What Die Ling wants everyone to do is very straightforward. She wants everyone to believe in Gu Zheng, and she also said a date when Gu Zheng will meet with you.

Although Gu Zheng knew that Die Ling's ultimate goal was to make people believe in him, he couldn't help being a little surprised when he knew Die Ling said it so simply and straightforwardly.

"Master, how do you feel?"

After using up the boundary stones, Die Ling looked at Gu Zheng appreciatively.

"Don't worry, master! Since I did this, I will naturally not violate the prerequisites for generating the power of pure faith, and these people will basically believe in you!" Seeing Gu Zheng frowned slightly, Die Ling said again.

Gu Zheng smiled helplessly, and stroked Die Ling's hair: "Tell me, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you when I get back to the Emei School!"


Daoist Qingxu coughed twice, which attracted the attention of Gu Zheng and Die Ling.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, if you want to linger, can you leave our Kunlun Holy Land and linger?"

Daoist Qingxu has been waiting for Gu Zheng and Die Ling to leave. He has no way of knowing the exchange of thoughts between Die Ling and Gu Zheng. All he sees is Die Ling looking at Gu Zheng after using up the boundary stones. Picking up her hair, totally flirting.


Gu Zheng smiled at Master Qingxu, and then said: "Thank you Kunlun for allowing us to use the boundary stone. What my servant did with the boundary stone just now has nothing to do with the Righteous Path Alliance, so you don't need to say anything more about it. I will help Kunlun take it back from the Magic Alliance. Boundary Stone, we've written it off!"

Daoist Qingxu still doesn't know what Die Ling did with the boundary stone, but he will know about it sooner or later. Gu Zheng feels that it is better to say it directly now than to be told by him at that time.

"Whatever! I just want you to leave the Holy Land now!"

Master Qingxu obviously didn't want to say anything to Gu Zheng and the others, he didn't even ask what Die Ling did with the boundary stone, he just wanted Gu Zheng to take Die Ling and leave quickly.

Gu Zheng and Die Ling didn't say anything more, and they left Kunlun immediately to return to Emei.

"Master, is Die Ling not doing well?"

After Gu Zheng knew about the dream, he didn't show the happiness he imagined, which made Die Ling a little disappointed.

"It's not that you did well, it's just that you caused trouble!" Qi Ling said.

"Trouble?" Die Ling asked.

"You used the boundary stone to tell all the mortals on this plane what you need them to do. I have no doubts about the influence your words can have."

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then said again: "However, today's era is no longer the era of the end of the Dharma, but the era of the rise of the Fa, and in addition to the chaotic calamity in the prehistoric world, many immortal cultivators will come to this plane. The generation of the power of pure faith will be paid more and more attention! If your words don’t have any power, it’s fine, but it’s extremely powerful! This is the whole plane, and all the attention paid to the power of pure faith Human business!"

"Master, I just want to help you, did I really do something wrong?"

After hearing Qi Ling's words, Die Ling looked at Gu Zheng with tears in his eyes.

"There is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong!"

Gu Zheng wiped away Die Ling's tears with a smile, since it's done, then do as others like!

After returning to Emei, Gu Zheng rewarded Die Ling first, and then got in touch with the court.

Gao Yuan personally came to Emei to have an interview with Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng told Gao Yuan that he would be a force that the court could rely on.

"Senior Gu, do you mean that you want to rely on the power of the imperial court, not the entire Emei Sect?" Gao Yuan asked.

Once the imperial court decides to let a power be the backer, according to the ancient system, the imperial court must respect this power and build a place for this power to receive incense and worship.

Gu Zheng needed incense, and he didn't plan to stay on the earth for too long. If he didn't do this, then the statues in the temples built in the future will not only be him, but also the ancestors of the Emei Sect.

"That's right!" Gu Zheng said.

"Senior Gu, what is the name of the enshrined place?"

Gao Yuan was actually a little shocked. After all, Gu Zheng's current practice, in the eyes of some immortal cultivators with a strong concept of inheritance, is tantamount to treason.

"Since it's only enshrining me personally, the name should be called the ancient temple!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "If you can't decide this matter, go back and ask me before giving me an answer."

Gao Yuan shook his head and smiled wryly: "Although the senior's decision shocked the junior, it is not an accident. Before the junior came to Emei, the court had already held a meeting on this, so the junior's decision can fully represent the court! Senior, please rest assured , ancient temples will appear in various provinces soon.”

