Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Qi Ling said: "I have three modification methods that can be implemented at the same time! The first method is that the diners' remuneration to Qidian remains the same, and Qidian's compensation to diners will be changed from the original three times the original remuneration. In the second method, diners need to pay Qidian, which is divided into five pieces and ten top-quality resources. The specific value of high-level fairy artifacts will correspond to 20 times and 40 times the remuneration given by diners to Qidian. In the third method, diners pay Qidian more than the second method, and Qidian’s compensation to diners will be determined in real time. Make targeted adjustments."

After hearing what Qi Ling said, Gu Zheng smiled and said: "I have to say that the change in method will be more attractive to cultivators. However, the common problem still cannot be ignored! While the compensation increases, the remuneration also increases. When those who don’t get benefits here, they will also become timid.”

"Don't worry! The common problem you mentioned may exist in the first two methods, but it is unlikely to exist in the third method! Every immortal cultivator will have what he wants, as long as there is Anything that can attract him will make him crazy!" Qi Ling said.


Gu Zheng shrugged: "Anyway, you said before that you will pay for the compensation this time, so I won't have to worry about setting up these compensations."

"I remember quite clearly!" Qi Ling said with a blank eye.

Since the opening of the strange shop, the attention of the cultivators to the strange shop has dropped a lot, which can be seen from the number of times the strange shop has been probed by the spirit.

Although Gu Zheng had changed the rules of Qidian towards immortal cultivators last night, but until the afternoon, there was not a single spirit of a cultivator to explore Qidian.

In addition to making changes to the rules of immortal cultivators, Qidian also made changes to the rules of mortals. On the bulletin board outside the Qidian, ordinary people can see the announcement that the Qidian will be closed for a period of time. During this period, except for the customers who have previously agreed with the owner, the rest of the customers will not be accepted by the Qidian. .

After the rules were changed, for two consecutive days, not a single customer came to the door, not even a divine thought to explore the strange shop! Gu Zheng didn't say anything about it, but Die Ling got used to sitting at the door, looking at the long street through the glass.

It's getting late, and it will soon be time for Qidian to close.

The crisp sound of cups colliding sounded, Gu Zheng put the immortal wine in the cup to his lips and took a sip.

A few simple side dishes, a pot of mellow and rich fairy wine, Gu Zheng and Die Ling just drank it slowly, and neither of them spoke.

"Are you still anxious about the source of customers?" Sensing the unrest in Gu Zheng's heart, Qi Ling asked.

"No, after all, it's only been two days! I'm thinking more about how much I have accumulated in my hometown's power of will and pure power of faith."

Gu Zheng paused, then turned his eyes and said, "Fenglan Star is so similar to the earth, do you think there are boundary stones in the Kunlun School here?"

"What do you want to do?" Qi Ling shook his head and smiled.

"The Qidian is now specialized in the business of immortal cultivators, but as of now, the cultivators of this plane either don't know that the rules of the Qidian have changed, or they don't know the Qidian at all! So I thought, should I go to Kunlun and use the boundary stone? Let the cultivators of the entire plane know about the strange shop?" Gu Zheng said.

"Are you saying you're not anxious?"

Qi Ling took a look at Gu Zheng: "Let's not talk about whether the Kunlun School here has boundary stones, even if there are boundary stones, they are still sacred objects of the Kunlun School. Do you think they will let you use the sacred objects to advertise?"

"Didn't you say that as long as there is something that can attract immortals, they will go crazy?" Gu Zheng smirked.

"Don't think about those things here! They are used as materials to attract immortal cultivators, not for you to use as advertising fees to give to people from the Kunlun Sect!" Qi Ling said with a good temper and amused.


I wanted to talk to Qi Ling again, but Gu Zheng frowned suddenly, and his eyes turned to the end of the long street outside the door.

"It turned out to be these two guys!"

Following Gu Zheng's gaze, Die Ling gritted his teeth involuntarily.

Five people appeared at the end of the long street. Among these five people was an old man, a young man, and the other three were all sweet-looking young women.

Among the five people, Gu Zheng had met two people, one of them was a young man and the other was a young woman.

