After Gu Zheng entered the kitchen, Yun Songtao gave a wry smile, and said to Weiyang via voice transmission: "Shangxian has said before that he would never serve food that is not as delicious as it is! Now he is holding it so easily. The ingredients have entered the kitchen, so Daoist Wei, even though the ingredients you brought are very good, I still think you will lose!"

"Anyway, you just want to finish the task. It's nothing to you if you lose. As for the ingredients you lose, they are all my uncle's stuff. There is no loss to you and me. Let's just wait and see the good show." That's enough! Fellow Daoist Yun, to be honest, I sincerely hope that you are the one who loses, and if you really lose, it will be too shocking!" Wei Yang said hopefully.

Following Gu Zheng into the kitchen, Die Ling asked curiously: "Master, are these ingredients special? Why do they think they can let you lose? You are a super fairy chef with the eyes of Tao!"

Gu Zheng smiled at Die Ling: "Having the eyes of the Tao is different from ordinary fairy chefs, but this does not mean that having the eyes of the Tao can unimpeded in the way of eating and drinking! In the way of eating and drinking, there is a situation Master Tiexian calls it 'Momentary Fanghua', this situation is not within the visual range of the eyes of the Tao!"

"'Suna Fanghua'? What a beautiful name! What kind of situation is this?" Die Ling asked curiously.

"'Instant youth' is a variable, it will appear when certain ingredients are cooked together. Under normal circumstances, a fairy chef with the eye of the Tao will be aware of all the details of the ingredients when they are cooked. Things that are clear at a glance, even ingredients that have never been cooked, can be easily controlled. However, the appearance of 'Instant Youth' is almost invisible, and when it appears, the changes in ingredients have been completed in an instant, and this This change is a destructive change! Once it appears, although the dish will not be completely destroyed, it will no longer be able to achieve the delicious taste it should have!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Die Ling was even more curious: "This is really 'Instant Youth'! Seeing the seriousness of the master, hasn't the master encountered 'Instant Youth' before?"

"I haven't really encountered 'Instant Youth', but in a cooking skill taught by Lord Tiexian, I have some understanding of 'Instant Youth'. As for the culinary art I mentioned, it is also It is the best dish that can be made with the ingredients and accessories brought by Yun Songtao today - Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens!" Gu Zheng said.

When Gu Zheng was doing the task of Tiexian before, he had received a lot of rewards for his cooking skills. Once Gu Zheng decides to learn these culinary skills, Qi Ling will give him the culinary skills and let him choose among them. The dish 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens' was one of the culinary rewards that Gu Zheng chose at that time.

"Master, I'm even more curious! Yun Songtao wants to confuse the master with the ingredients and accessories he provided, which shows that he has an understanding of the 'Shina Fanghua' that even the master has never encountered! But the master is the descendant of Tiexian , it is reasonable to say that the culinary art selected by the master should belong to the kind that others do not know, but how did Yun Songtao know about the 'Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens'?" Die Ling frowned.

"Master Tiexian has a certain relationship with the fairy chef sect. A very small part of his culinary skills has been passed down to several fairy chef sects, and is regarded as the treasure of the town by several fairy chef sects! And 'Feng Wu' Nine Heavens' is the treasure of one of the Immortal Cooking Sects." Gu Zheng said.

"It turned out to be like this!"

Die Ling was stunned, and then asked again: "Although 'Sha Na Fang Hua' is powerful, but the master happens to have the cooking method of 'Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens', so he must be able to win this mission, right?"

"Can win!"

Gu Zheng smiled at Die Ling, but he was not happy because he won.

Although Gu Zheng already had the cooking method of 'Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens' earlier, but because the ingredients for cooking this dish have not been complete, he has never been able to cook it, and he has never really felt the 'Sha Na Fang' in the way of cooking. magnificent'.

Moreover, since Tiexian imparted Gu Zheng's culinary skills and used his spiritual thoughts to pass on his skills, Gu Zheng could not see everything he encountered in cooking "Feng Wu Nine Heavens" in detail.