Although Miaomiao only used the boundary stone today, what she asked everyone to do in the dream has already caused an uproar in the secular world! Therefore, although Gao Yuan was shocked by Gu Zheng's decision, he was not surprised.

"Senior, let this junior remind me that if the appearance of the ancient temple is obstructed by other cultivating forces, this is something that needs to be resolved by the senior!"

Gao Yuan was afraid that Gu Zheng would be unhappy, so he had a embarrassed smile on his face when he spoke.

"Since I have relied on the power of the imperial court, I know exactly what is my duty!" Gu Zheng said.

Gao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "The senior said so, and the junior can rest assured."

Gu Zheng nodded, and then said: "Go back if you have nothing else to do! I will deal with the other thing you mentioned last time in two days."

When meeting Gao Yuan for the first time, Gao Yuan said two things in total, one was about the blood crisis, and the other was that he hoped that Gu Zheng could be dealt with in the past.

At that time, it was not said that the imperial court was looking for a vassal. Gu Zheng's answer to Gao Yuan was to wait for the crisis in the Shu Ruins to pass before sending someone to deal with it.

Now that the imperial court has promised to build an ancient temple, Gu Zheng plans to deal with this kind of matter himself.

All that needs to be said has been said, Gao Yuan did not stay in Emei much, he returned to the secular world in a relaxed mood.

In the afternoon, Emei sent a visitor to visit.

A total of four people visited Emei, representing two forces, one is Buddhism, and the other is Kunlun.

The two people in Buddhism are Master Huicong and Master Huiming. They both came out of the prehistoric world. Moreover, Master Huiming followed Gu Zheng to support the Kunlun School, and Master Huicong rushed to Shushan to help when the Shu Ruins were in crisis.

The two people on Kunlun's side are the companions that Qingxu said in his mouth. Among them, the one designated by Honghuang Kunlun as the head teacher is called Qingfeng Zhenren, and the other accompanying one is called Qingyu Zhenren.

After welcoming the four people from Buddhism and Kunlun into the Emei Hall, after a few simple words, Master Qingfeng's face became serious.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, what you did this time is not right?" Qingfeng said.

Of course Qingfeng Daoist and their true intentions were clear to Gu Zheng, and he said with a faint smile: "What's wrong?"

Master Qingfeng frowned, and said: "I borrowed a boundary stone when I went to Kunlun before. What fellow Daoists said was that we need to use boundary stones for things related to the Righteous Path Alliance, but in fact, the things that fellow Daoist servants use with boundary stones are a little different from the Righteous Path Alliance. It has nothing to do with it! Although Fellow Daoist said that this has nothing to do with your helping Kunlun to retake the boundary stone, but the matter counts, and we are very grateful that you helped Shushan recapture the boundary stone. It is a bit unkind to use the boundary stone for private affairs, right?"

What kind of dreams do mortals have, and now all the powers of immortal cultivators know.

"Do you think I'm not kind?" Gu Zheng glanced at Master Qingfeng.

Daoist Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment, he thought that Gu Zheng would make an excuse, or say something else, but he didn't expect Gu Zheng to ask such a counterattack at all!

Master Qingfeng gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I think you are not kind!"

"Then Master Qingfeng thinks I'm unkind, or does the whole Kunlun think I'm unkind?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Of course the whole of Kunlun thinks you're being unkind!" Displeased with Gu Zheng's unapologetic attitude, Master Qingyu said.

"Okay, since the whole Kunlun feels that I am not kind, then the Kunlun faction will not come to me anytime it needs food repair. Moreover, there are still a few Kunlun disciples in the Emei faction who use the Emei Pagoda. I will trouble the two of you when you leave. Take them away!" Gu Zheng said coldly.

Master Qingfeng and Master Qingyu were stunned, this time the matter could be big or small, but they didn't expect that Gu Zheng would make it bigger.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, are you going to make things big?" Daoist Qingfeng said seriously.

Gu Zheng smiled indifferently: "No matter how much I have done before, but this one thing does not satisfy you, you think I am not kind, so why not?"

In his heart, Gu Zheng didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but he understood that what Die Ling did with the boundary stone was just the beginning of what Qingfeng and others said this time. If he was still polite about this matter, then he would What you will face will be a lot of trouble and condemnation.

"Fellow Daoist..."


