"This matter was not mentioned in the sect, and it is estimated that other sects did not mention it either, so if the uncle wants it, just go for it." Yue Qiushui said.

If the power of the imperial court decides which power to rely on, then under his admiration, the incense of this power will definitely be very strong.

The question that Gu Zheng asked Yue Qiushui before was worried that Shushan would have told Yue Qiushui something about it. If Shu Shan really wanted this incense, considering his friendship with Jin Yuanzi and Master Ziyun, it would be hard for Gu Zheng to intervene. But Yue Qiushui's answer now made Gu Zheng's heart move! Although Die Ling said that she has a solution, the decision of the court's strength should not conflict with Die Ling's method.

"If you want it, you definitely want it, but I'm afraid it won't be that simple. Someone will definitely say something." Gu Zheng said.

"The mouth is on them, say what should be said, and don't say what should not be said!" Yue Qiushui sneered.

Gu Zheng nodded: "As long as it's not what the sect says, I don't care what others say."

"Anyway, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. After the problem of the Shu Ruins is resolved, the uncle still wants to settle this matter!" Yue Qiushui said.

Noon the next day.

Not only those immortal cultivators who were originally in Shushan, but also some immortal cultivators from the Righteous Path Alliance have also rushed to Shushan to help.

When Kunlun Ruins was broken, because Yue Qiushui and others were there, the impact of falling rocks on Kunlun Mountain was minimized. However, it still has an impact at the lowest level, and the devastation of Kunlun Mountain was largely caused by that time.

Now the eyes of the cultivation world are all focused on Mount Shu, and Gu Zheng himself is also here. It is impossible for him to make Mount Shu devastated, even if it is just to look good, this time things have to be done beautifully.

The Shu Ruins are really dying. Even if they don't know the way of space, the immortals have already felt a special pressure of destruction.

Accompanied by a crisp sound like breaking ice, the first crack appeared in the void.

Once the cracks appeared, they spread at an extremely fast speed, and the void within a huge range was soon 'cobweb-covered'.

"Let's start, everyone, perform their duties according to the previous deployment!"

Gu Zheng's voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly in the ears of every immortal cultivator.

Some immortal cultivators took action, and they made several immortal formations on the ground work.

Another part of the immortal cultivators flew into the air, and their shots made several immortal formations in the air work.

Immortal cultivators whose cultivation base was at the late stage of returning to the void and above flew to the place relatively closest to the crack and waited in full force, and the several immortal formations there were also shining brightly because of their arrival.

Compared with the time when the Kunlun Ruins were destroyed, the preparations made before the Shu Ruins collapsed were very sufficient. The result of the ancient struggle was not only zero losses, but also benefited the entire cultivation world!


There was a thunderous explosion, and the spider web-like cracks in the air were completely shattered, and the sky within a huge radius suddenly became dark! Immediately afterwards, the darkness turned into light, and everyone saw all kinds of things in the Shu Ruins, all of which fell aggressively downward.

As sub-spaces, Shu Ruins and Kunlun Ruins are both large in size. When they were destroyed, they didn't press down on the parent space all at once, they gushed out from the passage connecting the parent space! If it really fell on the mother space in an instant, then with the area equivalent to several provinces, this kind of falling would definitely change the trajectory of the mother space, causing extremely serious impacts. Before the Kunlun Ruins were broken, it was also good that the Kunlun faction had made relatively sufficient preparations for it, otherwise Yue Qiushui and the others alone would not have been able to reduce the destruction to that level.

Immortal power surged in the air, and there were continuous explosions. The immortal cultivators standing on the top floor, except Gu Zheng, all made their moves! They used their own methods to guard the connecting channel between the subspace and the parent space, and knocked back all the things they wanted to drop.

The shattering of the subspace is a very wonderful thing. Once these things smashed into the mother space are beaten back by the immortal cultivator, they will enter the "broken void" instead of being smashed back again.

