Looking at the serious face of Gao Li, the old man's expression became more or less serious: "Tell me the process."


Gao Li recorded what happened in the strange store in the jade slip.

After looking at the jade slips, the old man thought for a while and said, "Watching his cooking process is quite difficult, but no matter what, the final result is very good! You wait a few days, I will prepare an ingredient for him by myself, and when it arrives It’s time for you to try again.”

"All right!"

Although Gao Li wanted to win the ancient contest now, but the old man said he would have to wait a few days, he could only choose to wait, after all, he was really inferior to the old man in this aspect.

Gu Zheng's business today is very good. He ran around in three strange shops and completed twelve orders in total!

Although Gu Zheng didn't ask Die Ling to tell the people outside the other two odd shops that they could join forces to raise one hundred thousand yuan, but this is not an unimaginable method. thought of it. And out of the twelve deals that Guzheng received on that day, seven of them were made by partners.

For these people who joined the team, Gu Zheng also gave them a second chance according to the situation, just like the four people who joined the team at the beginning! As for whether these people will patronize Qidian again, this is no longer Gu Zheng's concern. Anyway, he has already spread the Internet. What he should be concerned about now is how to deal with the problem of more customers tomorrow! After all, the reporter came to the strange store in the morning, and the reports about the strange store in the afternoon have already appeared on the Internet. It can be said that the reason why the business is so good today must be because of the news reports.

Sure enough, the business of the odd shops was ridiculously good the next day. After opening at seven o'clock in the morning, people knocked on the doors of the three odd shops almost at the same time.

Facing the booming business situation, Gu Zheng is in charge of cooking, and Die Ling is in charge of reception. As for those guests who cannot take care of them, they can only wait outside Qidian first.

This day, from morning to night, Gu Zheng made a total of fifteen deals. Among the fifteen orders, five of them were the harvest of Gu Zheng's off-line yesterday, and all of these people owed Gu Zheng another 100,000 yuan.

"Master, do you think those who owe you money will return the money to you?" Die Ling asked Gu Zheng.

"I didn't search their souls, and I don't know if they will pay back the money." Gu Zheng said.

"What if they don't pay back?"

Die Ling is very concerned about this matter, she doesn't want to see her master being tricked.

"Before doing business with them this time, I not only gave them time to pay back the money, but also told them that no matter whether they can pay back the money or not, they must come to Qidian! My purpose is just to do the task. For me These people who dare to choose to pay their debts to bet with me have some fate with me. If they pay back the money according to the agreement, I will remember this fate first. If they are unable to pay back the money, just come to Qidian for a while Once, I will extend the date for them to pay back the money, and I will also remember the fate with them first. But if they are unable to pay back the money, and they don’t come to Qidian, then I will go to the store when the time comes They have settled their accounts, let them fulfill their poisonous oath!" Gu Zheng said lightly.

"This kind of thing doesn't need to be done by the master. If they need to fulfill their oath, I will do it."

Die Ling paused, and then asked: "What will the master say about the fate, what will he give them then?"

"After this task is completed, except for the immortal cultivators, I will return all the money that mortals lost to me. As for those who lost twice because I cast the net, I will not only give them money , and will also give them some pills that can strengthen their bodies. After all, they have contributed more to the completion of my mission! As for those who are not particular, I have no fate with me. What kind of consequences will they have? , and they are all to blame." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, if some people want you to borrow 100,000 to gamble again when they want to pay back the money, will you still give it to them?" Die Ling asked again.

"There is only one chance. Even if they have the ability to pay back the money, I will not do their business for the third time! If it is not for the task, I will not bet with mortals like this, and I will not bet with them for the second time!" Ancient struggle.

"What are you talking about?" Qi Ling suddenly asked Gu Zheng.

The exchange between Die Ling and Gu Zheng is a mind exchange, and Qi Ling can give birth to a sense, but she cannot know the content of the exchange.

"Nothing to talk about, just small talk."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and changed the topic: "How long do you think such a good business will last?"