In addition, the "instant youth" that Gu Zheng has seen is not the real "instant youth", it is just the appearance of the "instant youth" that has been suppressed! And before the appearance of "Momentary Youth", was there anything unusual? Because it is the spiritual thought to pass on the power, there is no way for Gu Zheng to know the details! Therefore, when he saw that Yun Songtao provided the ingredients for cooking "Fengwu Nine Heavens", he sighed, he felt it was a pity!

If he wasn't doing a mission, Gu Zheng would definitely have a good experience of "Instant Youth", but under the restrictions of the mission rules, Gu Zheng dared not let his thoughts go, he could only follow the method handed down by Tiexian to go To cope with the 'instant youth' that will appear at that time. After all, the appearance of 'Instant Youth' is only in an instant. Once he let his own thoughts go, the influence of 'Instant Youth' on the taste of dishes will definitely make the deliciousness of 'Fengwu Nine Heavens' drop below 'seven', The whole task of 'Culinary Mastery' failed because of this.

Gu Zheng was very concerned about not being able to fully experience the 'Momentary Youth', because this was an opportunity to test himself!

According to what Tiexian Xuying said when he taught Gu Zheng's "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens", there are two supernatural powers in the way of eating, one is the eye of the way to discover the secrets of the "bright sides" of all ingredients, and the other is The heart of Tao that perceives the secret of the 'dark side' of all ingredients! And the variable represented by "Momentary Youth" is the secret of the "dark side" of the ingredients.

Gu Zheng's Eye of Dao was opened because he took the 'enlightening food cultivation' cooked by Tiexian with his supreme supernatural power. But according to Tiexian, the heart of Tao is not acquired supernatural powers, it is something that is innate. If Xianchu has the heart of Tao, when he first saw the real "Momentary Youth", the heart of Tao The heart will wake up! If the fairy chef doesn't have the heart of the Tao, then no matter how many "moments of youth" you see, it's useless.

However, when Tiexian Xuying taught the 'Fengwu Nine Heavens', he also comforted his successors. He told his successors that the innate advantage of having a heart of Tao is better, and there is no need to be sad if you don't have a heart of Tao. After all, the so-called three thousand ways cannot be mastered by one person! It is also because of this that he has never tested whether his descendants have the heart of Tao.

The heart of Tao is the icing on the cake, it is not the only standard to measure a person's achievement! But even so, Gu Zheng also wants to know whether he has the heart of Tao.

However, things in the world are sometimes really difficult to have both! If Gu Zheng wants to know whether he has the heart of Dao, then he has to experience the real "moment of youth", and once the real moment of youth appears, the dish of "Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens" is considered to be cooked. is broken, and the entire mission will fail as a result.

"Why are you so stupid? You shouldn't wait to see if you have the heart of Dao, right? If you do, then you are really stupid! Once the task of 'Culinary Mastery' fails, What you have lost is immeasurable!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng was still staring at the ingredients in a daze, Qi Ling, who knew what he was thinking, spoke out to remind him.

"You are right, once the mission fails, the loss will be too heavy!"

Gu Zheng sighed, and then said again: "Forget it, don't worry about it, the first priority is to complete the task. As for whether I have the heart of Tao, I will wait until I have a chance to talk about it later."

"Hey, you're really obedient!"

Qi Ling's old-fashioned tone earned Gu Zheng a big white eye.

Not counting the auxiliary ingredients, there are six kinds of ingredients for cooking "Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens", namely: blue-striped shrimp, purple mulberry fish, four-winged bird's egg, fairy potato powder, sky poultry meat, and fairy fruit.

Among the six kinds of ingredients, the ingredient grades of blue-striped shrimp, purple mulberry fish, four-winged bird's egg and fairy potato powder are all ordinary, the ingredient grade of sky poultry meat is medium, and the ingredient grade of fairy fruit is excellent.

Among the six ingredients, the ingredient that Gu Zheng has never had, that is, although it is an excellent grade, it is extremely rare, the fairy fruit! It is also an important ingredient in this "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens" that can cause "instant youth".

After de-shelling the green-striped shrimp and deboning the purple mulberry, Gu Zheng chopped the cleaned two ingredients into the size of pomegranate seeds and put them in a pot of cold water.

