After all, Yingfei possesses supernatural powers in the fairyland. If the other party did not have this ability, it would not be particularly easy for them to capture Yingfei in the first place.

I have seen Yingfei's fairyland Gu Zheng, and the strength of his fairyland can't be compared with that of the old man in black, but if the strength of the old man's fairyland is compared with that of Gu Zheng, it will be insignificant again .

"Boy, I want you to die!"

The old man in black roared, and the cloud under everyone's feet turned into a huge nine-baby.

The Jiuyingguai screamed like a baby crying. Some of its nine heads sprayed water, some sprayed fire, some dispatched the energy of the fairyland to suppress Gu Zheng and Die Ling, and some sprayed out smoke and poison. Rain, the scene looks very shocking.

"You want me to die? You're a little tender!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and flew to avoid Jiu Ying's attack.

The face of the old man in black turned green, the energy in the Immortal Realm has suppressed Gu Zheng! But Gu Zheng can break free from the suppression so easily, it can only show that Gu Zheng's attainments in the Immortal Domain have reached the point where he needs to look up to!

Although the immortal domains of immortal cultivators are diverse, they are all essentially the same, and they are all transformed by the power of divine thoughts combined with the way of space. People who don't have supernatural powers in the fairyland can't do anything when they enter the fairyland, but people with supernatural powers can see some ways even if they enter an unfamiliar fairyland.

If the most common energy suppression in the fairyland supernatural powers is compared to a knot, then the higher the attainment in the fairyland, the easier it is to untie the knot! Even, if one's attainment reaches a certain level, one can tie a knot for the master of the fairyland through the rope of the master of the fairyland!

Gu Zheng made a move. He neither used to attack the weak point of the fairyland space to get out of trouble, nor used his fairyland supernatural power to explode the enemy's fairyland directly. He used a kind of power that had never been used before means.

The khaki-colored hammer was sacrificed by Gu Zheng, and it grew in the wind, and it instantly changed from the length of fingers at the beginning to a long-handled heavy hammer! This object is Udolili's 'Earth Hammer'. As a hidden fairy weapon, it has the ability to break the fairyland.


Following the roar of Gu Zheng, the Earth Hammer slammed into the void as if being swung by someone.


Under the bombardment of the hammer of the earth, the space of the fairyland made a sound, and cracks like spider webs spread all over the corners in an instant, and the huge fairyland became fragments all over the sky.


The fairyland was broken, and the old man in black in the undercurrent sea spurted out a stream of blood.

Gu Zheng didn't need to say anything, Die Ling, who was already behind the old man in black, pierced his dantian with a dark moon dagger, and the demon force passed through, imprisoning his fairy ball.

Gu Zheng frowned, the original number was one less.

"What about the girl?" Gu Zheng asked Yingfei.


Yingfei answered, looked at Gu Zheng up and down and said: "Friend Bai, you, you..."

His heart was filled with shock, and Yingfei really didn't know what to say.

It has only been more than a year since we separated from Gu Zheng. When we separated, Gu Zheng was only Da Luo Jinxian's early cultivation base. He had also seen Yingfei in the Immortal Domain, and he was not as powerful as the old man in black! Although Gu Zheng also has other methods, as long as he doesn't have the strength of the opponent's fairyland, he will be easily settled by the opponent. This is why Yingfei didn't want Gu Zheng to go into the muddy water before. But the reality is, just after Gu Zheng entered the fairyland of the old man in black, the fairyland of the old man in black was broken!

"Senior Ying, you won't say anything when you see us excited?" Die Ling smiled at Yingfei.

"Indeed, I was really shocked by your master and servant!"

Yingfei smiled wryly, looking at Die Ling, he said again: "Girl, it's only been more than a year. Not only have you become slim from a young age, but your strength is so powerful that I am dumbfounded!"


Die Ling smiled embarrassedly at Yingfei's praise.

"Hey, I thought you could use the waning moon scimitar I gave you for a long time, but who would have thought that you would have a more powerful fairy weapon in just over a year! This dagger is really good. Just looking at it makes me feel chills!" Yingfei said while looking at the Dark Moon dagger in Die Ling's hand.