Since the opening of Qidian, there have been more than one female customer who harbored ill intentions towards Gu Zheng. The reason why Gu Zheng knew one of the three young women was because she had been to Qidian and harassed Gu Zheng, which caused Die Ling to punish her. At that time, she was so scared that she peed wet skirt.

The woman who harassed Gu Zheng was Hao Jiali. After Die Ling taught her a lesson, Gu Zheng didn't want her to go out and say more, so he "weaved" some of her memories. Therefore, Gu Zheng also knew that although Hao Jiali's career was glamorous, she was worthy of the word 'bitch'.

As for the man among the five, he was one of the four cultivators Gu Zheng met in Kunlun Mountain when he first came to Fenglanxing.

When he met the young man, because the young man wanted to get Die Ling's idea, Gu Zheng searched the souls of the four of them, and erased the memory of their meeting. Moreover, Gu Zheng placed a special restriction on the young man's Xianli ball, preventing him from making any progress in his cultivation for thirty years!

It was precisely because of the soul search of the young man that Gu Zheng knew that the young man was called Yun Hao, and that his identity was the son of Yun Songtao, the elder of the Kunlun School.

Yun Hao's aptitude is average. Although he looks like he is in his twenties because of his cultivation, his actual age is already in his fifties.

Yun Hao doesn't like to practice, he is particularly obsessed with the love between men and women, and he was able to reach the middle stage of Qi Transformation in his fifties, thanks to his father who poured a lot of resources into him, and his fate caught up with him Societe Generale! Otherwise, he might not even be a cultivator now.

Yun Songtao's cultivation is at the peak of returning to the void. Before the advent of the Faxing era, he was already the chief elder of the Kunlun sect. However, after the advent of the Faxing era, someone from the prehistoric Kunlun came to take over the Kunlun faction, and he, the original grand elder, was removed from the word 'big', and his power was greatly reduced compared to before.

For Yun Hao, a son who does not live up to expectations, Yun Songtao can take it easy, as long as he doesn't do anything too extreme, Yun Songtao will let him go, anyway, he is not material for cultivating immortals. Because of this, before the people from Honghuang Kunlun took over the Kunlun faction, Yun Hao's small life was still very nourishing.

However, since the Kunlun faction changed its head, Yunhao's life has not been so easy! When Gu Zheng met him last time, he was led by several elders in the sect, and he had just returned from training outside.

Yun Hao hugged left and right when he walked. He looked at Hao Jiali who was tired in his arms and said, "Xiao Lili, is the strange shop you mentioned in front?"

"Master, that's right, that's the strange shop I was talking about!"

Hao Jiali just met Yun Hao at a nightclub today, but this did not prevent her from falling in love with Yun Hao at first sight. Who made Yun Hao a supernatural cultivator!

After coming out of the nightclub, Yun Hao, who didn't want to go to work immediately, wanted to have some fun. Therefore, Hao Jiali recommended Qidian to him.

Hao Jiali doesn't remember part of what happened in the strange shop, she only knows that she lost 100,000 yuan in the strange shop.

"Dear me, I will win you a BMW today!" Yun Hao laughed.

"Boom! Thank you, Grandpa!"

Hao Jiali kissed Yun Hao, her face was literally smiling.

"Grandpa, I want a car too!"

"Master, I don't want a car, just a bag!"

The jealousy of the other two women looked at Yun Hao, and each of them became more charming than the other, and their voices became more whiny than the other.

"You troublemakers! I said, why don't you go to the hotel after leaving the nightclub? It turns out that you have planned it beforehand!" The old man behind Yunhao said coldly.

The old man's name is Danbao, he was once Yun Songtao's Dantong, but his current cultivation is in the early stage of Void Return. Yun Hao ran out to relax this time, and Dan Bao was acting as a guard.

Danbao's icy voice frightened the three of Hao Jiali, which also made them get closer to Yunhao.

"Old Dan, you scared them!" Yun Hao said displeased.

Knowing what kind of virtue Yun Hao has towards women, Dan Bao didn't want to say anything more on this issue, instead he reminded: "Qidian is a fairy chef shop, I don't recommend the young master to go there! Sneak down the mountain, if the news is accidentally passed back, punishment from the door will be unavoidable!"

"Old Dan, you are annoying! Since Qidian is a fairy kitchen shop, it will naturally keep some things of customers secret. You are too worried!" Yun Hao said impatiently.

