After being stared at by Gu Zheng, Qi Ling also lost interest and said nothing more, and Gu Zheng also finished processing the ingredients and started to make the 'leek box'.

Roll the dough into two sheets of dough, spread the seasoned vermicelli, leek, egg yolk, fungus, chives, and artemisia coniferously on one sheet, then cover the other sheet, and pinch the edges tightly , placed in a frying pan with just the right oil temperature.

Accompanied by the frying sound of 'Zi Zi La La', the color of the dough slowly changed, and soon after the burnt aroma rose, the aroma of the stuffing was also forced out by the temperature.

Observing the changes in the ingredients with the eyes of the Tao, and adjusting the changes with the Five Elements Immortal Technique, a 'leek box' with browned sides, thin skin and full stuffing came out of the pan.

"It smells so good!"

Die Ling twirled her small nose, greedily inhaling the fragrance in the air.

"Although it doesn't have an extremely fragrant shape, the scent of the 'Leek Box' is much more attractive than the scent of preserved eggs before!" Die Ling swallowed.

"Look, you're so greedy, after the guests leave, it's time for us to eat!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"Master is the best!"

Die Ling looked at Gu Zheng, with little stars in her eyes, she knew that Gu Zheng said that she should eat, purely to satisfy her greed.

Gu Zheng brought the 'leek box' to Han Zhe's table in person, and cut the small 'leek box' into four pieces in front of him.

When the sharp kitchen knife cuts through the burnt-yellow 'leek box', the crisp sound is a kind of enjoyment, and it is also a kind of temptation. And along with this process, the steaming filling is also releasing a wonderful fragrance.

"The 'leek box' I brought was made by myself. Even if it didn't have 100% of my intentions, at least 90% of it. But whether it is the uniformity of the browned skin or the fragrance when it is cut, I love it. Nothing you do can compare to what you do! It's really hard for me to imagine that this 'leek box' is made out of the ingredients I provided to you?"

Looking at the cut 'leek box', Han Zhe's voice was bitter.

However, the bitterness quickly turned into unwillingness, and Han Zhe said again: "Although the color and fragrance of the 'leek box' make me speechless, the most important thing about food is the taste. I want to know the 'leek box' with wormwood ', is there no bitter taste that I can't handle, and is the taste of the bread really qualified!"

Han Zhe picked up a 'leek box' and made a crisp sound after biting it, and his eyes opened wider and wider as he chewed.

The bread is very crispy, and it is impossible to taste that it is made of flour that is about to deteriorate. This kind of crispy surface, coupled with a little fluffy and soft inner layer of the bread, and the salty aroma of the filling in the middle, really is Mouth full of saliva. What shocked Han Zhe even more was that there was no bitter taste of wormwood in the stuffing, and the wonderful fragrance unique to wormwood was perfectly released, which multiplied the fragrance of the stuffing and made people eat it What's more, I can't stop!

The four 'leek boxes' were quickly eaten by Han Zhe. Compared with Jin Yu's unfinished taste when he finished eating the preserved egg, Han Zhe's unfinished mind was full of bitterness.

"Grandpa Zeng is right, this kind of 'leek box' with enough ingredients, the taste can really beat the 'leek box' made by the secret recipe first! I was really tempted by the one million I got dizzy and forgot the old saying that there is a sky beyond the sky."

Han Zhe stood up with a wry smile, glanced at the 100,000 yuan he brought on the table, and then argued: "I am convinced, I am convinced, the 'leek box' you made tastes really good!"

Gu Zheng nodded, and there was not much joy on his face. After all, with the addition of Artemisia coniferus, the difficulty of the delicious 'leek box' has been reduced a lot.

"As for what happened here, I hope you don't talk too much to outsiders. If someone asks you, just say that you lost. Are you willing to do this?" Gu Zheng asked.

Han Zhe thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"It's ok for you, I'll give you something."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then told Han Zhe how to deal with Artemisia coniferae in an ordinary way.

"It turns out that with the coniferous wormwood, it doesn't interfere with the rest of the filling, which is really wonderful!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Han Zhe was really overjoyed, and the original frustration caused by losing money disappeared instantly.

With the method of dealing with wormwood, Han Zhe believes that the taste of his "leek box" can be improved a lot! The 100,000 yuan lost is nothing compared to the method of dealing with the coniferous wormwood.

