There is a large blood pool in the deepest part of the blood hole, and the blood in the pool is tumbling endlessly.

In the center of the blood pool was a naturally formed stone pillar, which looked like a human leg bone, and a sharp sword with a length of three feet was inserted directly above the pillar.

The appearance of the sharp sword is very strange, the shiny sword body is like the body of a swimming snake, and the shape of the sword head is basically a snake head with its mouth open and its fangs exposed, it is also the magic weapon conceived in the blood cave.

Waves of light red air continuously emanated from the sharp sword, spreading out in a circular shape, causing the air to wrinkle.

The light red air wave, in addition to possessing strong high temperature, also possesses great destructive power.

The three leaders of the Demon Alliance are preparing to conquer the magic weapon. The three leaders inject a ray of blood into the body of the nightmare from time to time, and the second leader Chen Guang stimulates the boundary stone to produce a mask to resist the red air wave. Shock, as for the Great Alliance Leader Nightmare, he was floating cross-legged in the air, with his eyes closed, he was communicating with the magic weapon with his mind and spirit.

Nightmare is not the ideal owner of the magic weapon, so the magic weapon will not throw himself into his arms as soon as it sees him, but the way to subdue this magic weapon is not only passive, the method used by Nightmare now is active. Although it would take some time to take the initiative to subdue this magic weapon, Nightmare is confident that he can subdue it, and he is well prepared for it.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of air waves hitting the barrier of the boundary stone continued to be heard. This sound, which was not unpleasant, reached the ears of the three alliance masters, but it was like the drumbeat on the battlefield, which made him feel extremely depressed.

Through the arrangements made along the way, the three alliance lords already knew that Gu Zheng had settled the seven blood slaves, and they were also approaching the depths of the blood cave.

Although the three alliance leaders think highly of Gu Zheng as an opponent, the strength of Gu Zheng has repeatedly exceeded his imagination! Now it will take some time for Nightmare to subdue the magic weapon, but if Gu Zheng arrives before Nightmare has subdued the magic weapon, then things will get very bad, so he has to do something.

Calm on the outside, but actually anxious, the eyes of the three alliance leaders lit up, and he thought of a way.

"I'll come as soon as I go!"

After the three alliance lords transmitted the sound to Mengyan and the others, they immediately left the space where the blood pool was. Anyway, Mengyan didn't need his constant care, so it was no big deal to leave for a while.

According to the understanding of Gu Zheng, the three alliance leaders know that Gu Zheng does not want any major events on the earth that could endanger the civilians, so this can be used as a breakthrough for him to change the situation. Gu Zheng is not the only one who knows that Kunlun Ruins is about to die, and the leaders of the Magic Alliance also know it!

The three lords came to a not-too-big space in the 'maze'. There is an immortal formation in this space. If you tamper with this immortal formation, it can affect the remaining forbidden power in the blood cave, and it can also affect The restriction that the blood point is connected to the outside world can accelerate the speed of subspace fragmentation.

He didn't directly destroy the fairy array, the three lords only slightly manipulated it, and he didn't want the subspace to be broken in his heart, because once the subspace is broken, the blood hole will naturally be destroyed, and they will lose A great place to practice.

Although the three lords only slightly manipulated the fairy formation, the changes it produced were very obvious.

The various restrictions in the blood hole make even if there is blood energy that can overflow the blood hole, it is a weakened evil energy, and they cannot fly very far. But now it is different, there is no weakened blood energy at all, and it rushes out of the bleeding point like billowing thick smoke, flying like a swarm of bees in the Kunlun void, not letting go of any creatures it encounters. Moreover, the channel between Kunlun Ruins and the outside world has changed from the original one channel to three. As time goes by, blood energy will inevitably pass through the channel and fly to the earth to harm the living beings.

"Damn it!"

Master Frost cursed in flight. The changes made by the three lords to the fairy array caused the blood energy that was floating in the passage to swarm towards the exit like it was affected by a strong suction force. It's so obvious.