Yun Hao is really annoying. Although he doesn't like cultivation very much, as long as he is in the sect, he still has the daily essentials of cultivating immortals.

Yun Hao naturally discovered the restriction that Gu Zheng had placed on Yunhao's celestial ball, and his cultivation had indeed stagnated due to the existence of the restriction. But what makes Yunhao panic is, when exactly, and who planted the restriction? He didn't have any impression of it himself!

The other party was able to impose restrictions on him without knowing it, which made Yunhao think that he should have offended an extremely powerful immortal cultivator. He wanted to tell his father Yun Songtao about this, but Yun Songtao had retreated a year ago and hadn't come out until now.

The situation in the sect is not what it used to be, and Yun Hao dare not tell the senior management of the sect about his situation. Therefore, during this period of time, Yun Hao was really anxious, and it was precisely because of his anxiety that he took Danbao down the mountain to relax.

Faced with Yun Hao's impatience, Dan Bao sighed: "If the young master really wants to go, you should pay attention to your attitude when you speak. Although we are members of the Kunlun School, there is no one in the fairy chef. They have the connections The net is hard to imagine!"

"Got it, got it!" The impatience on Yun Hao's face grew even stronger.

With Gu Zheng's super five senses, he naturally listened to the conversations of Yun Hao and others.

"Clean up, come to business!"

When the business came, so did the spirit of the ancient struggle.


Die Ling, who was also in good spirits, smiled, and with a wave of his hand, took away all the food and wine on the table.

Yun Hao took people to stop outside Qidian, he looked at the words on the bulletin board, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The rules of Qidian have changed, that's great!" Yun Hao said.

Although Gu Zheng has only completed two orders of immortal cultivators so far, the existence of Qidian, at least in the immortal cultivating world of this country, is well known. After all, the power of cultivators will also send people to pay attention to the affairs of the secular world and report useful information to them.

"Business is here!" Yun Hao shouted standing at the door of Qidian.


Gu Zheng smiled and welcomed Yun Hao and others into the Qidian.

After Yun Hao and the others were seated, Die Ling immediately brought tea to everyone.

"Guests please have tea."

When Die Ling spoke, Yun Hao looked up, but didn't respond in particular.

Although Yun Hao had no special reaction, Die Ling still hated him very much. In order not to affect Gu Zheng's business, Die Ling changed his appearance. Although the changed Die Ling is also quite beautiful, compared with the previous beauty, it is not a star and a half.

Die Ling can't help it, if she doesn't change her appearance, Yun Hao will fall once in one place, and it is entirely possible to fall in the same place for the second time!

"Wow, this tea is really delicious!"

"I've never had such a delicious tea, thank you Lord for bringing us to learn more!"

After the two women tasted the tea, they looked at Yunhao's eyes with little stars twinkling, which greatly benefited Yunhao.

Hearing that the two women said the tea was delicious, Hao Jiali quickly took a sip and said, "Shopkeeper, the last time I came here, I didn't drink this kind of tea!"

In Hao Jiali's changed memory, she wanted to hook up with Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng said something coldly. Now that she has hooked up with Yun Hao, Hao Jiali also immediately hates the ancient struggle she once wanted to hook up with.

"This kind of tea is specially for cultivators. If you don't come with the cultivators this time, you still won't be able to drink it!"

After reading Hao Jiali's memory, Gu Zheng really hated this woman, so he naturally had a cold expression when he spoke.

"Master, it doesn't matter if you give me a BMW or not, but you must win!"

Hao Jiali looked at Yun Hao with teary eyes, this woman is full of drama, she will not want a BMW! Moreover, when she proposed to come to the Qidian, she had already told Yun Hao that the owner of the Qidian had molested her, and she refused to follow him, so she was scolded by the other party.

Hao Jiali's weak looking up made Yun Hao very impulsive, and also made Yun Hao say boldly: "Don't worry, I will definitely win!"

Not wanting to see Yun Hao continue to act aggressively, Die Ling said: "Guest, which rule do you choose?"

"Since we have to choose, we naturally have to choose high-end gambles. Let's gamble on five top-quality resources!"