However, the channel connecting the sub-space to the parent space is very large. The immortal cultivators on the top floor alone are not enough to completely seal this channel with the power of immortality, so there will be many people who slip through the net. Fish' give birth.

When the 'fish that slipped through the net' passed through the blockade of the immortal cultivators on the top floor and fell into the second floor, it was affected by the immortal array arranged on the second floor, and then manipulated by the immortal cultivators guarding the second floor, and all moved to the vicinity Where they should exist, none of them will fall to the ground.

As for the purpose of the existence of those immortal practitioners and immortal formations on the ground, it is to provide blessings and supplies of immortal essence for the immortal formations and immortal practitioners on the second and third floors. After all, the bombing of the remnants of the Shu Ruins will last about a day, which is considered a high-intensity consumption for the cultivators.

Compared to other immortal cultivators, Gu Zheng has been very quiet since the bombing of the ruins of Shu Ruins. He just sits cross-legged in the void, his hands forming a formula as if he was cultivating. But in front of him, the seventy-story Chaos Tower was emitting a faint light, rotating steadily and slowly.

The newly added 21st floor of the Chaos Tower has a special absorbing ability. Yan Linglong relied on this special absorbing ability to absorb the horny spirit from her body! And this special suction is very useful for absorbing the overflowing blood in the Shu Ruins. Therefore, the blood energy gushing out of the passage had no chance to spread, and was completely sucked by the Chaos Tower.

"Cool, it's really cool!"

Sensing the blood energy gathering in a certain room of the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng wanted to scream out excitedly.

Blood energy is a terrifying and evil thing, it can turn the living beings who touch it into the Blood Race of Youquan, but this kind of pure evil thing is a tonic for Tang Mo's recovery!

When he was in the Shu Ruins before, what Gu Zheng met was the Youquan Blood Race, and the evil energy in their bodies was not pure, so they couldn't be absorbed by Tang Mo who only ate pure! But the blood that overflows now comes from the blood hole, Tang Mo's rations that are as pure as honey!

Time is passing, and the immortal cultivators are still busy. The scene above Shu Mountain is very different. The remnants of the Shu Ruins that were moved by the middle-level immortal cultivators have become island-like existences! And the area they occupy has already exceeded the area covered by the Shushan Mountains on land.

"Miracle, miracle!"

"Oh my god, it's spectacular!"

"I don't know this kind of miracle, is it appropriate to describe it as an orogeny?"

"There are really many things we don't know. Where do these things that form mountain islands come from? Black holes?"

"Cultivating Immortals! Their world is so exciting!"

"I don't care, I must join the Shushan faction!"

"Idiot, it's not Shushan that's really powerful, but Emei!"

"You are an idiot. Do you think Emei is easy to join? Those who want to cultivate immortals basically want to join Emei! I dare say that as long as Emei accepts disciples, the mountain gate will be broken! I just dare not say anything about joining The Emei newspaper hopes that this is the reason why you want to join Shushan!"

"Your goals are so lofty! Not to mention Emei Shushan, if any sect of cultivators wants me, I will be so excited that I will cry!"

"That's right, the sect of cultivators needs to look at their aptitude to accept apprentices. Those of us who lived at the intersection of the Dharma-ending era and the Faxing era are the most tragic! We have already missed the best age for cultivation, and there are very few people who can be favored by the sect of cultivators." There are so few of them!"

The immortal cultivators are busy, while the mortals outside the mountain are extremely excited. Even mortals with their naked eyes have seen such a huge vision.

From noon to the morning of the next day, the threat from the Broken Shu Ruins was completely lifted, and there were cheers on the Shu Mountain.

Gu Zheng is very pleased that Shushan really suffered zero damage in this catastrophe! The blood in the Shu Ruins did not spread out at all, and the broken Shu Ruins formed a total of 36 floating islands in the air.

Due to their special backgrounds and the assistance of the Immortal Formation, the thirty-six floating islands will become a place of beauty and beauty that gathers more immortal essence than Shushan in the future. Based on the fact that two caves can be opened on one island, thirty-six floating islands can produce seventy-two pieces of blessed land!

