Die Ling's light net wrapped the stone dagger, and the stone dagger suddenly became smaller, trying to pass through the grid of the light net.

Die Ling frowned, the light shrank at will, and the grid became smaller, successfully blocking the escape of the dagger.

The dagger surrounded by the optical net could no longer fly, unwilling to be captured, it immediately grew bigger again, and it was about to explode the optical net.

The dagger is getting bigger, and the optical network is also getting bigger. This is the fighting method between Die Ling and the dagger.

When the optical network became larger due to the expansion of the dagger, and the area was large enough to cover a house, there was a momentary stalemate.

at the same time.

The tornado above Gu Zheng's head disappeared, the effect of the Black Hole Food Cultivator ended, the spatial turbulence returned to normal, and it began to move according to its original trajectory.

Regardless of whether it is for Gu Zheng or Die Ling, the dangers they will face have all increased due to the return of the space turbulent movement trajectory to normal! After all, the part where the apple turns into sand has passed, and the rest is the original taste.

"call out……"

A whistling sound came from the dagger, and the restoration of the space turbulence seemed to give it energy, and its overall aura changed as a result.

Die Ling'e raised her eyebrows, and two beams of light shot out from her horns, connecting the light net that wrapped the dagger.

The originally static dagger broke through the suppression of the optical network at this moment and flew up again. However, the flying dagger did not break free from the prison of the light net, and the light net followed it like a shadow, so that the two lines that were originally loose suddenly became tense, and even the butterfly spirit was pulled flew out.

Just like fishing, a big fish dragged Die Ling, who was pulling the fishing rod, into the water, and dragged her to swim quickly in the water.

"Need not!"

Gu Zheng wanted to go over to help, but Qi Ling's voice suddenly sounded.

"This strange dagger is also a spiritual thing. Die Ling's current wrestling with it is actually a process of subduing it." Qi Ling said again.

"I'm worried that Die Ling will be hurt by it." Gu Zheng said.

"Don't worry! The dagger has spirits, but it still needs a master after all. Maybe it has appeared in front of you several times because it wants to find a powerful master!"

Qi Ling paused, then smiled and said: "But now, it seems that you should have no chance to become its master. The person wrestling with it is Die Ling."

"Ha ha!"

Gu Zheng smiled indifferently, and then flew towards Die Ling's direction. Although he didn't need help, it was good to have a look.

Just a few short exchanges with Qi Ling, Die Ling has already flown and disappeared. However, Die Ling and Gu Zheng are connected, and Gu Zheng can know where she is.

When Gu Zheng spread out the wings of the phoenix eagle to catch up with Die Ling, Die Ling was still wrestling with the dagger in the optical net, and the dagger was already at a disadvantage, being dragged by the Die Ling who had turned into itself like a tug of war.

"Master, don't worry, I can subdue it in a while!"

Die Ling transmitted sound to Gu Zheng, and at the same time, something like electric current on the two horns came to the optical network along two rays of light, bringing a series of electric lights, causing the dagger in the optical network to tremble.

Under the pulling and electric shock of Die Ling, the dagger in the light net finally struggled weakly and turned into its original size. It stood up first, then fell down, and did it three times in a row, just like praying.

Die Ling dragged the dagger in front of him, recognized its owner with a drop of blood, and it was honestly held in Die Ling's hand.

"call out!"

Die Ling waved the dagger in his hand, and a ray of cold and ancient aura flew towards the distance like sword energy.


Gu Zheng couldn't help saying that Die Ling's seemingly casual swing of the dagger definitely had the destructive power to kill Da Luo Jinxian's early cultivators.

"Master, how much has your cultivation improved?"

Die Ling joyfully flew to Gu Zheng's side.

"The Tiexian Jue has increased from the original 40% of the sixth level to more than half of the 60% of the sixth level. The effect of this black hole food cultivation is really too powerful!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then said again: "But it's a pity, I don't know when I want to take the black hole food repair again."

"Why?" Die Ling asked.

"There are missing ingredients! Not all ingredients can be used to cook black hole food repair." Gu Zheng said.

