The reason why Gu Zheng said that the old monk Mozhu is the monk Hua is because his fairyland is completely full of wine ponds and meat forests, plus a group of prostitutes.

With the roar of the old monk Mozhu, the pieces of meat hanging on the tree, the wine in the wine pool, and countless guns all rushed towards Gu Zheng.

"Damn it!"

Die Ling, who was also taken into the fairyland by the old monk Mozhu, immediately blushed and cursed when she saw this shameless attack.

"You go to find the head descendant."

Gu Zheng said something to Die Ling, then frowned at the flying pieces of meat, wine and milk, and activated his magical powers in the fairyland.

If you use a high-level fairyland in a low-level fairyland, the original low-level fairyland will undoubtedly be broken!

There was only a crisp sound of 'click', and the world of Jiuchi Roulin was shattered, replaced by continuous snow mountains.


The fairyland was broken, and the old monk Mozhu, who was backlashed, vomited blood.

"Immortal Domain!"


There was a sound of exclamation, and while Gu Zheng launched the fairyland, he also absorbed the old monk Mozhu's companions into it.

"Just like you, you also want to hit my big Tianchao's idea?"

Looking at the terrified old monk Mozhu and others, Gu Zheng mobilized the energy in the fairyland and fixed them all in the air. The dragon's chant and phoenix's cry followed, and the powerful Xuelong and Xuefeng flew into the air, biting the old monk Mozhu and others.

In just a moment, except for the dying old monk Mozhu, the other seven people all died under the attack of Xuelong and Xuefeng.

Gu Zheng launched a soul search on the old monk Mozhu, and he also understood what this old monk who likes to brag really thinks in his heart.

The one-eyed head lowering master lowered his head to the ministers of the Celestial Dynasty, which was indeed the instruction of the old monk Mozhu. The reason why the old monk Mozhu did this was that his descendants all died in the war between the two countries decades ago.

Cleaned up some battlefields left by the old monk Mozhu and others, accepted the ancient disputes in the fairyland, and appeared in the Muda Temple.

In just a moment, the number of onlookers in the Muda Temple has doubled that before Gu Zheng entered the fairyland. Some believers who fled slipped back, and some monks who were originally in the building also ran out . After all, when Gu Zheng said that he was going to eliminate harm for the people, all the people in Muda Temple heard what he said.

"Ancient struggle?"

"He is the fairy in the dream!"

"God, this is God!"

When the onlookers saw Gu Zheng, some shouted excitedly, but most of them stared at Gu Zheng warily, and most of them were monks.

"Hello everyone!"

Gu Zheng greeted everyone, and at the same time, with a slight thought, he used the way of space to change a little fluctuation in space, so that mortals could not see the 'mirage light' that appeared in his hand.

"These people are actually demons. They turned into eminent monks, drove away Bukunisha, and occupied the Muda Temple! Externally, they assassinated the ministers of the Celestial Dynasty for their own selfish desires. All kinds of sufferings that will be endured! Internally, they suppress the people who do not do things according to their wishes. Today, in the underground palace of the Muda Temple, many people who believe in me are still imprisoned for their lust and practice of magic! "

Accompanied by Gu Zheng's sonorous and forceful voice, the corpses of the old monk Mozhu and others on the ground gradually turned into the appearance of green faces and fangs.

"Are there any people near the Muda Temple among you? Have any of you lost children? In the past year, those lost children were basically eaten by this demon!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and everyone's eyes followed his guidance, and saw the one-eyed head-down master who was brought back by Die Ling.

Gu Zheng said that the one-eyed head lowering master ate other people's children. This is not nonsense. In order to practice the head lowering technique, this person did eat many children.

The head-down master was beaten to death by Die Ling. After Die Ling put him next to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng immediately penetrated into the body of the head-down master with celestial power, forcing him into the state of a 'Siluo bottle'.

The head-down master screamed, the pain of being forced into the 'Siluo Bottle' state is really no less than being ripped out of the abdominal cavity by life!

The onlookers screamed. They watched the 'Siluo Bottle' flying in the air like a ghost and kept retreating.

Gu Zheng didn't intend to torture the one-eyed head-subduing master severely. With a thought, he was agitated by the immortal power he planted in the head-subduing master's body, and the head-subduing master in the 'Siluo Bottle' state immediately exploded into a Bloody.