Of the seventy-two pieces of blessed land, Shushan and Emei naturally accounted for the majority of the allocation, and all the forces of the cultivators who came to help could also be allocated some blessed land. However, these are things for later, and it is not yet the time to allocate them.

After going through the catastrophe together, celebration is inevitable, and the banquet set up by Shushan for this purpose is already in the process of preparation. But this time, Gu Zheng didn't participate in the cooking of the dishes at the banquet. He controlled the Chaos Tower uninterruptedly for most of the day, and he himself was a little tired. As for the rest of the immortal cultivators, their fatigue levels were even more serious, and they all needed a banquet as a buffer so that they could better do what they were going to do next.

The atmosphere at the banquet was very good. Now Kunlun exists in name only. Although there will definitely be Kunlun cultivators who come back from the prehistoric to take charge of Kunlun in the future, but the position of the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance right now falls on Gu Zheng.

As the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance, Gu Zheng naturally had to speak at the banquet, and he also had to make arrangements for the subsequent things to be done in the alliance.

After the banquet was over, the ancient battle had almost recovered, and he couldn't wait to enter the Chaos Tower.

In fact, Gu Zheng can't wait, it's better to say that Tang Mo can't wait! When the Chaos Tower was collecting blood energy, Tang Mo kept vibrating, constantly conveying its desire for blood energy to Gu Zheng. It's a pity that there is a specialization in surgery. Although Tang Mo can also deal with blood energy, when the blood energy overflows and spreads, using it to deal with blood energy is naturally not as efficient as the Chaos Tower.

The blood energy sucked into the Chaos Tower was stored in several rooms of the Chaos Tower. When Gu Zheng held Tang Mo and opened a door, Tang Mo's vibration frequency was unprecedentedly strong.


Gu Zheng let go with a smile, and Tang Mo rushed into the room like an arrow, piercing into the foam formed by the condensed blood.

It's no wonder that Tang Mo couldn't wait so much, he really endured the blood energy very hard.

In Kunlun Ruins before, after Gu Zheng entered the blood hole, Tang Mo conveyed to Gu Zheng his desire for blood! However, at that time, Gu Zheng still needed to use it to fight, and there was no time for him to feast on his blood, and this situation to Tang Mo's torment was no less than throwing a wolf where it could see but couldn't eat. among the sheep.

"Tang Mo's recovery speed has already completed 65% of the chaos recovery. How much do you think the recovery speed will reach after it swallows the blood energy in all the rooms of the Chaos Tower?" Qi Ling asked Gu Zheng.

"The blood energy in the Chaos Tower is the whole of the Shu Ruins. Although more and more evil energy is needed to repair Tang Mo, I think that after it swallows all the blood energy, the recovery speed should reach 80%!" Ancient struggle.

With the passage of time, Tang Mo devoured all the blood energy in the twenty-nine rooms of the Chaos Tower, and its chaos restoration speed was just as Gu Zheng guessed, 80% completed!

However, there are as many as three things that Gu Zheng didn't expect!

The first thing: Gu Zheng once again saw the scene he saw when Tang Mo's chaos restoration was completed by 50%.

Gu Zheng has always known that Tang Mo wants to complete the final restoration, which is related to the picture he saw. Tang Mo is eager to go to the place in the picture. But it's a pity that although the picture Gu Zheng saw was very special, when he saved the picture in the jade slip and let a quasi-sage like Jin Yuanzi see it, he still didn't have the slightest clue.

The second thing: After 80% of Tang Mo's chaos restoration is completed, the evil energy needed for future restoration has suddenly reached a level that surprised Gu Zheng!

However, in Tang Mo's restoration, Gu Zheng is most worried about finding the place corresponding to the mysterious picture, not how much Tang Mo needs to swallow the evil energy. After all, today's Gu Zheng has mastered more ways of space, and the difficulty for him to travel through space is much lower than when he returned to Earth.