"The master has so many ingredients, can the black hole food repairer do this?" Die Ling's eyes widened.

"It doesn't mean that I can do one, but I can also do some black hole food repairs that are not as effective as this one. However, this kind of black hole food repair with medicinal effects is not necessary for me. The improvement they can bring to me, It's not as good as Xianguo Shixiu and Danyuan Shixiu." Gu Zheng said.

"So this is ah!"

Die Ling suddenly paused, then handed the dagger to Gu Zheng: "Master, help me name it?"

"Doesn't it have a name?"

Under normal circumstances, recognizing the owner of the fairy weapon will produce a clear understanding of the fairy weapon, which is also full of its name information, unless it is a newly created dagger.

"Yes, its name is 'Nameless', but I think it's too ugly."

Die Ling said that the dagger's original name was ugly, and the dagger immediately vibrated slightly in its hand, as if feeling aggrieved.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and looked at the dagger in Die Ling's hand.

The material of the dagger is stone, and its appearance looks very simple, and there is nothing fancy about it. If there is one thing that is different, it is that it has a crescent-shaped imprint on its body.

"The celestial weapon you used before was called the Crescent Moon Scimitar. Now this dagger is obtained in a black hole, and there is such a crescent-shaped imprint, so why not just call it 'Dark Moon'!" Gu Zheng said.

"Changing Moon, Dark Moon, good! Nameless will be called 'Dark Moon' from now on!"

Die Ling caressed the dagger happily, then looked at Gu Zheng and said with a smile: "Master, An Yue sent me a simple message, it is very satisfied with this new name!"

Three days later.

The mortals who were working in the fields were taken aback by the sudden appearance of cracks in the void.

The next moment, the villagers knelt down to Gu Zheng who appeared in the void.

This is a prehistoric place. Although mortals are in awe of immortal cultivators, they are not very panicked when they see immortal cultivators appear.

"Where is this place in Xiniu Hezhou?"

Although he has comprehended a higher way of space, Gu Zheng can only locate the place that emerges from the black hole in a certain state, and cannot be accurate to the country, let alone the county.

"Back to Shangxian, this is Fengcheng County of Minglan Kingdom." A mortal said.

"Minglan Kingdom." Gu Zheng murmured.

The reason why Gu Zheng broke open space in Hezhou, Xiniu, was to go to his cave in Xuankong Mountain, where the environment is suitable for taking food repair.

The Hanging Mountain is in Leiyin County, Leiyin County belongs to Changping Kingdom, and there is a country between Changping Kingdom and Minglan Kingdom. The prehistoric is huge, and the distance between counties is short even after flying for ten days and half a month, not to mention the distance between countries.

"Where is the county seat?"

Gu Zheng intends to go to the county to find the teleportation pavilion, and go to Leiyin county through the teleportation array.

"Go back to Shangxian, the county town is to the west!"

Mortals pointed out the direction to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng immediately set off and flew west.

It took Gu Zheng four days to fly from the countryside to the county town.

Looking at the tall city wall of the county city in the distance, Die Ling complained: "It's finally here, and it only took three days to return from the earth to the prehistoric place!"

"This is flight in reality, and that is space travel in a black hole. The two cannot be compared."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said: "It's not bad, we didn't let us fly for seven or eight days, if we really flew for seven or eight days, it would be called depressed!"

Gu Zheng understood that Die Ling would complain like this, but in fact she was really going to sleep, and the feeling of falling into a deep sleep became stronger and stronger.

Although Die Ling is an adult, she has to sleep every once in a while, and this deep sleep is actually an important way for her to improve her cultivation.

Before falling asleep, take a portion of Gu Zheng's food repair, which will be very beneficial to the improvement of cultivation base, so Die Ling was already looking forward to it when he was on the earth. However, the immortal essence on the earth is thin, and if you want to achieve the best effect of food repair, it is the most cost-effective to take food repair after returning to the wild.

However, compared with prehistoric places, a blessed place like Xuankong Mountain, with its rich celestial essence, is more suitable for taking food cultivation! Because of this, Gu Zheng didn't waste any time on the road, he took Die Ling straight to the destination.