With Daoist Frost's cultivation level, he still can't see anything deeper, but Gu Zheng and Yue Qiushui have already grasped where the special fluctuations produced by the changes in the immortal formation come from.

The wings on Gu Zheng's back opened violently, and he took Yue Qiushui and Master Hanshuang to speed up and fly towards the place where the waves came from.

"Damn it!"

Entering the space where the fairy formation is located, Yue Qiushui couldn't help but curse.

After investigating the Immortal Formation, Gu Zheng immediately understood the impact of the changes made by the three lords.

"Can you repair the fairy array?" Gu Zheng looked at Yue Qiushui.

"Yes, but it will take time!" Yue Qiushui said.

Gu Zheng frowned and thought for a while, then asked again: "Is one person enough?"

"Enough!" Yue Qiushui nodded.

"Okay, you are here to repair the fairy array."

Gu Zheng looked at Master Frost again: "Leave the blood cave now, and seal all the entrances together with the people who stayed in the Kunlun Ruins before!"

After explaining to Yue Qiushui and Master Hanshuang without stopping, the ancient dispute immediately flew into the air.

"Master, be careful!"

Knowing that Gu Zheng was going to find the three leaders of the Magic Alliance alone, Yue Qiushui couldn't help but remind him.

The underground space where the blood cave is located is very large, and the passages in it are like a maze. First, Gu Zheng and others do not have a map of the blood cave available, and second, they cannot use divine sense to explore because of the environment. They are looking for the location of Nightmare and the others. Inevitably, some time was wasted. However, the helpless waste of time before is now over!

After flying out of the space where the fairy array was located, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and waved it into the air, and a wonderful message that was hard to be discovered appeared in the air.

Due to the special environment, the air left by the human body in the air will soon disappear. However, the Immortal Formation was tampered with. This happened just now. Although the enemy's aura is no longer in the air, it can only confuse ordinary people.

Through the law of time, Gu Zheng reappeared the aura of the three lords and pointed out a way to the blood cave for him. If the three lords know that Gu Zheng has mastered the law of time, then he will definitely regret the way he came out to change the fairy formation.


Explosive sounds came from the stone wall beside him, and Gu Zheng in flight fired with his fingers, and the shot of immortal light destroyed a miniature fairy formation on the stone wall.

The miniature fairy formations destroyed by Gu Zheng are actually the 'ears' of Nightmare, and there are many such miniature fairy formations destroyed by Gu Zheng along the way.

"Damn it!"

The three lords in the blood cave cursed, Gu Zheng is not far from the blood cave now, but it will take some time for Nightmare to subdue the magic weapon.

"I'll go out for a while, you take care of the leader here."

Master Chenguang collected the boundary stone, and now Nightmare's subjugation of the magic weapon has entered a relatively stable stage. The frequency of the light red fluctuations originally emitted by the magic weapon has been much lower, and it can be resisted without relying on the boundary stone.

"Be careful!"

Even though they had quarreled with Master Chenguang before, at this critical moment of life and death, the three alliance masters still wished to go with Master Chenguang to deal with Gu Zheng. But the reality made people feel helpless, Nightmare couldn't distract himself from the impact of the light red fluctuations, so there had to be someone left here to protect him.


Facing the exhortations of the three alliance masters, Master Chenguang's voice still carried a trace of disdain for Gu Zheng. However, we can't blame Master Chenguang for still despising Gu Zheng until now. After all, the fairy formation they set up on the road is just a very simple fairy formation, which can let them sense the enemy's position, but they can't let them see Gu Zheng's presence. What methods are used when confronting the enemy! If they could see what methods Gu Zheng used to kill the enemy, then Master Chen Guang would not dare to deal with Gu Zheng alone.

"Morning light dog thief!"

Looking at Master Chenguang floating in the passage ahead, Gu Zheng's mouth curled into a sneer, and he decided to fly a certain distance, and immediately attacked Master Chenguang.

"I really didn't expect you to be able to come here so quickly! However, it is the end if you can advance to this step, and I will end your life here!"