"It should last for a few days, but it certainly won't last long." Qi Ling said.

"If it can last for a few more days, will it soon reach the speed in your heart?" Gu Zheng asked.

"There are a total of 120 orders. Immortal cultivators are the big heads. I define the number for mortals as fifty. According to the popularity of today's business, it will really take a few days. The rules for immortal cultivators should be changed. gone."

When Qi Ling's words fell to the ground, she gave Gu Zheng a faint look. Because of Gu Zheng's disobedience, she also had to change the task set by Tiexian.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, another few days passed. In the past few days, the popularity of Qidian has also dropped rapidly, and one day Guzheng even completed only one order! After all, Qidian only wins and never loses, so the number of customers who come to Qidian will decrease, which is expected.

Even though the number of customers has decreased, Gu Zheng still completed fifty orders on the afternoon of the twelfth day after receiving the task! However, among the fifty transactions, two were immortal cultivators, and the rest were mortals.

"It's only been twelve days, and fifty orders have been completed. Although two of them belonged to immortal cultivators, starting tomorrow, the rules of Qidian will also change." Qi Ling said.

"What if mortals come to the door again?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If there are more mortals coming to the door, you can make two more orders to make up fifty. As for the business of mortals after fifty, it depends on yourself. You can do it if you want, but it just doesn't count." Lingdao.

"If it doesn't count anymore, then I won't do any more mortal two-order business." Gu Zheng said.

"Then what about the net you cast out before? You didn't explain it to them at the time. If they come to your door with ingredients again, will you be doing their business?"

Qi Ling looked at Gu Zheng teasingly, she still remembered the incident when Gu Zheng was disobedient and insisted on throwing a net.

"These people are exceptions, as long as they dare to come, then I will continue to do it!" Gu Zheng shrugged indifferently.

"However, the effect of casting the net is not as good as I imagined, and ordinary people are still very cautious! Those who really dare to owe money to gamble, so far, less than a quarter of the total number of people who cast the net. "

When Gu Zheng finished speaking, his eyes lit up and he said, "What did you really say! The fat man who was cast by me in the first place came to knock on the door of No. 1 Strange Store again."

The fat man who was first cast by Gu Zheng had the strongest desire to come to Qidian again. However, it has been several days. Among the first four people who were cast in the net, the elderly had already come, and the other three people did not come. This made Gu Zheng think that none of them would come. ! After all, he had met quite a few people who had vowed to come but did not come in the end.

"Have you found the ideal ingredients?" Gu Zheng smiled after the fat man entered the Qidian.

"found it!"

The fat man opened the bag containing the ingredients.

There are only two kinds of ingredients in the bag, one is wild vegetables that look like lettuce, and the other is bowl-sized wild mushrooms that look like flower mushrooms.

"Only these two ingredients, without any other accessories?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Yes, there are only these two ingredients, are they qualified?" the fat man asked nervously.

"Qualified is qualified, but you have to know that the evaluation of taste is relative. If you don't provide me with any auxiliary materials, you have to imagine its taste in your heart! If you are really sure to let me do it, then I will give it to me right away. You cook." Gu Zheng reminded.

Since the opening of Qidian, it can be said that the vast majority of customers dare to gamble because the taste is good or bad according to the store rules, and it is entirely up to the customers to decide.

But is it really up to the customer? no! The statue of Taotie really has the final say. During this period of time, Gu Zheng also encountered several customers who wanted to go against their will, but under the influence of the statue of Taotie, they had to tell their true feelings.

"Shopkeeper, I definitely want you to do it!" The fat man thought for a while.

"Okay, before you swear, I want to tell you that if you win, you can take one million from me. If you lose, you can pay back the money here in a month. Even if you don't have any money at that time, you must come Let's go here!" Gu Zheng said solemnly.

"Don't worry, if I still lose this time, I will definitely pay back the money in a month."

The fat man gritted his teeth, and then asked again: "If I lose again this time, will you give me another chance?"