"I'll let Monk Mozhu release the people who are imprisoned first, and then treat your illnesses!"

Gu Zheng gave instructions to Die Ling, and Die Ling immediately went to the underground palace of Muda Temple to rescue those who were imprisoned by the old monk Mozhu.

"We are not sick!"

"What are you going to do to us?"

"No matter what, we won't believe in you, we have our beliefs!"

"Yes, we don't need to accept your so-called treatment!"

Although they couldn't see through the illusion, the old monks of the original Muda Temple still retained their rationality, and they dared to speak to Gu Zheng.

"How could you be free from illness? The entire Muda Temple is occupied by demons, and their breath has already caused you to have a secret illness, but you don't know it."

"What am I going to do to you? No, I won't force you to do anything. People who believe that I can help you get rid of your hidden diseases stand on the left. I will help you cure your diseases later!"

"As for the so-called beliefs, I also won't do anything to force you. If you want to believe in me, you can, and if you want to believe in what you believed in before, there is no problem either!"

Because of the "mirage lamp", the image of Gu Zheng became more and more holy while speaking, and even his body slowly floated up, and some dots of light radiated from him, floating towards him like a blessing. everyone.

"God bless you!"

I don't know who yelled like that, and the voices of yelling suddenly rang out. Those who originally intended to believe in Gu Zheng took the lead in bowing to Gu Zheng, so that more and more people bowed to Gu Zheng, and even most of the monks in the Muda Temple knelt down, leaving only A group of overwhelmed old monks.

Gu Zheng didn't care about those old monks who were at a loss, his eyes fell on the exit of the underground palace, Die Ling had already led a group of people out from there.

Compared with these people who bowed down, those who were rescued by Die Ling had an even more fanatical attitude towards Gu Zheng! After all, they were originally imprisoned by the old monk Mozhu because they were fighting for the construction of the temple.

More than two hundred people who were rescued, after bowing to Gu Zheng, also confide in Gu Zheng about their torture. The people around them expressed sympathy for them and hated the old monk Mozhu and others.

The atmosphere at the scene had reached a point that Gu Zheng wanted, and he immediately started to treat the tortured believers.

Some of these believers who belonged to the ancient dispute seemed to be seriously injured. However, these injuries are not worth mentioning to Gu Zheng! After all, these believers are just mortals, and the damage they can bear is very shallow, and what looks like a serious injury to them often doesn't even need food therapy for Gu Zheng, and a pill can fix it.

Under the curious and adoring eyes of the onlookers, the wounded lined up in front of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's palm just swayed over the wounded's head, and they began to recover quickly from some obvious injuries on their bodies. As for those who were seriously injured, Gu Zheng not only swept their bodies with immortal power symbolically, but also gave them pills.

"I said before that because the demons occupied the Muda Temple, their evil aura also caused you to suffer from hidden diseases. Now I will help you get rid of the hidden diseases!"

Gu Zheng crushed a few elixir that can strengthen the body in his hands, and used the water control formula to produce a drizzle, mixed with the powder and sprinkled on those who bowed to him.

The people don't have any hidden illnesses, and the ancient struggle is just pretending to be a magic stick.

However, the same magic stick, Gu Zheng's method is much more clever than the ghost image of Buddha created by the 'demon' before. After all, the phantom of the Buddha only looks shocking, and the actual effect is only to make people feel full of energy, which is not as obvious as the effect brought by the Guzheng elixir.


"Thank God!"

"Worship the gods!"

All kinds of shouts sounded, among which those who benefited a lot from the drizzle were the most fanatical! These people are often elderly, and some even tremble while leaning on crutches. However, after a drizzle just now, they lost the crutches they had relied on for many years, and their waists became much straighter because of this. How could they not be excited!

"Everyone will meet later. The time agreed in the dream is the time when we meet again. I will bless everyone again at that time!"

Gu Zheng came here this time to hunt down and kill the evil-doing lower-head master, and it was just a small episode to be a magic stick. When his voice was still echoing in the ears of the people, his people had already flown to a place where no one could see.

Regardless of what would happen in the Muda Temple because of his departure, Gu Zheng in the flight shook his head and smiled.