Naturally, there are bets of a higher level than five top-quality resources, but when the words are spoken from Yunhao, it is like betting on five top-quality resources at a time is already the highest-grade bet.

Sure enough, when Yun Hao said this, the eyes of the three women beside him immediately showed arrogance, and they all puffed up their chests on purpose, as if they were all noble because of Yun Hao's words Not a lot.

"Wow! What a beautiful gem!"

"This gem is so beautiful, I've never seen it before!"

"Master, what is this gold-like metal? Its luster is so charming!"

Yun Hao took out five top-quality refining resources. These resources are either spar or metal, and all of them are shining with a luster that is impossible for ordinary things! If only from the perspective of appreciating jewelry, the brilliance of these refining resources is indeed hard for women to resist.

Yun Hao was very satisfied with the women's responses, and he immediately answered the women's questions knowledgeably.

"This golden thing is called 'Northern Sea True Gold'. No matter in terms of density or hardness, it is not comparable to ordinary gold! You see, although it is only as big as a fingernail, it weighs a thousand catties , if Grandpa hadn't supported it with Xianli, it would have smashed the table and then smashed it into the ground..."

"Young master, don't pretend to be aggressive! It's okay to play casually, but you dare to gamble with these five top-quality resources? If the master knows, he will definitely beat you to death!"

Yun Hao's pretentiousness was interrupted by Dan Bao's angry voice transmission.

Dan Bao originally thought that with Yunhao's net worth, he was just playing the lowest level of gambling. Anyway, even if he loses in this level of gambling, it is not too much, so he can play as much as he wants.

However, Dan Bao didn't expect that Yun Hao dared to bet with five top-quality resources, which made him terrified!

The five top-quality resources that Yun Hao took out did not belong to Yun Hao, but the immortal cultivators of another sect, in order to thank Yun Songtao for his previous help, they gave Yun Songtao a reward not long ago! And these five top-quality resources are also very important to Yun Songtao. However, Yun Songtao had retreated a year ago, so the reward sent by the other party could only be kept by Yun Hao temporarily.

Dan Bao really didn't expect that Yun Hao would dare to bet on something that belonged to Yun Songtao! Although Yun Songtao's discipline on Yun Hao is relatively loose, but daring to gamble with the resources he needs very much, this is definitely an extremely excessive behavior on Yun Songtao's side! Once Songtao finds out, a heavy punishment is unavoidable!

The process of enjoying the worship was interrupted by Dan Bao, which made Yun Hao very upset.

Yun Hao's cultivation base is still low, and he can't communicate with Danbao through sound transmission with his spiritual thoughts, so he can only give Danbao a big roll of his eyes and let him experience it by himself.


Looking at Yunhao's white eyes, Danbao could only sigh.

"Grandpa, go on, I haven't heard enough from Grandpa!"

"That's right, it's really insightful to follow the master."

"If we didn't follow Master, there are some things that we would never know and never touch!"

The three women's compliments made Yun Hao less upset, and also made Yun Hao squeeze each of their faces.

"One mouth is sweeter than the other. When I go back at night, I must try to see if you all ate candy!"

Yun Hao laughed, looked at Gu Zheng with slightly flamboyant eyes, and said, "I have already taken out the resources, shouldn't the shop owner also take out the fairy artifact for me to see? Let's make an agreement first, everything will be done according to the rules , if the ratio of the fairy artifact you take out does not match the resources I provide, then I will not agree!"


Gu Zheng smiled and urged Qi Ling to say: "This guy is serious, isn't the fairy weapon you prepared for this ready?"

Qi Ling didn't give Gu Zheng anything that could be used as compensation in advance. According to her, she had to find a match from the 'treasure box' in real time based on the resources provided by the guests.

"Okay, this guy must like this fairy artifact!"

Qi Ling smiled slightly, and in the prehistoric space of Guzheng, a handful of immortal weapons suddenly appeared.

A white stream of light flashed across, and a folding fan was opened in Gu Zheng's hands. He flapped it casually a few times, his hair fluttering with the breeze, and the whole person was a little more romantic because of the folding fan.

The folding fan is a well-deserved pretense prop, not to mention that its celestial level is still high-level, and there are ten portraits of stunning beauties on the fan! All these things made Yun Hao's eyes straighten when he saw the folding fan.

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