"Shopkeeper, thank you! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone more about what happened here. I believe 100% now that you have your tasks to do, and you don't really want to win money! "

Han Zhe was so excited that he spoke out what was in his heart. Gu Zheng didn't care about this, and sent him away from Qidian with a smile.

There are only pedestrians hurrying outside Qidian, Gu Zheng looks at the night in a daze.

"Business is hard!"

Die Ling, who stood beside Gu Zheng, pouted and said something.

"Indeed." Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

Although this is only the first day of Qidian's opening, Gu Zheng also really realized that business is difficult.

From the very beginning, Gu Zheng knew that mortals are not stupid. The fact that he is an immortal cultivator cannot be concealed for too long. Therefore, when dealing with certain things, he also deliberately avoids them, thinking that he can make the immortal cultivator Keep your identity hidden for a while.

Therefore, when the first customer, Jin Yu, came to ask, Gu Zheng erased Jin Yu's question about his identity as a cultivator, and planned to erase part of his memory in the Qidian after completing the business with Jin Yu. However, Jin Yu is smarter. He saw that Gu Zheng didn't want the things in the Qidian to spread, so he took the initiative to tell Gu Zheng that he would not tell others too much about what happened in the Qidian. Nothing to do to him because of this.

After the first order was completed, Gu Zheng became more worried about this task, and became "lazy" because of this, so when facing Han Zhe, Gu Zheng directly asked him not to talk about what happened in the strange shop things. If Han Zhe didn't agree, Gu Zheng wouldn't do anything to him, and his identity as a cultivator would be exposed, anyway, he couldn't hide it for too long! If Han Zhe agrees, then he will tell Han Zhe how to deal with wormwood as a reward.

"Qi Ling, the difficulty of this task is not the test of cooking skills, but the problem of the source of customers!" Gu Zheng, who was originally in a daze, said to Qi Ling.

"I can't hide the identity of the immortal cultivator for a long time, and because of the rules of the mission, I can't deliberately let the diners win, so after a few orders, the people who come to Qidian can only lose but not win, who will come to Qidian again? ?Although this is about mortals, this crisis will be even more serious for immortal cultivators! Ordinary people can also erase part of their memories to delay the time of exposure, but immortal cultivators will not willingly let me Erase the memory, I see the rules of the mission, you should make some changes appropriately!" Gu Zheng said.

"Why are you so impatient? It's only the first day and you're impatient?" Qi Ling asked with a smile.

"It's not impatient, it's just that this kind of hidden danger has always existed. I asked you before, and you also said that the rules can be changed appropriately at that time!" Gu Zheng said.

"I said so, isn't it too late?"

Qi Ling smiled, as if seeing Gu Zheng anxious, she was very happy: "Don't worry! As long as you are good at cooking, you don't have to worry about the source of customers at all!"

"You'd better disclose some specific information to me, so that I won't worry about this matter anymore!" Gu Zheng said.

Seeing Gu Zheng's listless look, Qi Ling rolled his eyes at him, and then said: "Okay, okay, seeing how pitiful you are, I'll reveal some specific news to you!"

"How could the task set by Lord Tiexian cause you to make mistakes due to lack of customers? The three-month task time can be divided into two stages. The first stage is one month. This stage can be said to allow You do business for mortals. It doesn’t really matter whether the business is good or bad. After all, you are an immortal chef, and the business of the immortal cultivator is the most important part of your task test! In the last two months, the rewards of the task will change, and the change The mission rewards will naturally increase the source of customers, unless there are no immortal cultivators in this plane!" Qi Ling said.

"By changing the task rewards to attract cultivators to join, this method is also feasible! However, the resources that guests need to pay should be priced at a lower price. Although I am a descendant of Tiexian, the 'appearance fee' should be higher, but I just want to Win or lose, plus the high "appearance fee", even immortal cultivators will eventually be discouraged! In addition, because this is a low-level plane, most immortal cultivators are the ones who escaped from the prehistoric world. If Lord Tiexian wants me to use food cultivation as a reward, it may not attract many immortal cultivators! After all, some of these immortal cultivators who escaped do not want to improve their cultivation!" Gu Zheng said.