Daoist Qingyu was about to say something with an angry face, but was interrupted by Master Huicong's Buddha's name.

"Fellow Daoist Gu has done so many things for the world, so it's understandable to use the boundary stone for a private matter. However, the private matter that Fellow Daoist Gu used the boundary stone to do this time really surprised the poor monk!" Master Huicong smiled wryly.

"Indeed, the poor monk never expected that Fellow Daoist Gu would do such a thing!"

Master Huiming paused, and sighed: "The recovery of immortality has brought this world into the Faxing era, and all major forces will also care about incense! According to the rules of the Shengfa era, immortals cannot force mortals to Come to worship, but what the servants of fellow Taoist priests do, isn’t it considered coercion?”

In the prosperous era, there were many forces for cultivating immortals, and there were also many forces fighting for incense and offerings. Later, the Righteous Path Alliance at that time also decided that what forces mortals are willing to enshrine is the freedom of mortals, and immortal cultivators are not allowed to interfere.

"An era has its own rules. It is obviously impossible to use the rules of the Shengfa era to regulate the Faxing era!"

Before the ancient debate was finished, Master Huiming said: "As the saying goes, follow the ancient precepts! Aren't many of our current rules still left over from the past? It's like the Zhengdao Alliance, which has existed since the era of Shengfa. Is it right? Although it is the era of Societe Generale and some things have changed, people cannot forget the past!"

"Master Huiming, it's because you went to support Kunlun with me, and I will bear with you once you press me to talk, but you remember, my name is Gu Zheng! I don't like someone grabbing me before I finish speaking. What to say! Listen to what others have to say before speaking, this is also the basic courtesy of being a human being!" Gu Zheng said coldly.

"Politeness? You don't say hello, let people in this world believe in you, is this what you call polite? We are already very polite to you, at least we come to talk to you, you think those cultivators in foreign countries Or, will they be indifferent to this matter? They will not have such courtesy as us!"

Daoist Qingyu couldn't stand Gu Zheng's attitude, his face was full of anger.

Gu Zheng turned his head fiercely and looked at Master Qingyu coldly. The energy of the heavens and the earth was dispatched instantly, forming a pressure on Master Qingyu.

"Listen to me. The name of this world is Earth. Since I became an immortal cultivator in ancient times, how many things have I done for this world? If you don't know, go and check it out! The contribution I have made to this world, is it too much for me to ask for the incense of mortals? What kind of thing are you? Now you come to Emei to tell me what to do? First, you are not a monk in this world. Can the contribution made by this world be compared with my ancient competition? Second, considering that the faction you belong to in this world is also in the Righteous Path Alliance, I have already been very polite to you! If a cultivator from a foreign country came to Emei came to tell me what to do, if there is one, I will kill one, if there are two, I will kill a pair!"

Gu Zheng's Xianli Ball has undergone a change, and the laws of the earth do not fully restrict it in some respects, just like this simple scheduling of heaven and earth energy suppression, the speed used by Gu Zheng can reach the appearance of the early Golden Immortal! If it is an ordinary person who dares to use the power of the Golden Immortal to dispatch the energy of heaven and earth to suppress a person on the earth, then he will be locked by the law immediately, which will cause endless catastrophe.

Gu Zheng's words were not pleasant, but the oppression he gave Qingyu Daoist made it even more uncomfortable for Qingyu Daoist! Daoist Qingyu was sitting on the chair, his face was covered with beads of sweat, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.


Moaning, Daoist Qingyu finally couldn't bear the pressure, his body softened, the chair under him shattered with a 'click', and he sat on the ground panting heavily.

Daoist Qingyu is not incomprehensible to the pressure that Gu Zheng gave just now, but if he wants to break through this pressure, he must launch a counterattack! Daoist Qingyu dared to express his anger towards Gu Zheng, but would he dare to take action against Gu Zheng? He dare not! He couldn't imagine the consequences of attacking Gu Zheng in this Emei Great Hall! Therefore, he could only deal with the pressure with the strength of returning to the peak of the void, until he was pressed down to the ground.


Gu Zheng snorted disdainfully, accepted the oppression of the real person Qingyu by the energy of heaven and earth, and glanced at the other three faces with complex expressions, the scene seemed a little quiet for a while.

The method of killing chickens to scare monkeys, full of provocative eyes! The minds of the other three were also spinning very fast, with various weighings of gains and losses rolling endlessly in their hearts.

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