With Gu Zheng's simple comfort, Die Ling's mood immediately improved a lot.

"Master is right, if you really fly for seven or eight days, you will be depressed!" Die Ling laughed.

"I hope that when I return to Hanging Mountain, I won't have to wait a few days to apply for food repair, otherwise you will be depressed again." Gu Zheng said.

"The last time the master took the food repair in Xuankong Mountain, it was because Master Duan was refining the weapon. If it wasn't for Master Duan refining the weapon, there would be no need to wait for the food repair. However, this time, I will take the food repair before you, the master." I really can't wait long!"

When Die Ling finished speaking, he yawned, his eyes full of sleepiness.

"I'll definitely let you go first, but I don't plan to take food repair in Hanging Mountain."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Die Ling was a little puzzled at first, but then suddenly understood.

Although Xuankong Mountain is said to be a blessed land, the immortal energy is very rich, but it is not even a year since Gu Zheng took food cultivation in Xuankong Mountain last time.

In just one year, it is impossible for ordinary people to take a food repair that is more effective than the new food repair again! Not to mention that their bodies do not allow it, the efficacy of the medicine alone will drop a lot, which is definitely not worth the candle.

In a word, for ordinary people, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to take powerful food repairs in a short period of time.

However, for those who are interested, they know what kind of person it is that can take two terrifying food cultivations within a year! This person is either practicing Tiexian Jue, or the food he is taking is tailor-made for someone related to Tiexian.

I didn't know about the fighting among the disciples of the Saint Immortal before, and it's fine if I don't pay attention to some things, but now that I know it, Gu Zheng thinks it's better to be careful! Although he has returned to the prehistoric world now, he will go to the heaven to find Xiao Qi after some things at hand are done, but Xiao Qi is not the only disciple of the Saint Immortal, and he must be on guard.

As for the location of persuasion to take the food repair, Gu Zheng set it at Foxin Mountain in Leiyin County.

When he was about to reach the city gate, Gu Zheng took Die Ling into the Primordial Space, which would save a transfer fee.

Changing from flying to walking, Gu Zheng walked towards the Teleportation Pavilion immediately after passing through the city gate.

Although this is the first time I have come to Fengcheng County, Gu Zheng has already seen where the Teleportation Pavilion is when he was still in the sky. It is a tall building with a very stylish shape.

After arriving at the Teleportation Pavilion, Gu Zheng explained to the teleportation officer his intention.

"For cross-border teleportation, you need to pay the teleportation pavilion three blue fairy coins." The teleportation official said.

Three blue fairy coins are almost equivalent to three high-grade ingredients! Although high-grade food materials are not considered scarce in the prehistoric times, such a sum of money, unless there is an urgent matter, the average cultivator would not be willing to spend such a price to save several months of flight time. After all, for them, a few months is nothing more than a dream in retreat.

Gu Zheng has a lot of resources, and the three blue fairy coins are small money for him, but he didn't pick up the small money, so he let Die Ling enter the prehistoric space in advance to save an extra teleportation fee.

After giving the teleportation officer three blue fairy coins, Gu Zheng stood on the activated teleportation array, the light in front of him alternated, and he appeared in the Teleportation Pavilion in Leiyin County.

The Hanging Mountain is just outside Leiyin County, so it doesn't take much time to fight for it.

After Gu Zheng came to the Hanging Mountain, the monk on duty was not Master Wu Nian, but Master Wu Chang, the younger brother of Master Wu Nian.

Although it was Gu Zheng's first time seeing Master Wuchang, since Gu Zheng is a resident of Hanging Mountain, Master Wuchang was very polite to him. What's more, Master Wuchang also learned from Wu Nian that Gu Zheng is an extremely powerful fairy chef, so he greeted him with a smile.

When Gu Zheng told Master Wuchang about taking food repair, Master Wuchang immediately nodded in agreement, saying that there is nothing special about Xuankong Mountain recently.

After coming out of Master Wuchang, Gu Zheng Shennian scanned the Hanging Mountain, and found that none of the neighbors he knew before was outside, so he went directly back to the cave, saving himself to say hello.