The water control formula and the fire control formula were performed at the same time. When the water temperature reached 70%, Gu Zheng took the blue-striped shrimp and purple mulberry out of the pot and put them into the bowl of prepared sauce for marinating.

After slicing the celestial poultry meat, Gu Zheng properly used some auxiliary materials on the meat slices, and then roasted the meat slices. During this period, Gu Zheng used the water control formula to lock most of the gravy in the meat slices.

The diced blue-grained shrimp and diced purple mulberry have been marinated, and some dark red sauce hangs on the white flesh, which smells uniquely sweet.

Beat the four-winged bird's egg into the diced blue-patterned shrimp and diced purple mulberry, and then put some fairy potato powder into it. Gu Zheng made it into a paste, and then poured it into a hot pan with only a little oil among.

The sound of "Zizi lala" came from the pot, and with Gu Zheng's rapid stirring, the original pasty ingredients quickly collected juice, and the aroma of fish, shrimp, and eggs mixed in became more and more intense in the air.

The ingredients in the pot were fried until they were almost ripe, Gu Zheng poured them into the plate, and then performed the fairy art of 'gathering sand into a tower', and then placed the roasted sky poultry slices on it, one body was slightly yellow, and the wings were sauce red The phoenix appeared vividly on the plate.

Put the prototype of 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens' into the steamer, and Gu Zheng slowly steamed it, and slowly modulated its taste with the Five Elements Immortal Technique.

After a while, Gu Zheng stopped caring about the prototype of "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens" in the steamer, and started to deal with the fairy fruit instead.

Magic fairy fruit is a kind of berry that looks a bit like a tomato, but its inside is like a ripe persimmon, all of which are red sweet jam. Moreover, the fairy fruit is very big, almost equivalent to a small melon.

Pour a small portion of Mixian's jam into a bowl, and set it aside for later use. Gu Zheng then mixed a little bit of dry-fried Xianyao powder and other ingredients into the remaining half of Mixian's jam. middle.

The oil temperature in the pot has reached the right level, Gu Zheng poured the prepared Mixian jam into it, and simmered it slowly over low heat.

An indescribably sweet fragrance slowly rose from the pot. Under the control of the ancient immortality technique, the fairy jam gradually became viscous, and as bubbles burst out of it, its color also changed from the original The red color became like a flame.


Die Ling couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

At this time, the fragrance in the air is not only the sweet fragrance of the fairy jam in the pot, but also the fresh fragrance of the embryonic form of 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens' in the steamer! These two fragrances meet in the air and evolve into a refreshing fragrance, which makes people want to smell it again, and the feeling of hunger is involuntarily produced.

"I'm swallowing my saliva now, why won't your saliva come out later?" Gu Zheng smiled at Die Ling.

"Who asked the master to make the dishes fragrant!"

Die Ling Chonggu stuck out his tongue, and then asked: "Master, what steps are there in this 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens'?"

"There are only two steps left, one is pouring the juice, and the other is finishing."

While speaking, Gu Zheng took out the prototype of 'Fengwu Nine Heavens' from the steamer, and then picked up the pot, ready to pour hot Mixian jam on the prototype of 'Fengwu Nine Heavens'.

"When the fairy jam is poured on the prototype of 'Fengwu Jiutian', the 'Install of Fanghua' will appear in three seconds, and this dish will be ruined. However, if you are prepared to restrain the 'Install of Fanghua', then everything That's a different story! Unfortunately, I can't watch the appearance of 'Suna Fanghua'!"

While sighing in his heart, Gu Zheng poured hot Mixian jam on the prototype of 'Fengwu Nine Heavens'.

A miraculous scene happened, the fairy jam was poured on the prototype of 'Fengwu Nine Heavens', and it made a sound like frying! Moreover, the extremely fragrant smoke was also produced with the sound of frying.

Everything has a process, and the three seconds when the fairy jam is poured on the "Fengwu Nine Heavens" is the brewing process of the "Moment of Youth"! However, this process cannot be seen by the eyes of Tao, let alone ordinary fairy chefs.

Gu Zheng paused for a second, and he stared at 'Fengwu Nine Heavens' with his eyes of Tao, but found nothing.