Righteousness and evil, light and darkness, these are things that coexist and restrain each other. Any plane has dragon veins that represent righteousness, and also has evil veins that oppose it. In the past, Gu Zheng was not strong enough, but now as long as he wants, he can go to other planes to find evil veins for Tang Mo to devour.

Isn't the evil energy Tang Mo needs to repair scary? The big deal is that Gu Zheng can run a few more planes!

The third thing: Tang Mo actually inherited a supernatural power in the process of devouring evil energy.

For a long time, Gu Zheng thought that the supernatural powers that Tang Mo could inherit would only come from tangible things, or spiritual things! But Gu Zheng didn't expect that Tang Mo could inherit a supernatural power by devouring blood energy that was purely gas. Moreover, this supernatural power is so amazing that even thinking about it makes him a little excited.

Early the next morning.

After a night of breathing adjustment, almost all the immortal cultivators who recovered left Shushan Mountain. They left this time to carry out the follow-up that they said at the banquet before the ancient dispute.

Regarding the blood energy that has spread in the Kunlun Ruins, Gu Zheng wants to resolve the crisis it caused as soon as possible. He asked the immortal cultivators in the Righteous Path Alliance to join forces with the imperial court to control the blood-infected people in various provinces first, so as to prevent them from increasing the area of ​​damage.

For those who have been infected by blood, what Gu Zheng asks is to control it as much as possible! If it weren't for his words, the immortal cultivators would definitely wipe out these infected mortals, so as to solve the trouble simply and effectively! But with Gu Zheng's explanation, they can only let these people fall into a deep sleep when they catch them, and set up a ban to temporarily control their infection.

For the blood that is still spreading, Gu Zheng will fully control the Chaos Tower in Emei, and through the strong control of the Chaos Tower, the spreading blood will be attracted to Emei, and then collected into the Chaos Tower.

The power of the imperial court and all the cultivators took measures against the infected creatures, and there was an ancient struggle to deal with the spread of blood energy. Although everything was going smoothly, when the catastrophe came to an end, four days had passed .

The blood energy inhaled from the Chaos Tower naturally became Tang Mo's food, but the amount of this food was not much, and Tang Mo's chaos restoration speed did not increase much. After all, the blood energy has been spreading for several days, and has already infected many creatures. Naturally, its amount is not enough to compare with when it was still in the blood cave.

The infected people were also concentrated in one place by the power of the court, with a total of more than 80,000 people!

Of course, the number of people who were actually infected was dozens of times more than 80,000! It's just that only these 80,000 people are suitable for Gu Zheng's treatment, and the rest can be said to be "terminally ill" and have no value in saving! When the cultivators controlled them, they had already been wiped out, and there was no other way.

Needless to say, the imperial court's gratitude to Gu Zheng, they all knew what Gu Zheng said at the banquet in Shushan. Without Gu Zheng, the actions would not have been executed so quickly! Moreover, according to the previous experience when Kunlun was the leader, even if such an action is implemented, the efficiency is definitely not as good as that of Gu Zheng. It can be said that with Gu Zheng as the leader, the Zhengdao Alliance is very efficient, which is also a manifestation of his influence.

More than 80,000 people were infected by blood qi, and the blood qi infection in their bodies was relatively mild. Gu Zheng planned to use diet therapy to remove the blood qi in their bodies and repair their damaged bodies.

Fortunately, although the amount of ingredients required for cooking this food repair is large, high-grade ingredients are not needed. It is enough to use ordinary-grade ingredients as the main ingredient.

"More than 80,000 people! How many pots of food therapy are you going to make? Hundreds of pots?"

Seeing more than 80,000 people gathered in one place, Die Ling shook his head and smiled wryly.

Die Ling ran around these days, preparing for what she was going to do, but as long as Gu Zheng was not in the Chaos Tower, she would follow Gu Zheng.

"Ten pots!" Gu Zheng said.

"A dozen pots?"

Yue Qiushui, who was also by Gu Zheng's side, stared wide-eyed: "A dozen pots? One pot is several thousand! Is this under control, uncle?"

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