"No!" Gu Zheng said.

The fat man didn't say anything else, after he swore, Gu Zheng came to the kitchen with mushrooms and vegetables.

"Master, I feel that the fat man is a little nervous!" Die Ling said.

"That's right, he was really nervous, afraid that I would say that the ingredients he provided were unqualified." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, I mean, this fat man is a little too nervous, it seems that he is not just afraid that the ingredients will be unqualified by you!" Die Ling said again.

"He will worry too much about the unqualified ingredients, because these two ingredients are not simple! If he is just an ordinary first-class fairy chef and has never been in contact with these two ingredients, then they are doing it according to the requirements of my mission. , I dare say that the dishes they cook will be judged as failures by the Taotie statue in all likelihood!" Gu Zheng said.

"Is it so difficult?" Die Ling's beautiful eyes widened.

"Without the Eye of Dao, the difficulty level is very high. If you have the Eye of Dao, and if you want to meet the requirements of the Taotie statue, you must also have the means to transform the characteristics of the ingredients! It can be said that the difficulty of the dishes that will be cooked this time can be ranked Top two out of fifty deals."

Gu Zheng paused, and then continued: "As for the fat man being too nervous, it's because he played tricks! The vegetables he provided me are not only full of trace substances that affect the taste, but also have a kind of Toxins that cause micropoisoning! If you want to neutralize the toxins and change the traces that affect the taste, vinegar is the best way to deal with it. He must know this, so he didn’t provide me with vinegar! In addition, the existence of wild mushrooms It’s not a vase either. Its characteristics conflict with those of green vegetables. Taking these two ingredients together may cause slight poisoning. Fatty must know this! Therefore, this cooking can also be said to be a It's a hot game! After all, no matter how good a dish tastes, if there is a problem with the diners eating it, then it is a dish with ingredients!"

"This damn fat man is so insidious!"

Die Ling gritted her silver teeth, and even clenched her fists, wanting to teach the fat man a lesson.

"It's not his fault. The rule of Qidian is to let the diners confuse me, so you don't have to get angry with their scheming." Gu Zheng said.

"Hmph, it's a good thing my master is powerful, otherwise I would have really fallen for you!"

Although there was Gu Zheng's explanation, Die Ling still gave the fat man who was a bit uneasy.

Gu Zheng started to process the ingredients. For him, this dish this time is difficult, but since he knows where the difficulty lies, he can overcome it after all.

There is no vinegar to remove trace substances and toxicity in green vegetables that affect the taste. Gu Zheng has other ways to solve this problem.

If the amount of bad things in the vegetables is not large, Gu Zheng can also use the Water Control Jue and Wood Control Jue to remove the bad things in the vegetables without damaging the shape of the vegetables too much. However, there are too many bad things in green vegetables, and the only way to completely remove them is to mash them into a paste.

Pounding it into a paste will destroy the shape of the green vegetables, but the variable shape can also produce another texture and taste, so it doesn't make it bad! Whether it is good or not depends on the later cooking, and its fusion and sublimation with the taste of wild mushrooms.

To get rid of the bad things in the green vegetables, Gu Zheng temporarily put the vegetable paste aside.

In the process of cleaning the wild fungus, Gu Zheng penetrated into it with the power of wood.

Generally speaking, all the substances that make up the ingredients can be clearly presented in the eyes of the Tao. Speaking from a young age, there are many kinds of substances that make up a piece of food, and it is these substances that condense into the unique taste of the food.

Among the substances that make up the ingredients, some of them can transform the taste after being affected by the magic, or the original taste can be sublimated!

In fact, the principle of cooking is to transform and sublimate the taste of food, but to be more precise, with the cooperation of Youdao Eye, coupled with the understanding of ingredients, and the means of immortality, Gu Zheng can make this kind of Transformation and sublimation, elevated to an incredible level!

The unique substances in wild mushrooms conflict with the substances in green vegetables, so people will be slightly poisoned after eating them. However, this substance in wild mushrooms belongs to the category that can be transformed by ancient bacteria.