"Don't worry! The setting of the 'appearance fee' must be reasonable. As for the rewards for diners, you don't need to pay for this." Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up: "Oh, it seems that the rewards for customers will come from you?"

Qi Ling laughed: "You think too much! The rewards for customers do not come from my small coffers. There are actually many good things left to you by Master Tiexian! It's just that you haven't had any tasks since you ascended, so I can't send it to you anymore."

"Okay! I thought you were going to do bloodletting this time, but who would have thought that it would still belong to me!" Gu Zheng said depressedly.

"Hmph, I'm already very generous now, but you still miss my little coffers, it's outrageous!"

Qi Ling raised her small fist towards Gu Zheng, as if if she could hit Gu Zheng, she would definitely give Gu Zheng a blow.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Zheng smiled: "Anyway, knowing that I don't have to worry about the source of customers, I can relax a lot."

"It's because you're impatient. As I said at the beginning, mission rules are not set in stone!" Qi Ling said with blank eyes.

On the first day of Qidian's opening, Guzheng did only make two deals, but Qidian, a strange restaurant, has aroused heated discussions on the Internet. The content of the hot discussion was all about, but this undoubtedly increased the popularity of the strange shop, so that in the early morning of the next day, many spectators surrounded the three strange shops.

Soon someone knocked on the door of No. 2 Strange Store. This person not only brought 100,000 yuan, but also the ingredients that had been prepared last night.

While Gu Zheng was cooking for the guests, someone knocked on the door of No. 1 Qi shop, Gu Zheng could only temporarily let Die Ling go to receive him.

The food that the guests in No. 2 Strange Store asked Gu Zheng to cook was as difficult as yesterday's preserved eggs, which was not too troublesome for Gu Zheng, and it only took a stick of incense for Gu Zheng to finish it. As for the taste of the dishes, the guests were naturally convinced, and Gu Zheng also successfully completed his third order.

After finishing the third order, Gu Zheng immediately rushed to No. 1 Strange Store. At this time, the guests in No. 1 Strange Store had not only asked Die Ling some questions, but also brought the ingredients she wanted to provide to the Strange Store. coming.

"Boss, your hospitality attitude is not good! I have been here for a long time, and even the ingredients are ready, but you let this beauty come to receive me, why are you hiding in there?"

The customer of the No. 1 strange store is a beautiful female customer, and when she saw Gu Zheng appearing, she immediately complained sweetly.

"General questions are all answered by my assistant. I will come out to meet you only after you bring the ingredients."

For the diners who came this time, Gu Zheng's expression was a little cold, because this beautiful young woman's female guest, no matter the way she spoke or the expression between her eyebrows and eyes, did not look like a woman from a good family. Gu Zheng didn't want to say anything more to her.

"The shop is very individual, and you, the boss, are also very individual, but I don't know how the food tastes like!"

The female guest didn't care about the coldness on Gu Zheng's face, she still smiled sweetly at Gu Zheng, and even licked her lips with her tongue when the words fell to the ground.

The female customer is not short of money, she learned about Qidian from the Internet. Of course, after seeing someone say that "the strange shop is actually run by immortal practitioners", she immediately wanted to come to the strange shop to have a look.

The female guest is very yearning for the world of cultivating immortals. The main purpose of her visit this time is actually to see if the owner of the strange shop is a cultivating immortal, and whether she can get any chance because of it.

Regarding the question of whether the owner of the strange shop is a cultivator, the female customer naturally also asked Die Ling, and Die Ling's answer was naturally no.

"How does the food taste? You don't just say it with your mouth. You can only know it after you cook it. Let me see the ingredients you brought." Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"Do it? How does the shopkeeper say?"

The female guest giggled coquettishly, with a very ambiguous expression, she put a box on the table, and shook her chest deliberately: "This is the ingredient I brought!"


Qi Ling cursed fiercely, and the voice was released.


The female guest was startled, there was obviously no one else around, but where did the clear and angry young girl's voice just come from?

"Who is speaking?"

The female guest asked Gu Zheng with her eyes wide open.

"No one is talking."

Gu Zheng sneered: "The reason why the strange store is strange is that there are some unusual things here, just like the rules say, as long as you swear that your evaluation is not against your will, then you can win a hundred dollars." Wan! In addition, there is one point that is not explained in the rules of Qidian. I also want to mention to you that the words and deeds here need to be dignified.

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