Not daring to delay the time any longer, Gu Zheng picked up the bowl next to it and poured the red jam on the 'Feng Wu Jiu Tian'.

Use the original flavor of Mixian jam to curb the destruction of "Momenta Fanghua", this is the way Tiexian passed on to Guzheng. And the suppressed 'momentary youth' will also become another kind of brilliance, which is the opposite of destruction, rebirth! As long as the subsequent steps are handled properly, the original deliciousness of the ingredients will be increased by more than 20%!

"call out……"

When the original jam was poured on 'Fengwu Nine Heavens', 'Fengwu Nine Heavens' also made a whistling sound that was very similar to Fengming.

At the same time, the whole "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens" changed in the eyes of Gu Zheng's Tao, and many new substances were produced in it! Gu Zheng immediately used the Water Control Art to properly mix and fuse these substances.

A large amount of white mist was born following the end of the ancient battle, and the fragrance in the air also reached a new height here.


Die Ling swallowed the saliva that almost flowed out.

"call out……"

There was another whistling sound resembling a phoenix cry, and traces of juice shot out from the 'Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens', and they exploded in the air, turning into a halo like fireworks.

This is the end of the "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens". This dish is perfectly prepared by the ancients. The reasonable deployment of the regenerated biomass of "Sha Na Fang Hua" has actually increased the deliciousness of this dish by as much as 30%!

However, Gu Zheng was not happy with the success of "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens", after all, he had doubts in his heart! At the moment when the 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens' was completed, the five-element celestial ball in his body moved abruptly, and then immediately returned to calm.

Gu Zheng didn't understand why the Xianli ball was beating, but his intuition told him that it should have something to do with 'Instant Youth'.

There is no time for Gu Zheng to think about it, and he can only temporarily put aside the things that he can't understand. Now that the 'Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens' has been completed, the white mist covering the plate is about to transform into an extremely fragrant form. Gu Zheng must bring it to the guests' tables as soon as possible.

The 'Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens' was extremely fragrant, and the white mist turned into a phoenix with long tail feathers. It was flying above the plate, with a light and elegant figure, like a fairy dancing in the heavens.

Without the cover of the extremely fragrant white mist, everyone can clearly see that the fairy jam that was originally covering the body of 'Fengwu Jiutian' is gone, and the fairy jam has been covered by 'Fengwu Jiutian' in such a short period of time. Nine days' fully absorbed! As for the 'Fengwu Nine Heavens' that absorbed the fairy jam, the overall color was also unified, as gorgeous as a phoenix spreading its wings.


Yun Songtao couldn't help swallowing his saliva, the appearance of the extremely fragrant form made the charming fragrance of 'Fengwu Nine Heavens' rise to an unbearable level for him! He doesn't want to think about anything now, winning or losing tasks seem to be unimportant, the only question he thinks about now is how to use the chopsticks for this dish? Should I eat the phoenix head first or eat the phoenix tail first?


The saliva he swallowed again seemed to be reminding Yun Songtao that his glutton was already too hungry and thirsty.

Yun Songtao, who no longer hesitated, moved his chopsticks, and he put the crested head into his mouth, and immediately closed his eyes and began to chew.

With a slightly sweet and charming fragrance, it exploded in Yun Songtao's mouth, which also made his eyes that had been closed just now suddenly open, and then narrowed into a line intoxicated, and said vaguely: "It's really It's delicious!"

Compared with Yun Songtao's infatuation with delicious food, Wei Yang's face was full of fanaticism and excitement when he saw Gu Zheng appear! It wasn't until Gu Zheng looked at him squarely that he woke up from the shock.

"Junior Wei Yang, I have met senior!"

Wei Yang saluted Gu Zheng, and the clasped fist when he first came to Qidian has changed into the current bow.

"Free gift!"

Of course Gu Zheng knew that there was no point in pretending to be mysterious at this time. A 'Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens' exposed him a lot. Therefore, facing Wei Yang's surrendered status, he just smiled and accepted it calmly.


Wei Yang was flattered by Gu Zheng's kindness. He wanted to say something to Gu Zheng, but at the moment he really didn't know where to start. Who let Gu Zheng bring him a shock, it was a bit too strong!

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