After arriving at the cave, Gu Zheng released Die Ling who had been staying in the prehistoric space.

"Get home!"

After appearing in the cave, Die Ling cheered immediately.

The cave was very clean, but Die Ling cleaned it carefully. After Gu Zheng waited for her to tidy up the kitchen, he entered it and took out the ingredients for her cooking.

The food that Die Ling eats is also called "Beast Spirit Food", but the "Beast Spirit Food" that Gu Zheng will cook is not the one passed to him by Tiexian.

After Gu Zheng put all the ingredients he had and the information about the heart of Tao into his mind last time, he already has a new cooking method for the "beast spirit food training" that he wants to do for Die Ling.

The new cooking method also needs to use ingredients from outside the circle, but the amount is not large, only one piece is enough for a food repair.

Although food cultivation is a new food cultivation, its cooking difficulty is very low compared to Gu Zheng, and nothing special happened during the period.

Soon, a brand new 'Beast Spirit Food Cultivation' came out, and Die Ling began to eat deliciously.

Die Ling took food cultivation, which also had a great impact. The huge tornado that plundered the immortal energy reappeared, and the flow of the immortal energy changed so obviously that several old neighbors who felt it came out of the retreat immediately.

"Master Wuchang, is this Master Bai back?"

Master Duan flew towards Master Wuchang who was watching the spectacle of the tornado in the sky.

"Yeah, I just came back half an hour ago! I heard from my junior brother that Master Bai is a great fairy chef. Seeing him today is really extraordinary! It's really the only time in my life that a single food cultivation can attract such a mighty immortal energy. !"

Master Wuchang sighed, Gan Long and Ye Hongjiang, whom Gu Zheng knew, had already flown over.

"It feels like it was yesterday that Master Bai took food repair last time, and now he is taking food repair again?"

Gan Long's eyes were full of disbelief.

"It feels like yesterday, but it's been eleven months."

Ye Hongjiang paused, and turned to look at Master Duan: "Master, you have also taken this super food cultivation, how long do you think it will take you to take it again?"

"After taking the food cultivation last time, the huge celestial power condensed in the celestial ball in a short period of time, although it does not affect the use, but after this incident, the celestial ball can no longer withstand it in a short period of time, just like the last time After taking the food repair, the madness of the immortal energy has poured in. Moreover, this situation can only be improved through time, and I want to shorten this special state by means, but the effect is very little!"

Master Duan paused, shook his head and smiled wryly: "If you have to tell me the exact time, I think it will be at least eleven years!"

Eleven years is really nothing to cultivators, but if you compare it with the scene in front of them, it feels like people are more deadly than others.


Master Wuchang proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"Fellow daoists misunderstood, the person who took the food cultivation this time was not Master Bai, but the servant of Master Bai." Master Wu Nian said.

"Okay! It was shocking, I thought it was Master Bai himself, but it turned out to be Miss Die Ling!" Gan Long laughed.

"This Die Ling girl has also found a good master, and the price of doing such a food repair is very high!"

Ye Hongjiang's tone was very envious, which made Master Duan couldn't help laughing and said: "Why? Don't you still want to be Master Bai's servant?"

Being teased by Master Duan, Ye Hongjiang blushed, stiffened his neck and said: "If you can be a servant of Master Bai for a period of time, you can get such a food repair, why not?"

"Ye Daoyou is free and easy, and you can really let go of your early Da Luo Jinxian figure!" Master Duan laughed.

"What's the figure? We're just ordinary cultivators, but you and Master Bai are both masters! Otherwise, I'll follow you for a while, how about you pay me enough?" Ye Hong also laughed. , and in turn made fun of Master Duan.

"Although crafting is a lucrative job, I don't have much in stock, and I can't stand Daoist Ye's search!"

Master Duan laughed, and Ye Hongjiang and others also laughed.

"Fellow daoists, don't come here unharmed!"

Gu Zheng greeted the people in the air from a distance.

Die Ling is taking food repair in the cave, which doesn't need Gu Zheng to protect her, so Gu Zheng came out.

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