When Gu Zheng uses the Wood Control Jue and Water Control Jue to convert the substances in the wild mushrooms that need to be converted, not only will it not conflict with the green vegetables, but it can also bring the wild mushrooms a more delicious taste.

After treating the wild mushrooms, Gu Zheng dug a round piece from the thick fleshy cap of the wild mushrooms, dug a hole underneath, poured the previously treated vegetable paste into it, and then poured the mushrooms Cover tightly. At this time, the wild fungus, from the surface, can hardly be seen, but its inside is very interesting.

Putting the wild mushrooms on the grill, Gu Zheng slowly grilled the wild mushrooms by controlling the temperature with the Fire Control Technique.

With the continuous roasting, the color of the original wild fungus changed, the white fungus stalks became a little browned, and the color of the brown caps continued to deepen. The material is forced out, making the caps darker and appear to have a nice oily sheen.

The scent pervades the kitchen, a mix of barbecue and freshness, a bit like the aroma of roasted tender corn.

In this dish, Gu Zheng used the techniques of roasting and stuffing, and now the dish is about to be completed, only the last step is the perfect ending.

The final treatment of the wild mushrooms is done with the control wood formula. The substances in the wild mushrooms that have been roasted and changed have produced a slightly salty taste under the treatment of the ancient control wood formula. It is also because of the slight salty taste that the taste of the whole dish has been greatly improved!

The dish has been placed on a plate. It looks like a big mushroom on the surface, but it has been modified by Gu Zheng with reasonable knife skills. As long as the fat man touches it with chopsticks, the original big mushroom will become a shape suitable for picking.

The aroma of roasting and the fragrance of wild mushrooms are very tempting, the fat man nervously picked up a piece of wild mushrooms and put it in his mouth.

The fat man is a chef himself, and he knows more about food than ordinary people. The first thing he puts in his mouth is the fungus stalk.

Usually, the stalks are roasted, and the taste is not particularly good, and there is a kind of toughness that people don't like.

However, after the fungus stalks were imported, the fat man didn't realize what 'toughness' was at all. The fungus stalks, which seemed to have shrunk after being baked, turned out to be fatter and juicier than expected!

With just one bite, the fat man's eyes widened. The fat juice in the mushroom stalks not only has the unique fragrance of mushrooms, but also the fragrance of wild vegetables! The two kinds of delicious and full juices are intertwined, making the fat man unable to help but want to suck in a more greedy way instead of chewing normally.


The fat man bit the tip of his tongue hard to wake himself up. He reminded himself that he was here to win money. How could he be so attracted by the delicious food that he forgot his original intention!

Quickly swallowed the fungus stalk in his mouth, and the fat man who did not give up picked up another piece of fungus cap and put it in his mouth.

The taste of the mushroom cap is so tender and refreshing that fat men feel that it is more fragrant than all meat! However, the splendor of the mushroom cap was not beyond the fat man's expectation, after all, the mushroom stalk, which was supposed to taste bad, had shocked him enough just now.

Can't wait to swallow the mushroom cap, the fat man finally picked up a piece of the essence of the whole dish, which is the part of the wild mushroom used to stuff the vegetables.

The white and tender mushroom flesh is dotted with green hues. Although the vegetable leaves have been mashed, which may affect the appearance in imagination, but under Gu Zheng's cooking, the original mushy vegetable leaves have become a layer of paste on the mushroom meat, just like white bread. , was smeared with a layer of secret green jam.

With one bite, the mushroom meat stuffed with wild vegetables exploded in the fat man's mouth, and the unusually delicious juice made him forget his original intention in an instant! He only knows to focus all his attention on his mouth, and use his teeth and tongue to experience this indescribably wonderful feeling.

It's like having a beautiful dream, but there will always be a time to wake up from the dream! When there was no wild mushroom left on the plate, the fat man who woke up remembered that he came to the strange shop to win money!

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