Master Chen Guang laughed at Gu Zheng, the boundary stone in his hand suddenly became larger, and there was a flash of white light on it, and he took the lead in attacking Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng only felt that the sight in front of him changed, and the place he was in became a different world.

The air was a little bit cold, there was heavy snow falling in the sky, and there were mountains winding like dragons on the ground.


Looking down at the mountains on the ground, Gu Zheng couldn't help saying two words.

This is the fairyland space transformed by the magical power of the boundary stone. The rolling mountains on the ground are also the Kunlun dragon veins that gave birth to the boundary stone.

"Aren't you scared yet? Don't you know this is Immortal Realm? Don't you know that I am omnipotent here?"

Master Chenguang descended from the sky with a very exaggerated style. He actually used the energy in the fairyland to transform into nine five-clawed golden dragons to pull his cart! And the clothes he was wearing were not Taoist robes in reality, but a gorgeous brocade robe like the emperor's attire.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?"

Gu Zheng laughed, he moved the air with his palms at random, as if he was playing with water.

"When I first saw the Immortal Domain, my enemy also boasted that a low-level Immortal Domain has become an Immortal Domain that allows him to have absolute dominance, but do you know what will happen to it in the end? ?”

Gu Zheng didn't intend to say anything more to Master Chenguang, but the fairyland born from the boundary stone is very special. After comprehending the law of time, he has already realized that the passage of time here is much slower than the outside world. He said a few words to Master Chenguang and then killed him, the time in the real world is only a few breaths past!

It was not the first time Master Chenguang saw Gu Zheng, he also talked to Gu Zheng when he was in the Emei Sect last time, and he also intended to anger Gu Zheng.

However, today is different! When there was no protection of camouflage and it was time to fight against Gu Zheng, Master Chenguang discovered that Gu Zheng had a very terrifying aura, which was an aura created by absolute self-confidence. The clouds are calm and the wind is rising, but it can give people a kind of supreme pressure!

In an instant, Master Chen Guang thought a lot, and his mood became extremely solemn.

However, dignified and dignified, Master Chenguang didn't immediately try the depth of the ancient dispute. Anyway, the passage of time is only good for him and not bad.

"Tell me, what kind of end is that?"

Master Chen Guang also put on a calm posture, but he felt guilty.

Tang Mo suddenly appeared in Gu Zheng's hands, pointing his knife at Master Chen Guang in the air.

"It has become the energy to repair Tang Mo, and you will die under Tang Mo!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, he made a move, and directly slashed at Master Chenguang with the 'Crazy Demon Knife'.

Master Chen Guang frowned, and the energies that could be controlled in the Immortal Realm were dispatched, part of which impacted Tang Mo's knife light, and the other part acted on Gu Zheng in an attempt to suppress him.

There is no doubt about the power of Xianyu, but this power is not static, it is affected by many things. For example, people trapped in the Immortal Realm have too high cultivation, or people who have mastered part of the way of space.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, due to Master Chenguang's lack of control over the boundary stone, the fairy realm he launched with the boundary stone's magical power is not as powerful as Gu Zheng's fairy realm! It is very simple for Gu Zheng to destroy this fairyland. He only needs to display his fairyland in this fairyland, and then this fairyland will collapse in an instant.

However, Xianyu is the trump card of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng will not use it easily. Moreover, the fairyland he has fallen into now is formed by the supernatural power of the boundary stone. Breaking it will not cause direct harm to Master Chenguang, but will allow Master Chenguang to use other supernatural powers of the boundary stone because of the destruction of the fairyland. to deal with him.

Master Chenguang's complexion changed, the calm and breezy cloud he had pretended to be, completely disappeared after Gu Zheng easily broke the suppression formed by his dispatching the energy of the fairyland.

Although Gu Zheng didn't use the Immortal Realm, Master Chen Guang didn't have much advantage in such an Immortal Realm. The main reason was that Gu Zheng had just comprehended part of the way of space a few days ago.