"You said that such a big thing happened to you, and there was an enemy who escaped. Why didn't you say these things at all, but you were moved by something else?" Gu Zheng shook his head and said.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yingfei smiled, and then said: "Anyway, today is a happy day. Fellow Daoist Bai saved me from danger, thank you for your kindness!"

"Thank you, we are life and death friends!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Fellow Daoist Bai must have been to my cave, right?"

Although Yingfei wanted to speak calmly, his lips still trembled unconsciously. After all, all his wives died there.

"Been there."

Gu Zheng recounted what happened in Yingfei Dongfu.

Yingfei shook his head and smiled wryly, pain is pain, but he is a demon cultivator after all, and even if some emotions are revealed, they are only fluctuating for a moment.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, please lift the restriction!"

The restriction planted in Yingfei's body can only be lifted by others.


Gu Zheng nodded, and lifted the restraint in Yingfei's body without much effort.


Yingfei gritted his teeth, and he injected the demonic power into the brain of the old man in black, and the old man in black who was originally unconscious woke up immediately.


The old man in black screamed, his body trembled as if he was sifting chaff, the demon power that Yingfei injected into his brain made his brain hurt like a knife.

The fairy ball and divine sense of the old man in black were all sealed by the restriction imposed by Die Ling. At this time, he had no ability to resist at all.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Facing the torture given by Yingfei, the old man in black endured the pain and let out a loud laugh that didn't sound like a human voice.

"Want to avenge your wife? Then kill me!"

The old man in black clamored that he wanted to die. As early as Die Ling killed his companion, he knew that this time he would be killed in all likelihood! After all, one of their men died before even the calm Gu Zheng even made a move. This can fully prove that Gu Zheng is not the kind of guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but the kind of person who really has strength! Therefore, when the old man in black activated Immortal Realm, he also sent a sound transmission to the female cultivator, and he told her to run away immediately.

"Don't worry, you will definitely die, but not yet!"

Yingfei sneered, and while the old man in black was crying out in pain, he started a soul search for the old man in black.

After the destructive soul search, the old man in black seemed to be in a daze.

"Senior Win, how can you take revenge for making him what he is now?" Die Ling couldn't help asking.

"Revenge? His death is considered revenge! It's just that I don't want to kill him here. I plan to take him back to the cave and use his blood to worship my wife." Yingfei said.

"It's too cheap for him."

Die Ling gritted her teeth fiercely, if someone dared to do such a thing to Gu Zheng, she didn't know how she would deal with that person.

"Friend Daoist Ying, what's going on?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"It's like this..."

Yingfei told Gu Zheng what happened.

A friend of Yingfei was killed by an old man in black and a middle-aged man. The two searched the soul of Yingfei's friend, so they knew the location of Yingfei's cave and a secret of Yingfei.

More than a hundred years ago, Yingfei discovered a cave in the depths of the undercurrent sea, and felt a strange call in the cave, but unfortunately there were many undercurrent sea monsters in the cave, and Yingfei failed to find out the cave.

Regarding the mysterious call in the cave, Yingfei felt it was very strange. The kind of direct induction made him feel that it might be the legendary opportunity for sanctification! He told his friends about this, and agreed to go to the cave together to find out when their cultivation base was equivalent to the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Through the soul search, Yingfei's friends, the old man in black and the middle-aged man also felt that the summoning in the cave was an opportunity for sanctification! So, they went to Yingfei and wanted to know the location of the cave through Yingfei.

Yingfei is a demon cultivator, and demon cultivators usually have some weird magical powers, which can invalidate the soul search. This is one of Yingfei's magical powers.

The location of the cave cannot be known through soul searching, and the old man in black and the middle-aged man can only let Yingfei lead the way.

As for the female cultivator, she is the granddaughter of the old man in black. She seems to have some special ability. After meeting with the old man in black in the undercurrent sea, they went to the cave where Yingfei sensed the call.

It's a pity that not only Yingfei couldn't feel any call when he went outside the cave again, but neither could the rest of them.

The unwilling old man in black and others also went deep into the cave for a certain distance, wanting to see if there was anything special inside. But the result is that the special good thing is not found, and the special bad thing is encountered! They bumped into a sky-level undercurrent sea-monster. If they hadn't prepared well, they might have all died there.

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