"What are you laughing at? Did it feel good to be bowed down by so many people just now? Why do you seem helpless!" Qi Ling smiled and looked at Gu Zheng.

"There's not much discomfort, and there's not much helplessness. I'm just thinking about similar things. Is there someone who has been fooled before?" Gu Zheng said.

"It must have been done, and all sorts of things have been done in order to achieve the desired end."

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then said: "Although these people are bowing to you now, many of them are only affected by illusions, and the power of faith produced by them is of no use to you. However, influenced by them The influence of those people who continue to develop will have a much purer faith in you, and they will be able to provide you with pure power of faith!" Qi Ling laughed.

"By the way, Qi Ling, the matter about the magic way is over now. Whether it is the demand for the power of will and the power of pure faith, it is only a matter of time! Should you also tell me, I Come back this time about the power of will, the power of pure faith, and the details of the mission you mentioned?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Although the matter of the magic way is over, you still need a period of time to deal with the follow-up regarding the collection of the power of will and the power of pure faith. After all, different countries have different beliefs, and local beliefs are important to the emerging beliefs that represent you. , will definitely create some resistance! If you want to return to the prehistoric world quickly, then you need to go to all the countries in this world, just like what you did in Muda Temple this time, you have to Make sure that your beliefs will not be disturbed in this country, and only then will you have stable and considerable gains!" Qi Ling said.

"Of course I know what you said, and I plan to deal with this matter from today, but I want to know the questions I just asked!" Gu Zheng said.

"Actually, didn't I already tell you some of the questions you asked before you left Honghuang?"

Qi Ling glanced at Gu Zheng, and then took a deep breath, preparing for the next long speech.

"Wish force can make wish power fairy dew, which is related to the opening of the seventh consciousness. Moreover, wish power fairy dew is also a high-grade ingredient. After your cultivation reaches the realm of Daluo Jinxian, you can already add it to food. In the process of cultivation, the efficacy of food cultivation has been greatly improved."

"As for the pure power of faith, it has a very wide range of uses. It can be added to food cultivation to improve the efficacy of medicine, and it can also be used to help you overcome catastrophe. Anyway, the more demand for it, the better! But, just Right now, I need enough pure power of faith to cultivate an ingredient that can be used in special food cultivation!"

"The ingredients that can be used in special food repairs are one of the task rewards I mentioned to you before, and this task is to expand the prehistoric space!"

Gu Zheng's current cultivation base is 20% of the sixth level of the Tiexian Jue, which is equivalent to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian. According to the usual practice, every time Tiexian Jue goes up to one level, there will indeed be a task to expand the prehistoric space.

"The task of expanding the prehistoric space on the sixth floor of the Tiexian Jue is a task that Master Tiexian personally set for you when I contacted Master Tiexian last time!"

Qi Ling mentioned Tiexian, which made Gu Zheng feel tense. In the past, all the tasks set by Tiexian were relatively difficult.

"What is this mission?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This mission has a time limit. Once I tell you what the mission is, it will take effect immediately. So I suggest that you deal with the trivial matters first, and then I will tell you the mission." Qi Ling said.

"Yes." Gu Zheng nodded.

Although the tasks set by Tiexian are relatively difficult, it can easily arouse Gu Zheng's fighting spirit, which makes Gu Zheng eager to deal with trivial matters quickly.

In the next period of time, Gu Zheng could be regarded as very busy. His figure shuttled around various countries to settle those forces that would cause trouble for him to collect the power of pure faith.

Although Gu Zheng went to many places, dealing with these matters was not as troublesome as imagined.

The shadow of a man's famous tree! Everyone needs the power of faith, but not everyone dares to grab the business of Guzheng. Local beliefs in many places are in a wait-and-see attitude towards emerging beliefs, and they don't dare to interfere too much.

Even if some people dared to obstruct the emerging beliefs, they were quickly settled by the ancient dispute. After all, Gu Zheng's strength is there, and he who returned to a low plane like the earth was originally a raptor crossing the river.

Normally, when Gu Zheng arrived in a country, he would go directly to the most powerful monk in the country, warn or remind him, and ask him to restrain these people in their country! In this way, things will become easier to deal with, and few people will not open their eyes and not fight for Gu's face.

Of course, those people who don't give Gu Zheng face, Gu Zheng won't give them any face, so Gu Zheng caused more or less killings.

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