For space, Gu Zheng now has a very keen intuition! To use an analogy, the oppression formed by Master Chenguang dispatching the energy of the fairyland is an impenetrable barrier for ordinary people. The reasons for this include the lack of own strength and the incomprehension of the way of space. But for Gu Zheng, the barrier formed by the energy of the Immortal Realm is no higher than the 'magic cube' barrier he experienced in the mysterious realm, so he can easily get rid of the oppression of this energy.

The black saber light reappeared with a destructive aura, and Master Chen Guang narrowed his eyes. Compared to Gu Zheng who easily settled the oppression of the energy of the Immortal Realm, it was not easy for him to settle the black saber light, because the saber light substituted Gu Zheng's understanding of the way of space also makes the weakening of it by the energy of the fairyland very low!

Since the oppression of energy has no effect on Gu Zheng, when faced with the knife light again, Master Chenguang's tactics changed to using the energy of the fairyland to strengthen himself. Also skyrocketed!


The black knife light slashed on the shield, making a loud noise, but it didn't break the shield. At the same time, Master Chen Guang pushed with both palms, and a tsunami-like air wave slapped fiercely towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng slashed out again, and the tsunami-like air wave opened a hole strangely, making way for him to get closer to Master Chen Guang.

Master Chen Guang flew back, the huge protective shield outside his body followed him like a shadow, and the Jiulong cart he was riding on also slammed into Gu Zheng when he flew back.

Nine five-clawed golden dragons roared, and the golden carriage pulled by them shattered instantly, turning into countless golden fragments and shooting towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng flew forward at an unabated speed, and Tang Mo danced into a light curtain in his hand, and all the fragments that came over were twisted and shattered.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Explosions sounded one after another, and golden fireworks burst into the sky again. It was the scene of five-clawed golden dragons exploding one after another under Tang Mo.

Looking at the ferocious Gu Zheng, Master Chenguang's heart trembled. Gu Zheng's understanding of the way of space made him afraid, and he clearly felt that Gu Zheng's understanding of the space in the Immortal Domain was rapidly improving!

Master Chenguang's feeling is not wrong, many things will become handy because of familiarity, just like Gu Zheng used to pass through the barrier in the "Rubik's Cube" before. At first, he needed to deduce and make mistakes, but later he could do it with intuition. mistake.

In Master Chenguang's fairyland, Gu Zheng was not passive from the very beginning because he understood the way of space. But not appearing passive does not mean that he is well aware of all aspects of the energy operation and structure of this space. If he really wants to do this, he still needs some time!

Gu Zheng really didn't need much time, and after just a few confrontations, he had already mastered what he wanted to master. And once what he wants to master is mastered, then it will be Master Chenguang's death!

"Morning light dog thief, die!"

After finishing the last golden dragon, Gu Zheng's sneer sharpened into the knife.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Master Chenguang roared angrily, he slammed his palms up, mobilized all the energy he could mobilize in Immortal Realm, and unleashed his strongest blow.


Accompanied by a thundering dragon chant, an extremely shocking scene appeared. The Kunlun dragon vein in the fairyland instantly turned into a giant dragon, and rushed towards Gu Zheng in the posture of a rising dragon.

The corner of Gu Zheng's mouth continued to sneer, as soon as he entered the Immortal Realm, he had already noticed that Master Chen Guang's strongest attack in this Immortal Realm was to turn the dragon's pulse into a dragon.

Master Chenguang is very cunning, as soon as Shenglong appears, he will fly downward, which makes Gu Zheng have to confront Shenglong if he wants to deal with him.


Gu Zheng raised Tang Mo and slashed out the 'Crazy Demon Knife'.

"My God!"

Master Chen Guang screamed, his eyes widened in an instant, and the development of things really exceeded his imagination time and time again.

Regarding the Immortal Territory born from the boundary stone, Gu Zheng had reached the speed he wanted to know when he killed the last golden dragon, so the strength he showed now was able to scare Master Chenguang! Because he turned his back on the guest and dispatched the energy of the Immortal Realm to chop out the "Crazy Demon Knife", the power is much, much greater than before!

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